283 research outputs found

    The role of tidal interactions in driving galaxy evolution

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    We carry out a statistical analysis of galaxy pairs selected from chemical hydrodynamical simulations with the aim at assessing the capability of hierarchical scenarios to reproduce recent observational results for galaxies in pairs. Particularly, we analyse the effects of mergers and interactions on the star formation (SF) activity, the global mean chemical properties and the colour distribution of interacting galaxies. We also assess the effects of spurious pairs.Comment: to appear in "Groups of galaxies in the nearby Universe" ESO Workshop, (Dec 2005) Santiago, Chil

    Measuring the Cosmic Equation of State with Counts of Galaxies II: Error Budget for the DEEP2 Redshift Survey

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    In a previous paper, we described a new variant on the classical dN/dz test which could be performed using upcoming redshift surveys. By observing the velocity function of galaxies rather than their luminosity function, it is possible to avoid many of the uncertainties of galaxy evolution while employing a directly measurable quantity. We previously assumed that counting statistics would dominate the errors in this method. Here, we present the results of including cosmic variance and determine the impact of systematic effects on application of this test to the upcoming DEEP2 Redshift Survey. For DEEP2, cosmic variance should yield errors roughly twice those predicted from Poisson statistics. Through Monte Carlo simulations we find that if the functional form, but not the strength, of any of the major systematic effects (baryonic infall, velocity errors, and incompleteness) is known, the systematic may successfully be corrected for using the observed velocity function, leaving a much smaller residual error. The total uncertainty from systematics is comparable to that from cosmic variance, but correlated amongst redshift bins. We find that DEEP2 can provide a much more precise measurement of the cosmic equation of state parameter w than any available today, albeit weaker than some other proposed tests.Comment: 10 pages plus 11 figures and 2 tables; approved for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Confinement of supernova explosions in a collapsing cloud

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    We analyze the confining effect of cloud collapse on an expanding supernova shockfront. We solve the differential equation for the forces on the shockfront due to ram pressure, supernova energy, and gravity. We find that the expansion of the shockfront is slowed and in fact reversed by the collapsing cloud. Including radiative losses and a potential time lag between supernova explosion and cloud collapse shows that the expansion is reversed at smaller distances as compared to the non-radiative case. We also consider the case of multiple supernova explosions at the center of a collapsing cloud. For instance, if we scale our self-similar solution to a single supernova of energy 10^51 ergs occurring when a cloud of initial density 10^2 H/cm^3 has collapsed by 50%, we find that the shockfront is confined to ~15 pc in ~1 Myrs. Our calculations are pertinent to the observed unusually compact non-thermal radio emission in blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs). More generally, we demonstrate the potential of a collapsing cloud to confine supernovae, thereby explaining how dwarf galaxies would exist beyond their first generation of star formation.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    First orbital solution for the non-thermal emitter Cyg OB2 #9

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    After the first detection of its binary nature, the spectroscopic monitoring of the non-thermal radio emitter Cyg OB2 #9 (P=2.4yrs) has continued, doubling the number of available spectra of the star. Since the discovery paper of 2008, a second periastron passage has occurred in February 2009. Using a variety of techniques, the radial velocities could be estimated and a first, preliminary orbital solution was derived from the HeI5876 line. The mass ratio appears close to unity and the eccentricity is large, 0.7--0.75. X-ray data from 2004 and 2007 are also analyzed in quest of peculiarities linked to binarity. The observations reveal no large overluminosity nor strong hardness, but it must be noted that the high-energy data were taken after the periastron passage, at a time where colliding wind emission may be low. Some unusual X-ray variability is however detected, with a 10% flux decrease between 2004 and 2007. To clarify their origin and find a more obvious signature of the wind-wind collision, additional data, taken at periastron and close to it, are needed.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    X-ray emission from massive stars in Cyg OB2

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    We report on the analysis of the Chandra-ACIS data of O, B and WR stars in the young association Cyg OB2. X-ray spectra of 49 O-stars, 54 B-stars and 3 WR-stars are analyzed and for the brighter sources, the epoch dependence of the X-ray fluxes is investigated. The O-stars in Cyg\,OB2 follow a well-defined scaling relation between their X-ray and bolometric luminosities: log(Lx/Lbol) = -7.2 +/- 0.2. This relation is in excellent agreement with the one previously derived for the Carina OB1 association. Except for the brightest O-star binaries, there is no general X-ray overluminosity due to colliding winds in O-star binaries. Roughly half of the known B-stars in the surveyed field are detected, but they fail to display a clear relationship between Lx and Lbol. Out of the three WR stars in Cyg OB2, probably only WR144 is itself responsible for the observed level of X-ray emission, at a very low log(Lx/Lbol) = -8.8 +/- 0.2. The X-ray emission of the other two WR-stars (WR145 and 146) is most probably due to their O-type companion along with a moderate contribution from a wind-wind interaction zone.Comment: Accepted for an ApJS Special Issue devoted to the Chandra Cygnus OB2 Legacy Surve

    The Metallicities of Low Stellar Mass Galaxies and the Scatter in the Mass-Metallicity Relation

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    In this investigation we quantify the metallicities of low mass galaxies by constructing the most comprehensive census to date. We use galaxies from the SDSS and DEEP2 survey and estimate metallicities from their optical emission lines. We also use two smaller samples from the literature which have metallicities determined by the direct method using the temperature sensitive [OIII]4363 line. We examine the scatter in the local mass-metallicity (MZ) relation determined from ~20,000 star-forming galaxies in the SDSS and show that it is larger at lower stellar masses, consistent with the theoretical scatter in the MZ relation determined from hydrodynamical simulations. We determine a lower limit for the scatter in metallicities of galaxies down to stellar masses of ~10^7 M_solar that is only slightly smaller than the expected scatter inferred from the SDSS MZ relation and significantly larger than what is previously established in the literature. The average metallicity of star-forming galaxies increases with stellar mass. By examining the scatter in the SDSS MZ relation, we show that this is mostly due to the lowest metallicity galaxies. The population of low mass, metal-rich galaxies have properties which are consistent with previously identified galaxies that may be transitional objects between gas-rich dwarf irregulars and gas-poor dwarf spheroidals and ellipticals.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 17 pages, 17 figure

    Distance Dependence in the Solar Neighborhood Age-Metallicity Relation

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    The age-metallicity relation for F and G dwarf stars in the solar neighborhood, based on the stellar metallicity data of Edvardsson et al. (1993), shows an apparent scatter that is larger than expected considering the uncertainties in metallicities and ages. A number of theoretical models have been put forward to explain the large scatter. However, we present evidence, based on Edvardsson et al. (1993) data, along with Hipparcos parallaxes and new age estimates, that the scatter in the age-metallicity relation depends on the distance to the stars in the sample, such that stars within 30 pc of the Sun show significantly less scatter in [Fe/H]. Stars of intermediate age from the Edvardsson et al. sample at distances 30-80 pc from the Sun are systematically more metal-poor than those more nearby. We also find that the slope of the apparent age-metallicity relation is different for stars within 30 pc than for those stars more distant. These results are most likely an artifact of selection biases in the Edvardsson et al. star sample. We conclude that the intrinsic dispersion in metallicity at fixed age is < 0.15 dex, consistent with the < 0.1 dex scatter for Galactic open star clusters and the interstellar medium.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, uses AASTex aaspp4 style; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Mode identification in the high-amplitude {\delta} Scuti star V2367 Cyg

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    We report on a multi-site photometric campaign on the high-amplitude δ\delta Scuti star V2367 Cyg in order to determine the pulsation modes. We also used high-dispersion spectroscopy to estimate the stellar parameters and projected rotational velocity. Time series multicolour photometry was obtained during a 98-d interval from five different sites. These data were used together with model atmospheres and non-adiabatic pulsation models to identify the spherical harmonic degree of the three independent frequencies of highest amplitude as well as the first two harmonics of the dominant mode. This was accomplished by matching the observed relative light amplitudes and phases in different wavebands with those computed by the models. In general, our results support the assumed mode identifications in a previous analysis of Kepler data.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA