506 research outputs found

    Fluctuations in methane and carbon dioxide concentrations in the nearsurface zone and their genetic characterization in abandoned and active coal mines in the SW part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland

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    The objective of this paper is to determine the origin and variability of methane and carbon dioxide concentrations in the near-surface zone and of coalbed methane in the SW part of the Chwałowice Trough and adjacent areas of the Main Syncline of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). For this purpose soil-gas samples were taken at 202 measuring points, arranged along 5 profiles located in the mining area of the abandoned 1 Maja mine and directly adjacent areas as well as in the vicinity of four abandoned and remediated mining shafts. The maximum methane and carbon dioxide concentrations in the gas samples measured exceeds 22 and 9 vol%, respectively. The carbon isotope composition of methane and carbon dioxide was determined in samples in which elevated concentrations of these gases were found. Moreover, seven coalbed gas samples and bituminous coals were collected from coal seams exclusively from virgin parts of the Anna, Marcel, Jastrzębie, and Zofiówka mines. These data were supplemented with results of archival research for genetic interpretation of coalbed gases. Research reveals that typical humic low- and medium-volatile bituminous coals occur in Mississippian and Pennsylvanian coal-bearing strata in the study area. Fluctuations in methane and carbon dioxide concentration in the near-surface zone are related to the lithostratigraphy and tectonics of the area as well as to complicated methane depth distribution. Faults may play an important role in the microseepage of gases from deep to the near-surface zone. The connection of near-surface gases with subsurface gases was confirmed by similar stable carbon isotope composition in the methane recorded in the soil-gas samples and in the gas samples from the coal seams and sandstones of the Carboniferous formations. Distribution of anomalous methane concentrations recorded in soil-gas samples taken from profiles may indicate natural gas accumulations in the top zone of the Pennsylvanian coal-bearing formations. One example of this kind of accumulation is the Marklowice natural gas field, located within the mining area of the Marcel coal mine. Relatively high methane concentrations measured in soil gas in the vicinity of shafts I and III indicate that the degassing systems of closed and remediated mining shafts are not fully effective. Increases in carbon dioxide concentrations in the surface zone and frequent associated decreases in methane concentration were most often the result of microbial methane oxidation

    Consumption of Aquatic Plants by the West Indian Manatee

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    Because manatees (Trichechus manatus) are large aquatic herbivores they have often been considered as potential control agents for aquatic plants. Several problems are associated with this concept, and a major one has been the gap in knowledge concerning food consumption rates of manatees. We estimated food consumption by measuring chews per unit time, chews per amount of food consumed, and time spent chewing food. Data were collected on captive manatees of various sizes and used to construct regression equations that predict consumption rates based on body size. Time budget data were obtained by radiotelemetry of free-ranging animals. Estimates of consumption rates for manatees eating hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata Royle) were compared to the estimates biomass of hydrilla in Kings Bay, Florida, the overwintering site for a large manatee populations (116 in the winter of 1980-1981). Estimates show that nearly ten times as many manatees would have been needed just to consume the standing biomass of hydrilla. The inefficiency of manatees as control agents for aquatic plants becomes even more apparent when plant productivity is included in these estimates

    Raster-scan imaging with normal-incidence, midinfrared InAs/GaAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors

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    We demonstrate normal incidence infrared imaging with quantum dot infrared photodetectors using a raster-scan technique. The device heterostructure, containing multiple layers of InAs/GaAs self-organized quantum dots, were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. Individual devices have been operated at temperatures as high as 150 K and, at 100 K, are characterized by λpeak = 3.72 μm,λpeak=3.72μm, Jdark = 6×10−10 A/cm2Jdark=6×10−10A/cm2 for a bias of 0.1 V, and D∗ = 2.94×109 cm Hz1/2/WD∗=2.94×109cmHz1/2/W at a bias of 0.2 V. Raster-scan images of heated objects and infrared light sources were obtained with a small (13×13)(13×13) interconnected array of detectors (to increase the photocurrent) at 80 K. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70691/2/APPLAB-80-18-3265-1.pd

    Styl życia kobiet w okresie menopauzy, sposoby radzenia sobie z objawami

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    Wstęp. Okres przekwitania jest bardzo trudnym czasem w życiu każdej kobiety. Towarzyszą mu zmiany w organizmie, na które kobiety nie mają wpływu. Objawy klimakterium są spowodowane zmniejszonym stężeniem estrogenów – hormonów wytwarzanych w jajnikach, ale działających na wiele narządów. Zaburzenia hormonalne mają wpływ na odczuwanie przez kobiety różnych dolegliwości fizycznych i psychicznych. Zespół objawów, występujących w okresie okołomenopauzalnym, nazywany jest zespołem klimakterycznym i dotyczy około 90% kobiet. Cel pracy. Celem badań była ocena stylu życia kobiet w okresie klimakterium, problemów i sposobów radzenia sobie z nimi. Materiał i metoda. Badania, metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, przeprowadzono w listopadzie 2014 roku, wśród 100 kobiet, w wieku 45-60 lat, mieszkających w Jarosławiu i okolicach. Średnia wieku w badanej grupie wynosiła 50 lat. Badania miały charakter dobrowolny. Narzędzie stanowił samodzielnie opracowany, nie-standaryzowany kwestionariusz ankiety. Wnioski. Wśród objawów występujących u kobiet w okresie klimakterium dominują uderzenia gorąca, bóle głowy oraz bezsenność. Celem łagodzenia dolegliwości okresu okołomenopauzalnego kobiety stosują właściwą dietę, unikają używek, dbają o aktywność fizyczną. Kobiety w okresie klimakterium unikają stosowania hormonalnej terapii, gdyż obawiają się występowania skutków ubocznych wynikających z jej stosowania.Introduction. Menopause is the beginning of a new phase in the life of every woman. This phase is considered very difficult. It is accompanied by changes in the organism that cannot be influenced by the woman. The symptoms of menopause are caused by the reduced level of oestrogens – hormones produced in the ovaries but operating for many organs. Hormonal disorders cause various physical and mental ailments. A set of symptoms that occur during menopause is called the climacteric syndrome and affects about 90% of women. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to assess the lifestyle of women during menopause, the problems which can occur during the above period and the ways of their solution. Material and methods. The research was made on the basis of a diagnostic survey, conducted in November 2014 among 100 women, aged 45-60 and living in Jarosław and the suburbs. The average age of women who took part in the study was 50 years. The conducted research was of voluntary character. The study material was a non-standardized questionnaire which developed by the authors. Conclusions. Among the symptoms during menopause, one can observe hot flashes, headaches, and insomnia. To avoid the aches and pains during menopause, women try to assume a proper diet, take up physical activity, and avoid stimulants. During menopause women also avoid the use of hormone therapy because of the side effects arising from its usage

    Bilateral, incidentally found adrenal tumours - results of observation of 1790 patients registered at a single endocrinological centre

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    Wstęp: W okresie ostatnich 22 lat 1790 pacjentów z przypadkowo wykrytymi guzami nadnerczy (AI, adrenal incidentalomas) zostało zarejestrowanych w klinice. U 351 spośród nich rozpoznano obustronne guzy nadnerczy. Nasze badania miały na celu analizę charakteru obustronnych guzów i podsumowanie metod postępowania w tych przypadkach. Materiał i metody: W całej grupie 1790 pacjentów było 1311 kobiet i 479 mężczyzn, w wieku 11-87 lat. Grupa pacjentów z obustronnymi guzami nadnerczy obejmowała 258 kobiet i 93 mężczyzn, w wieku 25-83 lat. Przeprowadzono badania hormonalne i obrazowe, w celu poszukiwania podklinicznej nadczynności nadnerczy i określenia potencjału złośliwości guzów. Wyniki: Chirurgicznie leczono 69 pacjentów, ze wskazań onkologicznych albo endokrynologicznych (głównie podkliniczny zespół Cushinga). Wyniki badań histologicznych wykazały istnienie złośliwych zmian nowotworowych: przerzuty - 9, rak nadnercza - 7, chłoniaki - 5 i niezłośliwych zmian: gruczolaki - 24, rozrost guzkowy - 14, myelolipoma - 4, pheochromocytoma - 4 przypadki. Podkliniczny zespół Cushinga występował względnie częściej w rozroście guzkowym (40%) niż w przypadkach gruczolaka (30%). Wnioski: Wskazania do leczenia chirurgicznego ustalono u 20% pacjentów z obustronnymi guzami nadnerczy, najczęściej z powodu gruczolaków, rozrostu guzkowego i złośliwych zmian nowotworowych; rokowanie było dobre w przypadkach nieonkologicznych. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (1): 69-73)Introduction: During the last 22 years we registered 1790 patients with incidentally found adrenal tumours (AI, adrenal incidentalomas). In 351 of them, bilateral tumours were detected. The aim of our study was to analyze the character of bilateral tumours and summarize the methods of their management. Material and methods: In the whole group of 1790 patients, there were 1311 women and 479 men, aged 11-87 years. The group of patients with bilateral adrenal tumours included 258 women and 93 men, 25-83 years old. Hormonal investigations and imaging examinations were performed to search for subclinical adrenal hyperfunction and to define the malignant potential of the tumours. Results: Sixty-nine patients were treated by surgery for oncological or endocrinological purposes (mainly pre-Cushing’s syndrome). Histological findings included malignant tumours: metastases - 9, adrenal cancer - 7, and lymphomas - 5; and non-malignant tumours: adenomas - 24, nodular hyperplasia - 14, myelolipomas - 4, and pheochromocytomas - 4. Subclinical Cushing’s syndrome was relatively more frequent in nodular hyperplasia (40%) than in adenomas (30%). Conclusions: Indications for surgery were recommended in 20% of patients with bilateral AI, most frequently for adenomas, nodular hyperplasia, and oncological pathologies, with a good prognosis in the non-malignant group. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (1): 69-73

    Linear conjugated polymer photocatalysts with various linker units for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from water

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    Polymer photocatalysts have shown potential for light-driven hydrogen evolution from water. Here we studied the relative importance of the linker type in two series of conjugated polymers based on dibenzo[b,d]thiophene sulfone and dimethyl-9H-fluorene. The alkenyl-linked polymers were found to be more active photocatalysts than their alkyl and alkyne-linked counterparts. The co-polymer of dibenzo[b,d]thiophene sulfone and 1,2-diphenylethene has a hydrogen evolution rate of 3334 μmol g−1 h−1 and an external quantum efficiency of 5.6% at 420 nm

    Ring closing reaction in diarylethene captured by femtosecond electron crystallography

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    The photoinduced ring-closing reaction in diarylethene, which serves as a model system for understanding reactive crossings through conical intersections, was directly observed with atomic resolution using femtosecond electron diffraction. Complementary ab initio calculations were also performed. Immediately following photoexcitation, subpicosecond structural changes associated with the formation of an open-ring excited-state intermediate were resolved. The key motion is the rotation of the thiophene rings, which significantly decreases the distance between the reactive carbon atoms prior to ring closing. Subsequently, on the few picosecond time scale, localized torsional motions of the carbon atoms lead to the formation of the closed-ring photoproduct. These direct observations of the molecular motions driving an organic chemical reaction were only made possible through the development of an ultrabright electron source to capture the atomic motions within the limited number of sampling frames and the low data acquisition rate dictated by the intrinsically poor thermal conductivity and limited photoreversibility of organic materials