30 research outputs found
Railway Line Capacity Relative to Additional Block Division
The article discusses the results of studies of railway line capacity relative to the application of additional block division using virtual blocks in the process of positioning a train reporting its position and train set integrity. The studies were conducted using the authors’ original simulation software enabling extensive parameterisation of infrastructure, including configuration of the train control system and signalling principles, by taking the actual characteristics of train movements into account based on data obtained from real-life measurements
The European Railway Agency has formulated assumptions for a target model of rail transport. Its important premise is digitalization to support the communication and transport services that the railways will make available to the public in the future. Part of the digitalization process is the digital description of the railway infrastructure in a formalized form to allow algorithmic processing. The formal description of infrastructure is not a new issue. However, attempts made so far have not resulted in a permanent definition of a generally accessible formalism allowing for a coherent representation of the physical railway infrastructure in a digital form. This paper presents the results of work carried out within the research project Digital Railway-The Digital Twin of the ETCS Application-Virtual Prototyping and Simulation of Operational Scenarios
A role of hydrogen peroxide producing commensal bacteria present in colon of adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease in perpetuation of the inflammatory process
Bacteria in the gut play a central role in the initiation and progress of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This study was prepared to elucidate the role in the inflammatory process of the bacterial species which are able to produce hydrogen peroxide, present in samples taken from colon lesions in adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease. Fifty eight adolescents were enrolled into the study from January 2004 to October 2006 in Cracow, Poland. Biopsies and stool samples were collected. Bacteriological examinations and measurements of hydrogen peroxide production by enterococci, streptococci and lactobacilli were performed. For the first time it has been shown here that HP producing bacteria may contribute to increased amounts of hydrogen peroxide in the inflamed mucosa of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis patients. Moreover, we have been able to demonstrate an increase of total populations of aerobic bacteria but not anaerobes in the studied samples of mucosa of adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease which is an indirect evidence of higher oxygen tension present in inflamed tissues in IBD. We have also been able to demonstrate the direct relationship between presence of blood in stools of IBD adolescents and increased populations of Enterobacteriaceae but not streptococci in samples of colon mucosa. It is, therefore, possible that different products of Enterobacteriaceae and especially their lipopolysaccharides may also contribute to perpetuation of the chronic colon inflammation
Level of oxytocin prior to rugby and handball matches: An exploratory study among groups of Polish players
The aim of the present exploratory study was to assess the changes in urinary oxytocin (OT) concentration during the period between five days before, and on the day of match, among rugby and handball players. Nine male rugby players with a mean age of 27.62 years (SD = 4.21) and 18 male handball players with a mean age of 17.03 years (SD = 0.57) participated. Urinary oxytocin level was measured by ELISA immunoassay as a ratio to the concentration of creatinine [mg/ml] measured through colorimetric detection. The relative level of OT to creatinine (OT/CRE) significantly differed between the type of player (rugby or handball) but not between times of measurements. Significant differences were only between OT/CRE level in a day of match in rugby players and in 5 days before match in handball players (p<0.05). There was no change in oxytocin levels during the time periods between five days before and on the day of a match, in either of the two kinds of players. The change in oxytocin might be traceable during the match but not before a match and this perhaps depends on a more subtle context of competition, but not on the assumption of competition. Further studies are needed based on more homogenous group with higher number of matches
Association between expression level of the miR-320, miR-182, miR-223 and miR-486 and body composition among young Polish female volleyball players
The expression of circulating microRNAs appears to be a promising indicator of physical strength. The objective of this study was to determine whether there is an association between the expression level of four selected microRNAs and body composition over time among young female volleyball players. Blood samples and body composition measurements were taken from 7 females who are Polish volleyball players before and after 5 matches played out between the years 2017 and 2018. The blood spots were used to assess the expression of four microRNAs: miR-320, miR-182, miR-223, and miR-486. Fat mass, PFB% and BMI were positively correlated with expression level (exp.l) of miR-182. The miR-320 the exp.l was positively correlated with muscle mass and TBW. There were inverse correlations between miR-486 exp.l and PBF%, as well as between miR-486 exp.l and body mass, muscle mass, TBW, FFM, and BMR. Conversely, there were positive correlations between miR-486 exp.l and body mass and fat mass. The miR-182 may be positively correlated with fat tissue, miR-320 was positively correlated with muscle mass, and miR-486 was negatively correlated with fat mass. Overall, our study shows that the expression of miR-182, miR-320, and miR-486 is associated with body composition. The results of our study also suggest that exercise may decrease the level of miR-486.
The authors are grateful for the support of the Laboratory of Microscopic Imaging and Specialized Biological Techniques of the University of Lodz
The molecular basis of tRNA selectivity by human pseudouridine synthase 3
Pseudouridine (Ψ), the isomer of uridine, is ubiquitously found in RNA, including tRNA, rRNA, and mRNA. Human pseudouridine synthase 3 (PUS3) catalyzes pseudouridylation of position 38/39 in tRNAs. However, the molecular mechanisms by which it recognizes its RNA targets and achieves site specificity remain elusive. Here, we determine single-particle cryo-EM structures of PUS3 in its apo form and bound to three tRNAs, showing how the symmetric PUS3 homodimer recognizes tRNAs and positions the target uridine next to its active site. Structure-guided and patient-derived mutations validate our structural findings in complementary biochemical assays. Furthermore, we deleted PUS1 and PUS3 in HEK293 cells and mapped transcriptome-wide Ψ sites by Pseudo-seq. Although PUS1-dependent sites were detectable in tRNA and mRNA, we found no evidence that human PUS3 modifies mRNAs. Our work provides the molecular basis for PUS3-mediated tRNA modification in humans and explains how its tRNA modification activity is linked to intellectual disabilities
Nietypowe naturalne oczyszczenie tkanki martwiczej przez larwy muchy domowej u zaniedbanej pacjentki z nowotworem skóry
Rak podstawnokomórkowy jest najczęstszym
nowotworem skóry na świecie. Rzadko
prowadzi do śmierci, jednak może powodować
rozległą destrukcję tkanek, szczególnie jeśli
pacjent nie będzie w odpowiednim czasie
objęty opieką medyczną. Przedstawiamy opis
zaniedbanej pacjentki w podeszłym wieku, u
której w spontaniczny sposób doszło do
oczyszczenia zmiany nowotworowej przez
larwy muchy domowej. Pomimo bardzo
rozległej rany oraz ubytku tkanek twarzy,
pacjentka przeżyła.Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin
cancer in the world. It is rarely lethal but may
be very disfiguring if no medical help is
sought. We present a case description of an
elderly female patient with spontaneous,
natural debridement of a neglected cancerous
lesion owing to housefly maggot infestation.
Despite a very large facial lesion and defect,
the patient survived
A model of the ETCS application’s digital twin infrastructure
Koncepcja cyfrowego bliźniaka aplikacji ETCS została zaprezentowana przez autora w roku 2020 [3][4]. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje architekturę tego rozwiązania, która ukształtowała się w czasie badań prowadzonych w ramach projektu „Cyfrowa kolej. Cyfrowy bliźniak aplikacji ETCS – wirtualne prototypowanie i symulacja scenariuszy operacyjnych”. System ERTMS/ETCS jako podsystem systemu sterowania ruchem kolejowym posiada wszystkie jego cechy utrudniające badanie go w warunkach rzeczywistych tj. złożoność, rozproszenie geograficzne, intensywne interakcje z otoczeniem itp. Taki stan rzeczy wskazuje na konieczność poszukiwania metod badawczych systemu w warunkach laboratoryjnych, pozwalających na wierne odwzorowanie rzeczywistych warunków działania systemu. Określona w ten sposób potrzeba dała impuls do rozwoju klasycznej koncepcji cyfrowego bliźniaka. Infrastruktura cyfrowego bliźniaka aplikacji ETCS jest nie tylko wiernym odwzorowaniem systemu rzeczywistego ale zawiera również moduł wirtualnego laboratorium. Moduł ten implementuje środowisko symulacyjne wykorzystujące scenariusze operacyjne stosowane w testowaniu rzeczywistych systemów oraz innowacyjną metodykę wirtualnego prototypowania aplikacji ETCS, pozwalającą na szybkie i poprawne projektowanie takich aplikacji.The concept of digital twin of the ETCS application was presented by the author in 2020 [3]. This paper presents the architecture of this solution, which took shape during the research conducted within the project “Digital Railway. Digital twin of ETCS application - virtual prototyping and simulation of operational scenarios”. The ERTMS/ETCS system, as a subsystem of the railway traffic control system, has all its characteristics that make it difficult to study it In real conditions, i.e. complexity, geographical dispersion, intensive interaction with the environment, etc. This state of affairs indicates the need to search for methods of testing the system in laboratory conditions allowing a faithful representation of the real conditions of operation of the system. Thus identified need gave impetu to the development of the classical concept of the digital twin. The digital twin infrastructure of the ETCS application is not only a faithful replica of the Real system but also includes a virtual laboratory module. This module implements a simulation environment that uses operational scenarios applied in the testing of real systems as well as an innovative methodology for virtual prototyping of ETCS applications that allows rapid and correct design of such applications
Digital twins of the railway controlcommand and signaling system
Zagadnienia związane z cyfrowym odwzorowaniem struktur i organizacji funkcjonujących w rzeczywistym świecie są tematyką poruszaną przez wielu badaczy zajmujących się połączeniem badań naukowych i ich praktycznych zastosowań. Koncepcją spinającą te prace jest cyfrowy bliźniak. Koncepcja ta obejmuje zarówno aspekty statyczne jak i dynamiczne. Wydaje się być również idealna dla badań systemów transportu kolejowego, gdzie statyczne odwzorowanie obejmuje infrastrukturę kolejową, natomiast dynamiczne dotyczy ruchu kolejowego i jazdy poszczególnych pociągów. Takie ujęcie transportu kolejowego nie jest widoczne jeszcze w literaturze, a więc jest obszarem, który należy zbadać. Cyfrowy bliźniak systemu kolei to bardzo szerokie zagadnienia, dlatego też autor w niniejszym artykule zajmie się jego istotną częścią, jaką stanowi cyfrowe odwzorowanie ERTMS\ETCS.Issues related to the digital representation of structures and organizations functioning in the real world are the subject of many researchers dealing with the combination of scientific research and its practical applications. The concept linking these works is the digital twins. This concept covers both static and dynamic aspects. The concept also seems to be ideal for rail transport systems, where static mapping covers rail infrastructure, while dynamic mapping covers rail traffic and driving of individual trains. Such an approach to rail transport is not yet visible in the literature and it is therefore an area to be studied. The digital twins of the railroad system are very broad issues, therefore the author in this article will deal with its important part which is the railway control-command and signaling control subsystem