209 research outputs found

    Divine Decision-Making

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    Not Just Abortion

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    Relacje między wyborem estetycznym a politycznym w performansach parapolitycznych, politycznych i metapolitycznych

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    In this paper, the author reflects on the relationship between the aesthetic and political choice in performance. The considerations are based on the examples of Janusz Palikot’s rally, Critical Mass, Pobyt tolerowany and Portfolio (by Ewa Łukasiewicz, Weronika Fibich), O miłości (by Julia Jakubowska, Paweł Korbus), Mandala (by Iza Giczewska). Assuming that each performance is political because it’s oriented towards the viewer the performances were divided as: quasi-political, political and metapolitical. Using the tools from “Transformative Power of Performance: A New Aesthetics” by Erika Fischer-Lichte the performances were analysed and assessed depending on whether their materiality was formed as a result of an aesthetic choice or as a result of political choice. Among the conclusions we can find the statement that the more politics in the performance, the more aesthetic choices are equal to the political choices.In this paper, the author reflects on the relationship between theaesthetic and political choice in performance. The considerationsare based on the examples of Janusz Palikot’s rally, Critical Mass,Pobyt tolerowany and Portfolio (by Ewa Łukasiewicz, WeronikaFibich), O miłości (by Julia Jakubowska, Paweł Korbus), Mandala(by Iza Giczewska). Assuming that each performance is political becauseit’s oriented towards the viewer the performances were dividedas: quasi-political, political and metapolitical. Using the tools from“Transformative Power of Performance: A New Aesthetics” by ErikaFischer-Lichte the performances were analysed and assessed dependingon whether their materiality was formed as a result of an aestheticchoice or as a result of political choice. Among the conclusions we canfind the statement that the more politics in the performance, the moreaesthetic choices are equal to the political choices.

    Zgłaszanie niepożądanych zdarzeń lekowych przez ratowników medycznych

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    Ratownicy medyczni w swojej pracy mają coraz częściej do czynienia z niepożądanymi zdarzeniami lekowymi jako przyczyną interwencji zespołu ratownictwa lub wystąpieniem niepożądanego zdarzenia lekowego w trakcie prowadzenia czynności medycznych. Ratownik medyczny, tak jak każdy inny przedstawiciel zawodu medycznego ma obowiązek zgłoszenia wystąpienia ciężkich działań niepożądanych leku do Urzędu Rejestracji Produktów Leczniczych, Wyrobów Medycznych i Produktów Biobójczych. Świadomość tego obowiązku nie jest jednak wystarczająco rozpowszechniona wśród paramedyków. W artykule zdefiniowane zostaną rodzaje niepożądanych zdarzeń lekowych i ich znaczenie dla praktyki systemu Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego, a także procedury zgłaszania zdarzeń niepożądanych. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych wywiadów pogłębionych w środowisku ratowników medycznych wykonana została analiza problematyki niepożądanych działań lekowych w praktyce zespołów ratownictwa medycznego.Paramedics are increasingly dealing in their work with unfavorable drug events as a result of rescue team intervention or adverse drug events during medical treatment. Each paramedic like any other medical practitioner is required to report adverse drug reactions to the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products. The awareness of this duty is not sufficiently widespread among them. The article will define the types of adverse drug events and their relevance to the practice of paramedics, as well as the procedures for reporting adverse reactions. Based on the interviews conducted with paramedics, an analysis of the problem of undesirable drug effects in the practice of medical rescue teams was prepared

    Right-wing legal mobilization against abortion : the case of Poland

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    Over the last few years, women’s rights and freedoms have been challenged intensively before the Constitutional Courts: in Poland, the Constitutional Court tightened pregnancy termination laws; the Constitutional Court in Bulgaria declared the anti-violence Istanbul Convention unconstitutional; the Constitutional Court in Croatia heard the case on pregnancy termination restriction; and in the United States, the Supreme Court overturned the famous abortion decision in the case of Roe v. Wade. We may see a specific pattern here: using the law, especially constitutional law and Constitutional Courts, to restrain women's rights without the support of most citizens. The ruling of the Polish Constitutional Court banning abortion on the grounds of fetal defects triggered one of the largest social protests in Poland since 1989. Because these are legal decisions, they are immune to the mass mobilization and protests they provoke. What is typical in all these cases is not only the limitation of women's rights. It is also the type of non-state actors that are pushing this type of agenda through legal mobilization, mostly fundamentalist and religious organizations. This paper aims to show the constitutive role of right-wing non-state actors and their legal mobilization for the erosion of reproductive rights using abortion in Poland as a case study. I conclude that these actors use the liberal infrastructure of protecting fundamental rights and freedoms, such as constitutional courts and constitutional litigation, to restrict women's rights, and the key to success is the transnational cooperation of engaged actors

    Boiling Frog. Right-wing constitutionalism and women's rights in Poland

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    The level of endogenous DNA damage in lymphocytes isolated from blood is associated with the fluctuation of 17\beta-estradiol concentration in the follicular phase of healthy young women

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the differences in plasma 17β-estradiol concentration in early and late follicular phases of the menstrual cycle can affect the level of endogenous DNA damage in lymphocytes assessed by comet assay, and whether the extent of this damage in the follicular phase is associated with the genotype of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT). The level of DNA damage was positively correlated with 17β-estradiol concentration only in the late follicular phase. Subjects with the COMT L/L homozygous mutated variant revealed more DNA damage as compared to individuals with the COMT wild-type and heterozygous (H/L+HH) genotype