1,828 research outputs found

    PAMELA and ATIC Anomalies in Decaying Gravitino Dark Matter Scenario

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    Motivated by the recent results from the PAMELA and ATIC, we study the cosmic-ray electron and positron produced by the decay of gravitino dark matter. We calculate the cosmic-ray electron and positron fluxes and discuss implications to the PAMELA and ATIC data. In this paper, we will show that the observed anomalous fluxes by the PAMELA and ATIC can be explained in such a scenario. We will also discuss the synchrotron radiation flux from the Galactic center in such a scenario.Comment: Prepared for the proceedings of Dark 2009:Seventh International Heidelberg Conference on Dark Matter in Astro and Particle Physic

    Gravitino Dark Matter with Weak-Scale Right-Handed Sneutrino

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    We consider cosmological implications of supersymmetric models with right-handed (s)neutrinos where the neutrino masses are purely Dirac-type. We pay particular attention to the case where gravitino is the lightest superparticle while one of the right-handed sneutrinos is next-to-the-lightest superparticle. We study constraints from big-bang nuleosynthesis and show that the constraints could be relaxed compared to the case without right-handed sneutrinos. As a result, the gravitino-dark-matter scenario becomes viable with relatively large value of the gravitino mass. We also discuss constraints from the structure formation; in our model, the free-streaming length of the gravitino dark matter may be as long as O(1 Mpc), which is comparable to the present observational upper bound on the scale of free-streaming.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Wino Dark Matter and Future dSph Observations

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    We discuss the indirect detection of the wino dark matter utilizing gamma-ray observations of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). After carefully reviewing current limits with particular attention to astrophysical uncertainties, we show prospects of the wino mass limit in future gamma-ray observation by the Fermi-LAT and the GAMMA-400 telescopes. We find that the improvement of the so-called JJ-factor of both the classical and the ultra-faint dSphs will play a crucial role to cover whole mass range of the wino dark matter. For example, with δ(log10J)=0.1\delta (\log_{10}J) = 0.1 for both the classical and the ultra-faint dSphs, whole wino dark matter mass range can be covered by 15 years and 10 years data at the Fermi-LAT and GAMMA-400 telescopes, respectively.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figure

    High-Scale SUSY Breaking Models in light of the BICEP2 Result

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    The large value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio in the cosmic microwave background radiation reported by the BICEP2 collaboration gives strong impact on models of supersymmetry (SUSY). The large ratio indicates inflation with a high-energy scale and thus a high reheating temperature in general, and various SUSY models suffer from the serious gravitino and Polonyi problems. In this article, we discuss a class of the high-scale SUSY breaking models which are completely free from those problems. With especially focusing on the dark matter relic abundance, we examine how the BICEP2 result narrows down the parameter space of the models, assuming the simplest chaotic inflation model. We find that the mass of the dark matter is predicted to be less than about 1 TeV thanks to the non-thermal production in the early universe through the decay of abundant gravitinos produced after the reheating process. We also discuss implications in some details to dark matter searches at collider and indirect dark matter detection experiments.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Indirect Probe of Electroweak-Interacting Particles at Future Lepton Colliders

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    Various types of electroweak-interacting particles, which have non-trivial charges under the SU(2)L×U(1)Y\mathrm{SU}(2)_L \times \mathrm{U}(1)_Y gauge symmetry, appear in various extensions of the Standard Model. These particles are good targets of future lepton colliders, such as the International Linear Collider (ILC), the Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) and the Future Circular Collider of electrons and positrons (FCC-ee). An advantage of the experiments is that, even if their beam energies are below the threshold of the production of the new particles, quantum effects of the particles can be detected through high precision measurements. We estimate the capability of future lepton colliders to probe electroweak-interacting particles through the quantum effects, with particular focus on the wino, the Higgsino and the so-called minimal dark matters, and found that a particle whose mass is greater than the beam energy by 100-1000 GeV is detectable by measuring di-fermion production cross sections with O(0.1)O(0.1)\% accuracy. In addition, with the use of the same analysis, we also discuss the sensitivity of the future colliders to model independent higher dimensional operators, and found that the cutoff scales corresponding to the operators can be probed up to a few ten TeV

    Twisted product CR-submanifolds in a locally conformal Kähler space forms

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    Certain twisted product CR-submanifolds in a K?hler manifold and some inequalities of the second fundamental form of these submanifolds are presented ([14]). Then the length of the second fundamental form of a twisted product CR-submanifold in a locally conformal K?hler manifold is considered (2013), ([15]). In this paper, we consider the relation of the mean curvature and the length of the second fundamental form in two twisted product CR-submanifolds in a locally conformal K?hler space forms

    Heavy Fermion Bound States for Diphoton Excess at 750GeV \sim Collider and Cosmological Constraints \sim

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    A colored heavy particle with sufficiently small width may form non-relativistic bound states when they are produced at the large hadron collider\,(LHC), and they can annihilate into a diphoton final state. The invariant mass of the diphoton would be around twice of the colored particle mass. In this paper, we study if such bound state can be responsible for the 750 GeV diphoton excess reported by ATLAS and CMS. We found that the best-fit signal cross section is obtained for the SU(2)L_L singlet colored fermion XX with YX=4/3Y_X=4/3. Having such an exotic hypercharge, the particle is expected to decay through some higher dimensional operators, consistent with the small width assumption. The decay of XX may involve a stable particle χ\chi, if both XX and χ\chi are odd under some conserved Z2Z_2 symmetry. In that case, the particle XX suffers from the constraints of jets + missing ETE_T searches by ATLAS and CMS at 8 TeV and 13 TeV. We found that such a scenario still survives if the mass difference between XX and χ\chi is above \sim 30 GeV for mX375m_X \sim 375 GeV. Even assuming pair annihilation of χ\chi is small, the relic density of χ\chi is small enough if the mass difference between XX and χ\chi is smaller than \sim 40 GeV

    Locally Conformal Almost Cosymplectic Manifolds Endowed with a Skew-Symmetric Killing Vector Field

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    We study a locally conformal almost cosymplectic manifold M which carries a horizontal skew-symmetric Killing vector field X. Such X denes a relative conformal cosymplectic transformation of the conformal cosymplectic 2-form Ω of M and the square of its length is both an isoparametric function and an eigenfunction of the Laplacian. Math. Subject Classification 2000: 53D15, 53C15. Keywords: Locally conformal almost cosymplectic manifolds, skew-symmetric Killing vector feld, infinitesimal concircular transformation, relative conformal cosymplectic transformation