10 research outputs found

    Young humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae feeding in Santa Catarina coastal waters, Southern Brazil, and a ship strike report

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    Background Humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae are cosmopolitan and highly migratory animals that rarely feed in low latitude waters during their breeding seasons. The western South Atlantic humpback whale population breeds off the Brazilian coast, from Natal (4°S) to Cabo Frio (23°S) and migration to their feeding grounds is known to be undertaken through offshore waters. Results Here we report on an unusual stranding of a young humpback whale that was feeding in the coastal waters of Santa Catarina state (27°S), in October 2014. Evidence of a ship strike and that the animal had fed in no more than a few hours before death are also presented. Additionally, it is the first time that Peisos petrunkevitchi, a sergestid shrimp species, is described as prey for large whales. Conclusions Although more information is required before we can further discuss whether the area could provide an important source of food for young humpback whales, the present ship strike highlights a possibly important threat in case this ecological feature is confirmed in the future.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Outbreak of avian malaria associated to multiple species of plasmodium in magellanic penguins undergoing rehabilitation in Southern Brazil

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    Avian malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by Plasmodium spp. Avian plasmodia are recognized conservationthreatening pathogens due to their potential to cause severe epizootics when introduced to bird populations with which they did not co-evolve. Penguins are considered particularly susceptible, as outbreaks in captive populations will often lead to high morbidity and rapid mortality. We used a multidisciplinary approach to investigate an outbreak of avian malaria in 28 Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) at a rehabilitation center during summer 2009 in Florianópolis, Brazil. Hemosporidian infections were identified by microscopic and molecular characterization in 64% (18/28) of the penguins, including Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) tejerai, Plasmodium (Huffia) elongatum, a Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) sp. Lineage closely related to Plasmodium cathemerium, and a Haemoproteus (Parahaemoproteus) sp. lineage closely related to Haemoproteus syrnii. P. tejerai played a predominant role in the studied outbreak and was identified in 72% (13/18) of the hemosporidian-infected penguins, and in 89% (8/9) of the penguins that died, suggesting that this is a highly pathogenic parasite for penguins; a detailed description of tissue meronts and lesions is provided. Mixed infections were identified in three penguins, and involved P. elongatum and either P. tejerai or P. (Haemamoeba) sp. that were compatible with P. tejerai but could not be confirmed. In total, 32% (9/28) penguins died over the course of 16 days despite oral treatment with chloroquine followed by sulfadiazine-trimethoprim. Hemosporidian infections were considered likely to have occurred during rehabilitation, probably from mosquitoes infected while feeding on local native birds, whereas penguin-mosquitopenguin transmission may have played a role in later stages of the outbreak. Considering the seasonality of the infection, rehabilitation centers would benefit from narrowing their efforts to preventavian malaria outbreaks to the penguins that are maintained throughout summerFAPESP 2009/53956-9, 2010/51801-5FAPEMIGCAPESCNP

    Crassicaudiasis in three geographically and chronologically distant Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) stranded off Brazil

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    The Cuvier’s beaked whale (CBW; Ziphius cavirostris) is a cosmopolitan marine mammal found in deep tropical and temperate waters of all oceans. CBW strandings have been recorded sporadically in Brazil; however, there is lack of information available regarding their causes of stranding and/or death. Herein, we report the epidemiologic, pathologic, morphologic parasitologic features and molecular identification of arterial and renal crassicaudiasis by Crassicauda sp. in three geographically and chronologically distant CBW stranded off Brazil. CBW-1 was an adult male stranded dead in Rio Grande do Sul State. CBW-2 was an adult female that stranded alive in Sergipe State and died shortly after. CBW-3 was and adult male that stranded dead in Santa Catarina State. The most relevant pathologic findings in these three CBW were severe, chronic proliferative mesenteric and caudal aortic endarteritis and chronic granulomatous and fibrosing interstitial nephritis with renicular atrophy and loss, and numerous intralesional Crassicauda sp. nematodes. Furthermore, CBW-1 had concomitant gram-negative bacterial pneumonia and pulmonary and hepatic thromboembolism. Morphologic analysis of renal adult nematodes identified Crassicauda sp. in the three CBW. Molecular analyses targeting the 18S and ITS-2 ribosomal loci of renal nematodes in CBW-2 and CBW-3 identified C. anthonyi. It is believed that severe arterial and renal crassicaudiasis likely resulted or contributed significantly to morbidity and death of these animals. These results expand the known geographical range of occurrence of crassicaudiasis in CBW. Specifically, the present study provides the first accounts of arterial and renal crassicaudiasis in CBW off the southern hemisphere, specifically in CBW off Brazil, and to the authors’ knowledge, it is the first record of C. anthonyi in the southern Atlantic Ocean

    Experimental infection with Paramyxovirus in Boa constrictor (LINNAEUS, 1758) snakes . A pathological, imunohistochemical, microbiological, hematological and serological study

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    Apesar dos múltiplos avanços na compreensão gênica e taxonômica do Paramixovírus de serpentes (OPMV), apenas a patogenia pulmonar é razoavelmente conhecida nos viperídeos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar, através de exames anátomo-patológicos, imunoistoquímicos, microbiológicos, hematológicos e sorológicos, a patogenia do Paramixovírus em jibóias (Boa constrictor). Dez animais foram inoculados por via endotraqueal com uma suspensão viral de OPMV. Os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia aos pares, aos 3, 7, 14, 21 e 60 dias após a infecção. Dois indivíduos foram utilizados como controle negativo. Lavados traqueais e amostras de sangue foram colhidas antes da inoculação, às necrópsias e nos animais dos grupos remanescentes. A presença de anticorpos anti-OPMV foi detectada aos 2 mPI através da técnica de inibição de hemaglutinação. A análise estatística dos resultados hematológicos demonstrou não haver diferença significativa entre os dados obtidos nos diversos tempos. À necrópsia amostras de órgãos foram colhidos para análises histopatológica, imunoistoquímica, bacteriológica e virológica (isolamento e RT-PCR). Macroscopicamente, apenas um animal (7dPI) apresentou pneumonia piogranulomatosa. As principais lesões microscópicas pulmonares observadas foram infiltração granulocítica, associada à formação de ninhos de células mononucleares, formação de sincícios; presença de hiperplasia e hipertrofia epiteliais em todos os tempos experimentais. Em pâncreas pôde ser diagnosticada formação de sincícios e presença de infiltrado mononuclear; em baço foi observada histiocitose, eventualmente associada à infiltração granulocítica perifolicular; gliose de padrão difuso ou focal. Os ensaios imunoistoquímicos e isolamento viral, com confirmação da presença do OPMV por RT-PCR, foram positivos em pulmão, fígado, baço e pâncreas dos 3 aos 21 dPI, sendo negativos aos 60 pPI. O diagnóstico molecular de lavado traqueal após passagem em cultura celular foram positivos aos 3, 7, 14 e 21d PI.. A ausência de sinais clínicos associada à detecção de lesões, isolamento e diagnóstico positivo por RT- PCR sugerem que as jibóias podem representar uma importante fonte assintomática de infecção até os 21 d PI.Despite multiple advances in the genetic and taxonomic understanding of ophidian paramyxovirus (OPMV), only pulmonary pathogenesis is reasonably known in viperids. The objective of the present study was to investigate the pathogenesis of paramyxovirus infection in Boidae by pathological, imunohistochemical, microbiological, hematological and serological studies. Ten Boa constrictor snakes were infected by endotracheal inoculation with a viral solution. The animals were euthanatized in pairs at 3, 7, 14 and 21 days and at 2 months after infection. Two uninfected boas were sacrificed before and after the experimental study and were used as negative controls. Tracheal washes and blood were collected from all snakes. Seroconversion was detected at 2 mPI by hemagglutination inhibition assays. Estatistical analysis of the hematological data by Friedman Test revealed no diferences between them. At necropsy, samples of all major organs were obtained for histopathological, immunohistochemical, bacteriological and virological (viral isolation and RT-PCR). At necropsy, only one snake (7 days PI) had gross changes in the lung. The most consistent microscopic findings in the lungs were granulocyte infiltration, associated with the formation of mononuclear cell nests, formation of syncytia, and presence of epithelial hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Formation of syncytia was observed in pancreas, a mononuclear infiltrate was also observed; splenic histiocytosis with perifollicular granulocyte infiltration; diffuse and focal pattern of gliosis was detected in the CNS of most of the animals. Immunohistochemical examination and viral isolation, with confirmation of the virus\' presence by RT-PCR, were positive for lung, liver, spleen and pancreas from 3 to 21 dPI and negative at 2 m PI. Virus isolation from tracheal washes, with confirmation by molecular diagnosis were positive at times 3, 7, 14 and 21 dPI. At 2 mPI all results were negative. The immunohistochemical results associated with virus isolation and RT-PCR suggest that the virus was probably eliminated from the organism at 2 mPI. The absence of clinical symptoms associated with the detection of lesions and with isolation and a positive diagnosis by PCR in the present study suggest that Boa constrictors may represent an important source of infection for other reptiles

    Experimental infection with Paramyxovirus in Boa constrictor (LINNAEUS, 1758) snakes . A pathological, imunohistochemical, microbiological, hematological and serological study

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    Apesar dos múltiplos avanços na compreensão gênica e taxonômica do Paramixovírus de serpentes (OPMV), apenas a patogenia pulmonar é razoavelmente conhecida nos viperídeos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar, através de exames anátomo-patológicos, imunoistoquímicos, microbiológicos, hematológicos e sorológicos, a patogenia do Paramixovírus em jibóias (Boa constrictor). Dez animais foram inoculados por via endotraqueal com uma suspensão viral de OPMV. Os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia aos pares, aos 3, 7, 14, 21 e 60 dias após a infecção. Dois indivíduos foram utilizados como controle negativo. Lavados traqueais e amostras de sangue foram colhidas antes da inoculação, às necrópsias e nos animais dos grupos remanescentes. A presença de anticorpos anti-OPMV foi detectada aos 2 mPI através da técnica de inibição de hemaglutinação. A análise estatística dos resultados hematológicos demonstrou não haver diferença significativa entre os dados obtidos nos diversos tempos. À necrópsia amostras de órgãos foram colhidos para análises histopatológica, imunoistoquímica, bacteriológica e virológica (isolamento e RT-PCR). Macroscopicamente, apenas um animal (7dPI) apresentou pneumonia piogranulomatosa. As principais lesões microscópicas pulmonares observadas foram infiltração granulocítica, associada à formação de ninhos de células mononucleares, formação de sincícios; presença de hiperplasia e hipertrofia epiteliais em todos os tempos experimentais. Em pâncreas pôde ser diagnosticada formação de sincícios e presença de infiltrado mononuclear; em baço foi observada histiocitose, eventualmente associada à infiltração granulocítica perifolicular; gliose de padrão difuso ou focal. Os ensaios imunoistoquímicos e isolamento viral, com confirmação da presença do OPMV por RT-PCR, foram positivos em pulmão, fígado, baço e pâncreas dos 3 aos 21 dPI, sendo negativos aos 60 pPI. O diagnóstico molecular de lavado traqueal após passagem em cultura celular foram positivos aos 3, 7, 14 e 21d PI.. A ausência de sinais clínicos associada à detecção de lesões, isolamento e diagnóstico positivo por RT- PCR sugerem que as jibóias podem representar uma importante fonte assintomática de infecção até os 21 d PI.Despite multiple advances in the genetic and taxonomic understanding of ophidian paramyxovirus (OPMV), only pulmonary pathogenesis is reasonably known in viperids. The objective of the present study was to investigate the pathogenesis of paramyxovirus infection in Boidae by pathological, imunohistochemical, microbiological, hematological and serological studies. Ten Boa constrictor snakes were infected by endotracheal inoculation with a viral solution. The animals were euthanatized in pairs at 3, 7, 14 and 21 days and at 2 months after infection. Two uninfected boas were sacrificed before and after the experimental study and were used as negative controls. Tracheal washes and blood were collected from all snakes. Seroconversion was detected at 2 mPI by hemagglutination inhibition assays. Estatistical analysis of the hematological data by Friedman Test revealed no diferences between them. At necropsy, samples of all major organs were obtained for histopathological, immunohistochemical, bacteriological and virological (viral isolation and RT-PCR). At necropsy, only one snake (7 days PI) had gross changes in the lung. The most consistent microscopic findings in the lungs were granulocyte infiltration, associated with the formation of mononuclear cell nests, formation of syncytia, and presence of epithelial hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Formation of syncytia was observed in pancreas, a mononuclear infiltrate was also observed; splenic histiocytosis with perifollicular granulocyte infiltration; diffuse and focal pattern of gliosis was detected in the CNS of most of the animals. Immunohistochemical examination and viral isolation, with confirmation of the virus\' presence by RT-PCR, were positive for lung, liver, spleen and pancreas from 3 to 21 dPI and negative at 2 m PI. Virus isolation from tracheal washes, with confirmation by molecular diagnosis were positive at times 3, 7, 14 and 21 dPI. At 2 mPI all results were negative. The immunohistochemical results associated with virus isolation and RT-PCR suggest that the virus was probably eliminated from the organism at 2 mPI. The absence of clinical symptoms associated with the detection of lesions and with isolation and a positive diagnosis by PCR in the present study suggest that Boa constrictors may represent an important source of infection for other reptiles

    Young humpback whale <i>Megaptera novaeangliae</i> feeding in Santa Catarina coastal waters, Southern Brazil, and a ship strike report

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    Background Humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae are cosmopolitan and highly migratory animals that rarely feed in low latitude waters during their breeding seasons. The western South Atlantic humpback whale population breeds off the Brazilian coast, from Natal (4°S) to Cabo Frio (23°S) and migration to their feeding grounds is known to be undertaken through offshore waters.Results Here we report on an unusual stranding of a young humpback whale that was feeding in the coastal waters of Santa Catarina state (27°S), in October 2014. Evidence of a ship strike and that the animal had fed in no more than a few hours before death are also presented. Additionally, it is the first time that Peisos petrunkevitchi, a sergestid shrimp species, is described as prey for large whales.Conclusions Although more information is required before we can further discuss whether the area could provide an important source of food for young humpback whales, the present ship strike highlights a possibly important threat in case this ecological feature is confirmed in the future

    Comparative morphometric evaluation of hepatic hemosiderosis in wild Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) infected with different Plasmodium spp. subgenera

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    Abstract Avian malaria is one of the most important diseases of captive penguins. We employed morphometric techniques to evaluate hepatic hemosiderosis in rehabilitating wild Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) that were negative (n = 9) or naturally infected by different subgenera of Plasmodium spp. (n = 24), according with: Plasmodium subgenera (Haemamoeba, Huffia, Other lineages, and Unidentified lineages), severity of Plasmodium histopathological lesions, and concurrent diseases, age class (juvenile or adult plumage), sex (male, female or not determined), body score (emaciated, thin, good, excellent, not available), molt, presence or absence of oil contamination upon admission, iron supplementation, and rehabilitation center. The percentage of the area occupied by hemosiderin was called ‘Index of Hepatic Hemosiderosis (IHH)’. Plasmodium-positive females presented significantly higher IHH values (17.53 ± 12.95%) than males (7.20 ± 4.25%; p = 0.041). We observed higher levels of congestion (p = 0.0182) and pneumonia (p = 0.0250) severity between Unidentified lineages vs. Huffia. We believe that the hepatic hemosiderosis observed in this study was multifactorial, the result of pathological processes caused by malaria, molting, hemoglobin and myoglobin catabolism during migration, anemia, concomitant diseases, and iron supplementation, all possibly potentiated by decreased liver mass. Further studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms of these hypotheses

    Epidemiology and pathology of avian malaria in penguins undergoing rehabilitation in Brazil

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    International audienceSeabird rehabilitation is a valuable strategy to mitigate the impacts of oil pollution and other anthropogenic factors, and can significantly contribute to the conservation of penguins. However, infectious diseases such as avian malaria (Plasmodium spp.) can hamper the success of rehabilitation efforts. We combined morphological and molecular diagnostic methods to investigate the epidemiology and pathology of Plasmodium in Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) at rehabilitation centers along 2500 km of the coastline of Brazil. True prevalence of malarial parasites was estimated between 6.6% and 13.5%. We identified five species, three of which had not been described infecting penguins (P. cathemerium, P. nucleophilum, P. unalis); an additional five distinct Plasmodium lineages were also distinguished, and albeit unidentified these clearly correspond to species that also have not yet been reported in penguins. Our results indicate that the diversity of plasmodia that may infect these birds is greater than previously recognised. Considering the well-defined seasonality observed in this study, it is clear that rehabilitation centers could benefit by narrowing their preventative efforts on penguins maintained or admitted during the Austral spring-summer, particularly by preventing mosquitoes from coming into contact with penguins

    Biochemical and molecular biomarkers and their association with anthropogenic chemicals in wintering Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus)

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    Anthropogenic pollution poses a threat to marine conservation by causing chronic toxic effects. Seabirds have contact throughout their lives with pollutants like plastic, metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and organochlorine pesticides such as hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs). We assessed 155 Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus) stranded along the Brazilian coast, analyzing associations between organic pollutants, plastic ingestion, biomarkers (transcript levels of aryl hydrocarbon receptor, cytochrome P450-1A-5 [CYP1A5), UDP-glucuronosyl-transferase (UGT1), estrogen receptor alpha-1 (ESR1), and heat shock protein-70 genes) and enzymes activity (ethoxy-resorufin O-deethylase and glutathione S-transferase (GST)]. Plastic debris was found in 29% of the birds. The transcription of UGT1 and CYP1A5 was significantly associated with hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and PCBs levels. ESR1 was associated with HCB and Mirex, and GST was associated with Drins and Mirex. While organic pollutants affected shearwaters more than plastic ingestion, reducing plastic availability remains relevant as xenobiotics are also potentially adsorbed onto plastics.Fil: Pereira Serafini, Patricia. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Pacheco Harrison Righetti, Barbara. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Vanstreels, Ralph Eric Thijl. University of California at Davis; Estados UnidosFil: Bugoni, Leandro. Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande.; BrasilFil: Piazza, Clei Endrigo. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Lima, Daina. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Mattos, Jacó Joaquim. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Kiyomi Miyaji Kolesnikovas, Cristiane. No especifíca;Fil: Pereira, Alice. No especifíca;Fil: Maraschin, Marcelo. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Piccinin, Isadora. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Guilford, Tim. University of Oxford; Reino UnidoFil: Gallo, Luciana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Biología de Organismos Marinos; Argentina. Ministerio de Produccion y Trabajo. Secretaria de Gobierno de Agroindustria. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria. Oficina de Senasa. Centro Regional Patagonia Sur.; ArgentinaFil: Uhart, Marcela María. University of California at Davis; Estados UnidosFil: Lourenço, Rafael A.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Bainy, Afonso C. D.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Lüchmann, Karim H.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Brasi