83 research outputs found

    Instruction Scheduler of C Compiler for Pipelined Architectures

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    Tato práce se zabývá backendem překladače jazyka C, konkrétně plánovačem instrukcí. Analyzuje možnosti plánovače instrukcí kompilační platformy LLVM. Popisuje nahrazení stávajícího delay slot filleru pro architekturu MIPS.This work is engaged in the backend of a C compiler, in particular the instruction scheduler. It analyzes possibilities of the instruction scheduler in the LLVM compiler platform. It describes substitution of the current delay slot filler for MIPS architecture.

    Science in Early Childhood Education

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    Science is often limited or absent in an early education classroom. It is important to give children an outlet to experience science in the classroom or through lesson plans. Having science at an early age can provide children the opportunities to build up their reasoning, to question things about the world, and later in life to feel more confident in other STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) activities or areas. To address this need, I created a 3-day program for 3 to 5 year-olds at Little Learners of Aptos School in Aptos, California

    Tender for teachers of vocational subjects

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    NÁZEV: Výb rové ízení na u itele odborných p edm t AUTOR: Mgr. Roman Kocina KATEDRA (ÚSTAV) Pedagogická fakulta Karlovy univerzity v Praze VEDOUCÍ PRÁCE: Mgr. Irena Lhotková, Ph.D. ABSTRAKT: Cílem bakalá ské práce je seznámení s postupy výb rového ízení na pozici u itele odborných p edm t s pr zkumem využívání t chto metod na st edních školách v Ústeckém kraji. V teoretické ásti je popsána problematika výb rového ízení a doporu ený postup jeho provedení. Je zde popsáno jedenáct výb rových ízení získávání uchaze za využití r zných zdroj oslovení, p edvýb ru a použití osobního pohovoru, test , referencí a p edvedení práce jako metody výb ru z uchaze . V praktické ásti byl proveden pr zkum u st edních škol Ústeckého kraje v oblasti výb rového ízení. Na základ získaných poznatk došlo ke zhodnocení využívání systémových postup respondent , vyhodnocení jejich výsledk a upozorn ní na problematické oblasti ve vypisovaných ízeních. KLÍ OVÁ SLOVA: Výb r, u itel, školství, pohovor, testy, inzerátTITLE: Tender for teachers of vocational subjects AUTHOR: Mgr. Roman Kocina DEPARTMENT: Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University in Prague SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Irena Lhotková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to introduce the competitive tendering procedures for the position of teachers of vocational subjects, exploring the use of these methods in secondary schools in region. The theoretical part describes the issue of the tender process and recommended its implementation. It describes jedenáctero tender, applicant tracking, using a variety of sources addressing, pre-selection and use of personal interviews, tests, references, and demonstration work as a method of selection of candidates. In the practical part of the research was carried out at public schools Ústí Region in the selection process. Based on the lessons learned was to evaluate the use of system processes respondents evaluate their results and alerts to problematic areas announced by the proceedings. KEYWORDS: Selection, teacher, education, interview, tests, tenderCentrum školského managementuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Comparison of different non-linear methods for seismic resistance of masonry structures

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    In the thesis different methods for non-linear static analysis are used to calculate seismic response of a masonry building, and results compared to a shaking table test of a masonry structure, which was performed at the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute. The focus of the thesis rests on the use of different computer programs for seismic analysis, which are based on different methods, use of simple methods of calculation and comparison of the obtained numerical results with the measured and observed response of a shaking table test. In the first part of the thesis an overview of basic concepts regarding seismic resistance and response of masonry structures is presented. Different failure modes of unreinforced masonry are presented and the story failure mechanism is described. Different methods for modeling are presented and explained, including a procedure based on micro-modeling and two methods based on finite elements and the equivalent frame method. The method based on the story mechanism is also presented. In the part of the thesis which deals with numerical calculations, the analyzed structure and the results of the shaking table tests are presented. Next, non-linear seismic analyses are performed with computer programs AmQuake and Sremb3D\ud and with the story mechanism method. In addition to calculations, the theoretical background of the methods, the modeling procedure and the calculation of the seismic response are also explained. Finally, the comparison of all three analyses and the shaking table test results is presented. The pros and cons of different methods, including comments on their usability, accuracy and complexity are presented in the end

    Realization of Intercom of Door Speaker for iMM

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    Tato práce pojednává o řízení inteligentních budov a inteligentní domácnosti. Uvádí možnosti automatizace budov/domácnosti a přechází ke konkrétnímu podsystému: dveřní hlásce. Popisuje realizaci komunikace mezi dveřní hláskou a místnostmi v domě a mezi jednotlivými místnostmi navzájem.This thesis is devoted to the control of intelligent buildings and a smart home. It presents the possibilities of building/home automation and changes the subject to a particular subsystem: door speaker. It describes a realization of communication between door speaker and rooms of the home and among rooms as well.

    Promoting the high-quality recycling of plastics from demolition waste and enhancing the use of recycled materials in construction products in accordance with the European plastics strategy : final report

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    This study presents in detail: the use of plastic products and the opportunities for recyclate use in the construction sector, quantities of plastic used, take-back systems, recycling techniques, current recyclate use and plastic construction product packaging.Potentials for increasing high-quality recyclate use were identified. Existing hurdles and options for action for industry and politics are presented. Current recyclate use as well as its potential use are strongly dependent on the application area of plastics. The biggest hurdles for the use of recycled materials are product life time, dismantling and technical requirements

    Förderung einer hochwertigen Verwertung von Kunststoffen aus Abbruchabfällen sowie der Stärkung des Rezyklateinsatzes in Bauprodukten im Sinne der europäischen Kunststoffstrategie

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    In dieser Studie werden detailliert dargestellt: die Verwendung von Kunststoffprodukten und Möglichkeiten des Rezyklateinsatzes im Baubereich, verwendete Kunststoffmengen, Rücknahmesysteme, Verwertungstechniken, aktueller Rezyklateneinsatz und Bauproduktverpackungen aus Kunststoff. Potentiale zur Steigerung des hochwertigen Rezyklateinsatzes wurden identifiziert und bestehende Hürden und Handlungsoptionen für Politik und Wirtschaft dargestellt. Aktueller Rezyklateinsatz sowie technische und mengenmäßige Potentiale sind stark abhängig vom Einsatzbereich der Kunststoffe. Die größten Hürden für einen Rezyklateinsatz sind dabei Produktlebensdauer, Rückbaufähigkeit und technische Anforderungen

    Body segment parameters of Paralympic athletes from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12283-016-0200-3This research represents the first documented investigation into the body segment parameters of Paralympic athletes (e.g., individuals with spinal cord injuries and lower extremity amputations). Two-dimensional body segment parameters (i.e., mass, length, position vector of the center of mass, and principal mass moment of inertia about the center of mass) were quantified from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). In addition to establishing a body segment parameter database of Paralympic athletes for prospective biomechanists and engineers, the mass of each body segment as experimentally measured via the DXA imaging was compared with that reported by previous research of able-bodied cadavers. In general, there were significant differences in the body segment masses between the different methods. These findings support the implementation of the proposed database for developing valid multibody biomechanical models of Paralympic athletes with distinct physical disabilities.This research was funded by Dr. John McPhee’s Tier I Canada Research Chair in Biomechatronic System Dynamics