76 research outputs found

    Recent geospatial dynamics of Terceira (Azores, Portugal) and the theoretical implications for the biogeography of active volcanic islands

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    Ongoing work shows that species richness patterns on volcanic oceanic islands are shaped by surface area changes driven by longer time scale (>1 ka) geological processes and natural sea level fluctuations. A key question is: what are the rates and magnitudes of the forces driving spatial changes on volcanic oceanic islands which in turn affect evolutionary and biogeographic processes? We quantified the rates of surface-area changes of a whole island resulting from both volcanogenic flows and sea level change over the last glacial-interglacial (GI) cycle (120 ka) for the volcanically active island of Terceira, (Azores, Macaronesia, Portugal). Volcanogenic activity led to incidental but long-lasting surface area expansions by the formation of a new volcanic cone and lava-deltas, whereas sea level changes led to both contractions and expansions of area. The total surface area of Terceira decreased by as much as 24% per time step due to changing sea levels and increased by 37% per time step due to volcanism per time step of 10 ka. However, while sea levels nearly continuously changed the total surface area, volcanic activity only impacted total surface area during two time steps over the past 120 ka. The surface area of the coastal and lowland region (here defined as area <300 m) was affected by sea level change (average change of 11% / 10 ka for 120–0 ka) and intra-volcanic change (average change of 17% / 10 ka for 120–0 ka). We discuss the biogeographic implications of the quantified dynamics, and we argue that surface area change is mainly driven by volcanic processes in the early stages of the island’s life cycle, while during the later stages, area change becomes increasingly affected by sea level dynamics. Both environmental processes may therefore affect biota differently during the life cycle of volcanic oceanic islands.S.J.N. received funding from the Portuguese National Funds, through Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT), within the project UID/BIA/00329/2013 and the Research Fellowship PD/BD/114380/2016. S.P.A. acknowledges his research contract (IF/00465/2015) funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT). C.S.M. is benefiting from a PhD grant M3.1.a/F/100/2015 from FRCT/Açores 2020 by Fundo Regional para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FRCT). Financial support to R.A. was received from the Laboratory of Excellence ‘TULIP’ (PIA-10-LABX-41). This work was supported by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors – COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT under the UID/BIA/50027/2013, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006821 and under DRCT-M1.1.a/005/Funcionamento-C-/2016 (CIBIO-A) project from FRCT. This work was also supported by FEDER funds (in 85%) and by funds of the Regional Government of the Azores (15%) through Programa Operacional Açores 2020, in the scope of the project “AZORESBIOPORTAL – PORBIOTA”: ACORES‑01‑0145-FEDER-000072.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Global raster dataset on historical coastline positions and shelf sea extents since the Last Glacial Maximum

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    Motivation: Historical changes in sea level caused shifting coastlines that affected the distribution and evolution of marine and terrestrial biota. At the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 26 ka, sea levels were >130 m lower than at present, resulting in seaward-shifted coastlines and shallow shelf seas, with emerging land bridges leading to the isolation of marine biota and the connection of land-bridge islands to the continents. At the end of the last ice age, sea levels started to rise at unprecedented rates, leading to coastal retreat, drowning of land bridges and contraction of island areas. Although a growing number of studies take historical coastline dynamics into consideration, they are mostly based on past global sea-level stands and present-day water depths and neglect the influence of global geophysical changes on historical coastline positions. Here, we present a novel geophysically corrected global historical coastline position raster for the period from 26 ka to the present. This coastline raster allows, for the first time, calculation of global and regional coastline retreat rates and land loss rates. Additionally, we produced, per time step, 53 shelf sea rasters to present shelf sea positions and to calculate the shelf sea expansion rates. These metrics are essential to assess the role of isolation and connectivity in shaping marine and insular biodiversity patterns and evolutionary signatures within species and species assemblages. Main types of variables contained: The coastline age raster contains cells with ages in thousands of years before present (bp), representing the time since the coastline was positioned in the raster cells, for the period between 26 ka and the present. A total of 53 shelf sea rasters (sea levels <140 m) are presented, showing the extent of land (1), shelf sea (0) and deep sea (NULL) per time step of 0.5 kyr from 26 ka to the present. Spatial location and grain: The coastline age raster and shelf sea rasters have a global representation. The spatial resolution is scaled to 120 arcsec (0.333° × 0.333°), implying cells of c. 3,704 m around the equator, 3,207 m around the tropics (±30°) and 1,853 m in the temperate zone (±60°). Time period and temporal resolution: The coastline age raster shows the age of coastline positions since the onset of the LGM 26 ka, with time steps of 0.5 kyr. The 53 shelf sea rasters show, for each time step of 0.5 kyr, the position of the shelf seas (seas shallower than 140 m) and the extent of land. Level of measurement: Both the coastline age raster and the 53 shelf sea rasters are provided as TIFF files with spatial reference system WGS84 (SRID 4326). The values of the coastline age raster per grid cell correspond to the most recent coastline position (in steps of 0.5 kyr). Values range from 0 (0 ka, i.e., present day) to 260 (26 ka) in bins of 5 (0.5 kyr). A value of “no data” is ascribed to pixels that have remained below sea level since 26 ka. Software format: All data processing was done using the R programming language

    Global raster dataset on historical coastline positions and shelf sea extents since the Last Glacial Maximum

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    Abstract Motivation Historical changes in sea level caused shifting coastlines that affected the distribution and evolution of marine and terrestrial biota. At the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 26 ka, sea levels were >130?m lower than at present, resulting in seaward-shifted coastlines and shallow shelf seas, with emerging land bridges leading to the isolation of marine biota and the connection of land-bridge islands to the continents. At the end of the last ice age, sea levels started to rise at unprecedented rates, leading to coastal retreat, drowning of land bridges and contraction of island areas. Although a growing number of studies take historical coastline dynamics into consideration, they are mostly based on past global sea-level stands and present-day water depths and neglect the influence of global geophysical changes on historical coastline positions. Here, we present a novel geophysically corrected global historical coastline position raster for the period from 26 ka to the present. This coastline raster allows, for the first time, calculation of global and regional coastline retreat rates and land loss rates. Additionally, we produced, per time step, 53 shelf sea rasters to present shelf sea positions and to calculate the shelf sea expansion rates. These metrics are essential to assess the role of isolation and connectivity in shaping marine and insular biodiversity patterns and evolutionary signatures within species and species assemblages. Main types of variables contained The coastline age raster contains cells with ages in thousands of years before present (bp), representing the time since the coastline was positioned in the raster cells, for the period between 26 ka and the present. A total of 53 shelf sea rasters (sea level

    Proteomic markers with prognostic impact on outcome of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients under chemo-immunotherapy: results from the HOVON 109 study

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    Despite recent identification of several prognostic markers, there is still a need for new prognostic parameters able to predict clinical outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients. Here, we aimed to validate the prognostic ability of known (proteomic) markers measured pretreatment and to search for new proteomic markers that might be related to treatment response in CLL. To this end, baseline serum samples of 51 CLL patients treated with chemo-immunotherapy were analyzed for 360 proteomic markers, using Olink technology. Median event-free survival (EFS) was 23 months (range: 1.25–60.9). Patients with high levels of sCD23 (>11.27, p = 0.026), sCD27 (>11.03, p = 0.04), SPINT1 (>1.6, p = 0.001), and LY9 (>8.22, p = 0.0003) had a shorter EFS than those with marker levels below the median. The effect of sCD23 on EFS differed between immunoglobulin heavy chain variable gene-mutated and unmutated patients, with the shortest EFS for unmutated CLL patients with sCD23 levels above the median. Taken together, our results validate the prognostic impact of sCD23 and highlight SPINT1 and LY9 as possible promising markers for treatment response in CLL patients

    A filtering approach to remove finite-difference errors from wave equation simulations

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    Seismograms (i.e., recordings of seismic waves that propagate through the earth) can be used to uncover information about the earth's subsurface. Such investigations require accurate numerical wave simulations. One of the most common techniques to carry out these simulations is the finite-difference (FD) method. In the FD method, (1) derivatives are replaced with approximations of limited accuracy, and (2) continuous space and time are discretized into finite steps. The FD method is a fast numerical method, but it also introduces inaccuracies. In this thesis, we propose four procedures that reduce these inaccuracies. The overarching aim is to provide fast FD simulations (using large steps in space and time) while yielding accurate solutions. The first proposed method is the use of a filter pair: the forward and inverse time-dispersion transforms. These transforms must be applied before the simulation (to modify the source wavelet) and after the simulation (to modify the recorded seismic signals). They correct for the inaccuracy induced by the approximation of the temporal derivative in the wave equation. We show that the method applies to acoustic and elastic wave simulations. Furthermore, we show that the method applies to viscoelastic FD simulations if they use standard memory variables. The second proposed method is the use and design of `optimal' FD operators. Such FD operators are highly accurate for a prescribed wavenumber range. We obtain these FD operators using the Remez exchange algorithm, a well-known algorithm in the field of filter design. Our work generalizes the existing literature drastically: (1) we consider arbitrary derivative orders, (2) we consider three cost-functions [the absolute error, the relative error, the group velocity error], (3) we consider arbitrary input locations, (4) we can compute solutions that are optimal in a least-squares or maximum norm sense. Optimal results in FD modeling are obtained with the FD operator designed for the relative error. The third proposed method concerns the implementation of point-sources in FD simulations. These sources are typically modeled by exciting the source on a single FD node. We show that such an implementation leads to wavenumber-varying amplitude errors. In effect, two artifacts are generated: (1) ringing is introduced, and (2) erroneous wave modes may be excited. We show how to correct for this error using a filter in the wavenumber domain. The `FD-consistent' point-source that we propose minimizes these artifacts. The fourth proposed method concerns the use of interface representation schemes in wave simulations. For this, we compare five interface representations from geophysical literature. We find that, in acoustic simulations, optimal results are obtained with anti-aliasing of the fine velocity model. Conversely, in isotropic and anisotropic elastic simulations, optimal results are obtained with the Schoenberg \& Muir (1989) calculus. The proposed methods have two attractive features: (1) they allow FD simulations with large steps in space and time, (2) they must only be applied before and after the simulation to improve the accuracy, and have a negligible computational cost. Hence, they allow for fast FD simulations with a minimal computational cost, while yielding excellent accuracy

    Optimal finite-difference operators for arbitrarily sampled data

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    We have developed a general method to obtain the equiripple and the least-squares finite-difference (FD) operator weights to compute arbitrary-order derivatives from arbitrary sample locations. The method is based on the complex-valued Remez exchange algorithm applied to three cost functions: the total error, the relative error, and the group-velocity error. We evaluate the method on three acoustic FD modeling examples. In the first example, we assess the accuracy obtained with the optimal coefficients when propagating acoustic waves through a medium. In the second example, we propagate a wave through an irregular grid. In the final example, we position a source and receiver at arbitrary locations in-between the modeling grid points. In the examples using regular grids, the equiripple solution to the relative cost function performs best. It obtains marginally (4%–10%) better results compared to the second-best option, the least-squares solution for the relative cost function. The least-squares solution for the relative error produced the only stable and accurate results also in the example of modeling on an irregular grid
