1,404 research outputs found

    Unsupervised spectral decomposition of X-ray binaries with application to GX 339-4

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    In this paper we explore unsupervised spectral decomposition methods for distinguishing the effect of different spectral components for a set of consecutive spectra from an X-ray binary. We use well-established linear methods for the decomposition, namely principal component analysis, independent component analysis and non-negative matrix factorisation (NMF). Applying these methods to a simulated dataset consisting of a variable multicolour disc black body and a cutoff power law, we find that NMF outperforms the other two methods in distinguishing the spectral components. In addition, due the non-negative nature of NMF, the resulting components may be fitted separately, revealing the evolution of individual parameters. To test the NMF method on a real source, we analyse data from the low-mass X-ray binary GX 339-4 and found the results to match those of previous studies. In addition, we found the inner radius of the accretion disc to be located at the innermost stable circular orbit in the intermediate state right after the outburst peak. This study shows that using unsupervised spectral decomposition methods results in detecting the separate component fluxes down to low flux levels. Also, these methods provide an alternative way of detecting the spectral components without performing actual spectral fitting, which may prove to be practical when dealing with large datasets.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Alitajunnan rooli taiteellisessa prosessissa

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli alitajunnan rooli taiteellisessa prosessissa. Tavoitteena oli tutkia alitajunnan vaikutusta taiteelliseen työskentelyyn ja sitä, miten alitajunta näkyy taiteessa. Tavoitteena oli myös lisätä aihetta käsittelemällä tietoutta siitä, mikä alitajunta on ja miten sen vaikutus näkyy taiteessa. Toiminnallinen osuus koostui yhdestä 43x70 cm kokoisesta etsaus- ja akvatintatekniikoilla toteutetusta grafiikan työstä. Teoksessa käsiteltiin ihmisen psyyken rakennetta ja alitajunnan roolia ihmisen psyykessä. Taiteellisessa prosessissa alitajuinen ja tietoinen kävivät jatkuvaa vuoropuhelua, mikä tuki opinnäytetyössä tutkittavaa aihetta. Valmistunut taideteos kuvaa tutkittua aihetta ja haastaa katsojan tiedostamaan oman alitajuntansa roolin elämässään.The theme of the thesis was the role of subconscious in artistic process. The aim was to study the effects of subconscious in artistic working, and that how subconscious can be seen in art. The goal was also to increase the information about what is subconscious and how its effect shows in art. The visual part consisted of 43x70 centimeters sized work, which is made with printmaking techniques etching and aquatint. The work is about the construction of human psyche, and the role of subconscious in it. In the artistic process, the subconscious and conscious parts of mind were in constant dialogue, which supported the theme of the thesis. The ready art work visualizes the theme of the thesis, and challenges the viewers to become aware of their own subconscious and its role in life

    Prognostic factors in primary merkel cell carcinoma

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    Marketing plan for a mobile application : Marketing research and a plan for a mobile application of a startup company

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    The purpose of this thesis is to provide an insight of the application market and to create a marketing plan for a new mobile application. The client is a startup company and they needed a marketing research and a marketing plan for their mobile application. The company does not have a person working with marketing and therefore they asked for this project. The application itself provides information about local bars and nightclubs. It will be launched first in southern Europe and after worldwide. The aim is to study the current application market trends and see how the consumers are using the mobile applications, and how traditional and digital marketing methods can be applied to applications marketing. These methods are also combined to create the most optimal way to create a marketing communications plan for the application. The marketing communication plan is divided to prelaunch, launch and after launch activities. These different parts will support the relationship with the launching of the app and its marketing communications. The main goal with the marketing communication plan is to build awareness and create customer engagement through social media and other channels. The method used in this thesis is qualitative. Mostly the method of this thesis is desktop study. Benchmarking is also used by introducing a successful application and their methods of marketing. The benchmarking was implemented through a case study where a successful app was examined. The marketing strategy of the case app was used to get ideas in the marketing plan. Since the company is a startup company, and the app is still in developing phase, it was challenging to create a specific marketing plan for the company. Mainly the plan was focusing on using marketing tools and social media channels to gain awareness and customer engagement, and to create a guideline how to start

    Computer vision and optimization methods applied to the measurements of in-plane deformations

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    The role of motivation in international tourism in Finland: A case study about a cultural festival - the Bear Festival

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    Objectives The main objectives of this study were firstly to find out what kind of advantages does Finland have in the sense of travel tourism and which parts could be improved. Secondly, I wanted to explore the ways motivation affects tourists in Finland and lastly how to utilize niche events in Finnish environment in the sense of motivational drivers. Summary A literature review was constructed to examine push and pull motivation, and extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. In addition, tourism trends in Finland were established, which followed to a conceptual framework to be designed. The framework and literature review acted as the base for primary research: a quantitative online questionnaire for Finnish and international participants. Information about the respondent’s push and pull motivations and general travel behavior were collected and then later analyzed with a statistics program. Conclusions It was found out that Finland has advantages in tourism marketing: nature, security and cleanliness. They are the most distinguishable characteristics about Finland which brings tourists there. Push and pull factors both have an effect on tourists and should be utilized in marketing events to international participants. In addition, the marketing should not be focused on shopping aspect, since the findings show contradicting results about using this motivator to motivate people coming to Finland

    Itämeren lohen levinneisyyshistoria

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    Hoito-ohje anafylaktisen reaktion hoitoon Santahaminan varuskunnan terveysasemalla

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kehittää Santahaminan varuskunnan terveysaseman henkilökunnan ja lääkintäalan varusmiesten osaamista anafylaktisen reaktion ja -sokin tunnistamisessa ja hoidossa. Tavoite pyritään saavuttamaan koulutuspaketin avulla, mikä koostuu oppituntimateriaalista, puolustusvoimien koulutuskorttipohjalle luodusta skenaario harjoitteesta ja posteri mallisista ohjeista anafylaktisen reaktion tunnistamiseen sekä hoitoon. Koulutuspaketti on tarkoitettu terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöiden ja lääkintäalan varusmiesten kouluttamiseen. Posterit anafylaktisen reaktion tunnistamiseen ja hoitoon on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi terveysaseman tiloissa molempien ryhmien toimesta. Työn toimeksiantaja on puolustusvoimat. Varuskunnan terveysasemalla ei ole omaa toimintaprotokollaa anafylaktisen reaktion ja -sokin hoitoon. Anafylaktinen reaktio on laaja, usein äkillinen yliherkkyysreaktio, joka voi edetessään johtaa anafylaktiseen sokkiin. Anafylaktinen sokki on distributiivinen sokki, eli kiertävän nestetilavuuden vähentymisestä johtuva sokki. Hoitamattomana anafylaktinen sokki on hengenvaarallinen. Anafylaktisen reaktion hoito koostuu pääpiirteiltään peruselintoimintojen turvaamisesta ja adrenaliini lääkityksestä. ABCDE-menetelmä on potilaan tilan arvioinnissa ja hoitojärjestyksen määrittämisessä käytetty keino, mikä luo priorisoidun järjestyksen elintoimintojen häiriöiden tunnistamiseen ja hoidon aloitukseen. Puolustusvoimat kouluttaa jatkuvasti henkilöstöään, varusmiehiä ja reserviläisiä. Suuri osa koulutuksesta toteutetaan skenaario tai case harjoituksina, mitkä ovat samankaltaisia simulaatio opettamisen periaatteiden kanssa. Case, skenaario ja simulaatioharjoittelussa voidaan harjoitella todellisuutta imitoimalla tilanteita, jotka tositilanteina voisivat olla vaarallisia osallistujille tai epäedullisia oppimisen kannalta. Pedagogisesti puolustusvoimien toteuttama koulutus on aikuisten kouluttamista, koska koulutettava kohderyhmä koostuu aikuisista. Koulutusmetodit valittiin mahdollisimman samankaltaisiksi puolustusvoimien jo ennestään käyttämien koulutusmetodien kanssa. Anafylaktisen reaktion tunnistamiseen ja hoitoon tarkoitetut posterit ovat suunniteltu A3 kokoisiksi postereiksi ja ulkoasultaan yksinkertaisiksi helppolukuisuuden takaamiseksi. Materiaaleissa käytetty sanasto on pyritty pitämään yksinkertaisena ja puolustusvoimien käyttämien termien mukaisena helppolukuisuuden takaamiseksi. Työ esiteltiin varuskunnan yhteistyökumppanille omana tilaisuutenaan ja materiaalin pohjalta päädyttiin pitämään harjoitus terveysaseman henkilökunnalle ja lääkintäalan varusmiehille. Palaute työstä kerättiin äänitetyn ryhmähaastattelun ja kahden strukturoidun palautelomakkeen avulla. Palautteiden pohjalta voidaan todeta työn vastanneen tarkoitusta ja työn tavoitteiden täyttyneen hyvin. Yhteydenpito oli molempien osapuolien osalta pääosin toimivaa. Aikataulullisessa suunnittelussa opinnäytetyön laatijoiden osalta oli parantamisen varaa, mutta aikataulumuutoksista ei ollut yhteistyökumppanille haittaa. Työn laatijat itse kokevat saavuttaneensa tuotoksillaan tavoitellut päämäärät.The purpose of this thesis is to develop the knowledge and skills of the staff and conscripts stationed at the clinic of Santahamina garrison in the identification and treatment of an anaphylactic reaction and an anaphylactic shock. A training material and two posters were created with the purpose of achieving the goal. The training material consists of a powerpoint lecture and a training manual made in accordance with the training manuals used by the Finnish defence forces. The posters include instructions for identifying and treating an anaphylactic reaction or –shock. The posters are designed based on the ABCDE-care protocol. The client of this thesis is the Finnish defence forces. An anaphylactic reaction is by nature an idiosyncratic reaction. It can develop into an anaphylactic shock. An anaphylactic shock is a distributive shock which means it is caused by a change in the permeability of cells leading to a loss of fluid in circulation. The primary methods of treating an anaphylactic reaction are the administration of adrenaline and support of basic vital functions. The ABCDE-protocol is a system used in prioritising the order of care and assessment of vital functions. The Finnish defence forces train personnel, conscripts and reservists constantly. A major part of the training is achieved by simulating real life events. Simulation training allows the trainees to practice real life-like situations without the possible risks of actual real life circumstances. The training methods of the training material were selected based on methods used by the Finnish defence forces in their training. Using similar methods ensures ease of use. The posters were designed in A3 size and in a simplistic layout to make them easier to read. The terminology used in both the posters and the training material was chosen to be simple to accommodate the variation of previous knowledge in the target group. The evaluation methods used to analyse the material and this thesis consisted of a group interview conducted after presenting the material to the client. Also two feedback forms were made, one for trainers and the other for trainees. In addition, self-evaluation was backed up with observations made while training the healthcare staff of the garrison with the material. According to the gathered feedback the material is suitable for the operating medium and goals set for the thesis have been achieved. Communication between the client and the originators of this thesis was adequate but could have been more proactive on the originators part. The schedule for presenting and completing the thesis had to be adjusted because of a failed time estimate by the originators. Fortunately the delay did not affect the client negatively