27 research outputs found

    Zo doen wij dat nu eenmaal: Literatuuropvattingen op open protestants-christelijke basisscholen

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    Schram, D.H. [Promotor]Volman, M.L.L. [Promotor]Leeman, Y.A.M. [Copromotor


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    De toveracademie - Boeken vol magie

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    Dilemma’s van burgerschapsvorming in het protestants christelijk basisonderwijs: de keuze van kinderliteratuur

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    The research project 'dilemmas in citizenship education' is part of a research programme on education in Christian schools in the Dutch diverse society. This explorative study focuses on the choice of childrens' literature books in protestant primary schools with a heterogeneous population of pupils. This a contested issue nowadays. An issue connected to the common and inclusive goals of citizenship education to prepare everyone for a plural society and the wishes of some of the teachers and parents to educate children exclusively in the Christian faith. The results show that the solutions thinkable to most of the teachers is the avoidance of books that might cause a lack of safety for certain children and could raise discussion with orthodox parents. In the discussion we explore other possible solutions

    New immigrants. An incentive for intercultural education?

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    This study was inspired by an inclusive intercultural perspective on education, and developed empirical knowledge concerning the intercultural professional development of in-service teachers. The study was conducted during the first year of a newly-designed master’s programme that focused on “education for refugees”. In the Netherlands master’s programmes in education qualify in-service teachers to contribute to school development, together with giving them a specialisation in a specific topic. The findings were based on the teachers’ written work, and interviews with the teacher educators. They show that the intercultural professional identity of the teachers was developed by a combination of pedagogical approaches. These include the following: new knowledge from an inclusive intercultural perspective, critical socio-cultural self-examination, real encounters with newly-arrived refugees, and a reflective, intervention-based approach to professional learning and curriculum renewal. The intervention-based approach turned out to be the most important for the teachers’ agency in intercultural school development. The challenges experienced concern mono-cultural practices in mainstream education for refugees, together with the dominance of an instrumentalist approach to teaching and learning