32 research outputs found
Einstellungen der Lehrer zum Evaluationsprozess im Unterricht
Evaluation is an important part of education process at school. It plays a significant role in the development of school culture.
The paper deals with the terms connected with the evaluation process in teaching and explains the differences between monitoring, testing, assessing, measuring and grading. Special attention has been given to the purpose, function, types and forms of evaluation within the teaching process. The author also focuses on two different kinds of evaluation - student-directed and teacher-directed evaluation.
The research presented in this paper studied teachers’ attitudes towards the evaluation process in primary schools. The aim was to examine their opinions and attitudes to evaluation. Furthermore, the author tried to identify variables which could be linked to positive or negative i attitudes towards evaluation.
As a result, the number of years of working experience has turned out to be connected with teachers\u27 attitudes towards evaluation in their classrooms, whereas other examined factors showed no significant differences in teachers\u27 attitudesUvodni dio rada usmjeren je na terminološke odrednice vezane uz proces vrjednovanja u nastavi razlikujući sastavnice vrjednovanja kroz praćenje, provjeravanje, procjenjivanje, mjerenje i ocjenjivanje. U razradi pojedinih sastavnica usmjerena je pozornost na svrhu, funkciju, vrste i oblike vrjednovanja unutar nastavnoga procesa. Razlikujući različite nastavne aktivnosti vezane za proces vrjednovanja istaknute su prednosti i nedostatci pojedinih, a i moguće pogrješke.
Predstavljeno je istraživanje u kojemu je istraživačko pitanje bilo usmjereno na ispitivanje mišljenja učitelja o procesu vrjednovanja u osnovnim školama. Cilj je bio doznati njihova mišljenja i stajališta vezana uz vrjednovanje kao iznimno važan dio nastavnoga procesa, a i identificirati varijable koje mogu utjecati na smjer mišljenja i stajališta učitelja.
Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku učitelja razredne nastave diljem Hrvatske (N=1308). U istraživanju se koristilo metodom anketiranja i procjenjivanja, a instrument je kombinacija ankete i ljestvice procjene. Za utvrđivanje deskriptivnih pokazatelja upotrijebljeni su deskriptivni parametri, a faktorska analiza zajedničkih faktora upotrijebljena je kako bi se utvrdile latentne dimenzije koje se nalaze u podlozi interkorelacije čestica. Za usporedbu ispitanika po zadanim obilježja upotrijebljena je jednosmjerna analiza varijance.
Na 17 čestica koje prema sadržaju mjere evaluaciju nastavnoga procesa provedena je faktorska analiza zajedničkih faktora kojom su ekstrahirana tri faktora po Kaiser-Guttmanovu kriteriju. Pogodnost matrice korelacija čestica skale evaluacije nastavnoga procesa za faktorsku analizu potvrdio je Kaiser-Meyer-Olkinov koeficijent koji iznosi 0,93. Pouzdanost tipa unutarnje konzistencije, Cronbachova alfa, potvrdila je da ljestvica evaluacije ima visoku pouzdanost. U cilju potvrđivanja hipoteze koja se odnosi na mišljenje učitelja vezano uz pojedina obilježja ispitanika provedena analiza varijance upućuje na postojanje statistički značajne razlike između ispitanika vezanih uz radno iskustvo i dob, dok na ostalim obilježjima nije utvrđena značajnost.
S obzirom da je obradom podatka utvrđeno da čestice u ljestvici evaluacije visoko korespondiraju tomu da izmjere ispitivani koncept, mogu se upotrijebiti u daljnjim analizama i istraživanjima kao pouzdane mjere, a utvrđene razlike vezane uz pojedina obilježja ispitanika mogu odrediti smjer u daljnjem stručnom usavršavanju učitelja vezanom uz proces vrjednovanja.Der Einführungsteil der Studie konzentriert sich auf die terminologischen Determinanten, die sich auf den Prozess der Evaluation im Unterricht beziehen, wobei die Elemente der Evaluation durch Beobachtung, Prüfung, Einschätzung, Messung und Benotung unterschieden werden. Bei der Ausarbeitung der einzelnen Komponenten wurde die Aufmerksamkeit auf den Zweck, Funktion, Arten und Formen der Evaluation im Unterrichtsprozess gerichtet. Bei der Differenzierung zwischen verschiedenen Lernaktivitäten, die mit dem Prozess der Evaluation im Zusammenhang stehen, wurden die Vor- und Nachteile der Einzelnen und die möglichen Fehler hervorgehoben.
Es wird eine Studie vorgelegt, in der die Forschungsfrage auf die Meinungsumfrage von Lehrern über den Evaluationsprozess in den Grundschulen gerichtet war. Das Ziel des Beitrages war es, ihre Meinungen und Ansichten in Bezug auf die Evaluation als extrem wichtigen Teil des Lernprozesses herauszufinden, aber auch die Variablen zu identifizieren, die die Meinungen und Einstellungen der Lehrer beeinflussen könnten.
Die Studie wurde an einer Stichprobe von Grundschullehrern in ganz Kroatien durchgeführt (N = 1308). In der Untersuchung wurden die Umfrage- und Bewertungsverfahren benutzt, und das Instrument war eine Kombination aus Befragung und Bewertungsskala. Zur Feststellung von deskriptiven Indikatoren wurden deskriptive Parameter benutzt, und die Faktorenanalyse von gemeinsamen Faktoren wurde verwendet, um die latenten Dimensionen zu identifizieren, die sich in der Basis der Interkorrelation befinden. Für den Vergleich der Befragten nach den gegebenen Eigenschaften wurde die einfaktorielle Varianzanalyse verwendet.
Es wurde eine Faktoranalyse von gemeinsamen Faktoren an 17 Fragen durchgeführt, die inhaltlich die Evaluation des Unterrichtsprozesses messen. Dabei wurden drei Faktoren nach dem Kaiser-Guttman-Kriterium extrahiert. Das Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin-Kriterium, das 0,93 beträgt, bestätigte die Eignung der Korrelationsmatrix von der Evaluationsskala des Unterrichtsprozesses für die Faktoranalyse. Die Verlässlichkeit vom internen Konsistenztyp, Cronbachs Alpha, bestätigte, dass die Evaluationsskala eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit aufweist. Um die Hypothese zu bestätigen, die sich auf die Meinungen der Lehrer in Bezug auf die Einzelmerkmalen der Befragten bezieht, weist die durchgeführte Varianzanalyse darauf hin, dass statistisch signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Befragten bestehen, die mit Berufserfahrung und Alter zusammenhängen, während die anderen Merkmale keine Signifikanz aufweisen.
Da mit Hilfe der Datenverarbeitung festgestellt wurde, dass die Fragen in der Evaluationsskala stark mit der Tatsache korrespondieren, das befragte Konzept zu messen, können sie bei weiteren Analysen und Forschungen als zuverlässige Maßnahmen verwendet werden, und die festgestellten Unterschiede im Bezug auf die Einzelmerkmale der Befragten können die Richtung der weiteren beruflichen Fortbildung von Lehrkräften im Zusammenhang mit dem Evaluationsprozess bestimmen
Zusammenarbeit der Eltern und Schule
Polazeći od suradnje roditelja i učitelja još iz vremena kad školovanje nije bilo obvezno, preko vremena prvih roditeljskih sastanaka, dolazi se do središnje teme ovog rada – suradnje roditelja i škole kao uvijek aktualne pedagoške problematike. Tako se od razmišljanja o suradnji roditelja i škole nekada došlo do suradnje roditelja i škole danas. Istaknute su dobrobiti suradnje, različita gledišta i definicije suradnje te različiti aspekti suradnje roditelja i škole. Procjena suradnje roditelja i škole danas temelji se na empirijskom dijelu ovog rada. Rezultati tog dijela rada pokazuju da su stajališta roditelja o suradnji sa školom pretežno pozitivna te da su uvjetovana različitim čimbenicima (tri ekstrahirana čimbenika su suradnja, akcija i pomoć, evaluacija). Utvrđen je i nizak angažman roditelja u suradničkim aktivnostima sa školom. Istraživanju u empirijskom dijelu ovog rada, koji ispituje stajališta roditelja prema suradnji sa školom, prišlo se isključivo s polazišta roditeljaThis paper focuses on the parent-school cooperation, a pedagogical problem which has always been intriguing, ever since the time when schooling was not compulsory and the time of the first parent meetings. Starting with the parent-school cooperation in the past, the paper reflects on the parent-school cooperation in modern times. The benefits of such cooperation are emphasised and the reader’s attention is drawn to different viewpoints and definitions of the cooperation, as well as to its various aspects. The empirical part of the study served as the basis for evaluating the parent-school cooperation today. The results of the study show that the parents’ attitude to the cooperation is generally positive and depends on three different factors (the three extracted factors are cooperation, action and help, and evaluation). A low level of the parents’ participation in school-related activities has also been detected. The author approached the research in the empirical part of the study, which examines the parents’ attitudes to cooperation with the school, from the parents’ point of view exclusivelyAusgehend von der Zusammenarbeit der Eltern und Lehrer noch in den Zeiten, als es keine Pflichtschulen gab, und der Zeit der ersten Elternabende, kommen wir zum zentralen Thema dieser Arbeit – der Zusammenarbeit der Eltern und Schule als noch immer aktueller pädagogischer Problematik. So kam man von der Erörterung der Zusammenarbeit von den Eltern und der Schule in den früheren Zeiten zu dem heutigen Stand. Hervorgehoben werden Vorteile dieser Zusammenarbeit, ihre verschiedenen Gesichtspunkte und Definitionen sowie unterschiedliche Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit von den Eltern und der Schule. Um zu einer Bewertung der Zusammenarbeit von den Eltern und der Schule zu gelangen, griff ich auf die empirischen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zurück. Diese weisen darauf hin, dass die Eltern zur Zusammenarbeit mit der Schule überwiegend eine positive Einstellung haben, die durch verschiedene Faktoren bedingt wird (drei extrahierte Faktoren: Zusammenarbeit, Aktion und Hilfe, Auswertung). Festgestellt wurde auch ein niedriges Engagement der Eltern in der Zusammenarbeit mit der Schule. Die Forschungsergebnisse aus dem empirischen Teil dieser Arbeit, der Einstellungen der Eltern gegenüber der Zusammenarbeit mit der Schule erforscht, werden ausschliesslich vom Gesichtspunkt der Eltern erörter
Soziometrischer Status der Schüler in der Klasse und der Schulhierarchie
U teorijskom dijelu ovoga rada razmatraju se dimenzije osnovne strukture društva vidljive u školskoj hijerarhiji pri čemu se posebna pozornost pridaje statusu učenika koji čine razrednu elitu. U razdoblju kad djeca postaju učenici, a time i dio školske hijerarhije, počinju uspostavljati intenzivnije socijalne kontakte izvan obitelji te počinje snažnije djelovati utjecaj vršnjaka na njihov socijalni, intelektualni, moralni i emocionalni razvoj. U školskim se razrednim odjelima razvija diferencirana socijalna struktura koju potvrđuje sociometrijski status učenika čije je utvrđivanje cilj u empirijskom dijelu ovoga rada. Sociometrijski se status utvrdio na relaciji prihvaćanja (popularnosti) te odbijanja (izoliranosti ili odbačenosti) učenika razredne nastave. Identificirane su varijable koje mogu utjecati na indeks sociometrijskog statusa učenika (darovitost pojedinca i dob učenika). Istaknuta je važnost vršnjačke prihvaćenosti, kao socijalnog resursa koji olakšava druga životna postignuća, kao i značaj kurikuluma socijalnih odnosa u razvoju učenikove socijalne kompetencije.The theoretical part of this paper considers the aspects of fundamental social structure evident in school hierarchy, paying particular attention to the status of those pupils who represent an elitist group within the classroom. In the period when children become pupils, and thus a part of the school hierarchy, they begin to establish stronger social contacts outside of the family and the influence of their peers on their social, intellectual, moral and emotional development increases. In the classroom environment there appears a differentiated social structure confirmed by sociometric status of pupils, which will be determined in the empirical part of this paper. Sociometric status is determined on a scale between acceptance (popularity) and refusal (isolation or rejection) of elementary grade pupils. The paper identifies the variables that can affect a pupil’s sociometric status index (individual talent and pupil’s age). The importance of peer acceptance is underlined as a social resource facilitating other achievements in life, as well as the significance of the curriculum of social relationships in the development of social competence.Im theoretischen Teil dieser Arbeit werden die Dimensionen der gesellschaftlichen Grundstruktur erörtert, die sich in der Schulhierarchie offenbaren. Dabei wird eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit dem Status von Schülern geschenkt, die die Klassenelite bilden. Im Alter, wenn sie Schüler, und dadurch auch ein Teil der Schulhierarchie werden, beginnen die Kinder, intensivere soziale Kontakte außerhalb der Familie anzu knüpfen. Infolgedessen beginnt der Einfluss ihrer Altersgenossen sich stärker auf ihre soziale, intellektuelle, moralische und emotionale Entwicklung auszuwirken. In einzelnen Schulklassen entwickelt sich eine differenzierte soziale Struktur, die vom soziometrischen Status der Schüler bestätigt wird. Dessen Feststellung setzt sich zum Ziel der empirische Teil dieser Arbeit. Der soziometrische Status wurde anhand des Verhältnisses von Annahme (Popularität) und Ablehnung (Isolierung oder Abgestoßensein) der Grundschüler festgelegt. Es wurden Variablen identifiziert, die den Index des soziometrischen Statuses des Schülers (Begabung des Einzelnen und Alter des Schülers) beeinflussen können. Es wurde die Wichtigkeit des Angenommenseins unter den Gleichaltrigen als sozialer Ressource hervorgehoben, die andere Lebensleistungen erleichtert sowie die Bedeutung des Curriculums der sozialen Beziehungen für die Entwicklung der sozialen Kompetenz des Schülers
Pupils’ attitudes to formative assessment in sciences class
This paper discusses formative assessment in Sciences class, which integrates the knowledge of natural and social sciences. In formative assessment there are two different assessment processes – assessment for learning and assessment as learning. Both approaches value the idea of students’ individual progress, and they have a pedocentric orientation. The paper focuses on assessment techniques used in class, which is operationalised in the empirical section of the paper. We established a hierarchical structure of offered techniques according to the criterium of usefulness. The students expressed their views on the process of self-evaluation and peer-evaluation in four dimensions (liking, difficulty, help with learning and discomfort). The approach to research is quantitative. The results show that the techniques we can find at the bottom of the hierarchy are the techniques which require a more complex cognitive deliberation. There is a positive attitude towards self-evaluation and peer-evaluation. In establishing the difference between attitudes in the dimension of help with learning there is a lack of recognition of the potential of peer-evaluation. This paper confirms the importance of formative assessment and points to the need for further research
Friend relationships among peers in the classroom
Ovaj rad usmjeren je na proučavanje prijateljskih odnosa unutar razrednog odjela. Odnosi među vršnjacima izuzetno su važni u školskom razdoblju, a nedostatak ili trajne teškoće u prijateljskim odnosima mogu se reflektirati na uspjeh učenika, usvajanje nastavnih sadržaja, sliku učenika o sebi, socijalni status i socijalni uspjeh itd. Cilj empirijskog dijela rada je ispitati kvalitetu prijateljskih odnosa unutar razrednog odjela u kategoriji ‘najbolji prijatelj’. Iz cilja istraživanja proizašla su tri istraživačka pitanja: Kakav je profil prijateljskih odnosa u kategoriji ‘najbolji prijatelj’? Kako izgleda hijerarhijska struktura dimenzija kvalitete prijateljstva u ponuđenim kategorijama? Koje karakteristike opisuju najboljeg prijatelja i idealnog prijatelja? Rezultati istraživanja utvrđuju dva profila: opći te profil blizine i roditeljske uključenosti. Utvrđivanje hijerarhijske strukture ukazalo je na važnost brige i priznanja (dječaci) te pouzdanosti i rješavanja problema (djevojčice). Vrh hijerarhijske ljestvice zauzimaju dimenzije priznanja i pouzdanosti. Kao najznačajnije karakteristike koje opisuju najboljeg prijatelja ističu se razgovor i zajedničko provođenje vremena, povjeravanje i pomoć, a u idealnom prijateljstvu izdvajaju se moralne vrijednosti prijatelja.This paper focuses on studying friend relationships in the classroom. Relationships between peers are exceptionally important in school age, and a lack of such relationships or continued difficulties with them can reflect on student successes, learning outcomes, and student perceptions of self, social status, social success, etc. The goal of the empirical part of the research was to examine the quality of friend relationships within the classroom in the category of ‘best friend’. Three research questions arose from the research goal: What is the profile of friend relationships in the category of ‘best friend’? What is the hierarchical structure of the quality dimensions of friendship in the categories offered? Which characteristics describe one’s best friend and the ideal friend? The results of research affirm two profiles – a general one, and the profile of closeness and parental involvement. The affirmation of hierarchical structure pointed to the importance of care and recognition (among boys) and reliability and problem solving (among girls). The highest point in the hierarchy is held by the dimensions of recognition and reliability. The most significant characteristics that describe one’s best friend include conversation and spending time together, trust and aid; the moral values of the friend are exemplified in an ideal friendship
Pedagogical aspects of addiction prevention in an educational institution
Pedagoški diskurs u području prevencije ovisničkog ponašanja usmjeren je k poticanju razvoja samopoštovanja, samopouzdanja i pozitivnog identiteta djeteta. Te se kvalitete smatraju «prvom zonom obrane» djeteta od različitih nepovoljnih utjecaja i mogućim oblikom prevencije autoagresivnih i socijalno neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja. Takvo stajalište odražava shvaćanje djeteta kao racionalne i razborite osobe koja je u stanju reflektirati o svojem iskustvu i ponašanju te iziskuje odgoj temeljen na kvalitetnim odnosima i uvažavajućoj, recipročnoj komunikaciji. Riječ je o odgoju koji se distancira od prisiljavanja i bilo koje vrste pokoravanja djece, a oslanja na osnaživanje samoregulacijskih potencijala i autonomije djece. Za to je potrebna pretvorba odgojno-obrazovne ustanove u mjesto humanog i demokratičnog življenja, odgoja i učenja, što najčešće iziskuje kompleksnu promjenu na razini njezine cjelokupne kulture.Pedagogical discourse in the domain of addiction prevention is aimed at encouraging the development of self-respect, self-confidence and positive identity in a child. These qualities are considered to be the first ‘line of defence’ against various negative influences and a possible form of prevention of autoaggressive and socially unacceptable forms of behaviour. This view is reflected in the perception of children as rational and reasonable persons who are capable of reflecting on their experiences and behaviour, and calls for an education based on good relationships and caring, reciprocal communication. This is an approach to education that distances itself from coercion or any kind of subjugation of children, and relies on strengthening the self-regulatory potentials and autonomy of children. This requires a transformation of an educational institution into a place of humane and democratic life, education and learning, which in most cases calls for a complex change on the level of its culture as a whole
Peer relations represent an important area of research in the field of school pedagogy, reflecting the students' social, intellectual, moral and emotional development. The research issue in this paper focuses on peer relations in inclusive classes, but considering the complexity of these relationships, the aim of the research is to look at these relationships through two dimensions: the quality of friendship and the sense of loneliness. Research questions are focused on establishing a relationship between the quality of friendship and sense of loneliness in boys and girls and identifying significant predictors of sense of loneliness in inclusive classes (gender, parents’ education, material opportunities, number of close friends and friendship quality). The study included 152 students from eight inclusive classes. Adapted questionnaires for measuring quality of friendship and loneliness were used as measuring instruments. Pearson coefficient of correlation found that there was a statistically significant association between quality of friendship and loneliness in girls, while in boys no such association existed. T-test showed a significant difference in the quality of friendship, with girls having a higher quality of friendship. Gender and friendship quality have shown as significant predictors of the explained feelings of loneliness. In the implications for implementation and conclusions, it was emphasized that it is possible to improve students' acceptance by peers and that the training of social relationships can influence the quality of friendship which represents a protective factor for the emergence of loneliness and abuse by peers
Ponavljanje razreda je pedagoška intervencije za učenike koji nisu ostvarili zadane
ishode na zadovoljavajućoj razini. Najveću dilemu predstavlja akademska svrhovitosti
i socio-emocionalne posljedice koje ponavljanje razreda ostavlja na učenika. U radu se
iznose empirijski nalazi o problematici ponavljanja razreda u RH. Teorijski dio ovoga
rada postavlja okvir za izvođenje istraživačkih pitanja koja se odnose na ponavljanje
razreda s obzirom na razred koji učenici najučestalije ponavljaju, broj izostanaka
učenika ponavljača, spol učenika ponavljača te uspješnost učenika u ponovljenoj
godini. Uzorak čine svi učenici osnovnoškolskoga uzrasta u RH u razdoblju od šest
školskih godina. Rezultati pokazuju da se najčešće ponavlja sedmi razred, da je broj
izostanaka učenika ponavljača veći, da češće ponavljaju razred dječaci te da je dio
učenika i pri ponavljanju razreda neuspješan. Empirijskim nalazima autori potvrđuju
kontroverznost tematike i upućuju na štetne posljedice ponavljanja razreda.Class repetition is a pedagogical intervention for students who have not achieved
the set outcomes at a satisfactory level. The biggest dilemma is the academic goals
and the socio-emotional consequences that repeating a class leaves on the student.
The paper presents empirical findings on the issue of class repetition in the Republic of
Croatia. The theoretical part of this paper sets the framework for conducting research
questions related to grade repetition with regard to the grade that students repeat most
often, the number of absences of repeat students, the gender of repeat students, and the
performance of students in the repeated year. The sample consists of all the primary
school-age students in the Republic of Croatia analyzed over a period of six school
years. The results show that the seventh grade is the most frequently repeated one,
that the number of repeat students’ absences is higher, that boys repeat a grade more
often, and that part of the students also fail when repeating the grade. With empirical
findings, the authors confirm the controversial nature of the topic and point to the
harmful consequences of repeating classes
Students ‘Ansichten über Lehrprozess in multikulturellen Schulen – soziale Aspekt
Nastava kao organiziran proces aktivnog i partnerskog stjecanja znanja najsustavniji je i najorganiziraniji put odgojno-obrazovnog djelovanja. Promotrimo li ju sa socijalnog aspekta, možemo konstatirati kako učenicima omogućuje snalaženje u odnosima s drugim ljudima, proširivanje raspona vlastitih referenci i drukčije doživljavanje vlastitog kulturalnog okruženja kao i da podrazumijeva međusobno razumijevanje, toleranciju i dijalog. S obzirom na postojanje opsežnih i širokih teorijskih određenja nastave, u ovome radu usmjerili smo se isključivo na proučavanje socijalnog aspekta učeničkih stavova o nastavnom procesu u multikulturalnim školama. Socijalni aspekt učeničkih stavova o nastavnom procesu determinira se i operacionalizira kroz razvoj osobnosti, razvoj međuvršnjačkih odnosa, razvoj tolerancije, postupke nenasilnog rješavanja sukoba, osjećaj uspješnosti, razvoj pozitivnih suradničkih odnosa, zadovoljstvo, kreativnost učenika, vrednotu poštovanja i interkulturalnu komunikaciju. Iako se gotovo svaku školu može držati multikulturalnom, s obzirom na specifčnosti u položaju i raspršenosti nacionalnih manjina u uzorak istraživanja uvrštene su samo one škole u kojima se održava nastava po nekim od temeljnih modela nastave kojima je pripadnicima nacionalnih manjina omogućeno njihovo ustavno pravo na odgoj i obrazovanje. Polazišnu osnovu empirijskog dijela rada čini istraživački problem formuliran u obliku pitanja: Kakvi su stavovi učenika prema socijalnom aspektu nastave u multikulturalnim školama? Koristili smo se metodom anketiranja, pri čemu su učenici iskazivati svoje stavove putem skale Likertova tipa na ponuđenim česticama koje opisuju socijalni aspekt nastave. Pokazateljima deskriptivne statistike utvrdili smo hijerarhiju i strukturu istraživanog problema. Jednosmjernom analizom varijance koristili smo se kako bismo utvrdili (ne)postojanje signifkantnih kontekstualnih razlika čime se dobilo uvid u strukturu istraživanog aspekta nastave. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka analizirana je hijerarhija i struktura socijalnog aspekta nastave te se pokušalo utvrditi moguće determinante.Teaching is organized as a process of active partnership and acquisition of knowledge is the most systematically and most organized way of educational activities. If we look at it from a social point of view, we can conclude that enables students to navigate in relationships with other people, expanding the range of their own references and different experience of their own cultural environment and that implies mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue. Due to the existence of extensive and broad theoretical defnitions of classes, in this paper we have focused exclusively on the study of the social aspects of student attitudes towards the teaching process in multicultural schools. Te social aspect of students’ attitudes towards the teaching process determines and operationalized through the development of personality, development međuvršnjačkih relations, development of tolerance, non-violent methods of conflict resolution, the feeling of success, the development of positive collaborative relationships, pleasure, creativity students, the values of respect and intercultural communication. Although almost each school can hold a multicultural, given the specifcs of the situation and dispersion of national minorities in the survey sample included only those schools where teaching is held by some of the basic models in which the members of national minorities enabled their constitutional right to education and education. Starting points of the empirical part of the paper is the research problem is formulated in the form of a question: What are the students’ attitudes toward the social aspect of teaching in multicultural schools? We used the survey method, whereby the students to express their views through the Likert-type offered to the particles that describe the social aspect of teaching. Indicators of descriptive statistics we determined the hierarchy and structure of the investigated problems. Univariate analysis of variance we used to determine the (non) existence of signifcant contextual differences to give an insight into the structure of the investigated aspects of teaching. Based on the collected data was analyzed by the hierarchy and structure of the social aspect of teaching and attempts to identify possible determinants.Der Unterricht wird als ein Prozess der aktiven Partnerschaf und Erwerb von Wissen organisiert ist die systematisch und am besten organisierte Art und Weise der Bildungsaktivitäten. Wenn wir es von einem sozialen Standpunkt aus betrachten, können wir schließen, dass die Schüler in Beziehungen zu anderen Menschen navigieren können, die Reichweite ihrer eigenen Referenzen und andere Erfahrung ihrer eigenen kulturellen Umgebung zu erweitern und das bedeutet gegenseitiges Verständnis, Toleranz und Dialog. Aufgrund der Existenz von umfangreichen und breiten theoretischen Defnitionen von Klassen, in diesem Papier haben wir uns ausschließlich auf die Untersuchung der sozialen Aspekte der Schüler Haltung gegenüber der Lehrprozess in multikulturellen Schulen konzentriert. Der soziale Aspekt der Schüler Haltung gegenüber der Lehrprozess und bestimmt durch die Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit, Entwicklung međuvršnjačkih Beziehungen, die Entwicklung von Toleranz, gewaltfreie Methoden der Konfliktlösung, das Gefühl des Erfolgs, die Entwicklung von positiven kooperativen Beziehungen, Freude, Kreativität Studenten, die Werte der Achtung und interkulturelle Kommunikation operationalisiert. Obwohl fast kann jede Schule ein multikultureller halten, enthalten die Besonderheiten der Situation und der Streuung der nationalen Minderheiten in der Umfrage Probe gegeben nur die Schulen, in denen Unterricht durch einige der grundlegenden Modelle, in denen statt die Mitglieder der nationalen Minderheiten ihr verfassungsmäßiges Recht auf Bildung ermöglicht und Bildung. Ausgangspunkte des empirischen Teils des Papiers wird das Forschungsproblem in Form einer Frage formuliert: Was die Schüler Haltung gegenüber den sozialen Aspekt des Unterrichts in multikulturellen Schulen sind? Wir nutzten die Erhebungsmethode, wobei die Studenten ihre Ansichten durch die LikertTyp auf die Teilchen, die den sozialen Aspekt der Lehre beschreiben angeboten zum Ausdruck bringen. Die Indikatoren der deskriptiven Statistik stellten wir fest, die Hierarchie und die Struktur der untersuchten Probleme. Univariate Varianzanalyse verwendeten wir das (Nicht-) Vorhandensein von signifkanten Kontext Unterschiede zu bestimmen, einen Einblick in die Struktur der untersuchten Aspekte der Lehre zu geben. Auf der Grundlage der gesammelten Daten wurden durch die Hierarchie und die Struktur des sozialen Aspekt der Lehre analysiert und versucht, mögliche Determinanten zu identifzieren