24 research outputs found
Diosmin — clinical efficacy and safety
Terapia stanów zapalnych dotyczących naczyń żylnych jest skomplikowana i wymaga dużo cierpliwości oraz dobrej współpracy lekarza i pacjenta. W tym kontekście istotną rolę odgrywa farmakoterapia, chociaż w świetle medycyny opartej na faktach (EBM, evidence based medicine) dowody w przypadku niektórych substancji nie są najwyższej jakości. Diosmina jest jednym z najczęściej stosowanych leków w stanach zapalnych naczyń żylnych. Obecnie na rynku farmaceutycznym występuje w postaci preparatu pochodzenia naturalnego (starszej generacji, mniej oczyszczony), w formie zmikronizowanej w połączeniu z hesperydyną oraz jako substancja półsyntetyczna bez hesperydyny. Dotychczas opublikowane dane kliniczne potwierdzają skuteczność kliniczną dwóch pierwszych form preparatu w leczeniu stanów zapalnych żył, jednak większość tych badań ma niewielką wartość naukową (< 2 pkt w skali Jadada), a w przypadku preparatu półsyntetycznego opublikowano wyniki tylko jednego badania randomizowanego. W niniejszym artykule omówiono najważniejsze dane kliniczne dotyczące skuteczności klinicznej i profilu bezpieczeństwa wymienionych substancji.The treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is complicated and requires consistency and good collaboration between patients and doctors. In this context, pharmacotherapy of CVI deserves special attention, however, some of drugs used for this purpose have nothard enough evidences for clinical efficacy according to evidence based medicine (EBM).Diosmin is one of the most frequently used substances for the treatment of CVI. Actually, diosmin as a drug on the market exists in form of natural product (old generation, without high purity), in micronized form together with hesperidin and as semi-synthetic substance without hesperidin. Up to date published data support clinical efficacy of the first and second forms of diosmin in treatment of CVI mentioned above, however the value of the majority of published clinical trials is low (less than 2 points according to Jadad scale), while in case of semi-synthetic form there is only one published randomized clinical trial.In the present paper, the most important clinical data related to clinical efficacy and safety of diosmin are discussed
Farmakoterapia chorób układu krążenia u kobiet w ciąży: primum non nocere
Choroby układu krążenia to ciągle najważniejsza przyczyna przedwczesnych zgonów
u ludzi w krajach wysoko uprzemysłowionych, ale również to najczęstsza przyczyna zgonów
w populacji kobiet w ciąży. Ten fakt razem ze znanym już problemem bezpiecznego
stosowania jakichkolwiek leków u kobiet w okresie ciąży jednoznacznie wskazuje, jak
trudno jest podjąć odpowiednią decyzję i wybrać najlepszą strategię farmakologicznego
leczenia chorób układu krążenia u kobiet w ciąży. Ponadto, w piśmiennictwie jest
niewiele danych na ten temat i brakuje konkretnych i wyczerpujących zaleceń oraz standardów
postępowania. Stąd próba przynamniej częściowego uzupełnienia tej luki
i omówienia skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa najczęściej stosowanych leków sercowo-naczyniowych w tej populacji chorych. W pracy omówiono najczęściej występujące choroby
serca u kobiet w okresie ciąży razem z podstawowymi zasadami stosowania leków
w tym okresie z podaniem klasyfikacji ryzyka zastosowania według Food and Drug
Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2010, tom 4, nr 2, 81-9
Selected aspects of nutrition in palliative care
Proper nutrition in palliative care is essential to achieve a good quality of life of patients and better treatmentresults. The diet should include the proper amount of calories and nutrients such as proteins, omega 3 fattyacids, dietary fibre, vitamin D and vitamin C. The meals must be balanced, tasty, diverse and appetizing.In this paper, an example of one-day diet for adult palliative care patients is proposed.
Palliat Med Pract 2019; 13, 1: 17–2
Comparative fractal analysis of Valeriana officinalis roots shrinkage during drying
Valerian plant roots (Valeriana officinalis)shrinkage was investigated during the convective hot air drying. Combined fractal and image analysis was performed in this study.The samples were prepared for light microscopy observation by standard paraffin wax method, sectioned by sliding microtome and stained by Alcian blue and Safranin. The fractal dimensions of sample images were calculated using the box counting method.Both polar and orthogonal meshes were used. The normalized changes of fractal dimension of the microstructural images were used to describe the shrinkage process of biomaterial. The changes of physical properties and microstructure of roots strongly depends on drying regime and drying agent properties. Comparative analysis of fresh and dry root samples shows thatmicrostructural changes in bio material can be correlated with drying parameters during the dehydration process. Fractal dimension was found to be a good indicator of the microstructural changes of an investigated bio-material
New trends in the development of battery
Among civilized priorities and challenges for humanity, energy occupies the most important and certainly the most attractive place in terms of research as well as in scientific and technological developments. The question of energy, in relation trinity energy-materials-information (EMI) is directly correlated with the triad of the synthesis (the technological process of obtaining materials)- structure of- material properties (srb. sinteza-struktura-svojstva materijala (SSS)). Storage of energy (electricity, heat, cooling energy ...) is an important issue and a weak point in the energy sector. Fossil fuels provide the internal storage of energy which is not the case for wind, solar, etc. The nanostructure of materials can be a useful for the storage of heat or for the isolation of heat storage. Storing electrochemical energy is widely applied, especially in portable devices, which are mainly related to the battery. Li, as the material is the most used because it is the lightest metal and has a very high energy density. Due to the lack of lithium in the United States, and the world, new research substitute lithium for magnesium ions, for already listed battery system. These studies are done at the Illinois State University, in Chicago. After the commercialization of lithium-ion battery research for the cathode active material concentrates on lithium that contains at the forefront the transition-metal oxides with a 4V class high electromotive force because it can serve as a lithium of carbonic negative electrode. Unfortunately all classes 4V rechargeable cathode: LiCoO2, LiNiO2, LiMn2O4, have a core problem of costs and environmental impact, because their cathodes include the use of rare metals such as redox center. The problems become more serious, especially for the most expensive LiCoO2, with further expansions of the market for electric vehicles, which are expected in the near future
Treść ulotek dołączonych do analgetyków opioidowych — ocena wybranych informacji z perspektywy pacjenta i innych użytkowników
Introduction. Patient information leaflet (PIL), enclosed to the drug, is the basic source of information provided for the patient, caregivers, physicians and pharmacists. The usage of opioid analgesics (because of safety of the treatment) requires education of the patient. Therefore, the information included in the PILs, as well as its presentation is essential.
Material and methods. The information included in PILs of 17 commonly used opioids has been the material of the study. The applied method based on an analysis of the contents of the PILs with a focus on patients’ and other people’s safety.
Results. The analysis has indicated that, in general, key messages provided in all PILs are similar and the content of PILs meets the minimal legal requirements. However, it has been found that the information in some PILs is incomplete, what in turn, may affect the safety of the patient and others, e.g. children. There is also apparent discrepancy between the density of information written in particular PILs and the details they include as well as the usage of medical terminology.
Conclusion. In general, the scope of information included in PILs of opioids registered in Poland is in accordance with legal regulations. The differences are visible in detailed information and it may influence patient’s and other people’s safety. Some of the PILs have extended information, while others include only short comments or do not contain the particular issues. Moreover, not all PILs explain in details medical terms, that are not understandable for the users. This inconsistent and incomplete information may lead to misunderstanding of the drug pharmacologic action by the patients, physicians or pharmacists.Wstęp. Ulotka dołączona do opakowania leku jest podstawowym źródłem informacji dla pacjenta, jego opiekunów oraz lekarzy i farmaceutów. Stosowanie analgetyków opioidowych, ze względu na bezpieczeństwo farmakoterapii, wymaga edukacji pacjenta, dlatego zarówno informacje zawarte w ulotkach dotyczących opioidów, jak i sposób ich prezentacji nabierają szczególnego znaczenia.
Materiał i metody. Informacje zawarte w ulotkach 17 najczęściej stosowanych leków opioidowych stanowiły materiał przedmiotowego badania, w którym go oceniono lub poddano analizie porównawczej z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa pacjenta i innych osób, które potencjalnie mogą dany lek zastosować.
Wyniki. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy ustalono, że struktura poszczególnych ulotek jest podobna, a ich treść z reguły spełnia minimalne wymagania wynikające z przepisów prawa. Niemniej jednak stwierdzono, że w części z nich brakuje szeregu informacji, które mogą być istotne z uwagi na bezpieczeństwo pacjenta i innych osób, np. dzieci. Różnice wynikają również ze stopnia szczegółowości zamieszczonego w ulotce opisu oraz sposobu użycia specjalistycznej terminologii medycznej i jej wyjaśnienia.
Wnioski. Zakres informacji zawartych w treści ulotek opioidów stosowanych w Polsce z reguły jest zgodny z wymaganiami wynikającymi z przepisów prawa. Natomiast różnice dotyczą sposobu opisania w ulotce zagadnień szczegółowych, istotnych z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa pacjenta i innych osób. Część ulotek zawiera rozszerzoną informację, podczas gdy w pozostałych występują jedynie ogólne stwierdzenia lub część zagadnień została pominięta. Ponadto nie wszystkie ulotki zawierają wyjaśnienia terminów medycznych, które mogą być niezrozumiałe dla pacjentów i ich bliskich. Stwierdzone braki mogą wprowadzać w błąd zarówno pacjentów, jaki i lekarzy oraz farmaceutów
Nitric oxide products are not associated with metabolic syndrome
Background: Nitric oxide (NO) is oxidative stress biomarker which is regarded as one of the key determinants of energy metabolism and vascular tone. Considering the controversial reports on the association between nitric oxide products (NOx) and metabolic syndrome (MetS), the aim of the current study was to examine that potential relationship. Additionally, we aimed to evaluate a broad spectrum of other oxidative stress biomarkers [i.e., malondialdehyde (MDA), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), xanthine oxidoreductase (XOD), xanthine oxidase (XO) xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH)] in relation with MetS. Methods: A total of 109 volunteers (46.8% of them with MetS) were included in this cross-sectional study. Biohemical and anthropometric parameters, as well as blood pressure, were obtained. The MetS was diagnosed according to the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Results: Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that XOD (OR=1.011; 95% CI 1.002-1.019; p=0.016), XO (OR=1.014; 95% CI 1.003-1.026; p=0.016), MDA (OR=1.113; 95% CI 1.038-1.192; p=0.003) and AOPP (OR=1.022; 95% CI 1.005-1.039; p=0.012) were the independent predictors of MetS, whereas no association between NOx and MetS was found. As XOD rose for 1 U/L, XO for 1 U/L, MDA for 1 mu mol/L and AOPP for 1 T/L, probability for MetS rose for 1.1%, 1.4%, 11.3% and 2.2%, respectively. Adjusted R-2 for the Model was 0.531, which means that 53.1% of variation in MetS could be explained with this Model. Conclusions: Unlike XOD, MDA and AOPP, NOx is not associated with MetS
Deep learning in pharmacology: opportunities and threats
This review aims to present briefly the new horizon opened to pharmacology by the deep learning (DL) technology, but also to underline the most important threats and limitations of this method.
Material and Methods
We searched multiple databases for articles published before May 2021 according to the preferred reported item related to deep learning and drug research. Out of the 267 articles retrieved, we included 50 in the final review.
DL and other different types of artificial intelligence have recently entered all spheres of science, taking an increasingly central position in the decision-making processes, also in pharmacology. Hence, there is a need for better understanding of these technologies. The basic differences between AI (artificial intelligence), DL and ML (machine learning) are explained. Additionally, the authors try to highlight the role of deep learning methods in drug research and development as well as in improving the safety of pharmacotherapy. Finally, future directions of DL in pharmacology were outlined as well as possible misuses of it.
DL is a promising and powerful tool for comprehensive analysis of big data related to all fields of pharmacology, however it has to be used carefully
U poglavljima koja slijede prikazan je razvoj i konstruiranje uređaja za modeliranje topljenim depozitom na temelju kojih je isti i izrađen.
U radu je prvotno analizirana i predočena problematika brze izrade prototipa, svrha STL datoteka u procesu izrade modela topljenim depozitom, kao i načela te pojedine faze izrade u aditivnoj proizvodnji. Razumijevanje osnovnih teorijskih i praktičnih pitanja koje treba riješiti usmjerilo je k jasnijem definiranju konstrukcijskog procesa tehničkog sustava.
Konstrukcijske i funkcionalne značajke uređaja za modeliranje topljenim depozitom prikazane su kroz listu zahtjeva, morfološku matricu i funkcijsku strukturu odabranog rješenja. Opisivanjem proizvoda pomoću njegove funkcije omogućen je prikaz rješenja neovisno o njegovom obliku.
Analitičkim i numeričkim proračunom analizirane su geometrijske značajke najvažnijih komponenti prema kojima je u konačnici dimenzioniran uređaj.
Naposljetku je opisan cijeli proces izrade uređaja uključujući dizajn i princip rada karakterističnih detalja.The following chapters of this thesis are describing development and construction of fused deposition modeling device. Those basis are used for making that device „alive“.
In the thesis were initially analyzed and presented problems of rapid prototyping, the purpose of STL files used in the process of developing fused deposition model, as well as the principles and certain phases of the additive manufacturing. Understanding the basics of theoretical and practical issues that need to be solved, lead towards more understandable definition for developing process of the technical system.
The structural and functional features of the fused deposition modeling device are shown through the product requirement list (list of demands), morphological matrix and functional structure of the selected solution. Describing the product with its function, enables to view solutions regardless of its form.
Analytical and numerical analysis were used to analyse geometrical features of the most important components related to device dimensioning.
The final chapter describes the whole process of making the device including design and operating principle of characteristical details
U poglavljima koja slijede prikazan je razvoj i konstruiranje uređaja za modeliranje topljenim depozitom na temelju kojih je isti i izrađen.
U radu je prvotno analizirana i predočena problematika brze izrade prototipa, svrha STL datoteka u procesu izrade modela topljenim depozitom, kao i načela te pojedine faze izrade u aditivnoj proizvodnji. Razumijevanje osnovnih teorijskih i praktičnih pitanja koje treba riješiti usmjerilo je k jasnijem definiranju konstrukcijskog procesa tehničkog sustava.
Konstrukcijske i funkcionalne značajke uređaja za modeliranje topljenim depozitom prikazane su kroz listu zahtjeva, morfološku matricu i funkcijsku strukturu odabranog rješenja. Opisivanjem proizvoda pomoću njegove funkcije omogućen je prikaz rješenja neovisno o njegovom obliku.
Analitičkim i numeričkim proračunom analizirane su geometrijske značajke najvažnijih komponenti prema kojima je u konačnici dimenzioniran uređaj.
Naposljetku je opisan cijeli proces izrade uređaja uključujući dizajn i princip rada karakterističnih detalja.The following chapters of this thesis are describing development and construction of fused deposition modeling device. Those basis are used for making that device „alive“.
In the thesis were initially analyzed and presented problems of rapid prototyping, the purpose of STL files used in the process of developing fused deposition model, as well as the principles and certain phases of the additive manufacturing. Understanding the basics of theoretical and practical issues that need to be solved, lead towards more understandable definition for developing process of the technical system.
The structural and functional features of the fused deposition modeling device are shown through the product requirement list (list of demands), morphological matrix and functional structure of the selected solution. Describing the product with its function, enables to view solutions regardless of its form.
Analytical and numerical analysis were used to analyse geometrical features of the most important components related to device dimensioning.
The final chapter describes the whole process of making the device including design and operating principle of characteristical details