415 research outputs found

    Isotopic fractionation of Cu in tektites

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    Tektites are terrestrial natural glasses of up to a few centimeters in size that were produced during hypervelocity impacts on the Earth’s surface. It is well established that the chemical and isotopic composition of tektites is generally identical to that of the upper terrestrial continental crust. Tektites typically have very low water content, which has generally been explained by volatilization at high temperature; however, the exact mechanism is still debated. Because volatilization can fractionate isotopes, comparing the isotopic composition of volatile elements in tektites with those of their source rocks may help to understand the physical conditions during tektite formation.Interestingly, volatile chalcophile elements (e.g., Cd and Zn) seem to be the only elements for which isotopic fractionation is known so far in tektites. Here, we extend this study to Cu, another volatile chalcophile element. We have measured the Cu isotopic composition for 20 tektite samples from the four known different strewn fields. All of the tektites (except the Muong Nong-types) are enriched in the heavy isotopes of Cu (1.98 < δ65Cu < 6.99) in comparison to the terrestrial crust (δ65Cu ≈ 0) with no clear distinction between the different groups. The Muong Nong-type tektites and a Libyan Desert Glass sample are not fractionated (δ65Cu ≈ 0) in comparison to the terrestrial crust. To refine the Cu isotopic composition of the terrestrial crust, we also present data for three geological reference materials (δ65Cu ≈ 0).An increase of δ65Cu with decreasing Cu abundance probably reflects that the isotopic fractionation occurred by evaporation during heating. A simple Rayleigh distillation cannot explain the Cu isotopic data and we suggest that the isotopic fractionation is governed by a diffusion-limited regime. Copper is isotopically more fractionated than the more volatile element Zn (δ66/64Zn up to 2.49‰). This difference of behavior between Cu and Zn is predicted in a diffusion-limited regime, where the magnitude of the isotopic fractionation is regulated by the competition between the evaporative flux and the diffusive flux at the diffusion boundary layer. Due to the difference of ionic charge in silicates (Zn2+ vs. Cu+), Cu has a diffusion coefficient that is larger than that of Zn by at least two orders of magnitude. Therefore, the larger isotopic fractionation in Cu than in Zn in tektites is due to the significant difference in their respective chemical diffusivity

    Yallalie: a Buried Structure of Possible Impact Origin in the Perth Basin, Western Australia

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    An enigmatic buried structure, located in Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the Perth Basin, Western Australia, was discovered in 1990 by Ampol Exploration. The basin-like Yallalie structure (centred on 30 26' 40.3'' S, 115 46' 16.4'' E) is circular in plan view and about 12 km in diameter. High resolution,seismic-reflection profiles across the structure show a basin-shaped area of chaotic reflections that extend to a depth of approximately 2 km below the surface. The structure has sharp boundaries with surrounding faulted, but otherwise relatively undisturbed, rocks. In the centre of the structure there is an uplifted area approximately 3?4 km across, similar to those described from complex meteorite impact structures. The seismically defined structure coincides with a circular topographic depression, and image processing of digital elevation data has allowed recognition of concentric and radial structures extending as far as 40 km from the centre of the depression. Gravity surveys show the structure to be associated with a positive gravity anomaly of about 30 gu. Aeromagnetic surveys have defined annular anomalies associated with the central uplifted section, and possibly margins, of the structure. A search for siderophile element enrichments (by neutron activation analysis) in the rocks of the structure, which would indicate the presence of a meteorite component, proved negative. Quartz grains in cores that penetrate the structure show the development of prismatic cleavage fractures and irregular, slightly curved planes formed by brittle fracture. An allochthonous breccia of Late Cretaceous rocks occurs a few kilometres west of the western margin of the structure. Quartz grains from a thin veneer of Tertiary sediments that drape the structure are essentially undeformed. However, multiple sets of closely spaced planar deformation features in quartz, characteristic of highly shocked rocks, have yet to be observed in the rocks of the Yallalie structure and the allochthonous breccia. The morphology of the Yallalie structure determined from topographic and geophysical data suggests strongly that it is of impact origin. Geological and geochemical evidence is equivocal, but is not inconsistent with this interpretation

    Subsurface Salts in Antarctic Dry Valley Soils

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    The distribution of water-soluble ions, major and minor elements, and other parameters were examined to determine the extent and effects of chemical weathering on cold desert soils. Patterns at the study sites support theories of multiple salt forming processes, including marine aerosols and chemical weathering of mafic minerals. Periodic solar-mediated ionization of atmospheric nitrogen might also produce high nitrate concentrations found in older sediments. Chemical weathering, however, was the major contributor of salts in Antarctic Dry Valleys. The Antarctic Dry Valleys represent a unique analog for Mars, as they are extremely cold and dry desert environments. Similarities in the climate, surface geology, and chemical properties of the Dry Valleys to that of Mars imply the possible presence of these soil formation mechanisms on Mars, other planets and icy satellites

    An air-fall ash layer in the Grotta dei Baffoni cave in the Frasassi Gorge (Marche Apennine, Italy): relevance to the Younger Dryas debate

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    A thin tephra layer was discovered in a section of cave sediments in the Grotta dei Baffoni Cave (GDB), in the Marche Apennine of central Italy, immediately underlying a clayey layer containing charcoal fragments dated at 12,843 ± 122 years before present. This date indicated that humans were occupying the cave at the very beginning of the Younger Dryas cooling event. Petrographic and geochemical analysis of the volcanic glass contained in the tephra layer suggests that this deposit represents a distal air-fall ash erupted from a volcano in the Campi Flegrei caldera, which produced the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT). Radiocarbon AMS dating of charcoal particles from this GDB tephra layer yielded an age around 14.4 ± 0.4 ka, which is consistent with the chronology of the NYT eruption, which occurred some 14.1 ± 1.4 thousand years ago. Nevertheless, the sediment succession in this cave deposit actually covers a time interval across the sudden and drastic Younger Dryas cooling event, which occurred around 12.9 ka. There is an ongoing debate about the causes of the Younger Dryas event, which divides the scientific community into a faction sustaining that the Younger Dryas cooling event was triggered by an elusive meteorite impact, and an opposing one that advocates volcanic eruptions, such as the eruption of the Laacher See volcano in central Germany, which was precisely dated at 13 ka. A detailed trace element and 187Os/188Os analysis of the sedimentary succession in the Grotta dei Baffoni Cave did not reveal evidence of any platinum-group element anomalies or an osmium isotope signature that would support an extraterrestrial impact event around the time of the Younger Dryas event. The Grotta dei Baffoni tephra layer turned out to be derived from a large eruption in the Campi Flegrei of southern Italy, which produced the huge Neapolitan Yellow Tuff around 14.1 thousand years ago. This catastrophic event appears to be synchronous with the minor Older Dryas cooling event, which preceded the Younger Dryas by some 1300 years

    Don Quixote Pond: A Small Scale Model of Weathering and Salt Accumulation

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    The formation of Don Quixote Pond in the North Fork of Wright Valley, Antarctica, is a model for unique terrestrial calcium, chlorine, and sulfate weathering, accumulation, and distribution processes. The formation of Don Quixote Pond by simple shallow and deep groundwater contrasts more complex models for Don Juan Pond in the South Fork of Wright Valley. Our study intends to understand the formation of Don Quixote Pond as unique terrestrial processes and as a model for Ca, C1, and S weathering and distribution on Mars

    Constraining the source regions of lunar meteorites using orbital geochemical data

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    Lunar meteorites provide important new samples of the Moon remote from regions visited by the Apollo and Luna sample return missions. Petrologic and geochemical analysis of these meteorites, combined with orbital remote-sensing measurements have enabled additional discoveries about the composition and age of the lunar surface on a global scale. However, the interpretation of these samples is limited by the fact that we do not know the source region of any individual lunar meteorite. Here we investigate the link between meteorite and source region on the Moon using the Lunar Prospector Gamma Ray Spectrometer remote sensing dataset for the elements Fe, Ti and Th. The approach has been validated using Apollo and Luna bulk regolith samples and we have applied it to 48 meteorites excluding paired stones. Our approach is able broadly to differentiate the best compositional matches as potential regions of origin for the various classes of lunar meteorites. Basaltic and intermediate-Fe regolith breccia meteorites are found to have the best constrained potential launch sites, with some impact breccias and pristine mare basalts also having reasonably well defined potential source regions. Launch areas for highland feldspathic meteorites are much less well constrained and the addition of another element, such as Mg, will probably be required to identify potential source regions for these
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