407 research outputs found

    Formalising type-logical grammars in Agda

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    Digital Pollution: Going Beyond The Limits Of Virtual

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    Digital environment and digital pollution approach requires overcoming an alleged duality between the natural and virtual environments. The digital environment produces risks of impacts on the natural environment, it presents itself as a source of environmental pollution. Environmental protection should promote socialenvironmental measures in order to explicit the effects of degradation originated from digital environment and, thus, try to measure levels of pollution produced by digital data storage, electronic information generation, internet services and cumulative storage of data at electronic servers. It’s necessary to articulate and apply the principle of sustainability to information technology. On that purpose, the preparation and development of this article are based on Spinoza’s philosophical method combined with the critical propositional method in order to face the theme. In conclusion, the article supports that the digital environment is inseparably connected to the (natural and social) physical environment, understood as a specific object of environmental law.


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    A proposta desenvolvida neste estudo é proceder à tematização do retrocesso em seus contornos de significado normativo para a cidadania, incluindo bens e riscos socialmente implicados na proteção do meio ambiente. A partir de delimitação de marcos teóricos específicos, propõe-se visualizar o progresso e o retrocesso não em uma linearidade de ações humanas, mas sim como uma constante disputa de sentidos e caminhos no âmbito dos conflitos intergeracionais. O artigo assume como pressuposto argumentativo que o princípio da vedação do retrocesso está imerso nos dilemas próprios da justiça distributiva. A análise utiliza o método crítico-propositivo para abordagem do tema. A conclusão proposta é compreender o princípio da vedação do retrocesso a partir da ideia de herança intergeracional positiva

    Programming Language Foundations in Agda

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    Rusty Variation: Deadlock-free Sessions with Failure in Rust

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