48 research outputs found

    Stability of cenospheres in lightweight cement composites in terms of alkali-silica reaction

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    10.1016/j.cemconres.2012.02.010Cement and Concrete Research425721-72

    Behavior of steel-concrete-steel sandwich structures with lightweight cement composite and novel shear connectors

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    10.1016/j.compstruct.2012.05.023Composite Structures94123500-350

    Investigations of the Mars Upper Atmosphere with ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter

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    The Martian mesosphere and thermosphere, the region above about 60 km, is not the primary target of the ExoMars 2016 mission but its Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) can explore it and address many interesting issues, either in-situ during the aerobraking period or remotely during the regular mission. In the aerobraking phase TGO peeks into thermospheric densities and temperatures, in a broad range of latitudes and during a long continuous period. TGO carries two instruments designed for the detection of trace species, NOMAD and ACS, which will use the solar occultation technique. Their regular sounding at the terminator up to very high altitudes in many different molecular bands will represent the first time that an extensive and precise dataset of densities and hopefully temperatures are obtained at those altitudes and local times on Mars. But there are additional capabilities in TGO for studying the upper atmosphere of Mars, and we review them briefly. Our simulations suggest that airglow emissions from the UV to the IR might be observed outside the terminator. If eventually confirmed from orbit, they would supply new information about atmospheric dynamics and variability. However, their optimal exploitation requires a special spacecraft pointing, currently not considered in the regular operations but feasible in our opinion. We discuss the synergy between the TGO instruments, specially the wide spectral range achieved by combining them. We also encourage coordinated operations with other Mars-observing missions capable of supplying simultaneous measurements of its upper atmosphere

    Creep and shrinkage of ultra lightweight cement composite

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    Creep and shrinkage behaviour of an ultra lightweight cement composite (ULCC) up to 450 days was evaluated in comparison with those of a normal weight aggregate concrete (NWAC) and a lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) with similar 28-day compressive strength. The ULCC is characterized by low density < 1500 kg/m3 and high compressive strength about 60 MPa. Autogenous shrinkage increased rapidly in the ULCC at early-age and almost 95% occurred prior to the start of creep test at 28 days. Hence, majority of shrinkage of the ULCC during creep test was drying shrinkage. Total shrinkage of the ULCC during the 450-day creep test was the lowest compared to the NWAC and LWAC. However, corresponding total creep in the ULCC was the highest with high proportion attributed to basic creep (≥ ~90%) and limited drying creep. The high creep of the ULCC is likely due to its low E-modulus. Specific creep of the ULCC was similar to that of the NWAC, but more than 80% higher than the LWAC. Creep coefficient of the ULCC was about 47% lower than that of the NWAC but about 18% higher than that of the LWAC. Among five creep models evaluated which tend to over-estimate the creep coefficient of the ULCC, EC2 model gives acceptable prediction within +25% deviations

    Water and chloride ion penetration resistance of high-strength ultra lightweight cement composite

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    Durability is a significant issue to focus on for newly developed structural lightweight cement composite (ULCC). This paper presents an experimental study to evaluate the resistance of ULCC to water and chloride ion penetration. Chloride penetrability and sorptivity were evaluated for ULCC (unit weight about 1450 kg/m3) and compared with those of a normal weight concrete (NWC), a lightweight aggregate concrete (LWC), and an ultra lightweight composite with proprietary cementitious binder (DB) (unit weight about 1450 kg/m3) at similar compressive strength of about 60 MPa. Rapid chloride penetrability test, rapid migration test, water absorption (sorptivity) test, and water permeability test were conducted on these mixtures. Results indicate that ULCC and DB had comparable performance. Compared with control LWC and NWC at similar strength level, the ULCC and DB mixtures had higher resistance to chloride ion penetration, lower water absorption and virtually impermeable to water penetration

    Teleconference use among office workers: An interorganizational comparison of an extended theory of planned behavior model

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    From a corporate social responsibility perspective, there are many reasons to promote teleconference use as an alternative to business travel. The present study examines psychosocial and organizational factors relevant to teleconference use. We tested an extended Theory of Planned Behavior model of teleconference use among office workers of four organizations. Results indicate that intention was the strongest direct predictor of teleconference use. Habit and perceived norm, in turn, were the strongest predictors of intention to use teleconference. In contrast, attitude was only weakly predictive and perceived control not predictive at all of intention to use teleconference. We also examined how this model was influenced by the organizational context by comparing organizations from two different regions, and organizations from the private vs. the public sector. Most teleconference-related beliefs differed between regions and organizational sectors. The relevance of specific attitudinal and normative beliefs to the overall attitude and perceived norm also differed between organizational sectors. Implications for practice and future research are discussed

    Only reasoned action? An interorganizational study of energy-saving behaviors in office buildings

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