37 research outputs found

    Probing the Production of Amidated Peptides following Genetic and Dietary Copper Manipulations

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    Amidated neuropeptides play essential roles throughout the nervous and endocrine systems. Mice lacking peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM), the only enzyme capable of producing amidated peptides, are not viable. In the amidation reaction, the reactant (glycine-extended peptide) is converted into a reaction intermediate (hydroxyglycine-extended peptide) by the copper-dependent peptidylglycine-α-hydroxylating monooxygenase (PHM) domain of PAM. The hydroxyglycine-extended peptide is then converted into amidated product by the peptidyl-α-hydroxyglycine α-amidating lyase (PAL) domain of PAM. PHM and PAL are stitched together in vertebrates, but separated in some invertebrates such as Drosophila and Hydra. In addition to its luminal catalytic domains, PAM includes a cytosolic domain that can enter the nucleus following release from the membrane by γ-secretase. In this work, several glycine- and hydroxyglycine-extended peptides as well as amidated peptides were qualitatively and quantitatively assessed from pituitaries of wild-type mice and mice with a single copy of the Pam gene (PAM+/−) via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based methods. We provide the first evidence for the presence of a peptidyl-α-hydroxyglycine in vivo, indicating that the reaction intermediate becomes free and is not handed directly from PHM to PAL in vertebrates. Wild-type mice fed a copper deficient diet and PAM+/− mice exhibit similar behavioral deficits. While glycine-extended reaction intermediates accumulated in the PAM+/− mice and reflected dietary copper availability, amidated products were far more prevalent under the conditions examined, suggesting that the behavioral deficits observed do not simply reflect a lack of amidated peptides

    The copper centers of tyramine β-monooxygenase and its catalytic-site methionine variants: an X-ray absorption study

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    Tyramine β-monooxygenase (TBM) is a member of a family of copper monooxygenases containing two noncoupled copper centers, and includes peptidylglycine monooxygenase and dopamine β-monooxygenase. In its Cu(II) form, TBM is coordinated by two to three His residues and one to two non-His O/N ligands consistent with a [CuM(His)2(OH2)2–CuH(His)3(OH2)] formulation. Reduction to the Cu(I) state causes a change in the X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) spectrum, consistent with a change to a [CuM(His)2S(Met)–CuH(His)3] environment. Lowering the pH to 4.0 results in a large increase in the intensity of the Cu(I)–S extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) component, suggesting a tighter Cu–S bond or the coordination of an additional sulfur donor. The XAS spectra of three variants, where the CuM Met471 residue had been mutated to His, Cys, and Asp, were examined. Significant differences from the wild-type enzyme are evident in the spectra of the reduced mutants. Although the side chains of His, Cys, and Asp are expected to substitute for Met at the CuM site, the data showed identical spectra for all three reduced variants, with no evidence for coordination of residue 471. Rather, the K-edge data suggested a modest decrease in coordination number, whereas the EXAFS indicated an average of two His residues at each Cu(I) center. These data highlight the unique role of the Met residue at the CuM center, and pose interesting questions as to why replacement by the cuprophilic thiolate ligand leads to detectable activity whereas replacement by imidazole generates inactive TBM

    Mapping Peptidergic Cells in Drosophila: Where DIMM Fits In

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    The bHLH transcription factor DIMMED has been associated with the differentiation of peptidergic cells in Drosophila. However, whether all Drosophila peptidergic cells express DIMM, and the extent to which all DIMM cells are peptidergic, have not been determined. To address these issues, we have mapped DIMM expression in the central nervous system (CNS) and periphery in the late larval stage Drosophila. At 100 hr after egg-laying, DIMM immunosignals are largely congruent with a dimm-promoter reporter (c929-GAL4) and they present a stereotyped pattern of 306 CNS cells and 52 peripheral cells. We assigned positional values for all DIMM CNS cells with respect to reference gene expression patterns, or to patterns of secondary neuroblast lineages. We could assign provisional peptide identities to 68% of DIMM-expressing CNS cells (207/306) and to 73% of DIMM-expressing peripheral cells (38/52) using a panel of 24 markers for Drosophila neuropeptide genes. Furthermore, we found that DIMM co-expression was a prevalent feature within single neuropeptide marker expression patterns. Of the 24 CNS neuropeptide gene patterns we studied, six patterns are >90% DIMM-positive, while 16 of 22 patterns are >40% DIMM-positive. Thus most or all DIMM cells in Drosophila appear to be peptidergic, and many but not all peptidergic cells express DIMM. The co-incidence of DIMM-expression among peptidergic cells is best explained by a hypothesis that DIMM promotes a specific neurosecretory phenotype we term LEAP. LEAP denotes Large cells that display Episodic release of Amidated Peptides