87 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of four methods to extract DNA from paraffin-embedded tissues: effect on downstream molecular applications

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A large portion of tissues stored worldwide for diagnostic purposes is formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE). These FFPE-archived tissues are an extremely valuable source for retrospective (genetic) studies. These include mutation screening in cancer-critical genes as well as pathogen detection. In this study we evaluated the impact of several widely used DNA extraction methods on the quality of molecular diagnostics on FFPE tissues.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We compared 4 DNA extraction methods from 4 identically processed FFPE mammary-, prostate-, colon- and lung tissues with regard to PCR inhibition, real time SNP detection and amplifiable fragment size. The extraction methods, with and without proteinase K pre-treatment, tested were: 1) heat-treatment, 2) QIAamp DNA-blood-mini-kit, 3) EasyMAG NucliSens and 4) Gentra Capture-Column-kit.</p> <p>Amplifiable DNA fragment size was assessed by multiplexed 200-400-600 bp PCR and appeared highly influenced by the extraction method used. Proteinase K pre-treatment was a prerequisite for proper purification of DNA from FFPE. Extractions with QIAamp, EasyMAG and heat-treatment were found suitable for amplification of fragments up to 400 bp from all tissues, 600 bp amplification was marginally successful (best was QIAamp). QIAamp and EasyMAG extracts were found suitable for downstream real time SNP detection. Gentra extraction was unsuitable. Hands-on time was lowest for heat-treatment, followed by EasyMAG.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that the extraction method plays an important role with regard to performance in downstream molecular applications.</p

    Ubc9 Sumoylation Controls SUMO Chain Formation and Meiotic Synapsis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Posttranslational modification with the small ubiquitin-related modifier SUMO depends on the sequential activities of E1, E2, and E3 enzymes. While regulation by E3 ligases and SUMO proteases is well understood, current knowledge of E2 regulation is very limited. Here, we describe modification of the budding yeast E2 enzyme Ubc9 by sumoylation (Ubc9*SUMO). Although less than 1% of Ubc9 is sumoylated at Lys153 at steady state, a sumoylation-deficient mutant showed significantly reduced meiotic SUMO conjugates and abrogates synaptonemal complex formation. Biochemical analysis revealed that Ubc9*SUMO is severely impaired in its classical activity but promoted SUMO chain assembly in the presence of Ubc9. Ubc9*SUMO cooperates with charged Ubc9 (Ubc9~SUMO) by noncovalent backside SUMO binding and by positioning the donor SUMO for optimal transfer. Thus, sumoylation of Ubc9 converts an active enzyme into a cofactor and reveals a mechanism for E2 regulation that orchestrates catalytic (Ubc9~SUMO) and noncatalytic (Ubc9*SUMO) functions of Ubc9