106 research outputs found

    Effects of rotational grazing intensity on the quantity and quality of soil organic carbon in Inner Mongolian grasslands

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    The aim of this thesis is to assess the effects of rotational grazing at varying grazing intensity on soil organic carbon (SOC) quantity and quality in Inner Mongolia. People of the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, China, have a long tradition of pastoralism. The semi-arid region contains one of the largest grassland ecosystems in the world and is severely affected by land degradation and the loss of soil organic matter due to overgrazing. The present study quantifies different SOC fractions down to one metre depth as an indicator of ecosystem health, at a rotational grazing site in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia. Soil samples were collected from pastures under rotational grazing at three grazing intensities in addition to a reference plot, where grazing is excluded. Four grassland treatments were thus defined by the livestock densities 0 sheep/ha/year, 0.64 sheep/ha/year, 1.28 sheep/ha/year and 2.56 sheep/ha/year for non-grazed (NG), light grazing (LG), moderate grazing (MG) and high grazing (HG) intensity, respectively. Eight years of ongoing rotational grazing showed a tendency of highest SOC content in NG, and SOC depletion with increasing livestock density. HG was consistently an exception to this trend, where SOC content tended to increase in comparison to MG and reach concentrations close to NG. Changes in SOC content across treatments were not significant. However, the pattern was seen for both total SOC, particular organic carbon (POC), mineral associated organic carbon (MOC) and hot water extractable carbon (HWEC) in the upper 20 or 30 cm of the soil. HWEC was the only fraction that showed significant impact of treatment and was significantly higher in NG and LG compared to MG and HG. Following the general trend of total SOC, HWEC also tended to increase from MG to HG in the upper 20 cm. Results suggest that the upper 20 cm of the soil are most sensitive to grazing. In studies of continuous grazing, both MG and HG, which are representative for local practices of pastoralism in Inner Mongolia, are shown to reduce SOC levels. The present study shows that even rotational grazing with HG is below the threshold of sustainable grazing, i.e. the pressure that maintains SOC storage and overall ecosystem health. All three rotationally grazed treatments could thus be considered alternatives to grazing exclusion and continuous grazing. Overall, changes in SOC content and their stability were minimal and should not be used forcefully as an argument for choosing a particular management practice among the four treatments. However, tendencies in SOC fractions indicate possible future SOC enhancement under HG. As HG also more closely represents the generally preferred livestock densities, HG rotational grazing may be a viable management practice in Xilinhot.Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven er å vurdere påvirkningen rotasjonsbeite av varierende beiteintensitet har på kvalitet og kvantitet av jordorganisk karbon (soil organic carbon, SOC) i Indre Mongolia. Befolkningen i den autonome regionen Indre Mongolia, Kina, har en lang tradisjon med beitedrift. Det tørre steppeklimaet inneholder et av verdens største steppeøkosystemer og er sterkt påvirket av tap av jordorganisk materiale og landdegradering grunnet overbeite. Dette studiet kvantifiserer forskjellige SOC-fraksjoner ned til en meters dybde som en indikator på økologisk tilstand ved et forsøksområde for rotasjonsbeite i Xilinhot, Indre Mongolia. Jordprøver ble samlet fra eng under tre intensitetsnivåer av rotasjonsbeite, i tillegg til en referanse uten beiting. Fire behandlinger ble dermed definert etter husdyrtetthet på 0 sau/ha/år, 0.64 sau/ha/år, 1.28 sau/ha/år og 2.56 sau/ha/år for henholdsvis ikke-beiting (NG), lett beitetrykk (LG), moderat beitetrykk (MG) og høyt beitetrykk (HG). Åtte pågående år med rotasjonsbeite viste en tendens med høyest SOC-innhold i NG, og tap av SOC med økende husdyrtetthet. HG var konsistent et unntak til denne trenden, der SOCinnholdet som regel økte ved MG og nådde konsentrasjoner i nærheten av NG. Endringer i SOC mellom behandlinger var ikke signifikante. Derimot var denne trenden lik for både SOC, partikulært organisk karbon (POC), mineralassosiert organisk karbon (MOC) og hot water extractable carbon (HWEC) i de øvre 20 eller 30 cm av jorda. HWEC var den eneste fraksjonen der behandling hadde signifikant påvirkning, og var signifikant høyere i NG og LG enn MG og HG. I samsvar med den generelle trenden i SOC, viste også HWEC en tendens til å øke fra MG til HG i de øvre 20 cm. Resultatene viste tegn til at de øvre 20 cm av jorda er mest sensitive for beitepåvirkning. I studier av kontinuerlig beite fører dyretetthet tilsvarende både MG og HG, som er representative for lokal beitedrift i Indre Mongolia, til reduserte SOC-nivåer. Denne oppgaven viser at selv rotasjonsbeite med HG er under terskelen for bærekraftig beiting, altså beitetrykket som opprettholder SOC-lagrene og økologisk tilstand. Alle de tre behandlingene med rotasjonsbeite kan dermed vurderes som alternativer til beiteeksklusjon eller kontinuerlig beite. Generelt var endringer i SOC-nivåer og -stabilitet minimale og burde ikke brukes som et tungt argument for å velge en spesifikk beitestrategi mellom de fire behandlingene. Tendenser i SOCfraksjonene tyder derimot på mulige fremtidige økninger i SOC under HG. Ettersom HG også i større grad representerer den generelt foretrukne husdyrtettheten, kan rotasjonsbeite med HG være en fordelaktig praksis for beitedrift i Xilinhot.M-MIN

    Enhancement of sustainable land soil resource management in agriculture - E2SOILAGRI. Final project implementation review (PIR)

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    This is the final report for the NIBIO assignment in E2SOILAGRI. The report is a final project implementation review (PIR) assessing implementation results according to the planned results for E2SOILAGRI and the recommendations provided in the mid-term PIR is also be assessed. The review is sub-activity 4.1 in E2SOILAGRI project.Enhancement of sustainable land soil resource management in agriculture - E2SOILAGRI. Final project implementation review (PIR)publishedVersio

    Utredning av datagrunnlag for vurdering av nye soner for arealtilskudd

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    Rapporten greier ut om kartgrunnlag som informerer om jordbruksforhold, sammen med kart og statistikk over hvilke deler av landet som dekkes av de ulike kartkildene. Datamaterialet som beskrives viser potensial for dyrking, jordstykkestørrelse og -form, terreng og høydeinformasjon, meteorologiske data, informasjon om kjøredistanser fra driftssentre og administrativ inndeling på ulike nivå.Utredning av datagrunnlag for vurdering av nye soner for arealtilskuddpublishedVersio

    Athlete level, sport-type, and gender influences on training, mental health, and sleep during the early COVID-19 lockdown in Malaysia

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    Purpose: We evaluated the extent of changes in training practices, recovery, mental health, and sleep patterns of athletes during the early COVID-19 lockdown in a single country-cohort. Methods: A total of 686 athletes (59% male, 41% female; 9% World Class, 28% International, 29% National, 26% State, 8% Recreational) from 50 sports (45% individual, 55% team) in Malaysia completed an online, survey-based questionnaire study. The questions were related to training practices (including recovery and injury), mental health, and sleep patterns. Results: Relative to pre-lockdown, training intensity (−34%), frequency (−20%, except World-Class), and duration (−24%–59%, especially International/World-Class) were compromised, by the mandated lockdown. During the lockdown, more space/access (69%) and equipment (69%) were available for cardiorespiratory training, than technical and strength; and these resources favoured World-Class athletes. Most athletes trained for general strength/health (88%) and muscular endurance (71%); and some used innovative/digital training tools (World-Class 48% vs. lower classification-levels ≤34%). More World-Class, International, and National athletes performed strength training, plyometrics, and sport-specific technical skills with proper equipment, than State/Recreational athletes. More females (42%) sourced training materials from social media than males (29%). Some athletes (38%) performed injury prevention exercises; 18% had mild injuries (knees 29%, ankles 26%), and 18% received a medical diagnosis (International 31%). Lower-level athletes (e.g., State 44%) disclosed that they were mentally more vulnerable; and felt more anxious (36% vs. higher-levels 14%–21%). Sleep quality and quantity were “normal” (49% for both), “improved” (35% and 27%), and only 16% and 14% (respectively) stated “worsened” sleep. Conclusion: Lockdown compromised training-related practices, especially in lower-level athletes. Athletes are in need of assistance with training, and tools to cope with anxiety that should be tailored to individual country requirements during lockdown situations. In particular, goal-driven (even if it is at home) fitness training, psychological, financial, and lifestyle support can be provided to reduce the difficulties associated with lockdowns. Policies and guidelines that facilitate athletes (of all levels) to train regularly during the lockdown should be developed

    Arktisk klimaregnskap - Forprosjekt for kartlegging av behov for lokalt tilpasset klimaregnskap og nye muligheter for bruk av arealdata

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    NLR Nord Norge opplever at målkonflikten mellom å opprettholde matproduksjon i hele landet og klimatiltak stiller den nordnorske bonden overfor tilsynelatende uforenelige krav. Ved hjelp av litteraturstudie og bruk av arealdata og kart undersøkes behov og muligheter for bedre lokalt tilpasset datagrunnlag til klimaarbeidet på kommune- og gårdsnivå. Litteraturstudiet viser at metodikken i kommunalt klimaregnskap og Landbrukets klimakalkulator i liten grad tar hensyn til de nordlige driftsforholdene, og at sammenlikning av eget klimaavtrykk med andres har begrensninger. Det er viktig å se klimaarbeidet i sammenheng med bærkraftig arealforvaltning i jordbruket. Uttesting i Vestvågøy kommune og på fem testbruk viser at data og kart fra jordkartlegging og vegetasjonskartlegging kan være nyttige supplement i klimaarbeidet på kommune- og gårdsnivå. Rapporten sammenstiller forslag til forbedringer og oppfølgingsprosjekter.Arktisk klimaregnskap - Forprosjekt for kartlegging av behov for lokalt tilpasset klimaregnskap og nye muligheter for bruk av arealdatapublishedVersio

    Maternal thyroid function and the outcome of external cephalic version: a prospective cohort study

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    Background To investigate the relation between maternal thyroid function and the outcome of external cephalic version (ECV) in breech presentation. Methods Prospective cohort study in 141 women (= 35 weeks gestation) with a singleton fetus in breech. Blood samples for assessing thyroid function were taken prior to ECV. Main outcome measure was the relation between maternal thyroid function and ECV outcome indicated by post ECV ultrasound. Results ECV success rate was 77/141 (55%), 41/48 (85%) in multipara and 36/93 (39%) in primipara. Women with a failed ECV attempt had significantly higher TSH concentrations than women with a successful ECV (p <0.001). Multiple logistic regression showed that TSH (OR: 0.52, 95% CI: 0.30-0.90), nulliparity (OR: 0.11, 95% CI: 0.03-0.36), frank breech (OR: 0.30, 95% CI: 0.10-0.93) and placenta anterior (OR: 0.31, 95% CI: 0.11-0.85) were independently related to ECV success. Conclusions Higher TSH levels increase the risk of ECV failure

    Optimal feedback control for dynamic systems with state constraints: An exact penalty approach

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    In this paper, we consider a class of nonlinear dynamic systems with terminal state and continuous inequality constraints. Our aim is to design an optimal feedback controller that minimizes total system cost and ensures satisfaction of all constraints. We first formulate this problem as a semi-infinite optimization problem. We then show that by using a new exact penalty approach, this semi-infinite optimization problem can be converted into a sequence of nonlinear programming problems, each of which can be solved using standard gradient-based optimization methods.We conclude the paper by discussing applications of our work to glider control

    Cost-effectiveness of external cephalic version for term breech presentation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>External cephalic version (ECV) is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to convert a breech fetus to vertex position and reduce the need for cesarean delivery. The goal of this study was to determine the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, from society's perspective, of ECV compared to scheduled cesarean for term breech presentation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A computer-based decision model (TreeAge Pro 2008, Tree Age Software, Inc.) was developed for a hypothetical base case parturient presenting with a term singleton breech fetus with no contraindications for vaginal delivery. The model incorporated actual hospital costs (e.g., 8,023forcesareanand8,023 for cesarean and 5,581 for vaginal delivery), utilities to quantify health-related quality of life, and probabilities based on analysis of published literature of successful ECV trial, spontaneous reversion, mode of delivery, and need for unanticipated emergency cesarean delivery. The primary endpoint was the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio in dollars per quality-adjusted year of life gained. A threshold of 50,000perqualityadjustedlifeyears(QALY)wasusedtodeterminecosteffectiveness.</p><p>Results</p><p>TheincrementalcosteffectivenessofECV,assumingabaseline5850,000 per quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) was used to determine cost-effectiveness.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The incremental cost-effectiveness of ECV, assuming a baseline 58% success rate, equaled 7,900/QALY. If the estimated probability of successful ECV is less than 32%, then ECV costs more to society and has poorer QALYs for the patient. However, as the probability of successful ECV was between 32% and 63%, ECV cost more than cesarean delivery but with greater associated QALY such that the cost-effectiveness ratio was less than $50,000/QALY. If the probability of successful ECV was greater than 63%, the computer modeling indicated that a trial of ECV is less costly and with better QALYs than a scheduled cesarean. The cost-effectiveness of a trial of ECV is most sensitive to its probability of success, and not to the probabilities of a cesarean after ECV, spontaneous reversion to breech, successful second ECV trial, or adverse outcome from emergency cesarean.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From society's perspective, ECV trial is cost-effective when compared to a scheduled cesarean for breech presentation provided the probability of successful ECV is > 32%. Improved algorithms are needed to more precisely estimate the likelihood that a patient will have a successful ECV.</p