20 research outputs found

    The Ethnic Identity of Turkmenistan’s Baloch

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    International legal protection of natural resources and the Moon environment

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    "The Protection of Natural Resources on the Moon and of Lunar Environment in International law" The aim of the thesis is firstly to analyse the existing legal basis of the protection of the natural resources which are to be found on the Moon and of the lunar environment and secondly to draw up an outline of desired development of these issues. The reason for my research is based on the fact that the Earth's resources are finite and slowly running out. The mankind is in a need of finding new resources and sees its opportunity in using the ones on the Moon. Therefore a functional and effective legal regulation is required. The thesis is composed of four chapters. Short Introduction is followed by first chapter describing the formation of the Outer Space Treaty and Moon Agreement and analysing the provisions of both. Chapter Two is dedicated to the issue of legal regimes "res communis omnium" and "common heritage of mankind". Firts part of the chapter deals with the creation and content of the legal regimes. Second part describes the rising questions concerning the morality in the "common heritage of mankind" principle and its so called tragedy. The next two chapters concentrate on the problems resulting from the tragedy of "common heritage of mankind". Chapter Three focuses on the international..

    Fidel Castro: from his Accession to Power until the Cuban Crisis 1962

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    Bakalářské práce se zaměřuje na nástup Castrova režimu na Kubě. V souvislosti s touto problematikou se práce věnuje otázce útoku na kasárna Moncada, akcím v pohoří Sierra Maestra, vylodění v Zátoce sviní a dalším událostem, které vyvrcholí Karibskou krizí. Kromě událostí na kubánském ostrově se práce také věnuje politické situaci v Sovětském svazu a Spojených státech.Katedra antropologieObhájenoThe bachelor thesis applies to accession Fidel Castros´s regime to power. This issues are connected with attack on Moncada Barracks, campaign in Sierra Maestra mountain range, invasion in the Bay of Pigs and the other events, which culminated to Caribbean Crisis. Except events in Cuba the bachelor thesis also applies to political situation in Soviet Union and the United States

    Organized crime in the 1st half of 20th century

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    Diplomová práce za zabývá otázkou organizovaného zločinu v první polovině 20. století, přičemž je hlavní pozornost věnována otázce mafie v Itálii a USA. V rámci italské mafie je pozornost soutředěna na vznik a vývoj tří v součastnosti nejznámějších a nejmocnějších odnoží italské mafie, jimiž jsou sicilská Cosa Nostra, neapolská Camorra a kalábrijská 'Ndrangheta. Druhá část diplomové práce se věnuje problematice mafie v USA.V této části je věnována pozornost otázce gangů, které sužovaly USA v 19. století a předchůdcům mafie, jako byla například Černá ruka. Další část práce se zabývá otázkou, jakým způsobem ovlivnila Mussoliniho kampaň proti organizovanému zločinu vývoj tří výše zmíněných větví italské mafie. Předposlední část se soustředí na období 20. a 30. let 20. století, kdy byla v USA zavedena prohibice, která umožnila posílení mafie. V této části je pozornost soustředěna na hlavní představitele mafie v New Yorku - Giuseppe Masseria, Salvatore Maranzano a Charles Luciano - a Chicagu - Jim Colosimo, Johnny Torrio, Al Capone, Dion O'Banion, Earl Weiss a Frank Yale. Poslední kapitola poskytuje informace o obnovení pozice mafie na Sicílii v době druhé světové války. Cílem diplomové práce je posat vývoj italské a americké mafie, zachytit podobnosti a odlišnosti mezi jednotlivými odnožemi italské mafie a též mezi mafií italskou a americkou.Katedra historických vědObhájenoThis diploma thesis is focus on organized crime in the 1st half of 20th century and is divided into 5 chapters. First chapter deals with question of origin, evolution and methods of the three most powerful and the best known Italian mafias - Cosa Nostra,Camorra,'Ndrangheta. Second section describes situation in the United States of America from 19th century to the first decade of 20th century. The Third chapter is about situation after the World War I when Benito Mussolini started his campaign against organized crime in Italy. Next part focused on American mafia in the prohibition era and describes situation in the USA during the reign of mafia over Chicago and New York. The main attention is focus on the leaders of mafia such as Jim Colosimo, Johnny Torrio, Al Capone, Dion O'Banion, Earl Weiss, Giuseppe Masseria, Salvatore Maranzano or Charles Luciano. The last part is about return of mafia back to Italy during the World War II

    Belúdžská menšina v Turkmenistánu: Posílení identity nebo asimilace?

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    The main objective of the paper is to show how the Balochs from Turkmenistan perceive their ethnic identity and how this identity varies depending on the area. This will serve as a comparison with Balochs living as an ethnic minority in the territory of other states — especially in Iran. The national self-awareness of the Balochs, who live in several countries and have no statehood, is very specific in many ways. The problem of their identity can be better understood in the context of certain parallels between them and European peoples (ethnic groups), since their ethnogenesis displays certain common features. We should bear in mind, however, that the formation and development of the Balochs differed in many respects from those of the European peoples. This paper focuses primarily on language, historical consciousness, religion and cultural traditions of the Turkmen Balochs.8410

    The Impact of State on The Transformation of Balochi Culture in the Turkmenistan and the Historical Balochistan

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    The aims of the study are to explore and compare the Balochs' way of life as an ethnic minority in Turkmenistan and north-eastern Iran and as an indigenous population in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan since the early 20th century and to study cultural change in the Balochs in the context of state intervention. The ethnogensis of the Balochs as a nomadic Indo-Iranian ethnic group without their own state was shaped by many external and internal influences. The most fundamental are changes in the political organization of states which the Balochs experienced throughout history. Due to poor living conditions, disruption of their original way of life and the need to ensure land and pasture for cattle, some Balochs living in historic Sistan along what is now the Turkmen-Iranian border migrated to Turkmenistan and to north-eastern Iran in the early 20th century. This thesis compares the Balochs' current way of life and with that after their arrival in new territory and examines the cultural transformation of these two groups in the context of state intervention. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Emotional disorders of primary school pupils in distance education

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    Diplomová práce: Emoční poruchy žáků 1. stupně ZŠ v distanční výuce pojednává o problematice emočních poruch a emočního prožívání žáků 1. stupně ZŠ během distanční výuky způsobené pandemií covid-19. Cílem této práce je zmapovat u žáků mladšího školního věku výskyt emočních poruch v kontextu distanční výuky. Tato diplomová práce se dělí na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část vymezuje emoce, prožívání v mladším školním věku včetně emočních poruch a distanční výuku. Praktická část si klade za úkol popsat prožívání žáků mladšího školního věku v době distanční výuky, zachytit faktory a okolnosti, které k tomuto prožívání vedly, a identifikovat výskyt emočních poruch jako jsou úzkostné, depresivní stavy a stavy napětí. Je předpoklad, že výskyt emocionálních poruch se bude lišit v závislosti na pohlaví, věku žáka a přístupu rodičů k distanční výuce. Praktická část se dělí na kvalitativní a kvantitativní. V kvalitativní části je transkripce rozhorů podrobena obsahově-kategoriální analýze a v kvantitativní části jsou data ze SUPSO dotazníku ověřována chí-kvadrát testem.ObhájenoThe thesis: Emotional disorders of primary school pupils in distance education deals with the issue of emotional disorders and emotional experience of primary school pupils during distance education caused by the covid-19 pandemic. The aim of this thesis is to map the occurrence of emotional disorders in the context of distance education among pupils of younger school age. This thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part defines emotions, experiencing in younger school age including emotional disorders and distance learning. The practical part aims to describe the experiencing of younger school-age pupils during distance learning, to capture the factors and circumstances that led to this experiencing and to identify the occurrence of emotional disorders such as anxiety, depressive and tension states. It is hypothesized that the prevalence of emotional disturbances will vary depending on the gender, the age of the pupil, and parental attitudes towards distance learning. The practical part is divided into a qualitative and a quantitative section. In the qualitative part, the transcription of the interviews is subjected to a content-categorical analysis and in the quantitative part, the data from the SUPSO questionnaire are verified by the chi-square test

    The Bosnian Crisis on the Pages of the Czech Press

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    The Bosnian Annexation Crisis was a major diplomatic event of the years 1908 and 1909. The decision of Austria-Hungary to annect the occupied provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina changed a status quo in the Eastern Question. While the crisis threatened the peace in Europe, the press and the European public opinion considerably followed it. The Czech lands were no exeptions – on the contrary the main periodicals brought regular news about the development in this question. They also commented the policy of Vienna government and of the other Great Powers and the Balkan states

    International legal protection of natural resources and the Moon environment

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    "The Protection of Natural Resources on the Moon and of Lunar Environment in International law" The aim of the thesis is firstly to analyse the existing legal basis of the protection of the natural resources which are to be found on the Moon and of the lunar environment and secondly to draw up an outline of desired development of these issues. The reason for my research is based on the fact that the Earth's resources are finite and slowly running out. The mankind is in a need of finding new resources and sees its opportunity in using the ones on the Moon. Therefore a functional and effective legal regulation is required. The thesis is composed of four chapters. Short Introduction is followed by first chapter describing the formation of the Outer Space Treaty and Moon Agreement and analysing the provisions of both. Chapter Two is dedicated to the issue of legal regimes "res communis omnium" and "common heritage of mankind". Firts part of the chapter deals with the creation and content of the legal regimes. Second part describes the rising questions concerning the morality in the "common heritage of mankind" principle and its so called tragedy. The next two chapters concentrate on the problems resulting from the tragedy of "common heritage of mankind". Chapter Three focuses on the international..