447 research outputs found

    Home for the enderly people

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    Tématem diplomové práce je zpracování projektové dokumentace novostavby domova pro seniory ve městě Blansko. Dům má čtyři nadzemní podlaží a je částečně podsklepený. Objekt je provozně rozdělen na několik samostatných částí. Převažující část objektu je určena pro bydlení seniorů. Zbývající část je tvořena dílčími provozními celky. Domov pro seniory je navržen z konstrukčního systému Porotherm. Střecha je šikmá dvouplášťová s dřevěnou nosnou konstrukcí.The theme of diploma thesis is processing of the design documentation of a home for the elderly people in the town Blansko. The house with four floors is partly basement. The building is operationally divided into several separate parts. The mainly part of building is for living of elderly people. The rest of the building consists of several partial operational units. The house is designed of the construction system Porotherm. The pitched roof is double layer with a wooden load-bearing structure.

    Sloup - Residential Zone Design

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    Bakalářská práce zpracovává problematiku návrhu obytné zóny v severní části obce Sloup v Moravském krasu. Byly zpracovány 4 varianty, pro které byly vyhotoveny výkresy situace a situace dopravního značení. Výkres vzorových příčných řezů platí pro všechny varianty bez výjimky. Na základě zjednodušeného multikriteriálního hodnocení, byly vybrány 2 vítězné varianty, pro které byly vyhotoveny podélné profily a situační výkresy byly zpracovány detailněji.Bachelor thesis focuses on north part of Sloup village, the main target is to design residential area. Site plan and site plan of road signs were designed for each of four variants. The crosssections fit to all variants which were designed. Two variants were chosen as the best ones, based on multicriteria evaluation. The more detailed site plan, longitudinal profile were processed for the two best variants.

    Quality matters: re-formatting the boundaries of care in Czech social care policy

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    This thesis deals with knowledge about the mechanics and effects of quality reforms in public service as advanced by critical policy studies. Critical policy studies have identified managerialism and marketization of public services as key conditions in introducing quality reforms. The argument has been built in opposition to proponents of quality who argue that marketization, when introduced to services, enhances their quality. In contrast, critical studies have shown that quality reforms have restructured organizational contexts of public services where quality acted mainly as a rhetorical figure, and where improvements remain dubious. The real effects of quality reforms, they argue, are increased control over practitioners’ labour process and de-professionalization. This thesis is a case study of a recent Czech social care reform. The Czech case is a case of a quality reform without marketization and managerialism, yet with a similar outcome in the form of managerialised care. As such, the Czech case offers an opportunity to further our knowledge about the mechanics of quality reforms provided we make a methodological step outside the analytics of managerialism. The thesis undertakes this methodological shift by drawing on Actor Network Theory. The question this thesis asks is how could managerialised care be achieved without either marketization or managerialism? Methodologically, the thesis argues that mapping social alliances among policy actors is necessary but in itself not sufficient to explain the outcome. The thesis traces the Czech quality reform from its inception as a policy project at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to its circulation in social care sector. The Czech case shows how articulating quality service in quality standards re-organised care by extending (both conceptually and practically) its boundaries. Care traditionally understood as interactional bodywork was extended horizontally to include practices and forms outside the practitioner-client interaction (such as support planning), and it was extended vertically shifting the agency in care from an equipped practitioner to an equipped service. The contribution of the thesis is twofold. It shows that quality has gained a life in its own outside the managerialist causation model and may not necessarily follow in the footsteps of marketization and managerialism. Mainly, the thesis shows that quality is a complex shibboleth able to re-format the content of practitioner work rather than merely re-structure organizational contexts of public service provision

    A laboratory based experimental study of mercury emission from contaminated soils in the River Idrijca catchment

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    Results obtained by a laboratory flux measurement system (LFMS) focused on investigating the kinetics of the mercury emission flux (MEF) from contaminated soils of the Idrija Hg-mine region, Slovenia are presented. Representative soil samples with respect to total Hg concentrations (4–417 μg g<sup>−1</sup>) and land cover (forest, meadow and alluvial soil) alongside the River Idrijca were analysed to determine the variation in MEF versus distance from the source, regulating three major environmental parameters comprising soil temperature, soil moisture and solar radiation. MEFs ranged from less than 2 to 530 ng m<sup>−2</sup> h<sup>−1</sup>, with the highest emissions from contaminated alluvial soils and soils near the mining district in the town of Idrija. A significant decrease of MEF was then observed with increasing distance from these sites. The results revealed a strong positive effect of all three parameters investigated on momentum MEF. The light-induced flux was shown to be independent of the soil temperature, while the soil aqueous phase seems to be responsible for recharging the pool of mercury in the soil available for both the light- and thermally-induced flux. The overall flux response to simulated environmental conditions depends greatly on the form of Hg in the soil. Higher activation energies are required for the overall process to occur in soils where insoluble cinnabar prevails compared to soils where more mobile Hg forms and forms available for transformation processes are dominant

    Unilateral spinal anaesthesia for varicose vein surgery: a comparison of hyperbaric bupivacaine 7.5 mg versus hyperbaric bupivacaine 5 mg + fentanyl 25 μg

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    Background and Purpose: Unilateral spinal anaetshesia restricts the distrubution of spinal block preferentially to the operative side. Intrathecal coadministration of opioids increases sensory block without enhancing motor or sympathetic block. In this study we compared unilateral hyperbaric bupivacaine spinal anaesthesia with or without fentanyl in patients undergoing varicose vein surgery. Material and Methods: 40 ASA I-II adults randomly received unilateral spinal anaestehsia with hyperbaric bupivacaine 7.5 mg (Group B, n=20) or hyperbaric bupivacaine 5 mg+ fentanyl 25mg (Group BF, n=20). Sensory and motor block, hemodynamic data and side-effects were recorded. Results: Maximum level of sensory block on operative leg was Th11 (Th12-Th8) in Group B and Th12 (Th12-Th10) in Group BF, P=0.09. Complete motor block had 12 (60%) Group B and 4 (20%) Group BF patients, P=0.02. Total regression of motor block required 127 ± 31 min in Group B and 87 ± 18 min in Group BF, P<0.001. Maximum decrease of systolic arterial pressure from start value was 19 ± 9% in Group B and 16± 6% in Group BF, P=0.32 and of heart rate 23 ± 10% and 17 ± 7%, P=0.06, respectively. Pruritus had 9 (45%) Group BF patients, P=0.001. Conclusion: Unilateral hyperbaric bupivacaine 5mg+fentanyl 25 mg spinal anaesthesia provides adequate intraoperative sensory block in operated leg and results in similar cardiovascular stability, less intense motor block and faster motor recovery than unilateral hyperbaric bupivacaine 7.5 mg spinal anestehesia in patients undergoing varicose vein surgery

    Inflammatory Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Retroperitoneum

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    The authors present a case of inflammatory malignant fibrous histiocytoma located in the left retroperitoneum. The tumor was resected enblock with kidney and suprarenal gland. During the resection the system of retractors called the pillars of Kocman was used which allowed wide exposure of the abdominal cavity. The tumor measured 23x17x10cm with the left kidney and suprarenal incorporated. The tumor was centrally pseudocystic made of xanthomatous cells, foamy cells and rare giant cells with storiform formations and infiltrated with neutrophills. Imunohistochemically, the tumor cells were vimentin and CD 68 positive and CD 20, CD3, EMA, S-100, HMB 45, CD 34 and CD 1a negative. Neutrophills were CD 15 positive

    Inflammatory Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Retroperitoneum

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    The authors present a case of inflammatory malignant fibrous histiocytoma located in the left retroperitoneum. The tumor was resected enblock with kidney and suprarenal gland. During the resection the system of retractors called the pillars of Kocman was used which allowed wide exposure of the abdominal cavity. The tumor measured 23x17x10cm with the left kidney and suprarenal incorporated. The tumor was centrally pseudocystic made of xanthomatous cells, foamy cells and rare giant cells with storiform formations and infiltrated with neutrophills. Imunohistochemically, the tumor cells were vimentin and CD 68 positive and CD 20, CD3, EMA, S-100, HMB 45, CD 34 and CD 1a negative. Neutrophills were CD 15 positive

    Web Application for Ebook Library Management

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    Cílem této práce je vytvoření webové aplikace pro správu elektronické knihovny, která vytváří webové rozhraní nad programem Calibre. Při tvorbě bylo dbáno na to, aby byl výsledek dále jednoduše rozšiřitelný a přístupný širokému okruhu uživatelů. Základem systému je jazyk PHP a knihovna Nette Framework. Text této práce popisuje kompletní vývojový cyklus aplikace od rozboru současného stavu přes analýzu požadavků, návrh systému a návrh uživatelského rozhraní až po implementační detaily a rozbor testování na vzorku uživatelů.The aim of this work is to create a web application for ebook library management which builds a web interface around Calibre. A particular focus was given to extensibility and accessibility for a large spectrum of users. The base of the system is the PHP programming language and the Nette Framework library. The text of this thesis describes the complete development process from the analysis of current situation, requirements analysis, system design and user interface design to implementation details and the analysis of testing on a sample of users.