881 research outputs found

    Cardiac papillary fibroelastomas: A 10-year single-center surgical experience and long-term echocardiographic follow-up study

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    Aims. Limited contemporary data are available on the clinical and echocardiographic outcomes after surgery for cardiac papillary fibroelastoma (CPF). The aim of this study was to review the clinical manifestations, pathological characteristics, surgical management, and prognoses of patients with histologically verified CPF, who underwent surgery at our cardiac surgery center from 2008 to 2018. Methods and Results. Twelve patients of median age 62 years (28 to 77 years) were treated. Embolic stroke or transient ischemic attack (five patients, 42%) were the only CPF clinical manifestations. Eleven (92%) tumors were localized on the valves, with the aortic valve being the most common tumor site (seven patients; 58%). Multiple factor analysis revealed no independent predictor of CPF-related embolization. Simple shave tumor excision was sufficient in most patients (10 patients, 83%). No operative or tumor-related late mortality during the median follow-up period of 4.7 years (1.1 to 10.2 years) was recorded. Asymptomatic metachronous valve tumor recurrence (in a location different from that of the original tumor) was revealed in two patients (17%) by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), not detected by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). One of these two patients underwent repeated surgery for CPF but later suffered a recurrent embolic stroke, due to another tumor recurrence. Conclusion. CPF can be safely and effectively treated surgically. TEE is superior to the TTE option in CPF post-operative recurrence detection. There is a clear need for a prospective study to determine criteria for embolization risk stratification and optimum management in patients with CPF.Web of Science1641918

    Strategy for Launching Product "A" in the Czech and Slovak Marketplaces

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    Cílem této práce je vypracovat strategii vstupu produktu "A" farmaceutické společnosti "F" na český a slovenský trh. V této práci je tato strategie analyzována a hodnocena pomocí metody NPV (Net Present Value) a dalších metod. Na základě tohoto hodnocení je strategie vybrána. První kapitola zahrnuje teoretická východiska jednotlivých metod použitých pro účely této práce. Je zde zejména osvětlena metoda NPV a metody vhodné pro analýzu relevantních trhů, společnosti "F" produktu "A". Ve druhé kapitole je provedena analýza trhu České a Slovenské republiky a také analýza společnosti "F" a produktu "A". Tyto analýzy zahrnují jak vnitřní tak vnější potenciál společnosti i produktu. V závěrečné kapitole je vypracována navrhovaná strategie vstupu pro produkt 'A', jež je poté ekonomicky hodnoceny pomocí modelu NPV a dalších modelů.The purpose of this dissertation is to elaborate a specific market entry strategy of a product "A" manufactured by company "F". This market entry strategy is then analysed and evaluated by NPV (Net Present Value) method and others. Based on this evaluation the strategy is then selected. The first chapter covers theoretical and methodological background of methods used for the purpose of this paper. Mostly the NPV method is introduced followed by methods suitable for relevant markets, company "F" and its product "A" analysis. In the second chapter the Czech and Slovak market analyses are elaborated accompanied by the analysis of company "F" and its product "A". These cover both the internal and external potential of the company and its product. The last chapter analyses the elaborated market entry strategy of a product "A" accompanied by the economic evaluation using the NPV method and other methods.

    Measurement Matters: Estimating Students’ Community Engagement Participation

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    Many community engagement and service-learning studies require the researcher to identify whether or not a particular student has participated in an engagement activity. In this article, the author explores the importance and challenge of measuring college students’ community engagement by detailing one institution’s rigorous effort to answer the question, “What percentage of students participate in community engagement during their time at college?” The article illustrates the results of a study in which an institution supplemented an existing database of student participation with several other nontraditional sources of student participation data to construct an expanded measure of engagement. Results indicated that, compared with the expanded measure, the existing database produced a biased estimate of engagement with regard to gender, race and ethnicity, financial aid, and athletic status. Implications for future research, assessment, and practice are discussed.

    Can We Count on Counting? An Analysis of the Validity of Community Engagement Survey Measures

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    Researchers use various survey efforts to understand students’ community engagement experiences. Among the crucial pieces of information for both academic and applied research is the extent to which (or whether or not) students participate in community engagement activities. However, recent studies have questioned the validity of many college student survey items. This paper describes an exploratory study that sought to investigate the validity of several survey items related to students’ community engagement participation. The study found that large percentages of students who have taken community-based learning courses do not accurately report these experiences on student surveys and examines what factors relate to misreporting. Implications for future community engagement research are discussed.

    Game Halali for Android Platform and JavaSE

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvořit elektronickou verzi deskové hry Halali, která bude moci být spuštěna na zařízení s operačním systémem Android a také na platformě JavaSE, která poběží na klasickém počítači. Práci jsem rozdělil do čtyř částí. V první části se věnuji pravidlům hry, ve druhé části je popsána uživatelská příručka, ve třetí části se věnuji používaným technologiím a ve čtvrté části samotné implementaci hry.The aim of this thesis is to create an electronic version of the board game Halali, which will be run on devices running Android and JavaSE platform, that will run on a classical computer. My thesis is divided into four parts. The first part describes to the rules of the game, in the second part is a users guide, the third part narrates about used technology, and the fourth part is devoted to the actual implementation of the game.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    On-line Tool for Converting Different Data Structures

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    Tato práce řeší problematiku převodu různých datových struktur (souboru) mezi sebou. V práci jsou podrobně rozebrány jednotlivé datové formáty – CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML, JSON, YAML, NEON a SQL. U formátu SQL jsou stručně popsány nejrozšířenější databázové systémy – MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server a PostgreSQL. V práci je dále uvedena problematika převodu a její řešení. Pro implementaci převodníku jsem použil programovací jazyk Java, případně webový framework Spring MVC, webový server Apache Tomcat (verze 8) a několik externích knihoven pro převod jednotlivých formátů. Pro nasazení mnou naimplementované aplikace jsem zvolil webové služby Amazon AWS. Vytvořené řešení umožňuje převod ze vstupního formátu CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML, JSON nebo SQL na výstupní formát CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML, JSON, SQL nebo YAML. Při převodu na SQL formát provede aplikace automatickou analýzu datových typů vstupu a tu potom zakomponuje do výstupním souboru.This thesis deals with the issue of transformation variety data structures (files) among themselves. This work also describes datatype CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML, JSON, YAML, NEON and SQL in derail. Moreover, there is basic description for followed SQL database systems - MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server a PostgreSQL. This thesis solves issue of data format transformation and its solution. I have used programing language Java, it´s framework Spring MVC, Apache Tomcat (version 8) and few external JAR libraries, for implementation of this transformation application. The Amazon AWS web services were used to deploy the converter application implemented by myself. Developed solution enables conversion of input data format CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML, JSON or SQL to output data format CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML, JSON, SQL or YAML. Within transformation to SQL output format is connected automatic analysis of data types in input file. This analysis is then incorporate to output file.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Cultural and Historical Development of Vršovice in the Years 1922-1977

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    The bachelor thesis will follow the cultural and historical development of Vršovice in the years 1922-1977, when Vršovice becomes a part of Great Prague. I analyze the key buildings that were built in this era. In the second part I will deal with the economic crisis and its consequences for Vršovice, which had a fatal impact on culture and led to the Second World War. I will also mention the memories of witness Bohumil Kobliha, a witness to the May Uprising 1945 in Vršovice. In the second part of the thesis I will deal with the building development in the 1950s and 1960s until 1977, when the construction of G 57 prefabricated houses ended. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyze the cultural and historical development of Vršovice in five decades. Keywords architecture, buildings, culture, town, turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Velká Praha, VršoviceBakalářská práce bude sledovat kulturně-historický vývoj Vršovic v letech 1922-1977, kdy se Vršovice stávají součástí Velké Prahy. Analyzuji klíčové stavby, které byly za této éry postaveny. V druhé části práce se budu zabývat hospodářskou krizí a jejími důsledky pro Vršovice, které měly fatální dopad na kulturu a vedly až k druhé světové válce. Dále uvedu vzpomínky pamětníka Bohumila Koblihu, svědka Květnového povstání 1945 ve Vršovicích. Ve druhé části práce se budu zabývat stavebním rozvojem v 50. a 60. letech 20. století až do roku 1977, kdy skončila výstavba panelových domů typu G 57. Cílem bakalářské práce je rozebrat kulturně-historický vývoj Vršovic za pět dekád. Klíčová slova Architektura, kultura, město, přelom 19. a 20. století, stavby, Velká Praha, VršoviceÚstav dějin křesťanského uměníInstitute of Christian Art HistoryCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    Electrical Power Analyzer based on DEWE-561

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    Import 23/08/2017DEWE-561 je třífázový analyzátor kvality napájení a záznamník výkonu. Je však uživatelsky velice nepříjemný, před započetím měření je nutné složité nastavování přístroje. Uživatel musí pečlivě prostudovat návod, aby byl schopen nastavit všechny měřicí módy, než je schopen spustit měření. Cílem diplomové práce je vytvoření aplikace analyzátoru výkonů a účiníku v grafickém programovacím prostředí LabVIEW na platformě DEWE-561, který by byl jednoduše ovladatelný a jeho použití uživatelsky snadné. Pro kontrolu běhu aplikace je využit program pro mobilní telefony a tablety s názvem Data Dashboard. Ten uživatelům umožňuje přístup k naměřeným hodnotám například pomocí komunikačního rozhraní Wi-Fi. Poslední kapitoly se zabývají kalibrací analyzátoru, implementací korekčních tabulek a vyhodnocením výsledků.DEWE-561 is a three-phase power quality analyzer and the recorder of electric power. However, it is very user-unfriendly. Before setting up the measurement, complex setup is required. The user must carefully examine the instruction to be able to set all measurement modes before he can start the measurement. The aim of the thesis is to create an application of analyzer power and power factor in LabVIEW on platform DEWE-561, which is easy to use. To check the runtime is used program for mobile phones and tablets called Data Dashboard. That allows users to access the measured values, for example, using the Wi-Fi communication interface. The last chapters deal with calibration of the analyzer, correction tables implementation and evaluation of results.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Employee Capital Plans – public policy analysis

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    The purpose of this article is to determine on which axiological foundation the system of Employee Capital Plans (EPC) is based and to answer the questions: – how do the authorities want to achieve universal participation in EPC?– what obligations have been imposed on employers, and what are the expected benefits for enterprises?– will investing in EPC funds support the development of the Polish economy? In order to be able to answer the above questions, the first part of the study presents a method of analyzing public policy. Further, the work contains characteristics of behavioral economics mechanisms on which the main ECP institutions were based. Then the Author presents the obligations of employing entities and possible benefits to be achieved by entrepreneurs. In turn, the third part of this article presents the possible benefits for employees