651 research outputs found

    Addition formulas for q-special functions

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    A general addition formula for a two-parameter family of Askey-Wilson polynomials is derived from the quantum SU(2)SU(2) group theoretic interpretation. This formula contains most of the previously known addition formulas for qq-Legendre polynomials as special or limiting cases. A survey of the literature on addition formulas for qq-special functions using quantum groups and quantum algebras is given

    8 Lectures on quantum groups and q-special functions

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    Lecture notes for an eight hour course on quantum groups and qq-special functions at the fourth Summer School in Differential Equations and Related Areas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Universidad de los Andes, Bogot\'a, Colombia, July 22 -- August 2, 1996. The lecture notes contain an introduction to quantum groups, qq-special functions and their interplay. After generalities on Hopf algebras, orthogonal polynomials and basic hypergeometric series we work out the relation between the quantum SU(2) group and the Askey-Wilson polynomials out in detail as the main example. As an application we derive an addition formula for a two-parameter subfamily of Askey-Wilson polynomials. A relation between the Al-Salam and Chihara polynomials and the quantised universal enveloping algebra for su(1,1)su(1,1) is given. Finally, more examples and other approaches as well as some open problems are given.Comment: AMS-TeX, 82 page

    One-parameter orthogonality relations for basic hypergeometric series

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    The second order hypergeometric q-difference operator is studied for the value c=-q. For certain parameter regimes the corresponding recurrence relation can be related to a symmetric operator on the Hilbert space l^2(Z). The operator has deficiency indices (1,1) and we describe as explicitly as possible the spectral resolutions of the self-adjoint extensions. This gives rise to one-parameter orthogonality relations for sums of two 2\phi1-series. In particular, we find that the Ismail-Zhang q-analogue of the exponential function satisfies certain orthogonality relations analogous to the Fourier cosine transform.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in Indagationes Mathematica

    The indeterminate moment problem for the qq-Meixner polynomials

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    For a class of orthogonal polynomials related to the qq-Meixner polynomials corresponding to an indeterminate moment problem we give a one-parameter family of orthogonality measures. For these measures we complement the orthogonal polynomials to an orthogonal basis for the corresponding weighted L2L^2-space explicitly. The result is proved in two ways; by a spectral decomposition of a suitable operator and by direct series manipulation. We discuss extensions to explicit non-positive measures and the relation to other indeterminate moment problems for the continuous q−1q^{-1}-Hahn and qq-Laguerre polynomials.Comment: 26 page

    A locally compact quantum group analogue of the normalizer of SU(1,1) in SL(2,C)

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    S.L. Woronowicz proved in 1991 that quantum SU(1,1) does not exist as a locally compact quantum group. Results by L.I. Korogodsky in 1994 and more recently by Woronowicz gave strong indications that the normalizer N of SU(1,1) in SL(2,C) is a much better quantization candidate than SU(1,1) itself. In this paper we show that this is indeed the case by constructing N_q, a new example of a unimodular locally compact quantum group (depending on a parameter q) that is a deformation of N. After defining the underlying von Neumann algebra of N_q we use a certain class of q-hypergeometric functions and their orthogonality relations to construct the comultiplication. The coassociativity of this comultiplication is the hardest result to establish. We define the Haar weight and obtain simple formulas for the antipode and its polar decomposition. As a final result we produce the underlying C*-algebra of N_q. The proofs of all these results depend on various properties of q-hypergeometric 1\phi1 functions.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figur

    Harmonic analysis on the SU(2) dynamical quantum group

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    Dynamical quantum groups were recently introduced by Etingof and Varchenko as an algebraic framework for studying the dynamical Yang-Baxter equation, which is precisely the Yang-Baxter equation satisfied by 6j-symbols. We investigate one of the simplest examples, generalizing the standard SU(2) quantum group. The matrix elements for its corepresentations are identified with Askey-Wilson polynomials, and the Haar measure with the Askey-Wilson measure. The discrete orthogonality of the matrix elements yield the orthogonality of q-Racah polynomials (or quantum 6j-symbols). The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for representations and corepresentations are also identified with q-Racah polynomials. This results in new algebraic proofs of the Biedenharn-Elliott identity satisfied by quantum 6j-symbols.Comment: 51 pages; minor correction
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