89 research outputs found

    Analisi e parafrasi dei composti nominali nella didattica del neerlandese

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    Il neerlandese al pari delle altre lingue germaniche, è ricco di composti. Con questo nome si indica il gruppo alquanto eterogeneo di parole che risultano dall’unione di due o più elementi lessicalmente autonomi. La complessità semantica dei composti è dovuta alla presenza di diverse categorie grammaticali nel processo formativo e alle molteplici relazioni che intercorrono tra i componenti. Di conseguenza lo studente che si accinge a imparare il neerlandese, trova difficoltà nella comprensione e nella produzione dei composti, specialmente se la sua madre lingua, come nel caso dell’italiano, conosce delle restrizioni per quanto riguarda il processo composizionale. Il presente articolo intende illustrare come, durante l’analisi di un testo, la parafrasi del composto con utilizzo degli elementi singoli che lo compongono1, costituisce uno strumento didattico adatto a individuarne il significato e le relazioni grammaticali esistenti tra le parti. Il secondo paragrafo contiene l’esposizione dei composti neerlandesi con speciale riguardo alla loro formazione e al significato, seguito da un breve raffronto con i composti italiani. Tale confronto può essere utile per comprendere le difficoltà e gli errori degli studenti

    Le relazioni tra la Spagna e i Paesi Bassi nei secoli XVI e XVII e la loro ripercussione sul lessico neerlandese

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    Understanding the challenges to caring for low birthweight babies in rural southern Malawi: a qualitative study exploring caregiver and health worker perceptions and experiences

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    Low birthweight (LBW) babies account for >80% of neonatal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia and those who survive the neonatal period are still at risk of detrimental outcomes. LBW is a major public health problem in Malawi and strongly contributes to the country's high neonatal mortality rate. We aimed to get a better understanding of the care of LBW babies in rural Malawi in order to inform action to improve their outcomes. Qualitative methods were used to identify challenges faced by caregivers and health workers within communities and at the rural facility level. We conducted 33 in-depth interviews (18 with caregivers; 15 with health workers) and 4 focus group discussions with caregivers. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and translated. Thematic analysis was used to index the data into themes and develop a robust analytical framework. Caregivers referred to LBW babies as weak, with poor health, stunted growth, developmental problems and lack of intelligence. Poor nutrition of the mother and illnesses during pregnancy were perceived to be important causes of LBW. Discrimination and stigma were described as a major challenge faced by carers of LBW babies. Problems related to feeding and the high burden of care were seen as another major challenge. Health workers described a lack of resources in health facilities, lack of adherence to counselling provided to carers and difficulties with continuity of care and follow-up in the community. This study highlights that care of LBW babies in rural Malawi is compromised both at community and rural facility level with poverty and existing community perceptions constituting the main challenges. To make progress in reducing neonatal mortality and promoting better outcomes, we must develop integrated community-based care packages, improve care at facility level and strengthen the links between them

    Lessons Learned from 23 Years of Experience in Testing Visual Fields of Neurologically Impaired Children

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    We sought to investigate the reliability of standard conventional perimetry (SCP) in neurologically impaired (NI) children using the examiner-based assessment of reliability scoring system and to determine the difference in time to diagnosis of a visual field defect between SCP and a behavioural visual field (BVF) test. Patient records of 115 NI children were retrospectively analysed. The full field peritest (FFP) had best reliability with 44% ‘good’ scores versus 22% for Goldmann perimetry (p < .001). The mean age of NI children able to perform SCP was 8.3 years versus 4.6 years for the BVF test (p < .001). Use of the BVF test may significantly reduce time to diagnosis

    Ontwikkeling van stotteren: Inleiding tot een praktijkmodel

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    Dit artikel is de inleiding op het direct hierna volgende (Oonk e.a. 2022) waar een nieuw praktijkmodel over het ontstaan en ontwikkeling van stotteren wordt voorgesteld. In de dagelijkse praktijk van vooral Nederlandstalige logopedisten (-stottertherapeuten) is tot nu toe veel gebruik gemaakt van het klinische werkmodel van Bertens (1994; 2017). Dit model gaat uit van een primaire neuromusculaire timingsstoornis, welke zich niet alleen uit in het spreken, maar ook in algemene zin aanwezig is. Dit model echter, is aan revisie toe. Volgens de recente literatuur is de algemene aard van die timingstoornis niet bewezen, en zijn er veel vroegere (meer primaire) factoren aantoonbaar van belang bij het ontstaan van stotteren, met name in de genetica en in de neurologie. In dit artikel wordt deze literatuur kort samengevat, alsmede worden enkele recente modellen omschreven. Met name regulatie en terugkoppeling krijgen in recente modellen meer aandacht. Er is geen volledigheid nagestreefd, maar dit artikel is meer een tutoriale opmaat voor het hierna te presenteren model. (This article serves as an introduction to the accompanying paper, in which a new clinical model of the origin and development of stuttering is presented (Oonk e.a., 2022). In their clinical practice, Dutch speech language pathologists still tend to use the clinical model proposed by Bertens (1994; 2017). This model explains stuttering as de- veloping from a primary neuromuscular timing deficit, which manifests itself not only in speech, but in more general behaviour as well. In our opinion, this model needs to be updated and revised based on current scientific and clinical knowledge. There is littleevidence for the general timing deficit in Bertens’ model and, moreover, several more fundamental factors, especially those related to genetics and neural processes, that have an important role in the onset of stuttering have been reported. This paper provides a review and summary of these recent data, and several newer models are described. An important aspect of these models is the importance given to processes of regulation and feedback. An exhaustive overview of the existing literature has not been strived for but it is hoped that this paper will serve as a useful introduction to the clinical model presented in the accompanying paper.

    Structural brain differences in pre-adolescents who persist in and recover from stuttering

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    Background: Stuttering is a complex speech fluency disorder occurring in childhood. In young children, stuttering has been associated with speech-related auditory and motor areas of the brain. During transition into adolescence, the majority of children who stutter (75–80%) will experience remission of their symptoms. The current study evaluated brain (micro-)structural differences between pre-adolescents who persisted in stuttering, those who recovered, and fluently speaking controls. Methods: This study was embedded in the Generation R Study, a population-based cohort in the Netherlands of children followed from pregnancy onwards. Neuroimaging was performed in 2211 children (mean age: 10 years, range 8–12), of whom 20 persisted in and 77 recovered from stuttering. Brain structure (e.g., gray matter) and microstructure (e.g., diffusion tensor imaging) differences between groups were tested using multiple linear regression. Results: Pre-adolescents who persisted in stuttering had marginally lower left superior frontal gray matter volume compared to those with no history of stuttering (β −1344, 95%CI −2407;-280), and those who recovered (β −1825, 95%CI −2999;-650). Pre-adolescents who recovered, compared to those with no history of stuttering, had higher mean diffusivity in the forceps major (β 0.002, 95%CI 0.001;0.004), bilateral superior longitudinal fasciculi (β 0.001, 95%CI 0.000;0.001), left corticospinal tract (β 0.003, 95%CI 0.002;0.004), and right inferior longitudinal fasciculus (β 0.001, 95%CI 0.000;0.001). Conclusion: Findings suggest that relatively small difference in prefrontal gray matter volume is associated with persistent stuttering, and alterations in white matter tracts are apparent in individuals who recovered. The findings further strengthen the potential relevance of brain (micro-)structure in persistence and recovery from stuttering in pre-adolescents
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