106 research outputs found

    Genesis of the institute of reimbursing the damage incurred by a crime: from punitive to stimulating measures

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    Objective: a retrospective analysis of the legal nature of public relations in the history of the state and law of Russia related to compensation for damage caused by crimes, with a view of potentially using it in reforming the Russian legislative norms to create conditions for deeper differentiation and individualization of punishments and liability.Methods: the author used general scientific techniques and methods of cognition; collection and processing of empirical materials were carried out by applying the following research methods: comparison, modeling, analysis, synthesis, formal- logical approach, specific scientific methods, including the historical one.Results: the study resulted in the conclusion that the problem of liability for damage caused by committing criminal encroachments has passed a long historical path and is one of the oldest among those recorded in various legal institutions. The author highlights the historical periods in the development of the institution under consideration, within which public and private interests were protected: a) the period of the 9th - 14th centuries (priority was given to the protection of private interests); b) the period of the 15th - 18th centuries (to a greater extent, private interests were protected); c) the period of the 19th - 21st centuries (characterized by a balance of public and private interests). In the course of the research, the author conducted a historical and legal analysis of the institute of compensation for criminal damage, which allows noting progressive changes in this legal institution, from repressive to stimulating norms. This, in turn, makes it possible to strive to ensure the full restoration of rights and freedoms violated in the course of committing offenses, including creating all necessary conditions for further individual approach to the problem of criminal liability and penalties.Scientific novelty: is expressed in a comprehensive analysis of the legal nature of social relations in the history of the state and law of Russia, related to compensation for damage caused by crimes. Practical significance: allows using its main results and conclusions in standard-setting activities to improve the legal framework related to the differentiation and individualization of punishments and liability related to compensation for damage caused by a crime

    Genesis of legislative bases of bribery counteraction in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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    Objective: to analyze the formation and development of the UK anti-bribery legislation for possible use of foreign regulations when reforming the Russian anti-corruption legislation.Methods: as the methodological basis of the research, the author used various general scientific techniques and methods of cognition: modeling, analysis, synthesis, formal-logical approach, and specific scientific methods.Results: the author highlights in detail the program approaches and regulatory legal acts of the United Kingdom regulating its anti-corruption policy in the field of bribery, that ensure a productive combination of legal and social measures to counter the phenomenon under consideration. In the course of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that, in modern conditions, it is relevant to study law enforcement and legislative experience in combating bribery in the UK as one of the leading states that are most actively engaged in legislative activities in the field of anti-corruption. Until recently, the legal framework for struggling against corruption in the UK was built around a number of regulatory legal acts that had equal legal force and were sources of statutory law. The United Kingdom Bribery Act 2010 entered into force on 1 July 2011 and replaced a group of previous anti-bribery laws in the United Kingdom. In many aspects, the law goes beyond the scope of theU.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 in many ways, as it also criminalizes intermediary payments and corruption in the private sector. This law is distinguished from previous regulatory legal acts by clear structural characteristics of bribery and innovative solutions to minimize and eliminate this phenomenon.Scientific novelty: this paper is the first to substantiate the positive foreign legislative experience in countering bribery in the UK, which can be used not only to improve national legislation, but also to change international legal norms in this area. In the context of globalization, the developed world community is becoming increasingly aware of the scale ofconsequences caused by the activities of corrupt government structures. The modern legislative frameworks in the field of fighting corruption in the UK, which have identified a number of new types of offenses, help to optimize the activities of the British law enforcement agencies and minimize corruption.Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the work can be used in scientific, pedagogical and law enforcement activities when considering issues related to the improvement of the Russian anti-corruption legislation

    Legal Bases for Prosecution of Medical Staff for Illegal Acts During the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods

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    Objective: to study the historical retrospective of the Soviet (1917-1991) and post-Soviet (1991 – present) periods of healthcare, the evolution of their legal support; to conduct a comprehensive criminological study and analysis of the criminal liability of medical staff who committed illegal acts in the historical periods under consideration.Methods: the methodological basis of the study was the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, formal and logical approach. In addition, the author used specific scientific methods, including the historical one.Results: in general, the analysis of the legal foundations of criminal prosecution of medical staff who committed illegal acts during the Soviet and post-Soviet period suggests that the institute of legal liability of medical staff, the medical science and practice developed in parallel under the influence of social, economic and political factors. Since the beginning of the Soviet period, the issues of liability of medical staff have caused numerous disputes among both researchers and practitioners, and today these disputes continue and do not subside. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the Russian legislative system in the field of healthcare has always been formed solely with the special attitude of the state and society to medical staff, who were perceived as guardians of the health of the citizens and enjoyed their confidence, which in turn gave rise to special caution and responsibility among medical personnel.Scientific novelty: the study is distinguished by the author’s unique approach, which allowed stating the social conditionality of legal prohibitions for the illegal acts under consideration, as well as the causal relationship between the regulatory legal framework formed and the social consequences generated by it in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.Practical significance: the conclusions obtained by studying the genesis of the problems related to the liability of medical personnel for committing illegal acts will contribute to the development of a scientific understanding of the essence of the phenomenon under consideration, as well as the identification of a modern causal complex contributing to the occurrence of these illegal acts

    Complex criminological research of the features of crime prevention in modern Japan

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    Objective: at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, the overall crime rate in Japan remains the lowest compared to many economically developed countries, being low to moderate in most Japanese cities and rural settlements. To study the Japanese phenomenon of crime prevention, the author attempts a comprehensive criminological study of crime prevention in contemporary Japan.Methods: general scientific methods and cognition techniques based on the collection and processing of empirical data were used to conduct the research. The theoretical basis of the study was made up of the Russian and foreign works dealing with the issues related to crime prevention in Japan. The methodological basis of the work was: modeling, analysis, synthesis, comparison, formal-logical approach, and private scientific methods, including historical method.Results: in the course of the conducted research, the author came to the conclusion that, with stable traditions and historical experience, the Japanese authorities try to use all the available resources and innovative technologies to achieve the greatest possible efficiency in ensuring law and order in the society and to reduce crime by switching from a crisis model to a socially oriented preventive activity of law enforcement agencies.Scientific novelty: it is expressed in a modern comprehensive analysis of the development and implementation of a system of measures for crime prevention in Japan. The conducted research made it possible to compare and understand the content of not only various procedures in the field of combating crime, but also made it possible to compare the Japanese positive experience and the concept of the Russian criminological policy.Practical significance: the study of the positive experience of crime prevention in Japan will undoubtedly contribute to establishing interaction between the population and the law enforcement agencies involved into crime prevention in Russia. Additionally, the performed analysis is practically significant, since it may serve as the basis for studying the causes and conditions that determine crime in Russia. The study of the Japanese experience in the formation, regulation and implementation of criminological prevention will certainly provide an opportunity to use its positive results in the practice of authorities fighting against criminal manifestations in the Russian Federation

    Scientific creativity of an outstanding Russian jurist M. N. Gernet and his role in developing criminal legal sciences and criminology in the pre-revolutionary period

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    Objective: to comprehensively study the results of the work of an outstanding Russian jurist and scientist, ProfessorN. Gernet, and his role in the formation and improvement of the criminal-legal and criminological science in prerevolutionary jurisprudence.Methods: dialectical approach to cognition of social phenomena, allowing to analyze them in historical development and functioning in the context of the totality of objective and subjective factors, which predetermined the following research methods: formal-logical, comparative-legal, and sociological.Results: it is proved that, being the author of serious scientific developments in the field of criminal law and fundamental criminological research printed in pre-revolutionary Russia, M. N. Gernet laid the foundation for the further formation of criminological doctrine, which later became a sub-branch of criminal law science, thus significantly influencing the formation of the humanistic principle in the Russian criminal-legal theory. Analysis of M. N. Gernet’s works allows the author to assert that they identify many shortcomings in fighting crime by solely criminal-repressive methods, and also to show the negative phenomena in the field of assigning criminal penalties, which were created by the judicial practice in force at that time, which used various means to intimidate the population.Scientific novelty: the author’s approach to the analysis of the pre-revolutionary scientific heritage of Professor M. N. Gernet, as well as individual scientific works of his students and followers, allowed the author to conduct a comprehensive scientific study of the life, activities, scientific creativity of the greatest Russian jurist and scientist, Professor M. N. Gernet, as well as his role in the formation and development of criminal law and criminological science in pre-revolutionary jurisprudence.significance: the author’s conclusions proposed in this study can act as a theoretical basis in conducting new research concerning the results of scientific creativity of the Russian jurists developing various scientific criminal law and criminological areas of jurisprudence

    International cooperation of G20 in preventing corruption: dialectics of development

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    Objective: to study the issues of international cooperation of the Group of Twenty aimed at prevention of corruption under the global financial crisis, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: in the course of the research, the author used general scientific techniques and methods of cognition based on the collection and processing of empirical data. The methodological basis of the study was the methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparison. In addition, a number of English-language and Russian sources were processed with the content analysis method. Results: this paper shows the evolution, interrelationships, reference information, and overview of the past and present of the G20, as well as its relations with international organizations and other state and non-state actors. In the course of the conducted research, the author came to the conclusion that today, in order to effectively counteract corruption manifestations, numerous international organizations are increasingly using their levers and mechanisms. A special role in activating many economic processes, and, accordingly, in combating corruption in the global economy, is assigned to the Group of Twenty - the G20. The author also convincingly proves that the reasonable and transparent use of preventive resources at the global level is extremely important at present. The implementation of the highest standards of integrity within the framework of the G20 activities will reduce the level of corruption.Scientific novelty: it is expressed in the modern analysis of the Group of Twenty role in counteracting corruption at the global level. It is also of methodological importance for the study of the role of international procedures necessary to assess the effectiveness of measures and compatible efforts to combat corruption.Practical significance: the possibility to use the study results in combating corruption. For the most part, they can be used in the preparation of various management decisions and policy documents aimed at combating corruption in the Russian Federation and the world

    Особливості росту та формування штучних насаджень тополі чорної (Populus Nigra L.)

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    The black poplar stands (Populus nigra L.) provide a range of ecological services and have an economic significance. Stands of ІХ and higher age classes are dominating. Therefore, it is necessary to systematize data on the productivity of black poplar in various natural and climatic zones of Ukraine. Yield tables are the basis for regulatory and reference data in forest management, accounting of forests and forest resources. Most of existing yield tables was developed primarily for normal stands. Such tables do not take into account regional characteristics of growth and state of forest plantations. The aim of the investigation is to determine the characteristics of the course of growth and productivity artificial modal black poplar stands in various natural and climatic zones of Ukraine. To determine the characteristics of growth and formation of modal stands and to develop yield tables, data of Forest inventory Database of Production Association "Ukrderzhlisproekt" were analyzed using conventional techniques. Yield tables for Populus nigra L. were constructed from 4650 plots. A significant differentiation in the dynamics of areas and stocks of poplar stands has been found by age classes in different natural and climatic zones and typological range. It was established that modal artificial stands black poplar grows in ІІ–ІІІ site class in the conditions of mesic mesotrophic (C2) and meso-hygric mesotrophic (C3) (in accordance with the Alekseev-Pogrebnyak edaphic grid). Forest yield at the age of 70 is reaching 435, 450 and 500 m3 ha-1 in the conditions of Steppe, Forest-Steppe and Polissya, respectively. The mathematical relationships accurately characterize the growth of artificial black poplar stands of conditions of mesic mesotrophic and meso-hygric mesotrophic, and the determination coefficients of the equations fluctuate between 0.90–0.99. By the ratio of mean and current annual increments in yield tables the age (30–35) of quantitative maturity of modal stands was identified.Для підвищення ефективності ведення лісового господарства в осокоревих (Populus nigra L.) лісах існує потреба розроблення нормативно-інформаційних матеріалів для оцінювання та прогнозування росту насаджень з урахуванням зональних особливостей і лісорослинних умов. Побудовано математичні моделі та складено таблиці ходу росту модальних штучних насаджень тополі чорної, які ростуть в умовах свіжого і вологого сугруду в Поліссі, Лісостепу та Степу України, способом комплексного аналізу повидільної бази даних ВО "Укрдержліспроект" та матеріалів пробних площ. Встановлено, що модальні штучні тополеві деревостани в умовах С2 і С3 ростуть за ІІ-ІІІ класами бонітету, а їхній запас у 70-річному віці сягає 435, 450 та 500 м3·га-1 в умовах Степу, Лісостепу та Полісся відповідно. Модальні штучні насадження поступаються за запасом культурам тополі чорної вологого сугруду за даними чинних нормативів на 6–37 % та переважають відповідні показники свіжого сугруду на 1–54 %. Встановлено, що математичні співвідношення доволі точно характеризують хід росту штучних тополевих деревостанів свіжого та вологого сугрудів, а коефіцієнти детермінації рівнянь змінюються в межах 0,90–0,99. Визначено вік кількісної стиглості тополевих насаджень, який незалежно від природної зони в умовах свіжого та вологого сугруду становить 30–35 років

    Вивчення сучасного ставлення фахівців до системи мотивації персоналу в аптеці

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    Every pharmacy manager is faced with the question of motivating his/her employees. Unfortunately, there are no single motivational schemes that would effectively affect all pharmacists in the same manner. Aim. To study the current attitude of specialists to the system of the staff motivation in a pharmacy. Materials and methods. The field studies were used in the work. A survey of pharmacists and pharmaceutists of one of the pharmacy chain in Kharkiv was carried out. 107 specialists were interviewed. The database obtained as a result of the questionnaire was formed in Microsoft Excel. All calculations were performed in Microsoft Excel. Results and discussion. A survey of pharmacists and pharmaceutists of pharmacies of one of the pharmacy network in Kharkiv was carried out. The information obtained as a result of the questionnaire was collected in accordance with ethical requirements. The relationship between qualitative characteristics was carried out using the χ2 test. The current attitude of specialists to the system of motivation in a pharmacy was studied. It was revealed that the employee’s motivation depended by 70 % on how the manager worked on this problem. As a result of the study, it was found that 46 % of the surveyed specialists went to work with a sense of habit and only 16 % with a sense of a creative impulse. The question of changing the place of work was investigated. It was determined that 34 % of respondents wanted to change their place of work, 28 % of respondents were completely satisfied with their position. Although a significant percentage of the surveyed specialists are now thinking about changing jobs, the COVID-19 pandemic has made its own adjustments. Most workers remain at their jobs for now, fearing that they will lose their jobs altogether. Motivating and demotivating factors for pharmacy workers were determined. Among the motivating factors, one can single out the loyal attitude of the management, a friendly team, the presence of social guarantees (the right to work, the right to rest, retirement benefits). Demotivating factors are the lack of career prospects, inadequate working conditions, the lack of innovation, insufficient technological support. Conclusions. As a result of the study of the motivational environment of one of the network of pharmacies in Kharkiv, it has been found that the mechanisms used do not sufficiently ensure the achievement of the goals of this network of pharmacies. For optimal motivation, it is necessary to apply the elements of the motivation system in a comprehensive manner.Каждый заведующий аптекой сталкивается с вопросом мотивации своих сотрудников. К сожалению, универсальных мотивационных схем, которые бы одинаково эффективно влияли на всех провизоров, не существует. Целью работы является изучение современного отношения специалистов к системе мотивации персонала в аптеке. Материалы и методы. В работе использованы полевые исследования. Проведено анкетирование провизоров и фармацевтов одной из аптечных сетей г. Харькова. Опрошено 107 специалистов. Полученная в результате анкетирования база данных сформирована в Microsoft Excel. Все расчеты выполнены в Microsoft Excel. Результаты и их обсуждение. Проведено анкетирование провизоров и фармацевтов одной из аптечных сетей г. Харькова. Сбор полученной в результате анкетирования информации проведен согласно этических требований. Связь между качественными признаками осуществляли с помощью критерия χ2. Изучено современное отношение специалистов к системе мотивации в аптеке. Выявлено, что мотивация сотрудника на 70 % зависит от того, как работает над этой проблемой руководитель. В результате проведенного исследования установлено, что 46% опрошенных специалистов идут на работу с чувством привычки и только 16 % с чувством творческого порыва. Исследован вопрос об изменении места работы. Определено, что 34 % респондентов хотят изменить своё место работы, 28 % респондентов полностью удовлетворены занимаемой должностью. Хотя значительный процент опрошенных специалистов и задумывается сейчас над вопросом смены места работы, пандемия COVID-19 внесла свои коррективы. Большинство работников пока остается на своих рабочих местах, боясь потерять работу вовсе. Установлены мотивирующие и демотивирующие факторы для работников аптек. Среди мотивирующих факторов можно выделить: лояльное отношение руководства, дружный коллектив, наличие социальных гарантий (право на труд, право на отдых, пенсионное обеспечение). Демотивирующие факторы: отсутствие перспективы карьерного роста, несоответствие условий труда, отсутствие инноваций, недостаточное технологическое обеспечение. Выводы. В результате проведенного исследования мотивационной среды одной из аптечных сетей г. Харькова установлено, что применяемые механизмы не в достаточной степени обеспечивают достижение целей данной сети аптек. Для оптимальной мотивации необходимо комплексно применять элементы системы мотивации.Кожен завідувач аптеки стикається з питанням мотивації своїх співробітників. На жаль, універсальних мотиваційних схем, які б однаково ефективно впливали на усіх провізорів, не існує. Метою роботи є вивчення сучасного ставлення фахівців до системи мотивації персоналу в аптеці. Матеріали та методи. У роботі використано польові дослідження. Проведено анкетування провізорів та фармацевтів однієї з аптечних мереж м. Харкова. Опитано 107 фахівців. Отриману в результаті анкетування базу даних сформовано в Microsoft Excel. Усі розрахунки виконано в Microsoft Excel. Результати та їх обговорення. Проведено анкетування провізорів та фармацевтів однієї з аптечних мереж м. Харкова. Збір отриманої в результаті анкетування інформації виконано згідно з етичними вимогами. Зв’язок між якісними ознаками здійснювали за допомогою критерію χ2. Вивчено сучасне ставлення фахівців до системи мотивації в аптеці. Виявлено, що мотивація співробітника на 70 % залежить від того, як працює над цією проблемою керівник. У результаті проведеного дослідження з’ясовано, що 46 % опитаних фахівців ідуть на роботу з почуттям звички і лише 16 % з почуттям творчого пориву. Досліджено питання щодо зміни місця роботи. Визначено, що 34% респондентів хочуть змінити своє місце роботи, 28 % респондентів повністю задоволені посадою, на якій перебувають. Хоча значний відсоток опитаних фахівців і замислюється над питанням зміни місця роботи, пандемія COVID-19 внесла свої корективи. Більшість працівників поки що залишається на своїх робочих місцях, оскільки боїться втратити роботу взагалі. Виявлено мотивувальні та демотивувальні фактори для працівників аптек. Серед мотивувальних факторів можна виокремити: лояльне ставлення керівництва, дружній колектив, наявність соціальних гарантій (право на працю, право на відпочинок, пенсійне забезпечення). Демотивувальні фактори: відсутність перспективи кар’єрного зростання, невідповідність умов праці, відсутність інновацій, недостатнє технологічне забезпечення. Висновки. У результаті проведеного дослідження мотиваційного середовища однієї з аптечних мереж м. Харкова визначено, що застосовувані механізми недостатньо забезпечують досягнення цілей цієї мережі аптек. Для оптимального мотивування необхідно комплексно застосовувати елементи системи мотивації