28 research outputs found

    Strategic dilemmas of pre-election marketing in the age of the mediatisation of politics : The case of the Warsaw referendum of 2013

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    The referendum on the dismissal of the President of Warsaw Hanna Gronkiewicz- Waltz before the end of her term was a part of a series of political events that could affect the power arrangement on the Polish political scene, especially on the market position of the Civic Platform (Platforma Obywatelska) and the Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) parties. By analysing the actions taken by the main political actors in the pre‑referendum period, two basic issues should be resolved: if political‑market entities actually carry out their long‑term political strategies and whether the adopted strategy translates into a specific and clear marketing concept of pre‑election activities in the prevalent Polish political realm. Regardless, however, of the adopted strategic option, competing political entities should take into account the obvious fact that the mass media are responsible for delimiting the area of political discourse and for defining matters which are a subject thereof

    "Substitute Candidate" in Polish Campaign Practice

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    The article deals with an interesting - from the marketing perspective - form o f electoral rivalry, realised with the participation o f politicians described as the “substitute candidates” . It was taken into consideration that while discussing the issue of “substitute candidate” it is necessary to settle two key questions: which politicians and based on what criteria could be classified as such candidates and what strategic grounds convince rivalry subjects to choose such campaign option. Assuming that the notion “substitute candidate” could be analysed from at least two different points o f view: actual substitution or apparent substitution, some issues o f creating the electoral campaign and realising the campaign with the participation o f “substitute candidate” can be pointed out: from the candidate selection stage, through the stage o f creating and developing the candidate’s image, to the stage of implementing project. Moreover, some conclusions from the electoral campaign preceding the presidential elections in Katowice were presented

    Marketing polityczny w Polsce na (populistycznym) rozdrożu

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    The course of competition during election campaigns in both stable and new democracies leads to conclusions about the political/electoral triumph of the populist election offer. Considering “electoral populism” as a specific type of marketing strategy, one can indicate basic factors of systemic, social and communication-media nature, which condition the observed strategic reorientation of political entities. This turn of events has a significant impact on the effectiveness of election campaigns, fostering the process of developing a political brand - thanks to professional communication activities aimed at maintaining market relations based on mutual trust, a community of recognized values and strong emotional bonds, while at the same time distinguishing precisely and distinctly from political competitors

    Komunikacyjny efekt "jo-jo" - propagandyzacja polskiego marketingu politycznego

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    "Obserwacja wydarzeń politycznych rozgrywających się na polskiej scenie politycznej od czasu wyborów parlamentarnych w 2005 r. skłania do sformułowania wielu wniosków odnoszących się do rozwoju praktyki komunikowania politycznego w Polsce. Wydaje się, że rozwój ten odbywa się w sposób swoisty dla polskiego kontekstu politycznego — sposób formatowania treści i przekazywania komunikatów politycznych bardziej przypomina tradycyjne strategie propagandowe (przybierające formę nowoczesnej medialnej propagandy) niż komunikacyjne strategie marketingowe, kojarzone współcześnie z rywalizacją polityczną w krajach rozwiniętej demokracji"


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    "Analiza politycznych konsekwencji wyborów w Polsce, mieszczących w cyklu wyborczym 2014–2015 wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego (2014), samorządowe (2014), prezydenckie (2015) oraz parlamentarne (2015), pozwala uznać, że można im przypisać istotne znaczenie w procesie kształtowania polskiego systemu politycznego, w tym w szczególności systemu partyjnego. Rozstrzygnięcia kolejnych elekcji (przede wszystkim prezydenckiej i parlamentarnej) doprowadziły do gruntownej rekonstrukcji sceny politycznej oraz zmiany pozycji rynkowej zajmowanej przez poszczególne podmioty rywalizacji politycznej." [...] (fragm.

    Stronniczość mediów w bipolarnym środowisku politycznym. Tygodnik "Polityka" w kampaniach wyborczych 2015 roku

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    The 2014–2015 electoral cycle was a serious marketing challenge for Polish weeklies because of the gradual change in the balance of power (after several years of Civic Platform domination, the ratings of Law and Justice significantly improved), which implied a more leveled electoral rivalry and changes on the publishing market- leading to more intensive competition between weeklies presenting similar editorial perspective: “Polityka” – “Newsweek” – “W Sieci” – “Źo Rzeczy” – “Gazeta Polska”, taking into consideration the relatively low number of readers of such publications. From this perspective the analysis of journalistic endeavors of “Polityka” during the period of time preceding the key elections (Presidential and Parliamentary) in 2015 seem to be an important research problem – taking into account the rank of “Polityka” and its part in forming and defining questions of civil and political discourse

    Communication strategy of Konfederacja in the 2019 Elections – Attempt to Reconstruct

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    The analysis of electoral actions taken by Konfederacja [Confederation Liberty and Independence] party in 2019 leads to assumption that their core formation achieved a consistent (also regarding axiological dimension) strategic plan which included two campaigns and was aimed at arising on Polish political market (gaining parliamentary representation). Organization and consolidation of a new political formation, able (in terms of structure, resources and strategy)to create a communication strategy allowing them to effectively compete in parliamentary elections, should be regarded as considerable success


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    "Konsekwencje rywalizacji politycznej w trakcie kolejnych wyborów w Polsce, mieszczących się w cyklu wyborczym 2014–2015 (wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego – 2014, samorządowe – 2014, prezydenckie – 2015, parlamentarne – 2015) wykraczają daleko poza istotne zmiany polskiego systemu partyjnego. Przebieg poszczególnych kampanii wyborczych pozwala sformułować szereg ważkich wniosków dotyczących stanu demokracji w Polsce oraz funkcjonowania polskiego systemu politycznego – zwłaszcza mając na uwadze złożony kontekst polityczny cyklu wyborczego wyznaczany zarówno przez czynniki wewnątrzkrajowe (związane głównie z widoczną erozją formuły sprawowania władzy przez koalicję Platforma Obywatelska – Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe i pochodnymi zmianami na rynku politycznym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesu ewolucyjnej zmiany głównych płaszczyzn rywalizacji politycznej i pozycjonowania rynkowego nowych podmiotów politycznych), jak i zewnętrzne (polityczne reperkusje wydarzeń ukraińskich oraz polityki i realnych działań Rosji wobec Ukrainy)." [...] (fragm.

    Reklama audiowizualna w kampanii wyborczej do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2014 roku - w poszukiwaniu efektywnej strategii komunikacyjnej

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    The campaign preceding the elections to the European Parliament in 2014 in Poland was extremely dynamic and active in case of all subjects of political rivalry, regardless of their position on the political market (campaigns of Solidary Poland and Poland Together are prime examples). Even a superficial analysis allowed to point out several regularities: tendency of political subjects to adopt the standard strategy of national cross-party political rivalry, strategic focusing of media on current issues regarding national political rivalry, particularly interesting in the area of communication is adoption of advertising orientation by most of the parties (except Polish People’s Party and National Movement) – wherein this advertising activity – in contrast to campaign from 2009 (and the parliamentary campaign of 2011), did not limit to the television, what is remarkable about the campaign of 2014 was the intensive use of all accessible Internet channels: own websites, special websites dedicated to the campaign and the possibilities offered by the social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube)

    Strategie komunikowania politycznego

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    The main determinant of the development of the contemporary political communication constitutes the attempt to impart a rational dimension to the actions of communication in compliance with Weber’s understanding of the term. M. Weber claimed that rationism is a direct reflection of (a) the ability to determine such aims which are optimal and adequate to one’s own resources within a given situational context, as well as the possibility to calculate the consequences of the actions undertaken (rational actions on account of the aim) and/or (b) orientation of actions around a given value system (rational actions on account of the values). In this view, a direction of the development of the contemporary conception of political communication reflects the evolutionary transformation of the relations between an axiological and instrumental-functional approach to the process of creating, planning, and executing communication strategies. Four stages in the development of the conception of communicative actions strategically ordered can be distinguished: — stage I: domination of communicative actions oriented around the political system of values preferable by the sender of the information (the stage of a traditional political propaganda; the chief aim of communicative influences — social integration/persuasion), — stage II: a relative balance of actions oriented around preferable political values and pragmatic aims (the stage of institutionalised political propaganda; the chief aim of communicative influences — persuasion/integration/political activation), — stage III: domination of pragmatic aims parallel with political values preferable by the sender of the information (the stage of early communication campaigns market-oriented; the chief aim of communicative influences — persuasion/political activation), — stage IV: correlation of pragmatic aims and instrumental values (the stage of a developed political marketing communication; the chief aim of communicative influences — political motivation, with the main emphasis on the election activation). An increasing popularity of the marketing methods of organization and conducting political campaigns should be treated as a subsequent stage of the search for the efficient formula of political communication, the stage whose main determinants are the following: — organizational transformation of traditional political subjects (political parties, electional organizations of candidates), — gradual professionalization of politics, in two perspectives: professionalization of political parties evident in the increase of the role of professional politics in making important organizational decisions, as well as the appearance of new actors on the political stage, political consultants, taking over the position of a central decisive centre in political organizations, with responsibility for preparation and implementation of the political communication strategy, — mediatisation of political communication — means of mass communication have become the main transmission channel of political information on the one hand, and, on the other hand, a kind of creator of the political reality, shaping the image of the political market, particular political subjects, or the course of political rivalry by active selection and exposure of given information according to the commercial and/or political interests of the media transmitters, — change of the system of factors determining political behaviours (electional behaviours in particular) of citizens — what becomes especially important in this context is a progressing decrease of the level of political identification leading to the increase of the number of citizens slightly engaged in the political enterprise, possessing relatively low competences of receiving and understanding transmitted political information, as well as basic problems with taking a given political decision. The complexity of the market conditions makes the subjects of political rivalry choose and develop communication marketing strategies. Such a way of organizing and realising political communicative campaigns — in accordance with the four basic criteria: efficiency, predictability, calculationism, and the use of advanced technology — may be treated as an optimal variant of a strategic adjustment of the contemporary organizations to diversified requirements of the political environment