8 research outputs found

    Identity - an Influential Factor in Modernization of Healthcare Systems in Hungary and Serbia

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    The changing word and its economic trends are demanding adjustments in healthcare systems. The modernization of the healthcare appeared as global requirement, in connection with numerous changes in healthcare sector, including the financing and providing funds for unallayed services. Also, one of the crucial elements of the modernization is the development of the healthcare leadership and introducing elements of the shared leadership, in order to create an organizational culture, which can comply with the global changes resulting to economic and business transformations. Belonging to groups, families, and communities can empower leaders and increase commitment towards belonging. Through cultural humility, leaders are able to recognise and understand their own cultural self-identity and how this affects their leadership style. In this paper, the authors recognise that everyone has unique traditions, values, and beliefs (ethnic identity, language, religion, community, family ties), that everyone is connected to others, and that this greatly influences their leadership decisions. In order to provide a theoretical basis for the research, the authors aim to present a literature review of past research on identity as a factor influencing the modernization of healthcare (and leadership) in both Hungary and Serbia. Though there is a recognized need, opportunities for healthcare leadership development are limited both in Hungary and Serbia, including important limiting factors such as the fact that leaders are still sceptical about modern business and management elements in the healthcare sector. The ideal solution would be the combination of the early and mid-to-late career development and the integration of both the organizational and leadership development. This paper focuses on describing the healthcare systems in the two countries and understanding the factors that need to be highlighted in terms of their modernisation, both in the system and in relation to healthcare leadership

    Identity – an Influential Factor in Modernization of Healthcare Systems in Hungary and Serbia

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    The changing world and its economic trends are demanding adjustments in healthcare systems. The modernization of healthcare appeared as a global requirement, in connection with numerous changes in the healthcare sector, including the financing and providing funds for unallayed services. Also, one of the crucial elements of modernization is the development of healthcare leadership and the introduction of elements of shared leadership, in order to create an organizational culture, which can comply with the global changes, coming together with economic and business transformations. Leaders bring their life lessons, their past, and their culture into every possible perspective and context. Belonging to groups, families, and communities can empower leaders and increase commitment toward belonging. As well as cultural humility, leaders need to recognize and understand their own cultural self-identity and how this affects their leadership style. Recognizing that everyone has unique traditions, values, and beliefs (ethnic identity, language, religion, community, family ties) helps to understand how everyone is related to others and how it influences leadership decisions. Though there is a recognized need, opportunities for healthcare leadership development are limited both in Hungary and Serbia, including important limiting factors such as the fact that leaders are still skeptical about including modern business and management elements in healthcare. The ideal solution would be the combination of early and mid-to-late career development and the integration of both organizational and leadership development. Although there is insufficient data on the impact of social identity and social identification on behaviors, professional development, and commitment of leaders in the healthcare systems of Hungary and Serbia, both countries could be established a clear connection between recognizing the need for developing an effective social health protection system and effort to improve the leadership in healthcare. However, further research is needed in order to better define the phenomenon

    Magyarország és Szerbia orvosokkal való ellátottságának összehasonlítása területi egységek szintjén 2002-2020 közötti időszakban

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    A kutatásomban szeretném bemutatni Magyarország és Szerbia orvosokkal való ellátottságát (orvosok száma/100 000 lakos), mely az egészségügyi rendszer működésére vonatkozó egyik legfontosabb indikátor, a két ország tervezési-statisztikai és közigazgatási területi egységeit véve alapul. A kutatásom a 2002-2020 közötti időszakra terjed ki, és összehasonlítás céljából másodlagos adatokat, a hivatalos magyar és szerb statisztikai adatokat használtam fel. Mivel Magyarország és Szerbia szomszédos országok, egy ilyen összevetés fontos információkkal szolgálhat a regionális hasonlóságokat és különbségeket, valamint a jövőbeli fejlődési kilátásokat illetően. Azt is fontos kiemelni, hogy Magyarország és Szerbia eltérő gazdasági fejlettségű országok, valamint az európai uniós tagság tekintetében is jelentősen különbözik a helyzetük. Viszont mindkét ország lényeges gazdasági és politikai változásokon ment keresztül az elmúlt 15-20 évben, és ezért fontos lehet megvizsgálni és összehasonlítani az egészségügyi rendszereik fejlődését, melynek szerves részét képezi az orvosokkal való ellátottság. A kutatásom során arra a következtetésre jutottam, hogy Magyarországon az orvosokkal való ellátottság magasabb, mint Szerbiában. 2002 óta Magyarország vármegyéiben folyamatosan emelkedik az orvosokkal való ellátottság, míg Szerbia területi egységeiben a 2002 utáni „látványos” csökkenést követően főleg stagnálás figyelhető meg. Összességében megállapítható, hogy a földrajzi közelség ellenére jelentős különbségek vannak a szerb és a magyar orvosokkal való ellátottság tekintetében

    Identity – an Influential Factor in Modernization of Healthcare Systems in Hungary and Serbia

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    The changing world and its economic trends are demanding adjustments in healthcare systems. The modernization of healthcare appeared as a global requirement, in connection with numerous changes in the healthcare sector, including the financing and providing funds for unallayed services. Also, one of the crucial elements of modernization is the development of healthcare leadership and the introduction of elements of shared leadership, in order to create an organizational culture, which can comply with the global changes, coming together with economic and business transformations. Leaders bring their life lessons, their past, and their culture into every possible perspective and context. Belonging to groups, families, and communities can empower leaders and increase commitment toward belonging. As well as cultural humility, leaders need to recognize and understand their own cultural self-identity and how this affects their leadership style. Recognizing that everyone has unique traditions, values, and beliefs (ethnic identity, language, religion, community, family ties) helps to understand how everyone is related to others and how it influences leadership decisions. Though there is a recognized need, opportunities for healthcare leadership development are limited both in Hungary and Serbia, including important limiting factors such as the fact that leaders are still skeptical about including modern business and management elements in healthcare. The ideal solution would be the combination of early and mid-to-late career development and the integration of both organizational and leadership development. Although there is insufficient data on the impact of social identity and social identification on behaviors, professional development, and commitment of leaders in the healthcare systems of Hungary and Serbia, both countries could be established a clear connection between recognizing the need for developing an effective social health protection system and effort to improve the leadership in healthcare. However, further research is needed in order to better define the phenomenon