40 research outputs found

    On the biaxiality of smectic C and ferroelectric liquid crystals

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    Ferroelectric liquid crystals (FLCs) were a major topic for research in the 1980s and 1990s, to which George Gray and his research family played a fundamental role in developing the field. The famous symbiotic relationship between the chemists at Hull University and device physicists at the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (RSRE) continued throughout this period, providing the basis for the τVmin mode of FLC operation. The principal of this mode relies on the dielectric biaxiality inherent to the smectic C and ferroelectric smectic C* liquid crystal phases. As with nematics before, new materials and device physics developed hand-in-hand, allowing materials to be formulated with addressing times of 12μs at voltages below 30 V. After reviewing the material physics behind these devices, new measurements of the biaxial refractive indices and permittivities are presented, from which the biaxial order parameter C is determined

    OLED displays and lighting

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    Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have emerged as the leading technology for the new display and lighting market. OLEDs are solid-state devices composed of thin films of organic molecules that create light with the application of electricity. OLEDs can provide brighter, crisper displays on electronic devices and use less power than conventional light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or liquid crystal displays (LCDs) used today. This book covers both the fundamentals and practical applications of flat and flexible OLEDs


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    Kebutuhan penggunaan tenaga listrik saat ini dan dimasa yang akan datang akan terus meningkat. Dahulu listrik dianggap sebagai barang mewah, tetapi saat ini menjadi kebutuhan dasar hidup masyarakat dan tolak ukur kemajuan industri. Tanpa tenaga listrik, aktivitas kita akan terganggu. Pelanggan menginginkan mutu pelayanan yang prima dari PLN, agar listrik bisa dinikmati sepanjang hari tanpa ada pemadaman. Tetapi karena banyaknya masalah dan kendala yang dihadapi, terhentinya aliran listrik yang bersifat sementara merupakan suatu kenyataan yang tidak bisa terhindarkan. Aliran listrik terhenti sebagai akibat adanya gangguan hubungan pendek pada saluran/penyulang dan rusaknya peralatan. Tugas akhir ini berisi suatu evaluasi sistem proteksi terhadap gangguan arus lebih pada penyulang 20 kV Gardu Induk Puncak Ardi Mulia. Evaluasi ditujukan terhadap penentuan setting rele fasa dan setting rele tanah dan untuk evaluasi ini diperlukan studi arus hubungan pendek dengan menggunakan teori komponen simetris. Dari hasil perhitungan yang dilakukan dan berdasarkan data yang diambil di lapangan, setting rele tanah pada beberapa penyulang terlalu kecil dari seharusnya sehingga hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya gangguan Simpatetik Trip, yang dulu sering terjadi, dimana penyulang sehat ikut menjadi padam akibat dari hubungan pendek satu fasa ke tanah yang terjadi pada satu penyulang

    Wide Viewing Angle Technologies of TFT-LCDs

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    Abstract Recently, the viewing angle of TFT-LCDs has been drastically improved. The wide viewing angle technologies are classified into the modifications of molecular orientation and switching in nematic LC, the utilization of smectic LC, the application of optical compensation film, the photo-luminescent method, etc. This paper reviews these wide viewing angle technologies

    Novel Roll-to-Roll Deposition and Patterning of ITO on Ultra-Thin Glass for Flexible OLEDs

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