107 research outputs found

    A Chain of Dark Clouds in Projection Against the Galactic Center

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    In the J, H, and Ks bands survey of the the Galactic Center region over an area of 2deg x 5deg, we have found many dark clouds, among which a distinguished chain of dark clouds can be identified with a quiescent CO cloud. The distances of the clouds is estimated to be 3.2-4.2 kpc, corresponding to the Norma arm by our new method to determine distance to dark clouds using the cumulative number of stars against J-Ks colors. Adopting these estimated distances, the size is about 70 pc in length and the total mass of the cloud is 6x10^4 M_solar. Three compact HII regions harbor in the cloud, indicating that star forming activities are going on at the cores of the quiescent CO cloud on the spiral arm.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    The Distance to the Galactic Center Derived From Infrared Photometry of Bulge Red Clump Stars

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    On the basis of the near infrared observations of bulge red clump stars near the Galactic center, we have determined the galactocentric distance to be R_0 = 7.52 +- 0.10 (stat) +- 0.35 (sys) kpc. We observed the red clump stars at |l| < 1.0 deg and 0.7 deg < |b| < 1.0 deg with the IRSF 1.4 m telescope and the SIRIUS camera in the H and Ks bands. After extinction and population corrections, we obtained (m - M)_0 = 14.38 +- 0.03 (stat) +- 0.10 (sys). The statistical error is dominated by the uncertainty of the intrinsic local red clump stars' luminosity. The systematic error is estimated to be +- 0.10 including uncertainties in extinction and population correction, zero-point of photometry, and the fitting of the luminosity function of the red clump stars. Our result, R_0 = 7.52 kpc, is in excellent agreement with the distance determined geometrically with the star orbiting the massive black hole in the Galactic center. The recent result based on the spatial distribution of globular clusters is also consistent with our result. In addition, our study exhibits that the distance determination to the Galactic center with the red clump stars, even if the error of the population correction is taken into account, can achieve an uncertainty of about 5%, which is almost the same level as that in recent geometrical determinations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    Near-Infrared and X-Ray Observations of XSS J12270-4859

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    XSS J12270-4859 (J12270) is an enigmatic source of unknown nature. Previous studies revealed that the source has unusual X-ray temporal characteristics, including repetitive short-term flares followed by spectral hardening, non-periodic dips, and dichotomy in activity; i.e. intervals filled with flares and those without. Together with a power-law X-ray spectrum, it is suggested to be a low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB). In order to better understand the object, we present the results of our near-infrared (NIR) photometry and linear polarimetry observations as well as X-ray spectroscopy observations, which overlap with each other partially in time, taken respectively with the InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF) and the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). We detected several simultaneous NIR and X-ray flares for the first time. No significant NIR polarization was obtained. We assembled data taken with IRSF, RXTE, Suzaku, Swift, and other missions in the literature and compared the flare profile and the spectral energy distribution (SED) with some representative high-energy sources. Based on some similarities of the repetitive NIR and X-ray flaring characteristics and the broad SED, we argue that J12270 is reminiscent of microquasars with a synchrotron jet, which is at a very low luminosity state of ~1e-4 Eddington luminosity for a stellar mass black hole or neutron star at a reference distance of 1 kpc.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Near-IR imaging polarimetry toward a bright-rimmed cloud: Magnetic field in SFO 74

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    We have made near-infrared (JHKs) imaging polarimetry of a bright-rimmed cloud (SFO 74). The polarization vector maps clearly show that the magnetic field in the layer just behind the bright rim is running along the rim, quite different from its ambient magnetic field. The direction of the magnetic field just behind the tip rim is almost perpendicular to that of the incident UV radiation, and the magnetic field configuration appears to be symmetric as a whole with respect to the cloud symmetry axis. We estimated the column and number densities in the two regions (just inside and far inside the tip rim) and then derived the magnetic field strength, applying the Chandrasekhar-Fermi method. The estimated magnetic field strength just inside the tip rim, ~90 ?G, is stronger than that far inside, ~30 ?G. This suggests that the magnetic field strength just inside the tip rim is enhanced by the UV-radiation-induced shock. The shock increases the density within the top layer around the tip and thus increases the strength of the magnetic field. The magnetic pressure seems to be comparable to the turbulent one just inside the tip rim, implying a significant contribution of the magnetic field to the total internal pressure. The mass-to-flux ratio was estimated to be close to the critical value just inside the tip rim. We speculate that the flat-topped bright rim of SFO 74 could be formed by the magnetic field effect

    Ruptured basilar artery aneurysm causing isolated bilateral abducens nerve palsy

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    症例は54歳,女性。頭痛を伴わない回転性めまいで発症し,診察時には両側外転神経麻痺症状のみ認められた。CT でくも膜下出血,特にprepontine cistern に厚い血腫が認められ,MRA では脳底動脈瘤が認められた。破裂脳動脈瘤に対して,コイル塞栓術を施行した。術後,新たな神経学的異常所見は認められなかった。両側神経麻痺は発症から4か月後に完全回復が得られた。外転神経麻痺には幾つかの機序が挙げられている。動脈瘤の直接的な圧迫,脳浮腫や脳内出血による頭蓋内圧の亢進,外転神経核への栄養血管の攣縮などである。本症例ではprepontine cistern に限局した血腫による圧迫が影響して両側外転神経麻痺のみで発症したと考えられたA 54-year-old woman presented withdsudden vertigo without headache. Upon admission, neurological examination revealed isolated bilateral abducens nerve palsn. Computed tomography revealed subarachnoid haemorrhage, particularly aythick haematoma, in the prepontine cistern. Magnetic resonanceAangiography)showed a ruptured basilar artery aneurysm. Endovascular coil embolization was performed for this ruptured aneurysm. Postoperatively, no new neurological deficits were observed. Bilateral abducens nerve palsy recovered and disappeared 4 months after onset.sSeveral possible mechanisms can explain the occurrence of abducens nerve palsy, including the following: a direct mass effect of the aneurysmton the abducens nerve, increased intracranial pressure induced by brain swelling or parenchymal haemorrhage, and a vasospasm of thc pontine branch of the basilar artery supplying the abducens nuclei. In this case, we speculated that the isolated bilateral abducens nerve palsy was caused by compression of the local haematoma in the prepontine cistern secondary to a ruptured basilar artery aneurysm

    The Infrared Counterpart of the X-Ray Nova XTE J1720-318

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    We report on the discovery of an infrared counterpart to the X-ray transient XTE J1720-318 on 2003 January 18, nine days after an X-ray outburst, and the infrared light curve during the first 130 days after the outburst. The infrared light curve shows a decline of about 1.2 mag from the peak magnitude of Ks about 15.3 over the observation period, and a secondary maximum, about 40 days after the outburst. Another small increase in the flux was also recorded about 20 days after the outburst. These increases were also detected in the X-ray light curve. The J H Ks colors are consistent with an X-ray irradiated accretion disk suffering an extinction of Av about 8, which is also inferred from its X-ray spectrum and the extinction map constructed from far-infrared dust emission of this line of sight. These J, H, and Ks observations demonstrate that useful data can be obtained even for such an object, which suffers heavy optical extinction, possibly located beyond the Galactic center.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in PAS