100 research outputs found

    Axionic Mirage Mediation

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    Although the mirage mediation is one of the most plausible mediation mechanisms of supersymmetry breaking, it suffers from two crucial problems. One is the \mu-/B \mu-problem and the second is the cosmological one. The former stems from the fact that the B parameter tends to be comparable with the gravitino mass, which is two order of magnitude larger than the other soft masses. The latter problem is caused by the decay of the modulus whose branching ratio into the gravitino pair is sizable. In this paper, we propose a model of mirage mediation, in which Peccei-Quinn symmetry is incorporated. In this axionic mirage mediation, it is shown that the PQ symmetry breaking scale is dynamically determined around 10^{10-12} GeV due to the supersymmetry breaking effects, and the \mu-problem can be solved naturally. Furthermore, in our model, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is the axino, that is the superpartner of the axion. The overabundance of the LSPs due to decays of modulus/gravitino, which is the most serious cosmological difficulty in the mirage mediation, can be avoided if the axino is sufficiently light. The next-LSPs (NLSPs) produced by the gravitino decay eventually decay into the axino LSPs, yielding the dominant component of the axinos remaining today. It is shown that the axino with the mass of O(100) MeV is naturally realized, which can constitute the dark matter of the Universe, with the free-streaming length of the order of 0.1 Mpc. The saxion, the real scalar component of the axion supermultiplet, can also be cosmologically harmless due to the dilution of the modulus decay. The lifetime of NLSP is relatively long, but much shorter than 1 sec., when the big-bang nucleosynthesis commences. The decay of NLSP would provide intriguing collider signatures.Comment: reference added, typo correcte

    Analysis and modeling of hydrothermal plume data acquired from the 85°E segment of the Gakkel Ridge

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (2010): C06028, doi:10.1029/2009JC005776.We use data from a CTD plume-mapping campaign conducted during the Arctic Gakkel Vents (AGAVE) expedition in 2007 to constrain the nature of hydrothermal processes on the Gakkel Ridge at 85°E. Thermal and redox potential (Eh) anomalies were detected in two discrete depth intervals: 2400–2800 m (Interval 1) and 3000–3800 m (Interval 2). The spatial and temporal patterns of the signals indicate that the Interval 1 anomalies were most likely generated by a single large, high-temperature (T > 100°C) vent field located on the fault terraces that form the NE axial valley wall. In contrast, the Interval 2 anomalies appear to have been generated by up to 7 spatially distinct vent fields associated with constructional volcanic features on the floor of the axial valley, many of which may be sites of diffuse, low-temperature (T < 10°C) discharge. Numerical simulations of turbulent plumes rising in a weakly stratified Arctic Ocean water column indicate that the high-temperature field on the axial valley wall has a thermal power of ∼1.8 GW, similar to the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse and Rainbow fields in the Atlantic Ocean, whereas the sites on the axial valley floor have values ranging from 5 to 110 MW.Thiswork was funded by the NSF Office of Polar Programs, Tellus—The Centre of Earth Systems Science at theUniversity of Gothenburg, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Information Leakage Threats for Cryptographic Devices Using IEMI and EM Emission

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    In this paper, we present a new information leakage threat combining intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) and observations of EM leakage. In previous studies, the analysis of secret key information in cryptographic modules using fault injection has led to methods whereby faults can be injected via low-voltage IEMI. However, the timing of fault injections cannot be controlled with this approach, and it is difficult to obtain faulty ciphertexts for use in secret key analysis by differential fault analysis (DFA). To overcome this problem, we propose a method for estimating the fault-injection timing by detecting characteristic fluctuations in the EM leakage from the device. As a result, it may be possible to implement a realistic secret information analysis method applicable to a wide range of devices. First, to show the feasibility of the proposed method, we describe an experiment using an on-chip fault-injection circuit that can control the injection timing. Furthermore, we apply a fault analysis method that combines the injection timing estimation method and fault injection by IEMI in a practical experimental environment. We select useful faulty ciphertexts using the proposed method, and then perform secret key analysis by DFA. Experimental results demonstrate that the secret key can be successfully analyzed

    High-Resolution Surveys Along the Hot Spot–Affected Galapagos Spreading Center: 1. Distribution of Hydrothermal Activity

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    The spatial density of hydrothermal activity along most mid-ocean ridges is a robust linear function of spreading rate (or magmatic budget), but extreme crustal properties may alter this relationship. In 2005–2006 we tested the effect of thickened crust on hydrothermal activity using high-resolution mapping of plumes overlying the hot spot–affected Galapagos Spreading Center from 95o to 89o42\u27W (~560 km of ridge crest). Plume mapping discovered only two active, high-temperature vent fields, subsequently confirmed by camera tows, though strong plume evidence indicated minor venting from at least six other locations. Total plume incidence (ph), the fraction of ridge crest overlain by significant plumes, was 0.11 ± 0.014, about half that expected for a non–hot spot mid-ocean ridge with a similar magmatic budget. Plume distributions on the Galapagos Spreading Center were uncorrelated with abrupt variations in the depth of the along-axis melt lens, so these variations are apparently not controlled by hydrothermal cooling differences. We also found no statistical difference (for a significance level of 0.05) in plume incidence between where the seismically imaged melt lens is shallow (2 ± 0.56 km, ph = 0.108 ± 0.045) and where it is deep (3.4 ± 0.7 km, ph = 0.121 ± 0.015). The Galapagos Spreading Center thus joins mid-ocean ridges near the Iceland (Reykjanes Ridge), St. Paul-Amsterdam (South East Indian Ridge), and Ascension (Mid- Atlantic Ridge) hot spots as locations of anomalously scarce high-temperature venting. This scarcity implies that convective cooling along hot spot–affected ridge sections occurs primarily by undetected diffuse flow or is permanently or episodically reduced compared to normal mid-ocean ridges


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    BE09-P99ポスター要旨 / ブルーアース2009(2009年3月12日~13日, 立教大学池袋キャンパス)http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/natsushima/nt05-18/

    A new cosmic ray observation at Syowa Station in the antarctic

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    A set of Cosmic Ray detectors was newly installed in Syowa Station, in the Antarctic, to observe CR neutrons and muons simultaneously at the same location. The observing system has started working in February 2018 and is in stable operation with a high operation rate, >90%. We describe the new systems and show its stability

    Severity and Progression Rate of Cerebellar Ataxia in 16q-linked Autosomal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxia (16q-ADCA) in the Endemic Nagano Area of Japan

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    16q22.1-linked autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (16q-ADCA) is a recently defined subtype of ADCA identified by a disease-specific C/T substitution in the 5' untranslated region of the puratrophin-1 gene. In Nagano, the central mountainous district of the main island of Japan, 16q-ADCA and spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) are the most and second most prevalent subtypes of ADCA, respectively. Both subtypes are classified into Harding's ADCA III, but little attention has been given to the differences in the severity and progression rate of cerebellar ataxia between 16q-ADCA and SCA6. We investigated the clinical severity and progression rate of cerebellar ataxia of 16q-ADCA patients using international cooperative ataxia rating scale and scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia and compared them with those of SCA6 patients. The age at onset was much higher in 16q-ADCA patients (60.1 +/- 9.8 years, n = 66) than in SCA6 patients (41.1 +/- 8.7 years, n = 35). Clinical features of 16q-ADCA were basically consistent with pure cerebellar ataxia, as well as in SCA6, but gaze-evoked nystagmus was observed less frequently in 16q-ADCA patients than in SCA6 patients. When compared at almost the same disease duration after onset, the severity of cerebellar ataxia was a little higher, and the progression rate seemed more rapid in 16q-ADCA patients than in SCA6 patients, but the differences were not significant.ArticleCEREBELLUM. 8(1):46-51 (2009)journal articl

    Deep Sea Underwater Robotic Exploration in the Ice-Covered Arctic Ocean with AUVs

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    The Arctic seafloor remains one of the last unexplored areas on Earth. Exploration of this unique environment using standard remotely operated oceanographic tools has been obstructed by the dense Arctic ice cover. In the summer of 2007 the Arctic Gakkel Vents Expedition (AGAVE) was conducted with the express intention of understanding aspects of the marine biology, chemistry and geology associated with hydrothermal venting on the section of the mid-ocean ridge known as the Gakkel Ridge. Unlike previous research expeditions to the Arctic the focus was on high resolution imaging and sampling of the deep seafloor. To accomplish our goals we designed two new Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) named Jaguar and Puma, which performed a total of nine dives at depths of up to 4062m. These AUVs were used in combination with a towed vehicle and a conventional CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) program to characterize the seafloor. This paper describes the design decisions and operational changes required to ensure useful service, and facilitate deployment, operation, and recovery in the unique Arctic environment.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86060/1/ckunz-17.pd

    Multiple hydrothermal sources along the south Tonga arc and Valu Fa Ridge

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    Quantifying hydrothermal venting at the boundaries of tectonic plates is an outstanding geoscience problem. Considerable progress has been made by detailed surveys along mid-ocean ridges (MORs), but until recently little was known about fluid venting along volcanic arcs. We present the first systematic survey for hydrothermal venting along the 425-km-long south Tonga arc and new chemistry data for particle and thermal plumes previously reported along an adjacent 88-km-long section of the back-arc Valu Fa Ridge (VFR). Eleven hydrothermal plumes, recognized by their anomalous light backscattering, Eh, temperature, pH, dissolved 3He, CH4, and total dissolvable Fe and Mn, were identified arising from seven volcanic centers along the arc. Five plumes on the VFR were characterized chemically. Vent field density for the south Tonga arc was 2.6 sites/100 km of arc front, comparable to that found by surveys of the Kermadec arc (1.9 to 3.8 sites/100 km) and to MORs in the eastern Pacific (average value for 2280 km of surveyed ridgecrest: 3.2 sites/100 km). A "vent gap" occurs along a 190 km section of the arc closest to the VFR, and a site density twice the average for MORs on the eastern edge of the Pacific plate was found on this part of the VFR (6.6 sites/100 km). We suggest magmas ascending under the adjacent south Tonga arc have been captured by the VFR. While chemical enrichments of plumes on the south Tonga arc were, in general, slightly less than those on the Kermadec arc, several instances of excessive anomalies in pH suggest a similar presence of fluids enriched in magmatic volatiles (CO2-SO2-H2S). Locally, venting on the VFR has contributed to accumulations of 3He, Fe, and Mn within the southern Lau basin. On a broader scale, our results provide considerable support for the notion that venting from intraoceanic arcs on the convergent margin of the Pacific plate adds significantly to the total hydrothermal input into the Pacific Ocean