486 research outputs found

    Mit allen, fĂŒr alle: Von der kontextsensiblen Erfassung körperlicher AktivitĂ€t zur bevölkerungsbezogenen Bewegungsförderung mit Fokus auf gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit

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    For decades, the epidemiology of physical activity (PA) and PA-related health promotion has been concerned with the problem of physical inactivity and has pursued a common goal: a healthier population through more PA. While epidemiology focuses on risk and protective factors for diseases, health promotion focuses on health promoting factors, health resources, and health equity. The latter is so important because non-communicable diseases (NCDs) follow a social gradient, affecting people with social disadvantages more than advantaged ones. One of the main risk factors for NCDs is physical inactivity. Between 2020 and 2030, nearly 500 million people will suffer from NCDs due to physical inactivity. Addressing this issue urgently remains a major challenge for all stakeholders involved in reducing health inequities through PArelated health promotion, whether they are researchers, policy-makers or local authorities. The first part of this dissertation is located in the field of epidemiology of PA. The development and evaluation of a computer based PA recall (cpar24) for recording PA and its meaning for the epidemiology of physical activity, as well as the relevance of context-sensitive data, are the focus. The evaluation results of cpar24 showed that it is a user-friendly, practical, valid, and reliable method for assessing activity data of German adults. The cpar24 is not only suitable for monitoring PA but also for assessing contextual determinants (type and domain), which enables a better understanding of health effects. Furthermore, insights can be derived from the cpar24 data, which serve as a basis for the development of specific recommendations for promoting PA. If it is possible to measure the PA behavior of population groups with different social status in representative cohort studies, this can also provide urgently needed information for improving health equity. The second part of this work deals with PA-related health promotion. One of the primary objectives was to create an umbrella review of successful population-based approaches to promoting PA, with a particular focus on health equity, to update the National Recommendations for PA and PA Promotion in Germany published in 2016. A total of six review articles were identified between January 2015 and December 2021, which represents an increase in scientific publications in this field compared to previous years, which included only two review articles. However, the state of research and thus the availability of scientific evidence on the effectiveness of population-based measures to promote PA with a focus on health equity is limited. In addition to the complexity of these approaches in complex systems such as communities, challenges for evaluation such as inadequate theoretical foundation and missing quality criteria are also discussed. In another study, the question of how to sustainably implement structure-building community-based PA-related health promotion with a focus on health equity in Germany was investigated. After several iterations and collaboration processes, a sixstage action model for successful and sustainable implementation of PA-related health promotion with a focus on health equity in the community was adopted in collaboration with stakeholders from science, politics, and local practice. Furthermore, this approach was systematically analyzed and theoretically reflected on the basis of a “conceptual model of the transdisciplinary research process”. Overall, it was confirmed that new knowledge could be generated for both practice and science by taking into account scientific and societal knowledge through several reflection loops. The subtitle of this work, “with all, for all”, emphasizes with “for all” the need to reach all people in future public health efforts, especially those population groups whose chances are limited by social disadvantage. “With all” emphasizes that “all stakeholders”, i.e. from science (epidemiology together with health promotion), politics, and practice, must be involved and work together to achieve sustainable effects on public health. In summary, the results presented here from two different research perspectives provide a deeper insight into existing challenges and show equitable solutions for reducing physical inactivity. The discussed interconnections between the epidemiology of PA and PA-related health promotion illustrate the importance of their collaboration, especially when epidemiological findings are (or can be) used in health promotion practice in such a way that sustainable interventions reach all population groups and contribute to improving the health of the population in an equitable manner

    Effect of Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Release on Moth Infestation in Stored Tobacco

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    During the storage period of dry tobacco and its derivatives, insect pests such as species of Ephestia Guenée (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), popularly known as moths, cause damage to the product, being controlled mainly with physical practices and synthetic chemicals, although with limitations on their use and results. Some biological control agents, such as the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), have the potential to control these pests. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of H. hebetor release in tobacco farms and industrial warehouses, on the infestation of Ephestia spp. adults. Parasitoids were released in tobacco farmers and tobacco industry warehouses between 2016-2018, comprising two years/crop seasons. Each release consisted of 1,000 parasitoids (four times) in tobacco farmers warehouses (70 m2 ) and 30,000 (five times) in tobacco industry warehouses (8,000 m2 ). Pheromone-baited sticky traps were used to weekly monitor the average number of adults of Ephestia spp. in warehouses with (WP) and without parasitoid release (NP). The average number of adults of Ephestia spp. captured in the traps in WP environments at farmers and industry level was significantly lower than the average captured in NP from the third and fifth weeks. In the following weeks, the averages of Ephestia spp. were always significantly lower in the WP environments until the end of monitoring. Therefore, the use of H. hebetor for moth control should be considered as part of a biological control program in stored tobacco environments

    Paralyzation ability, parasitism and viability of Habrobracon hebetor under photoperiod effect

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    Neste trabalho foram avaliados os Ă­ndices de paralisação, parasitismo e sucesso reprodutivo de Habrobracon hebetor (= Bracon hebetor), parasitoide de lepidĂłpteros praga de produtos armazenados, sob influĂȘncia de diferentes fotoperĂ­odos. Os parasitoides desenvolveram-se durante a fase prĂ©-imaginal em trĂȘs diferentes fotoperĂ­odos (claro/escuro), 24:0, 12:12 e 0:24, sendo que os adultos oriundos de cada um dos tratamentos ficaram expostos a 0, 12 e 24 horas de fotofase, perfazendo nove tratamentos. Um casal de parasitoides foi inserido por placa de Petri contendo dez larvas de Ășltimo instar de Ephestiakuehniella, sendo que, a cada 24 horas, eram retirados e transferidos para uma nova placa com dez larvas, atĂ© a morte da fĂȘmea. Foram avaliados diariamente o nĂșmero de larvas paralisadas, parasitadas e nĂșmero de ovos. As larvas parasitadas foram mantidas nas mesmas condiçÔes de fotoperĂ­odos para verificar a viabilidade (%) de cada fase do desenvolvimento. A quantidade de larvas paralisadas foi sempre superior Ă  de parasitadas, com mĂĄximo de parasitismo entre o 2Âș e 4Âș dia de idade da fĂȘmea. O parasitismo acumulado atingiu 80% entre o 6Âș e 8Âș dia de idade, independente do fotoperĂ­odo. O nĂșmero mĂ©dio de sobreviventes em cada fase do desenvolvimento foi maior na prole das fĂȘmeas oriundas de plena fotofase, sendo que houve um acrĂ©scimo no nĂșmero mĂ©dio total de ovos produzidos por estas. Entretanto, entre os tratamentos, a viabilidade final nĂŁo foi afetada considerando a proporção da oviposição inicial. O fotoperĂ­odo na fase adulta nĂŁo influenciou diretamente o desempenho de H. hebetor.This study evaluated the rates of paralyzation, parasitism and reproductive success of Habrobracon hebetor (= Bracon hebetor), parasitoids of lepidopteran pests of stored products, under the influence of different photoperiods. Parasitoids developed during pre-imaginal stage in three different photoperiods (light/dark) 24:0, 12:12 and 0:24, and then adults from each treatment were exposed to 0, 12 and 24 hours of photophase, totalizing 9 treatments. One parasitoid couple was placed in a Petri dish containing ten larvae of last instar Ephestia kuehniella, being removed after each 24 hours and transferred to a new dish with ten larvae, until the death of the female. Number of paralyzed and parasitized larvae and number of eggs were evaluated daily. The parasitized larvae were maintained in the same conditions of photoperiods to verify the viability (%) of each development stage. The number of paralyzed larvae was always higher than parasitized with a maximum parasitism between the 2nd and 4th day of age. Accumulated parasitism reached 80% between the 6th and 8th day of age, independent of the photoperiod. The mean number of survivors at each stage of development was higher in offspring born from full photophase with an increase in the total number of eggs produced by them. However, between treatments, the final viability was not affected considering the proportion of initial oviposition. The photoperiod in adult stage did not influence the performance of H. hebetor

    Effect of photoperiod on life expectancy and fertility of Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) on larvae of Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae)

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    Fatores abiĂłticos como fotoperĂ­odo podem afetar os processos de interação entre o ectoparasitoide Habrobracon hebetor e seu hospedeiro Ephestia kuehniella. Sendo assim, objetivou-se avaliar o desenvolvimento e os parĂąmetros de esperança de vida e de fertilidade de H. hebetor, parasitando E. kuehniella sob diferentes fotoperĂ­odos. Os parasitoides desenvolveram-se durante a fase prĂ©-imaginal em trĂȘs diferentes fotoperĂ­odos (claro/escuro) 24:0, 12:12 e 0:24, e os adultos oriundos de cada um dos tratamentos ficaram expostos a 0, 12 e 24 horas de fotofase, perfazendo nove tratamentos. Um casal de parasitoides foi inserido por placa de Petri contendo 10 larvas de quinto instar de E. kuehniella, e a cada 24 horas eram retirados e transferidos para uma nova placa com 10 larvas, atĂ© a morte da fĂȘmea. A duração do perĂ­odo prĂ©-imaginal em escotofase foi significativamente maior que os perĂ­odos com fotofases de 12 e 24 horas. A longevidade das fĂȘmeas e dos machos nĂŁo diferiu entre os tratamentos. A esperança de vida das fĂȘmeas variou de 7,7 a 10,2 dias. As taxas lĂ­quidas de reprodução dos parasitoides criados em fotofase de 12 e 24 horas foram em mĂ©dia de 52,7 a 63,7, maiores que em escotofase (22,9 a 27,9).Abiotic factors such as photoperiod may affect the interaction processes between the ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor and its host Ephestia kuehniella. The objective of this study was to evaluate development, life expectancy and fertility parameters of H. hebetor, parasitizing E. kuehniella under different photoperiods. Parasitoids developed during pre-imaginal stage in three different photoperiods (light/dark) 24:0, 12:12 and 0:24, and then adults from each treatment were exposed to 0, 12 and 24 hours of photophase, totalizing nine treatments. One parasitoid couple was placed in a Petri dish containing 10 fifth instar larvae of E. kuehniella, being removed after each 24 hours and transferred to a new dish with 10 larvae, until the death of the female. The duration of pre-imaginal period in scotophase was significantly longer than periods with 12 and 24 hours photophases. The longevity of females and males demonstrated no differences between treatments. The expectation of life ranged from 7.7 to 10.2 days. The net reproductive rates of the parasitoids reared in 12 and 24 hours photophase averaged from 52.7 to 63.7, higher than scotophase (22.9 to 27.9)
