114 research outputs found

    Pilot project of measuring and computing system for mesoscale monitoring of atmospheric boundary layer

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    Conception of design of measuring and computing system for monitoring atmospheric boundary layer is proposed. The system includes: stationary measuring complex consisting of four multiple-elevation ultrasonic weather stations and mobile measuring complex consisting of transportable weather station, touch probing system of weather data profile based on unmanned aerial vehicle and also Raman scattering gas analyzer, and new modification mercury gas analyzer. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only


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    The article analyzes the transformation of the bodies of self-government, which existed in the Tatar Mahalla during Soviet times. This work is based on the case study of religious communities of the Ulyanovsk region and uses the documents of the Council for Religious Aff airs of the Ulyanovsk region as source materials. The article analyzes the dynamics of age and social composition of self-administration, in particular, an executive body, a revision commission and ‘the twenty’ — an institution of staff rotation. Mutawalliats, as well as all religious communities, suff ered harsh devastation, while Muslim clergy and the members of the «twenties» were subjected to mass repressions during the period of staunch Soviet atheism. We can distinguish several interrelated processes in the 1950–1980’s: aging of the members of administrative bodies and reduction of the average number of «twenties». Their social structure was determined by countryside residency. By the 1970’s, administrative bodies had been dominated by the elderly. The analysis of empirical data revealed several patterns of personnel rotation in the bodies of self-government in the Tatar Mahalla of the Ulyanovsk region.В статье ретроспективно рассматривается трансформация органов самоуправления татарской махалля в советское время на примере религиозных общин Ульяновской области. Анализируется динамика возрастного и социального состава институтов самоуправления, модели ротации управленческих кадров. Анализ эмпирических данных позволил выявить несколько моделей ротации (замены) кадров в органах самоуправления татарской махалля Ульяновской области.

    Border Collision Route to Quasiperiodicity: Numerical Investigation and Experimental Confirmation

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    Numerical studies of higher-dimensional piecewise-smooth systems have recently shown how a torus can arise from a periodic cycle through a special type of border-collision bifurcation. The present article investigates this new route to quasiperiodicity in the two-dimensional piecewise-linear normal form map. We have obtained the chart of the dynamical modes for this map and showed that border-collision bifurcations can lead to the birth of a stable closed invariant curve associated with quasiperiodic or periodic dynamics. In the parameter regions leading to the existence of an invariant closed curve, there may be transitions between an ergodic torus and a resonance torus, but the mechanism of creation for the resonance tongues is distinctly different from that observed in smooth maps. The transition from a stable focus point to a resonance torus may lead directly to a new focus of higher periodicity, e.g., a period-5 focus. This article also contains a discussion of torus destruction via a homoclinic bifurcation in the piecewise-linear normal map. Using a dc-dc converter with two-level control as an example, we report the first experimental verification of the direct transition to quasiperiodicity through a border-collision bifurcation


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    The relevance of the work is determined by the necessity to develop the hardware part of the seismic subsystem of the Large-Scale Research Facilities functioning at the Federal Research Center of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences to study seismic signals in groundwater pressure changes. For this purpose, the well monitoring on the territory of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky test site, Kamchatka Peninsula, was updated using Keller equipment, Switzerland (sensors of PAA36 XiW CTD Si, PAA36 XiW modifications, data logger GSM-2), Campbell Scientific Inc, USA (CR6 and CR1000 data loggers) and a budgetary hydrogeodynamic data recorder (HDDR) based on the STK-1 minicomputers, created at the Kamchatka Branch of the GS RAS. A description has been provided concerning the sets of digital equipment installed in four wells for precise recording of groundwater pressure variations with a frequency of 20.00–0.08 Hz. Consideration is being given to the characteristics of the equipment installed in individual wells and to the problems solved in the process of updating the well observation system in order to study vibration effects and hydrogeodynamic precursors of earthquakes. The paper presents the newly obtained results of recording the high-frequency variations in groundwater pressure in wells during the 2020–2021 local and remote earthquakes. A discussion is provided of new possibilities for studying vibration effects on changes in ground water pressure with a frequency comparable to the frequency of recording seismic events by seismometric equipment. Using a new equipment for recording water pressure in the unique well E-1 made it possible to record, a hydrogeodynamic precursor in real time before the March 16, 2021, Mw=6.6 earthquake which occurred at the epicentral distance of 350 km from the well

    Synthesis of pyrrolo[1,2-d][1,4]diazecines through an alkyne-trigged sequence of cleavage/cyclization in 1-phenylethynyl substituted pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazines

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    The publication has been prepared with support of the Russian Science Foundation (project № 18-73-10057). The authors are grateful to the organizing committee of the International Conference “Actual Issues of Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology”, which was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 20-03-20030\20)

    Synthesis of 8-phenyl substituted 3-benzazecines with allene moiety, their thermal rearrangement and evaluation as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

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    Various 4′-R-substituted phenyl azacyclic allenes were synthesized in good yields, and their thermal transformations were studied. For the first time, the obtained rearrangement products—new N-bridged cyclopenta[a]indenes, and the corresponding parent allenes were evaluated as potential inhibitors of acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase. Among the tested compounds, the allene derivative 2g proved to competitively inhibit human AChE with inhibition constant value (Ki) in the low micromolar range. Graphic abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    On Tamm's problem in the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation theory

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    We analyse the well-known Tamm problem treating the charge motion on a finite space interval with the velocity exceeding light velocity in medium. By comparing Tamm's formulae with the exact ones we prove that former do not properly describe Cherenkov radiation terms. We also investigate Tamm's formula cos(theta)=1/(beta n) defining the position of maximum of the field strengths Fourier components for the infinite uniform motion of a charge. Numerical analysis of the Fourier components of field strengths shows that they have a pronounced maximum at cos(theta)=1/(beta n) only for the charge motion on the infinitely small interval. As the latter grows, many maxima appear. For the charge motion on an infinite interval there is infinite number of maxima of the same amplitude. The quantum analysis of Tamm's formula leads to the same results.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, to be published in J.Phys.D:Appl.Phy

    Polymorphism of the LCT gene regulatory region in Turkicspeaking populations of the Altay-Sayan region (southern Siberia)

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    Retention of lactase activity in adulthood (lactase persistence) is one of the most important adaptive traits for human populations that consume fresh milk from domestic animals. At a molecular-genetic level, lactase persistence is determined by the presence of specific alleles of polymorphic sites in cis-regulatory elements of the LCT gene located on chromosome 2q21. Ascertainment of the molecular-genetic causes of lactase persistence has made this trait one of the most convenient for studying mechanisms of human population adaptation to environmental conditions. But the populations of many regions remain insufficiently investigated in relation to the genetic variability of the LCT loci. This paper presents the results of polymorphism analysis of loci, including the enhancer element for the LCT gene and its flanking regions, in two Turkic-speaking populations from southern Siberia, Altaian Kazakhs and Khakasses. It was found that the “European” allele LCT-13910T is the most characteristic of the Turkic-speaking populations from Altai-Sayan regions among all the polymorphic variants associated with lactase persistence. The expansion of the “European” allele LCT-13910T to the gene pool of the populations in southern Siberia could be related to migration waves of ancient herders form western Eurasia during the Bronze Age (in III – II millennium BC). A decrease of the LCT-13910T allele frequency and the total frequency of its carriers in the Turkic-speaking populations of southern Siberia in comparison with the majority of European populations and the Kazakhs from southern Central Asia can be attributed to: (1) a significant influence on the Altai- Sayan population’s gene pool by Eastern Eurasian populations, for which the LCT-13910T allele is rare; (2) a lesser adaptive significance of lactase persistence for south Siberian populations, compared to the populations of Europe. Rare and unique SNPs in the locus under consideration that were found in the Altaian Kazakhs (LCT-13895G > C and LCT-13927C > G) and Khakasses (LCT-14011C > T) potentially play a role in regulation of LCT gene expression, because they are located within the enhancer, regulating activity of its promoter


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    The relevance of the work is determined by the necessity to develop the hardware part of the seismic subsystem of the Large-Scale Research Facilities functioning at the Federal Research Center of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences to study seismic signals in groundwater pressure changes. For this purpose, the well monitoring on the territory of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky test site, Kamchatka Peninsula, was updated using Keller equipment, Switzerland (sensors of PAA36 XiW CTD Si, PAA36 XiW modifications, data logger GSM-2), Campbell Scientific Inc, USA (CR6 and CR1000 data loggers) and a budgetary hydrogeodynamic data recorder (HDDR) based on the STK-1 minicomputers, created at the Kamchatka Branch of the GS RAS. A description has been provided concerning the sets of digital equipment installed in four wells for precise recording of groundwater pressure variations with a frequency of 20.00–0.08 Hz. Consideration is being given to the characteristics of the equipment installed in individual wells and to the problems solved in the process of updating the well observation system in order to study vibration effects and hydrogeodynamic precursors of earthquakes. The paper presents the newly obtained results of recording the high-frequency variations in groundwater pressure in wells during the 2020–2021 local and remote earthquakes. A discussion is provided of new possibilities for studying vibration effects on changes in ground water pressure with a frequency comparable to the frequency of recording seismic events by seismometric equipment. Using a new equipment for recording water pressure in the unique well E-1 made it possible to record, a hydrogeodynamic precursor in real time before the March 16, 2021, Mw=6.6 earthquake which occurred at the epicentral distance of 350 km from the well.Актуальность работы определяется необходимостью развития аппаратурной части сейсмической подсистемы уникальной научной установки, функционирующей в Федеральном исследовательском центре «Единая геофизическая служба Российской академии наук» (ФИЦ ЕГС РАН), для исследования сейсмических сигналов в изменениях давления подземных вод. Для этой цели выполнена модернизация системы скважинных наблюдений на территории Петропавловск-Камчатского полигона с использованием аппаратуры Keller, Швейцария (датчики модификаций PAA36 XiW CTD Si, PAA36 XiW, регистратор GSM-2), Campbell Scientific Inc, США (регистраторы CR6 и CR1000), и регистратора гидрогеодинамических данных наблюдений (РГДН) на основе миникомпьютеров типа STK-1, созданного в Камчатском филиале ФИЦ ЕГС РАН. Представлено описание комплектов цифрового скважинного оборудования для прецизионной регистрации вариаций давления подземных вод с частотой 20.00–0.08 Гц, установленных в четырех скважинах. Рассматриваются задачи, решаемые в процессе модернизации системы скважинных наблюдений с целью изучения вибрационных эффектов и гидрогеодинамических предвестников землетрясений. Представлены результаты регистрации высокочастотных вариаций давления подземных вод в скважинах при местных и удаленных землетрясениях 2020–2021 гг., полученных с использованием установленного оборудования. Обсуждаются вопросы новых возможностей в изучении вибрационных эффектов в изменениях давления подземной воды с частотой, сопоставимой с частотой регистрации сейсмических событий сейсмометрическим оборудованием. С использованием нового оборудования для регистрации давления воды в уникальной скважине Е-1 в режиме реального времени был зарегистрирован гидрогеодинамический предвестник перед землетрясением 16 марта 2021 г., Мw=6.6, произошедшим на эпицентральном расстоянии 350 км от скважины