277 research outputs found

    The Role of Spirituality in the Leadership Style of Organizational Leaders

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    the transcendental phenomenology research design was used to investigate the essence or meaning of these leaders’ experiences regarding their spirituality and leadership style as they were currently experiencing it. the knowledge obtained from this study explained spirituality, consciousness, and cognition’s role in leadership style, which can be applied to the fields of sports, politics, organizational management, coaching, mentoring, leadership, employee recruitment, and other areas of society or within any organization where leadership performance is important. the conclusion from this study was that organizational leaders who self-identified as being spiritual demonstrated compassion when relating with their employees and others. these organizational leaders also demonstrated core ethical values, and were more interpersonal-oriented than task-oriented in their leadership style

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Dan Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Notebook Merek Acer (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro)

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    Consumer perception about notebook product is a variated, this condition based on consumer need is referred that will exploit existing facility at a notebook. Generally, consumer buys a notebook product based on some considerations for example price, brand and product quality. If the product that the of exceed its expectation, consumer will satisfied and possibility will submit the good things about the products to others people. This research aims to analyze the factors that have an effect on purchasing decisions and consumer satisfaction on Acer notebook. Data collecting in this research use questionnaire , that was distributed to 110 students from Diponegoro University that have a Acer notebook.Technique sample uses accidental sampling method. The data obtained are then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Based on research result is obtained that brand image not has an effect on to purchasing decision Acer notebook, while the product quality and price have an effect on purchasing decision Acer notebook. Despitefully also, the product quality and purchasing decision Acer notebook have an effect on consumer satisfaction

    Etude epidemiologique de la carie dentaire en milieu scolaire a Libreville, Gabon

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    La carie dentaire est considérée comme le quatrième fléau mondial, après les cancers, les maladies cardio-vasculaires et le sida. Il s’agit d’une affection multifactorielle peu étudiée à Libreville. Le but de ce travail était de déterminer la prévalence et le niveau de sévérité de la maladie carieuse en milieu scolaire, d’étudier l’influence des variables démographiques, socioéconomiques et des habitudes d’hygiène buccodentaire sur leur distribution. Il s’agissait d’une étude transversalebasée sur un échantillonnage par grappes dans des écoles primaires  publiques et privées, chez des enfants de 6 ans et de 12 ans selon les recommandations de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Ont été étudiés : les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et économiques de la famille, la fréquentation par l’enfant du cabinet dentaire, la fréquence de consommation d’aliments cariogènes, l’hygiène buccodentaire des enfants. L’examen endobuccal non invasif reposait sur l’inspection des dents et l’exploration de leur surface par l’utilisation d’une sonde dentaire. Les paramètres qualitatifs tels que la présence d’une dent saine, absente, cariée ou obturée ont été relevés. Pour l’analyse, l’indice de Klein et Palmer a été utilisé, les indices co pour les dents temporaires et CAO pour les dents permanentes ont été calculés. La prévalence de la carie dentaire était de 75% pour les enfants de 6 ans et 81,4% chez ceux âgés de 12ans. Le degré de sévérité traduit par les indices était modéré chez les enfants de 6ans (co = 4,0) et élevé pour les enfants de 12ans (CAO = 4,9). La fréquentation du cabinet dentaire était faible (20,7%) et motivée par la douleur dans 93% des cas. Le type d’alimentation, sa fréquence, les habitudes d’hygiène buccodentaire avaient une influence sur l’état des dents. A Libreville, en milieu scolaire, la carie dentaire est une pathologie préoccupante. Ainsi la mise en oeuvre de mesures curatives et surtout préventives s’avère nécessaire.MOT CLES: Carie dentaire - Indice co - Indice CAO - Enfants - Librevill

    Review of Eleusine Indica Weed as Heavy Metals Phytoremediator

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    Introduction: Weeds have been reported to be disadvantage in agriculture, however the advantage in the environment. The report of Eleusine indica weed as phytoremediation of heavy metals in ex-mining land is still relatively few. The article review was aimed to examine the mechanism of Eleusine indica weed in the phytoremediation of several heavy metals. Review results: Eleusine indica weed is classified as a hyperaccumulator plant because it was able to remediate several heavy metals. Based on previous research, Eleusine indica weed had the phytostabilization and phytoextraction mechanism in remediating several heavy metals

    J-integral analysis: An EDXD and DIC comparative study for a fatigue crack

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    Synchrotron Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction (EDXD) and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) have been applied to map simultaneously the 2D elastic strain and displacement fields of a propagating fatigue crack in the HAZ of a welded Cr2Ni4MoV bainitic steel. The position of the crack tip was tracked via a phase congruency analysis of the displacement field, and also by detection of its cyclic plastic zone. Both types of full field data provided independent inputs to finite element/J-integral analyses that directly quantified the elastic cyclic stress intensity factor range applied to the crack. No knowledge was required of the specimen geometry, crack length or applied loads. The agreement between the two analyses in this controlled study shows that strain mapping by synchrotron EDXD can provide a reliable method to study the crack fields in more complex problems, such as interactions between crack closure, residual stresses and applied loading

    Quality of fermented cassava flour processed into placali

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    Fermented cassava flour was obtained from Yace variety. Cassava roots were washed, peeled and ground. After adding cassava inoculums at 8% (m/m), the pulp was allowed to ferment for 72 hours at ambient temperature. The fermented dough was removed, squeezed and oven-dried for 48 hours at 55 °C. The dried product was ground and sieved with a 200 μm mesh sieve. Proximate composition and the ability of fermented flour to be processed into placali appreciated by consumers were evaluated. Moisture, protein, ash, fat, total sugars and cyanide contents were low while starch, total carbohydrate and energy contents were high. Minerals like phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc were available and well-balanced. The sensory evaluation test indicated a significant difference (P<0.05) between the different placali samples in terms of visual appearance, odour, taste, texture and global appreciation. It is a clear indication that reconstitution proportion affects all the hedonic appreciations evaluated. Placali prepared from fermented cassava flour were then highly appreciated when reconstitution proportion (flour to water ratio) was within 1:3.5 and 1:3.Keywords: Proximate composition, cooking time, sensory analysis, reconstituted doug

    J-integral analysis: an EDXD and DIC comparative study for a fatigue crack

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    Synchrotron Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction (EDXD) and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) have been applied to map simultaneously the 2D elastic strain and displacement fields of a propagating fatigue crack in the HAZ of a welded Cr2Ni4MoV bainitic steel. The position of the crack tip was tracked via a phase congruency analysis of the displacement field, and also by detection of its cyclic plastic zone. Both types of full field data provided independent inputs to finite element/J-integral analyses that directly quantified the elastic cyclic stress intensity factor range applied to the crack. No knowledge was required of the specimen geometry, crack length or applied loads. The agreement between the two analyses in this controlled study shows that strain mapping by synchrotron EDXD can provide a reliable method to study the crack fields in more complex problems, such as interactions between crack closure, residual stresses and applied loading

    Sols favorables à la cacaoculture au centre-ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire dans un contexte d’assèchement climatique

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    En Afrique de l’Ouest en général et particulièrement en Côte d’Ivoire, la survie des jeunes cacaoyers, pendant la phase de replantation, dépend en grande partie de leur alimentation hydrique, soit à partir des pluies, soit à partir de la réserve en eau des sols. Or, depuis ces dernières décennies, le déficit pluviométrique va grandissant. En effet, les hauteurs pluviométriques sont en baisse et la répartition des pluies est irrégulière. Pour combler le déficit pluviométrique, le sol doit disposer d’une importante réserve en eau. Pour se faire, il doit être dépourvu de toutes contraintes morpho-pédologiques pouvant réduire sa capacité de rétention en eau. Le choix de ce type de sol n’est pas du tout aisé pour les producteurs non initiés à l’étude pédologique. Une étude morpho-pédologique a donc été entreprise dans le Centre-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire, le long de 30 paysages morpho-pédologiques représentatifs. Elle a permis d’identifier et localier à travers une Analyse en Composantes Principales (ACP), les contraintes morphologiques à la cacaoculture. En outre, les sols morphologiquement favorables aux cacaoyers situés sur les mi-versants et les bas de versant des paysages morpho-pédologiques.Mots clés: replantation cacaoyère, méthode morpho-pédologique, segment topographique, sols favorables au cacaoye
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