28 research outputs found

    Design of Eco Friendly Floating Restaurant for River

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    Monkasel monument is one of Surabaya's landmarks and will become "The Central Business District Riverbank". In this area has been built many recreational facilities, namely the statue of Suro and Boyo, Plaza Area, BMX Area, Tribune Area, Skate Park Area and Food court Ketabang. However, the development of water tourism in this area is still not optimal. One to overcome this is the need to develop a floating restaurant that can integrate all existing facilities, especially the food court. The development of this floating restaurant has multi-function, which is increasing the visitor of the food court, because this floating restaurant only provides a place to eat not sell food, as a place of business transactions and in the long run will improve the water quality of Kalimas river. This floating restaurant is designed with high comfort and safety, and environmentally friendly, so that all the functions can be accommodated well. This is because the floating diner is a catamaran boat that has a low sweep wave and uses solar panel

    Test Design of Fish Attractor to Improve Selectivity of Results on Purse Seine Ship

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    Indonesia is a country with abundant potential in the field of fisheries. With this abundant amount of fish, of course, many fishing methods have been developed, such as hunting or following the movement of fish and there are methods that only stay at one point, waiting for a group of fish to approach the gathering point. Fish calling devices that only stay at one point can use sound frequencies. By using the frequency of the sound, the fish will gather at the sound source produced by the fish calling tool, Fish Attractor. This study aims to determine the frequency of sound waves in fish species. The method used in this research is to make a tool that can produce sound waves with adjustable frequency, then the instrument testing will be conducted on fish ponds. Based on the design results, the fish calling device is equipped with an Arduino Uno, LCD, Potentiometer, Speaker, Power Amplifier, and Signal Module. In this Fish Attractor tool, the frequency can be set from 0 Hz – 17,000 Hz. With this adjustable sound frequency, it is expected to attract the attention of fish to get closer to the source of the sound frequency of the fish calling device

    Uji Rancang Bangun Fish Attractor untuk Meningkatkan Selektivitas Hasil Tangkapan pada Kapal Purse Seine

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    Indonesia merupakan negara dengan potensi di bidang perikanan yang sangat melimpah. Dengan jumlah ikan yang melimpah tersebut, tentunya metode penangkapan ikan telah banyak dikembangkan, seperti memburu atau mengikuti pergerakan ikan dan ada metode yang hanya berdiam di satu titik, menunggu kumpulan ikan mendekat ke titik kumpul. Alat pemanggil ikan yang hanya berdiam di satu titik dapat menggunakan frekuensi suara. Dengan menggunakan frekuensi suara, maka ikan akan berkumpul pada sumber bunyi yang dihasilkan dari alat pemanggil ikan, Fish Attractor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan frekuensi gelombang suara pada jenis ikan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan membuat alat yang dapat menghasilkan gelombang suara dengan frekuensi yang dapat diatur, selanjutnya akan dilakukan pengujian alat di tambak ikan. Berdasarkan hasil perancangan, alat pemanggil ikan dilengkapi dengan Arduino Uno, LCD, Potensiometer, Speaker, Power Amplifier dan Signal Module. Pada alat Fish Attractor ini frekuensi dapat diatur dari 0 Hz – 17.000 Hz. Dengan frekuensi suara yang dapat diatur tersebut, diharapakan dapat menarik perhatian ikan untuk mendekat ke sumber frekuensi suara dari alat pemanggil ikan

    Rancang Bangun Lampu Pengumpul Ikan Berbasis Diode yang Efektif dan Efisien serta Berpropulsor Dalam Skala Model

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    Indonesia merupakan sebuah negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia dengan panjang garis pantai mencapai 99.093 kilometer dengan sumber daya ikan yang melimpah. Untuk memaksimalkan hasil tangkapannya, sebagian nelayan di Indonesia menggunakan cahaya untuk mengumpulkan ikan sebelum ditangkap. Salah satu jenis kapal ikan yang memanfaatkan cahaya lampu dalam proses penangkapan ikan adalah kapal purse sein. Pada penggunaan lampu petromaks, cahaya yang dihasilkan lebih redup dan tidak dapat menembus air laut sampai kedalaman 5 meter. Cahaya lampu yang diletakkan di atas permukaan air pun 70%-nya dipantulkan kembali ke atas oleh permukaan air. Untuk mengatasi hal itu, saat ini di pasaran banyak dijual lampu pengumpul ikan yang dicelupkan dalam air. Namun, proses ini beresiko tinggi karena pengaruh angin dan arus laut akan membuat lampu tersebut susah diatur ditempat yang diinginkan. Warna cahaya dari lampu pengumpul ikan yang ada saat ini tidak bisa menarik ikan-ikan yang memiliki jenis kepekaan warna yang berbeda, karena jenis warna dari lampunya hanya satu jenis. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka diperlukan sebuah lampu pengumpul ikan yang dapat dikendalikan dari jarak jauh dengan warna cahaya yang beragam. Lampu pengumpul ikan tersebut dapat dikendalikan sampai jarak 120 meter serta dapat mengumpulkan ikan nila dengan penggunaan cahaya warna merah

    Analysis of Engine Propeller Matching of DC Motor as a Main Propulsion

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    The development of ship always searches through the most benefits system for reducing costs of propulsion system without increase pollution. Diesel propulsion system or also known as conventional propulsion system is efficient but requires high operating costs and increase high level of marine pollution. Electrical propulsion system is using electric motors as the prime mover of the propeller. There are 2 types of electric motors that will be used for research of electric propulsion system, there are; DC motors and three-phases induction motor. As the use of DC motor as a prime mover for this electrical propulsion system, this study determines the characteristic between voltage terminal with torque and also field current with torque. It results that torque produced by the DC motor is in the same magnitude with the speed (RPM). The higher the speed have shaped the value of the torque. The input and terminal voltages adjusts all variables and results. In this study, different field voltage creates different pattern of motor envelope. Its manner to propeller curve occurs total different results. With field voltage of 50 V, the ranges of motor envelope immoveable in the point of 150% of present speed and 160%. While field voltage of 60 V serves larger ranges of motor envelope which possible to reach further than 50 V curve

    Design of Temperature Control System of HFO Fuel Type on Ship Based PLC

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    Fuel is one of the important component of ship operations. The overall operating cost of the vessel, approximately 60% consists of fuel costs. The unavailability of fuel causes the ship's operational processes to be adversely affect the company from both technical and material terms. It is a bad condition if ship’s fuel does fulfilled the time schedule. To reach the fuel operation criteria and help ships crew operate the fule system, we propose the method to control fuel system. Our objection is how to make ship fuel system can be operated automatically as well as temperature control system on the vessel using PLC. This automation system relies on high level sensors and low level sensors as well as temperature sensors in each tank to trigger the performance of each of the fuel system support equipment such as pumps, valves, heaters. The sensor and thermometer in the tank will be processed by the PLC prior to controlling the equipment. Processing is sequentially adjusted to the processing sequence of HFO fuel. Processing is done based on existing ship data but still using the control manually. As well as recommendations from the classification bureau and machine manufacturers. The work process of the system can be monitored as a whole through Human Machine Interface. The monitor consists of a view that contains all the work of the existing system. The PLC used is OMRON CPM2A with CX-Programmer software and CX-Designer monitor. So by simply using a control device in the form of PLC, HFO processing can be operated automatically both when the ship is idle or in sail conditio

    Performance Analysis of Screw Turbine Design with Additional Flaps Modification Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Method

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    Renewable energy is a type of alternative energy that can be utilized to generate electricity. Wind energy is one of the renewable energy sources. Because of Indonesia's equatorial location, the wind characteristics are moderate, with wind direction and speed changing frequently. To harvest wind energy, it is therefore vital to diversify the types of wind turbines. A screw turbine, also known as an Archimedes screw turbine or a screw turbine, is a type of wind turbine that is often employed in micro hydropower plants. The great efficiency of this turbine is a benefit. This screw turbine will use a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT). The advantage of using the horizontal axis over the vertical axis is that the rotor's efficiency is higher. The screw turbine was changed in this study by adding flaps to boost torque and rpm performance while also increasing wind catchment. The model design with the inclusion of 3 cm flaps with a flap angle of 30° has a high torque and angular velocity with a torque value of 0.00609 Nm and an angular velocity of 12.55 rad/s at an airflow velocity of 3.4 m/s, according to the results obtained from model simulation using CFD (119,84 RPM). Power Coefficient (CP) = 0.00659, Torque Coefficient (CQ) = 0.01990, and Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) = 0.331357

    Design of an Optimum Battery Electric Fishing Vessel for Natuna Sea

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    Natuna Sea is one of the places in Indonesia, which has a high potency of fish up to one million ton per year. Fisherman in Indonesia relies too much on the fossil fuel, which has limited resources. The author wants to redesign the fishing vessel into the battery electric fishing vessel that can be recharge to reduce the use of fossil fuel and also to increasing the revenue of the fisherman. To minimize the capacity of the battery, the fishing activities concept is also change into centralized fishing activities which the activities is centralized in an open sea and has the offshore building as the fishing base that has power station to recharge the batteries and cold storage to collect all the fishes. As the object to redesign, it is used 10 GT purse seine fishing vessel. As the results of the calculation, it gets the total battery capacity 6000 Ah for operation 11 hours (4 hours travel time, 6.5 hours fishing activities, and 0.5 hours break). Based on the technical and economic analysis, it can be concluded that the battery electric fishing vessel has a better revenue and fewer expenses than the diesel-powered fishing vessel