
Clinical effects of serial artificial CO(2) baths on degenerative disorders in consideration of the improved tissue perfusion.


組織循環の良不良は,結合織の退行性病変の予後に大いに影響をおよぼすものである。人工炭酸泉を用いた実験的検討で,すでに組織循環の30 % 増加を認めており,臨床的治験により好傾向を示す結果を得つつある。結合織病変を主とする慢性疾患4症例の治験前後に局所組織流量を測定して評価することができた。局所組織流量は医用質量分析装置を介したオンラインシステムで測定計算した。人工炭酸浴は,炭酸ガスキャビン,および人工炭酸浴剤浴を用いた。人工炭酸泉浴は,1カ月より1年におよび,それぞれ自覚症状の著名な改善と,組織流量の増加を定量しえた。人工炭酸泉の連浴による組織流量の改善は、結合織の退行性病変に有効に作用するものである。Tissue perfusion plays an important role in prognosis of the deteriorating connective tissue disorders. Tissue perfusion was evaluated before and after CO(2) treatment on the patients with connective tissue disorders by means of medical mass spectrometer. CO(2) treatment was performed in 2 ways ; one was with CO(2)-cabine, 20 litres per minute at 40℃ for 20 minutes, and the other was with an artificial CO(2) bathing prepared with 2 tablets of BUB-KAO, a 50 g sodium hydrogencarbonate and succinic acid tablet, in 280-litre-tub at 40℃ for 20 minutes. Case 1, 33-year-old female, suffering from chronic rheumatic arthritis with rheumatic thromboangiitis obliterans in the left 5th toe. Main arterial trees were found intact arteriographically. Her joint pain and muscle stiffness have been improved markedly after CO(2) treatment with cabin every day for one month though every medicine for rheumatism made little effect. Case 2, 46-year-old female, suffered from progressive systemic scleroderma. Major blood supply was found not blocked in upper extremities arteriographically. Tissue perfusion was found poor in muscle tissue of each forearm before CO(2) treatment with cabin, whereas an improved tissue perfusion was confirmed after one month of serial CO(2) treatment, leading to ameliorate persistent muscle stiffness, though every medicine for her made slow effect. Case 3, 48-year-old female, suffering from the weakness in strength with no positive laboratory findings of connective tissue disorders. Tissue perfusion has been found quite improved following serial artificial CO(2) bathings for 12 months, being able to work hard every day as a nurse. Serial CO(2) bathing is thought to be very useful in ameliorating the symptoms of deteriorating connective disorders by virtue of an improved tissue perfusion

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