178 research outputs found

    Influence of the drug Detralex on calcium ion-dependent smooth muscle contractility, function of an endothelium and aggregation of thrombocytes in the conditions of experimental modeling of endothelial dysfunction

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    A venotonic effect was investigated after week administration of drug inside on model of the endoteliumdependent smooth muscle response to increased calcium ion isolated portal vein of rats. In model of endothelial dysfunction rising of sensitivity to the contractile response to Сa2+ the isolated segment of a portal vein after use of the drug Detralex of 500 mg/kg per day, and also elongation of AT and decrease of coefficient of endothelial dysfunction on a background the course reception of the investigated preparatio

    The sensitivity to antibiotics of nosocomial strains of acinetobacter baumanii isolated in the tertiary hospitals in the Central Kazakhstan

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    Del 1972, en l'actual emplaçament des de 1976. D'acer pintat, mesura 5 x 3,54 x 3,20 metres.Calder, Alexander (escultor)Pla general de l'obra. La galeria Maeght va decidir instal·lar una sucursal a Barcelona i va triar fer-ho al carrer de Montcada. Va obrir amb una exposició que incloïa una peça de Calder, Quatre ales. Després fou oferida a l'Ajuntament

    Методологія призначення індексу надійності для визначення технічного стану будівельних сталевих конструкцій

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    In order to assess the operational safety of steel constructions, the paper analyzes the principles of calculating the safety of structural steel constructions with consideration for the reliability index β at all phases of constructions operation and the design fundamentals of the reliability index β for both new constructions (at the design stage) and structural steel constructions in the conditions of the long-term operation.The task of safety and reliability calculations, first of all, consists in assigning normalized safety parameter values, i.e. normalizing the reliability index, the value of which should be strictly related to the consequence classes (CC), which are determining for setting the reliability coefficients for further calculations while designing the constructions.The article considers the calculation values β of the reliability index for constructions operated beyond the time limit for operation, with accumulated defects and damages. To improve the mechanism for calculating the reliability index value for the constructions operated beyond the maximum operating limit, with accumulated defects and damages, several tasks were set to determine such values β of the reliability index below which the construction is no longer considered to be operational and to define the reliability index values β for possible performance of renovation works (reconstruction, refurbishment) to strengthen and extend the remaining structural lifetime.Thus, emphasizing all of the aforementioned, the main conclusions to the article should be specified: at the stage of solving the issue of calculating the reliability index for structures being operated over the projected service life, with damages and initial defects accumulated during the operation period, it is required to perform their review and determine two main criteria for solving the issue of determining the reliability index, namely: to set such values of the reliability index below which the structure will be no longer operational, to define and set such values of the reliability index at which it is possible to carry out renovation works on steel structures, their reconstruction or repair. Considering the possibility of changing the reliability index compared to a new structure, given that the residual service life may be shorter than the design one, taking into account the economic factors and factors of probability of losing a person’s life, setting of such reliability index values is necessary for further possibility of the service life extension of a structure and determination of its residual life.У статті проаналізовано принципи розрахунків безпеки сталевих будівельних конструкцій з урахуванням індексу надійності b на всіх стадіях експлуатації конструкцій. Для оцінювання безпеки проаналізовані основні розрахункові положення індексу надійності для нових конструкцій (на стадії проектування) та для будівельних стальних конструкцій в умовах тривалої експлуатації

    Effect of quantum interference in the nonlinear conductance of microconstrictions

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    The influence of the interference of electron waves, which were scattered by single impurities, on nonlinear quantum conductance of metallic microconstrictions (as was recently investigated experimentally) is studied theoretically. The dependence of the interference pattern in the conductance G(V)G(V) on the contact diameter and the spatial distribution of impurities is analyzed. It is shown that the amplitude of conductance oscillation is strongly depended on the position of impurities inside the constriction.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, To appear in PR

    Ideal MHD theory of low-frequency Alfven waves in the H-1 Heliac

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    A part analytical, part numerical ideal MHD analysis of low-frequency Alfven wave physics in the H-1 stellarator is given. The three-dimensional, compressible ideal spectrum for H-1 is presented and it is found that despite the low beta (approx. 10^-4) of H-1 plasmas, significant Alfven-acoustic interactions occur at low frequencies. Several quasi-discrete modes are found with the three-dimensional linearised ideal MHD eigenmode solver CAS3D, including beta-induced Alfven eigenmode (BAE)- type modes in beta-induced gaps. The strongly shaped, low-aspect ratio magnetic geometry of H-1 causes CAS3D convergence difficulties requiring the inclusion of many Fourier harmonics for the parallel component of the fluid displacement eigenvector even for shear wave motions. The highest beta-induced gap reproduces large parts of the observed configurational frequency dependencies in the presence of hollow temperature profiles

    Josephson effect in point contacts between ''f-wave'' superconductors

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    A stationary Josephson effect in point contacts between triplet superconductors is analyzed theoretically for most probable models of the order parameter in UPt_{3} and Sr_{2}RuO_{4}. The consequence of misorientation of crystals in superconducting banks on this effect is considered. We show that different models for the order parameter lead to quite different current-phase dependences. For certain angles of misorientation a boundary between superconductors can generate the parallel to surface spontaneous current. In a number of cases the state with a zero Josephson current and minimum of the free energy corresponds to a spontaneous phase difference. This phase difference depends on the misorientation angle and may possess any value. We conclude that experimental investigations of the current-phase dependences of small junctions can be used for determination of the order parameter symmetry in the mentioned above superconductors.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    How Much of the Nucleon Spin is Carried by Glue?

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    We estimate in the QCD sum rule approach the amount of the nucleon spin carried by the gluon angular momentum: the sum of the gluon spin and orbital angular momenta. The result indicates that gluons contribute at least one half of the nucleon spin at scale of 1 GeV^2.Comment: replaced with a couple of reference added and spell-checke

    Interpretative and predictive modelling of Joint European Torus collisionality scans

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    Transport modelling of Joint European Torus (JET) dimensionless collisionality scaling experiments in various operational scenarios is presented. Interpretative simulations at a fixed radial position are combined with predictive JETTO simulations of temperatures and densities, using the TGLF transport model. The model includes electromagnetic effects and collisions as well as □(→┬E ) X □(→┬B ) shear in Miller geometry. Focus is on particle transport and the role of the neutral beam injection (NBI) particle source for the density peaking. The experimental 3-point collisionality scans include L-mode, and H-mode (D and H and higher beta D plasma) plasmas in a total of 12 discharges. Experimental results presented in (Tala et al 2017 44th EPS Conf.) indicate that for the H-mode scans, the NBI particle source plays an important role for the density peaking, whereas for the L-mode scan, the influence of the particle source is small. In general, both the interpretative and predictive transport simulations support the experimental conclusions on the role of the NBI particle source for the 12 JET discharges