9 research outputs found

    Evaluation of tissue perfusion in ischemic legs of dogs by CO2 clearance rate.

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    Improvement in tissue perfusion following surgically induced ischemia in limbs of dogs was experimentally evaluated to clarify the improvement of hemodynamics following walking exercise in chronic, peripheral arterial occlusive diseases. With the use of a computer system in conjunction with medical mass spectrometry, the local tissue perfusion rate was calculated on the basis of the clearance curve of tissue partial pressure of CO2 following electrical stimulation of the ischemic leg to simulate exercise. Ischemia was created in the leg by ligation of the proximal and peripheral arteries. In one month, intermittent claudication improved in accordance with improvement in muscle tissue perfusion. Angiographic evidence of distal runoff became visible six months after surgery, indicating that tissue perfusion played an important role in peripheral hemodynamics. The local tissue perfusion rate improved from 9.51 +/- 2.62 ml/100 g/min to 12.41 +/- 2.42 in one month, to 14.59 +/- 3.19 in three months, to 15.11 +/- 3.24 in six months and to 17.19 +/- 2.63 in twelve months. The improvement of ischemic symptoms following long-term exercise is attributed to improvements in tissue perfusion or collateral circulation.</p

    The effect of artificial CO(2) bathing on peripheral circulation insufficiency.

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    末梢動脈の慢性閉塞性疾患に対する血行再建術の予後は不良で,虚血肢の治療には一定の見解が乏しく非常に難澁するものである。組織循環の概念にもとづいた評価法によると,医用質量分析装置を用いた虚血肢運動負荷後のPtCO(2)の脱飽和曲線の型により組織循環の良否が定まる。組織循環の良好な型では,自然予後は良好で,いかなる保存的治療にもよく反応する。一方,組織循環の不良な型の自然予後は不良であるので,人工炭酸泉浴によるPtO(2)の増加,および組織循環量の改善により予後は良好となる。人工炭酸泉浴は,組織循環の良好な症例には治癒促進的に作用し,組織循環の不良な症例にも有効に作用する。Arteriography provides clear and useful information of ischemic leg anatomy. The method is limited, in that measurement of less than 100μ can not be made. The hemodynamics or functional consequences of the ischemic state should be evaluated by tissue circulation or perfusion methods that depend principally on systemic blood flow. Tissue perfusion is classified in two groups, insufficient and sufficient, depending on the type of clearance curve of PCO(2) in leg muscle following ankle exercise by means of medical mass spectrometry, Medspect Ⅱ, Chemetron, U.S.A. Either artificial CO(2) bathing or CO(2) vapour bath are efficacious for peripheral ischemic wound. Artificial CO(2) bathing is prepared with BUB-KAO 2tab., a 50g sodium hydrogen-carbonate and succinic acid tablet, Kao Co. Ltd. Japan, in 280-litre-tub at 40℃ for 20 minutes. CO(2) vapour bath is prepared with UKS CO(2) Trockengas Badkabine, Hansen Co., Ltd. West Germany, 20-litre-CO(2) per minutes at 40~42℃ for 20 minutes. In the case of insufficient tissue perfusion, ischemic wound is met promising outcome with CO(2) bathing even though no hope is expected with any medicine for peripheral circulation. Whereas, in the case of sufficient tissue perfusion, ischemic wound is expected much help of CO(2) bathing, as well as of all kinds of medicine, in healing process

    The effect on tissue perfusion by brine spring (solquellen)

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    Changes in partial pressures of each tissue gas and tissue perfusion were evaluated in the 2.5% artificial salt baths by means of medical mass spectrometry using 9 rabbits. The level of subcutaueous PO(2) lowered by 18% and PCO(2) elevated by 7 % compared with the plain water bath. The tissue perfusion volume was found increased by few %. It is assumed that we owe the warm feeling after taking concentrated salt baths to the improved tissue perfusion

    Clinical trials with artificial CO(2) bathings

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    パブ浴(人工炭酸浴剤浴)は,組織に酸素を供給し,また組織循環の改善により組織に賦活力を与え,さらに末梢毛細血管の拡張作用を有する。外来患者を対象に,末梢循環障害5例,高血圧症2例,不定愁訴症例2例を選び,半年より1年にわたって家庭でパブ浴を連浴させた。全例に,併用薬の減量,あるいは中止をみた。とくに蛋白尿を伴った高血圧症例では,血圧の正常化に伴って蛋白尿の減少をみた。炭酸泉の効果は連浴によっても変化を認めず,人工炭酸泉浴は家庭においても療養泉としての効果がえられ,疾病の自然予後に有為に作用する。Clinical trials for 5 cases of peripheral circulation insufficiency, 2 cases of hypertension, 2 cases of general malaise and 2 cases of liver function insufficiency were performed with artificial CO(2) baths using BUB-KAO, a 50 g sodium hydogencarbonate and succinic acid tablet, KAO Co. Ltd., Japan, in 150-litre-tub at 40℃ for 10-20 minutes in a period of 6 to 12 months. By virtue of an increase of tissue PO(2) and an improvement of tissue perfusion with artificial CO(2) baths, favorable effects were obtained in all cases but in 2 patients with liver function insufficiency, leading to reduce or discontinue the regular medications. Remarkable effect was observed in 2 cases of hypertension, being brought under control in 2 months, keeping normal range thereafter due possibly to lowering the peripheral resistance caused by capillary dilation effect. A greate favor of hypotensive effect was granted in reducing the excretion of urinary protein. It is very advantageous in maintaining homeostasis to ameliorate natural course of diseases with artificial C (2) baths which are effective by repeated routine use for a long period of time, leading to assist modern way of medical treatment

    Screening test for chromosome aberrations of long-time residents in misasa spa.

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    三朝温泉のラドン含有は,源泉で約1347~2694Bq/l,常用温泉水で137~224Bq/l,また,屋内では7.3~73.7Bq/lである。三朝温泉地に出生して,28~75年にわたる入浴者9名,および三朝温泉地外に出生して16~78 年にわたる入浴者4名について末梢静脈血の染色体検査を,ギムザ染色,および特に長年入浴している3名についてはG一分染法による分析を行なった。浴水,および生活環境のラドン濃度の多寡によらず,長年の入浴によっても染色体の構造変化は正常範囲内であった。Screening test for chromosome aberrations of 13 long time residents, 9 native and 4 movingin in Misasa Spa was performed. Each Radon content in baths ranges 166-224 Bq/l, in homes 8.6-73.7 Bq/l, and in offices 8.4-22 Bq/l. Normal Karyotypes on both sexes and normal range of aberrations, gaps and breaks, were found in chromosome analyses. There are no significant radioactive effects from longtime bathings and from environment in both groups of Misasa spa districts, corresponding to the facts of no significant incidence of infertility, malformations, a brief span of life, and neoplasms compared to other places

    Clinical effects of serial artificial CO(2) baths on degenerative disorders in consideration of the improved tissue perfusion.

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    組織循環の良不良は,結合織の退行性病変の予後に大いに影響をおよぼすものである。人工炭酸泉を用いた実験的検討で,すでに組織循環の30 % 増加を認めており,臨床的治験により好傾向を示す結果を得つつある。結合織病変を主とする慢性疾患4症例の治験前後に局所組織流量を測定して評価することができた。局所組織流量は医用質量分析装置を介したオンラインシステムで測定計算した。人工炭酸浴は,炭酸ガスキャビン,および人工炭酸浴剤浴を用いた。人工炭酸泉浴は,1カ月より1年におよび,それぞれ自覚症状の著名な改善と,組織流量の増加を定量しえた。人工炭酸泉の連浴による組織流量の改善は、結合織の退行性病変に有効に作用するものである。Tissue perfusion plays an important role in prognosis of the deteriorating connective tissue disorders. Tissue perfusion was evaluated before and after CO(2) treatment on the patients with connective tissue disorders by means of medical mass spectrometer. CO(2) treatment was performed in 2 ways ; one was with CO(2)-cabine, 20 litres per minute at 40℃ for 20 minutes, and the other was with an artificial CO(2) bathing prepared with 2 tablets of BUB-KAO, a 50 g sodium hydrogencarbonate and succinic acid tablet, in 280-litre-tub at 40℃ for 20 minutes. Case 1, 33-year-old female, suffering from chronic rheumatic arthritis with rheumatic thromboangiitis obliterans in the left 5th toe. Main arterial trees were found intact arteriographically. Her joint pain and muscle stiffness have been improved markedly after CO(2) treatment with cabin every day for one month though every medicine for rheumatism made little effect. Case 2, 46-year-old female, suffered from progressive systemic scleroderma. Major blood supply was found not blocked in upper extremities arteriographically. Tissue perfusion was found poor in muscle tissue of each forearm before CO(2) treatment with cabin, whereas an improved tissue perfusion was confirmed after one month of serial CO(2) treatment, leading to ameliorate persistent muscle stiffness, though every medicine for her made slow effect. Case 3, 48-year-old female, suffering from the weakness in strength with no positive laboratory findings of connective tissue disorders. Tissue perfusion has been found quite improved following serial artificial CO(2) bathings for 12 months, being able to work hard every day as a nurse. Serial CO(2) bathing is thought to be very useful in ameliorating the symptoms of deteriorating connective disorders by virtue of an improved tissue perfusion

    Research for carbon dioxide bathing IV, Thermal effect of artificial CO(2)-bathing

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    1) 炭酸塩と,コ-ク酸からなる錠剤型の「炭酸ガス浴剤」の保温作用を健康な男子8名について,サ-モグラフィーを用いて測定した. 入浴10分後の比較で明らかに,炭酸ガス浴はよく温まった結果,表面温度が高くなっている. 2) 腰痛,四肢冷感,その他の患者24名での臨床評価の結果,患者の90%以上が手足が温まり,湯ざめしにくいことを認めた.また,患者の85%は痛みがやわらぐことを認めた. 3) 主婦664名を対象とした使用評価の結果,常時手足の冷感を訴える者の63.6%,身体の疲労感・だるさ56.5%に効果を認めていることがわかった. 4) 副作用は全く認められなかった.The artificial CO(2)-bath was prepared with a tablet (50g), made from sodium bicarbonate and succinic acid, putting simply in plain water bathtub of 150-200 litre at 40℃. Thermal effect was evaluated by means of thermography in healthy 8 men; temperature areas of 34.5℃ or greater were recorded in average compared to a plain bathing and to an artificial Na(2)SO(4)-NaHCO(3) one 10 minutes later. Clinical evaluation by questionnairings of 24 patients suffering mainly from lumbago and 4-extremity coldness revealed a long lasting peripheral warmth in 90% and the ease from pain in 85%. The artificial CO(2)-bathing was effective for women whose health were adversely affected by the cold in 63.6% and for general fatigue or dullness in 56.5% of 664 female volunteers whom the questionnairings were conducted to. No side effect was encountered in the survey

    A case of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis

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    A case was presented of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis which resembled carcinoma of the gallbladder on ultrasonography (US) and CT. The findings of US and CT showed a markedly thick-walled gallbladder with poor definition of boundaries which was similar to the infiltration of carcinoma of the gallbladder. Although a rare entity, xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of carcinoma of the gallbladder