7 research outputs found

    The Cause of Mechanical Vibration of Palasher Synchronous Motors and its Removal

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    The paper describes the procedure and the result of the analysis of mechanical vibrations of mining machines at the Palasher mine in the Russian Federation. The cause of these vibrations was the change in the magnitude of the magnetic flux in the air gap. The simulations showed the possibility of eliminating these changes in magnetic flux by injecting suitable voltages into the stator windings. The implementation of this injection is further described by torque variable component feed-direct compensation. Finally, oscillography records are presented before and after injection

    Antitumour efficacy of gels containing liposomes with hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine in photodynamic therapy

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    Cílem diplomové práce bylo stanovení protinádorové účinnosti nového liposomálního preparátu s hydroxyhlinitým ftalocyaninem pro fotodynamickou terapii maligních nádorů a současné zjištění optimálního časového intervalu mezi topickou aplikací liposomálního preparátu a fotodynamickou terapií (PDT) - tj. vlastním ozářením tumoru. Ve studii je porovnáván vliv různých dávek ftalocyaninu v liposomálním ftalocyaninovém preparátu na účinnost fotodynamické terapie karcinomu colon (linie SW-620), karcinomu mammy (linie MDA-MB-231) a lidského neuroblastomu (UKF NB-3). Jako fotosensitizér byl použit hydroxyhlinitý ftalocyanin. K pokusům byly použity outbrední nu/nu myši kmene CD-1 s již uvedenými xenotransplantovanými lidskými tumory. Oblast s nádorem byla ozařována xenonovou lampou (600-700nm), 80J/cm2 . Výsledky byly statisticky vyhodnoceny, zaznamenány v tabulkách a zobrazeny v grafech. V diplomové práci bylo prokázáno, že liposomální preparát s ftalocyaninem (obsah Ftc 9-18mg/ml) má výrazný protinádorový účinek na zvolené typy nádorů. Optimální časový interval pro PDT je 10 minut po topické aplikaci preparátu. Klíčová slova: fotodynamická terapie, hydroxyhlinitý ftalocyanin, liposomální preparátThe targets of the diploma thesis presented here were to establish the antitumour efficacy of a new liposomal product with hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine (PC) in photodynamic therapy (PDT) of malignant tumours and determine the optimum time interval between the topical application of the product and PDT (tumour exposure to light). Effects were examined of the PC concentration on the PDT efficacy in a colon carcinoma cell line (SW-620), mammary carcinoma cell line (MDA-MB-231) and human neuroblastoma cell line (UKF NB-3). Hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine was employed as a photosensitizer. Outbred athymic female nude CD-1 mice already bearing the above mentioned xenotransplanted tumours were used in the experiments. The area comprising the tumour was exposed to light from a xenon lamp (600-700 nm, 80 J/cm2 ). The results were statistically evaluated, summarized in tables and plotted in graphs. In the diploma work, the liposomal product containing phthalocyanine (9-18 mg/ml) was shown to have considerable antitumour effects in the types of tumours chosen. The optimum time interval for the PDT is of 10 min after the product topical application. Key words: photodynamic therapy; hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine; liposomal drug deliveryInstitute of Biophysics and Informatics First Faculty of Medicine Charles University in PragueÚstav biofyziky a informatiky 1. LF UK v PrazeFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Spectrometric Methods for Study of Age of Manuscripts

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    Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Antitumour efficacy of gels containing liposomes with hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine in photodynamic therapy

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    The targets of the diploma thesis presented here were to establish the antitumour efficacy of a new liposomal product with hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine (PC) in photodynamic therapy (PDT) of malignant tumours and determine the optimum time interval between the topical application of the product and PDT (tumour exposure to light). Effects were examined of the PC concentration on the PDT efficacy in a colon carcinoma cell line (SW-620), mammary carcinoma cell line (MDA-MB-231) and human neuroblastoma cell line (UKF NB-3). Hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine was employed as a photosensitizer. Outbred athymic female nude CD-1 mice already bearing the above mentioned xenotransplanted tumours were used in the experiments. The area comprising the tumour was exposed to light from a xenon lamp (600-700 nm, 80 J/cm2 ). The results were statistically evaluated, summarized in tables and plotted in graphs. In the diploma work, the liposomal product containing phthalocyanine (9-18 mg/ml) was shown to have considerable antitumour effects in the types of tumours chosen. The optimum time interval for the PDT is of 10 min after the product topical application. Key words: photodynamic therapy; hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine; liposomal drug deliver

    Spectrometric Methods for Study of Age of Manuscripts

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    Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    FPGA based modulator for five level flying capacitor inverter

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    This paper concerns a modular pulsewidth modulation (PWM) modulator that is suitable for polyphase multi level inverters. The modulator is implemented in a field programmable gate array(FPGA) with a softcore microprocessor controlling it. Further it presents experiments with a five level flying capacitor multilevel inverter and the proposed modulator

    Current Ripple Reduction of Predictive Torque-Controlled Induction Motor Drive Using Delta-Star Switchover

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    The current and torque ripple of inverter-fed induction motor drives is an inherent problem of control strategies working with switching frequencies in the range of multiple kilohertz, such as direct torque and, more recently, predictive torque control. If the drive operates in a wide-speed and wide-torque range and is equipped with a machine with an accessible terminal block whose winding is nominally connected in delta, then the current and torque ripple can be reduced by utilizing the delta-star winding changeover technique. When the winding configuration is switched from delta to star, the instantaneous motor phase voltage peak is lowered, and its total harmonic distortion is reduced. However, the control strategy must be adjusted according to the actual winding topology, mainly due to the difference in the coordinate transformations of the measured currents and the difference between the phase voltage vectors obtained from the inverter. This paper proposes a predictive torque control of an induction motor drive with a switchable delta-star winding configuration. The paper is supported by theoretical background, and the key idea is verified by simulations in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments conducted on a dSPACE-controlled 5.5-kW laboratory drive. The simulations validated the presented equations and show the effects of not respecting the actual winding topology. The experiments mainly focused on analyzing the total harmonic distortion of the currents and consumed electrical power in multiple operating points