350 research outputs found

    Macht durch BĂźcher

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    Die patriarchale Dimension der Bibliothek konstituiert sich an der Figur des Bibliothekars, der Frauen aus der Bibliothek ausschließt und über diese bestimmen kann. Die dabei vorherrschenden Ausschlussmechanismen beruhen auf historischen Gegebenheiten, die bis in die Gegenwartsliteratur tradiert werden.The patriarchal dimension of the library is manifested in the persona of the librarian, who determines the access to the library. Therefore, women are being excluded from the library. The mechanisms behind these exclusions are based in historical conditions, which have been established throughout centuries and can be found in contemporary literature

    Sprache und Gewalt in den dramatischen Texten der Wiener Gruppe

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    In ihren dramatischen Texten setzt sich die Wiener Gruppe mit Sprache auseinander und zeigt wie mit Hilfe von Sprache Subjekten Gewalt angetan wird, indem sie diffamiert, herabgewĂźrdigt und von Figuren, die durch die Sprache Ăźber Macht verfĂźgen, tyrannisiert werden.The Wiener Gruppe deals in dramatic texts with language and shows how language and violence are interconnected

    Treatment of hypertensive patients with a fixed-dose combination of bisoprolol and amlodipine : results of a cohort study with more than 10,000 patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Many patients need more than one antihypertensive agent for effective blood pressure (BP) control. Prescription of a fixed-dose combination (FDC) of bisoprolol and amlodipine in one tablet has been shown to significantly improve patient adherence. This non-interventional study investigated the effects on adherence and BP control of switching from a free-dose combination of the two antihypertensive substances to a FDC in a larger patient population. METHODS: Patients aged ≥18 years with essential hypertension were switched at least 4 weeks prior to study initiation from a free-dose combination of bisoprolol and amlodipine to the FDC. Dosage adjustment was implemented only if medically indicated. Adherence was assessed on the basis of the ratio of pills used to pills dispensed (%) at each visit (pill count). BP and key laboratory values were determined at baseline, 3 and 6 months. RESULTS: 10,532 patients (average age 59 years; 48% female) were recruited between 2013 and 2014; 22% of patients had type 2 diabetes and 38% had cardiovascular disease. The mean doses of the freely combined drugs prior to switching were 5.5 mg bisoprolol and 6.1 mg amlodipine once daily. The mean daily doses prescribed in the FDC were 5.8 and 6.4 mg, respectively. Pill counts at 6 months revealed a good to excellent adherence in >95% of the patients. Comparison of BP at baseline and at 6 months showed substantial changes (mean systolic BP: 147.3 vs. 130.9 mmHg; mean diastolic BP: 87.9 vs. 79.1 mmHg). Clinically relevant improvement in systolic BP was established for 82% of patients. In patients with comorbidities, switching to FDC produced a substantial improvement in BP. A total of 89 (0.7%) adverse events (AEs) were reported, including edema, headache, dizziness, bradycardia, nausea, and skin reactions. Only three AEs were classified as serious. CONCLUSION: These data from a non-interventional study in a large patient population demonstrate the benefits of prescribing a FDC of bisoprolol–amlodipine in terms of an excellent adherence and an associated improvement in control of previously elevated BP, which may be relevant in real-life practice. FUNDING: Merck KGaA. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s40119-015-0045-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Ein Beitrag zur Epidemiologie und Verbreitung von pathogenen Yersinia enterocolitica 4/O:3 in MĂźnchener Metzgereien

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    Im Zeitraum von Juni bis August 2001 wurde in acht verschiedenen Metzgereien im Raum München eine Gesamtzahl von 298 Proben gesammelt. 115 Tupferproben stammten von rohem Schweinefleisch und Innereien, 183 von Gerätschaften und Oberflächen, die mit Lebensmitteln, insbesondere rohem Fleisch, in Berührung kommen. Die Proben wurden auf Yersina enterocolitica untersucht. Die Nachweismethode erfolgte in Anlehnung an die ISO DIN 10273: „Microbiology – General guidance for the detection of presumptive pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica“ und an den Vorschlag des NCFA (Nordic Committee On Food Analysis: „Yersinia enterocolitica – Detection in foods“). Unmittelbar nach der Probennahme wurde ein Direktausstrich auf Cefsulodin-Irgasan-Novobiocin (CIN)-Agar durchgeführt und die Proben anschließend für ca. drei Monate tiefgefroren. Nach diesem Zeitraum wurde ein CIN-Agar-Ausstrich nach Inkubation der tiefgefrorenen Probe in Tryptose-Soja-Bouillon (TSB) durchgeführt. Ein Ausstrich wurde nach Vorbehandlung der Über-Nacht-Anreicherung dieser Probe mit 0,25%iger KOH angefertigt. Außerdem erfolgten selektive Anreicherungen in Irgasan-Ticarcillin-Kaliumchlorat-Nährbouillon (ITC-Nährbouillon) bzw. modifizierter Rappaport-Bouillon (MRB-Bouillon) mit anschließendem Ausstrich auf CIN-Agar. Typische Kolonien auf CIN-Agar (sog. „Kuhaugen“), die sich als Urea-positiv erwiesen, wurden mit dem API 20E weiterdifferenziert. Die gefundenen Y. enterocolitica-Isolate wurden bio- und serotypisiert und die Pathogenität mit Hilfe des Kongorot-Magnesium-Oxalat (CRMOX)-Agars bestätigt. Die meisten der pathogenen Isolate (68,8%) wurden bereits nach Direktausstrich auf selektive CIN-Agar-Platten gefunden, weitere pathogene Yersinien konnten erst nach selektiver Anreicherung in ITC und MRB identifiziert werden. Pathogene Y. enterocolitica 4/O:3 wurden in sechs der acht Metzgereien aus rohen Produkten vom Schwein nachgewiesen. Insgesamt stammten 9,5% der positiven Ergebnisse aus rohem Schweinefleisch (von 95 Proben erwiesen sich neun als positiv) und 25,0% aus Schlachtnebenprodukten (Zunge, Niere und Leber; von 20 Proben erbrachten fünf ein positives Ergebnis). In einem Betrieb konnten pathogene Y. enterocolitica auch in zwei Umgebungsproben gefunden werden. Alle pathogenen Isolate gehörten zum Bioserotyp 4/O:3. Neben den pathogenen Y. enterocolitica konnten an apathogenen Yersinien drei Mal Y. kristensenii und je ein Mal Y. intermedia, Y. frederiksenii, Y. rohdei und ein apathogener Y. enterocolitica-Stamm nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass pathogene Y. enterocolitica in Metzgereien vorhanden sind, wobei der Großteil der Nachweise in unbehandeltem Schweinefleisch und in Nebenprodukten der Schlachtung gelang. Der geringe Nachweis pathogener Y. enterocolitica in den Umgebungsproben ist insofern nicht erstaunlich, als die vorhergehende Reinigung und Desinfektion eine entscheidende Verminderung der Keimflora bewirkt hatte. Die meisten Y. enterocolitica-Isolate wurden ohne Anreicherung gefunden. Dies weist auf eine große Menge an pathogenen Isolaten in den untersuchten Proben hin. Damit wird deutlich, dass das Vorkommen und die Ausbreitung von pathogenen Y. enterocolitica 4/O:3 in nicht selbstschlachtenden Metzgereien ein nicht zu vernachlässigendes Problem darstellt

    Was bleibt? Grenzen und MĂśglichkeiten eines queerfeministischen Archivs im Internet

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    "Tagtäglich erscheinen neue Blogposts, Tweets, Bilder und Videos, die gesellschaftliche Themen aufgreifen und diese (queer-)feministisch diskutieren und dabei auch inner(queer-)feministische Verhandlungen auslösen. Die so entstehenden Wissensproduktionen machen dabei den lebhaften Diskussionsprozess innerhalb der (queer-)feministischen Szene sichtbar und sind auch aus dieser nicht mehr wegzudenken. Derzeit werden diese Wissensproduktionen jedoch nicht gespeichert und es besteht die Gefahr, dass die Inhalte dem Vergessen anheimfallen. Aus dieser Überlegung heraus stellen die Autor_innen sich daher die Frage nach einem (queer-)feministischen Metaarchiv, das diese digitalen Inhalte speichert und für interessierte Personen zugänglich macht. Wie ein solches Metaarchiv aussehen könnte und was dabei zu beachten ist, wird in dem Artikel in semi-utopischer Form entworfen." (Autorenreferat)"Every day new blog posts, tweets, images, and videos appear, which take on social issues, discuss them from a (queer-)feminist viewpoint and initiate debates within (queer-)feminism. The resulting digital knowledge makes the lively discussions within the (queer-)feminist scene visible and cannot be separated from that scene anymore. However, most (queer-)feminist digital content is currently not recorded for posterity and thus at risk of disappearance and oblivion. Therefore the question of a (queer-)feminist meta-archive is posed by the authors, more precisely an archive which records digital content and makes it accessible to persons interested. This article presents a semi-utopian concept of how to organize and establish a meta-archive that could serve varying needs." (author's abstract

    Sozialabgaben und Beschäftigung (Social security contributions and employment)

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    "The relationship between high social security contributions and the local labour market performance has been and still is intensively discussed in the political arena. Various reform concepts suggested by members of politics and associations are going around. Some measures to restrict the increase in social security contributions have been implemented over the past years. To evaluate the different reform approaches, the causal relationship between social security contributions and employment is of significant importance. The question at the crux of this issue is what effects a change/reduction in the social security contribution rates has on firstly, labour supply and demand alone, and then, when taking into consideration circular-flow effects, on the employment level in the economy as a whole. The analyses of supply and demand show that by reducing social security contributions ceteris paribus additional manpower can be motivated to take up employment, and that companies would be prepared to hire additional workers. This is also true at macroeconomic level. Without counter-financing, the circular-flow model predicts a permanent increase in labour demand, and thus in employment, by 150,000 to 160,000 people in the case of a linear reduction in social security contributions by one percentage point. Considerably lower or even slightly negative employment effects result from counter-financing with direct or indirect taxes or a combination thereof. If the reduction in social security contributions is carried out in an asymmetrical way, for example by means of a tax-free allowance, this results in considerably higher labour market effects than with a linear reduction with an identical volume of financial relief. In order to really be able to realise the additional employment opportunities of low-skilled and low-wage workers provided by an asymmetrical reduction in social security contributions, it would also be important when developing supporting wage policies, for tax increases which also affect low-income groups not to result in a disproportionately large increase in the lower wage groups. This concluding finding shows again the importance of a close co-operation between fiscal policy and collective bargaining policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Sozialabgaben, Beschäftigungseffekte, Arbeitskräfteangebot, Arbeitskräftenachfrage

    Psychische und familiäre Risiken fßr Kinder von Frauen mit Epilepsie?: Ergebnisse einer Längsschnittstudie

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    Abstract : This study investigates teratogenic effects of antiepileptic drugs (AED) by tracing from birth to adolescence 67 children born to epileptic women and a matched control sample of 49 children. We assessed the intellectual performance (Wechsler-Intelligence Tests) at adolescence as well as the prevalence of psycho-behavioral problems and the relationship to their parents. Adolescents who had been exposed to only one kind of drug during gestation (monotherapy), achieved moderately lower IQ's than those of the control group (-6 IQ scores). However, the effect was salient in polydrug-exposed offspring (-12 IQ scores). Generalized (major) maternal seizures during pregnancy did not add to this effect. The families' psychosocial ecology affected risk and control participants differentially: The intellectual development of adolescents with prenatal risks was significantly more vulnerable to adverse environmental circumstances than was that of controls. With regard to psychological stress the affected children unexpectedly reported significantly less psychological stress than the controls even though they had to assist their mothers more frequently and although they reported receiving little support from the

    HBV and HCV genome in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis

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    HBV and HCV genome in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis. Patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis are at risk for infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). As peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMNC) are known to be susceptible to infection of both HBV and HCV, assessment of viral genomes in those cells could uncover occult infections not detected by serologic methods or virus determination in serum. We investigated all 67 patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis at a single dialysis unit by PCR for the presence of HBV or HCV genomes in serum as well as in PMNC. None of the 67 patients was HBsAg positive or showed HBV-DNA in serum, but in 5 patients HBV-DNA in PMNC was detected as the only marker of HBV-infection; those patients were also anti-HBc negative. In 9 patients HCV-RNA was positive in serum; in 5 of those patients it was also found in PMNC. Three of these infected patients were negative for anti-HCV. One other patient had no anti-HCV or HCV-RNA in serum, but was positive for HCV-RNA in PMNC. Thus, in 6 patients (8.9%) undergoing chronic hemodialysis we found evidence of infection with HBV or HCV by detecting viral genomes in PMNC without the presence of viremia, antigenemia or specific viral antibodies in serum. The detection of viral genomes in PMNC could be useful in the positive identification of additional potentially infectious patients

    High MACC1 expression in combination with mutated KRAS G13 indicates poor survival of colorectal cancer patients

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    BACKGROUND: The metastasis-associated in colon cancer 1 (MACC1) gene has been identified as prognostic biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). Here, we aimed at the refinement of risk assessment by separate and combined survival analyses of MACC1 expression with any of the markers KRAS mutated in codon 12 (KRAS G12) or codon 13 (KRAS G13), BRAF V600 mutation and MSI status in a retrospective study of 99 CRC patients with tumors UICC staged I, II and III. FINDINGS: We showed that only high MACC1 expression (HR: 6.09, 95% CI: 2.50-14.85, P < 0.001) and KRAS G13 mutation (HR: 5.19, 95% CI: 1.06-25.45, P = 0.042) were independent prognostic markers for shorter metastasis-free survival (MFS). Accordingly, Cox regression analysis revealed that patients with high MACC1 expression and KRAS G13 mutation exhibited the worst prognosis (HR: 14.48, 95% CI: 3.37-62.18, P < 0.001). Patients were classified based on their molecular characteristics into four clusters with significant differences in MFS (P = 0.003) by using the SPSS 2-step cluster function and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. CONCLUSION: According to our results, patients with high MACC1 expression and mutated KRAS G13 exhibited the highest risk for metachronous metastases formation. Moreover, we demonstrated that the “Traditional pathway” with an intermediate risk for metastasis formation can be further subdivided by assessing MACC1 expression into a low and high risk group with regard to MFS prognosis. This is the first report showing that identification of CRC patients at high risk for metastasis is possible by assessing MACC1 expression in combination with KRAS G13 mutation. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12943-015-0316-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Entry Into Afferent Lymphatics and Maturation In Situ of Migrating Murine Cutaneous Dendritic Cells

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    An important property of dendritic cells (DC), which contributes crucially to their strong immunogenic function, is their capacity to migrate from sites of antigen capture to the draining lymphoid organs. Here we studied in detail the migratory pathway and the differentiation of DC during migration in a skin organ culture model and, for comparison, in the conventional contact hypersensitivity system. We report several observations on the capacity of cutaneous DC to migrate in mouse ear skin. (i) Upon application of contact allergens in vivo the density of Langerhans cells in epidermal sheets decreased, as determined by immunostaining for major histocompatibility complex class II, ADPase, F4/80, CD11b, CD32, NLDC-145/DEC-205, and the cytoskeleton protein vimentin. Evaluation was performed by computer assisted morphometry. (ii) Chemically related nonsensitizing or tolerizing compounds left the density of Langerhans cells unchanged. (iii) Immunohistochemical double-staining of dermal sheets from skin organ cultures for major histocompatibility complex class II and CD54 excluded blood vessels as a cutaneous pathway of DC migration. (iv) Electron microscopy of organ cultures revealed dermal accumulations of DC (including Birbeck granule containing Langerhans cells) within typical lymphatic vessels. (v) Populations of migrating DC in organ cultures upregulated markers of maturity (the antigen recognized by monoclonal antibody 2A1, CD86), but retained indicators of immaturity (invariant chain, residual antigen processing function). These data provide additional evidence that during both the induction of contact hypersensitivity and in skin organ culture, Langerhans cells physically leave the epidermis. Both Langerhans cells and dermal DC enter lymphatic vessels. DC mature while they migrate through the skin
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