16 research outputs found

    Categorical equivalence of some algebras

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    We show that two lattices are categorically equivalent if and only if they are isomorphic or dually isomorphic. Two normal bands are categorically equivalent if and only if they are isomorphic or anti- isomorphic. The same result holds for finite bands as well. We also obtain corollaries for rectangular bands and semilattices

    Comparison of the motor skils level of physically active and inactive 5th grades school Children of Pilsen Region and Free State of Saxony

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    Přeshraniční srovnávací analýza vztahů mezi pohybovou aktivitou, somatickými charakteristikami a výsledky testů motorických schopností, z nichž usuzujeme na celkovou zdravotně orientovanou zdatnost, v závislosti na geografické příslušnosti jedenáctiletých žáků 5.tříd ZŠ.ObhájenoCross-border comparative analysis of the relationships between physical activity, somatic characteristics and the results of motor skills tests, from which we conclude on the overall health-oriented fitness, depending on the geographical affiliation of eleven-year-old 5th graders

    Kategoorne ekvivalents algebras

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    Algebralised struktuurid võivad olla omavahel erineval määral sarnased. Nad võivad olla näiteks identsed, isomorfsed, termekvivalentsed, nõrgalt isomorfsed. Ringide korral on tuntud mõisteks Morita ekvivalents. Väitekirjas vaadeldakse algebraliste struktuuride kategoorset ekvivalentsi: kaks algebralist struktuuri on kategoorselt ekvivalentsed, kui nende moodustatud muutkonnad on ekvivalentsed kui kategooriad ning ekvivalents kujutab ühe neist kahest struktuurist teiseks. Kuigi kategoorne ekvivalents on üldjuhul nõrgem mõiste kui nõrk isomorfism, säilivad selle korral mitmed algebraliste struktuuride olulised omadused, nagu näiteks omadus olla lõplik. Väitekirja eesmärgiks on uurida kategoorset ekvivalentsi ning sellega samaväärseid tingimusi klassikaliste algebraliste struktuuride klasside piires. Aluseks on võetud varasemad tulemused lõplike rühmade, lõplike poolrühmade ja lõplike korpuste jaoks. Väitekirjas käsitletakse võrede, idempotentsete poolrühmade ja lõplike ringide kategoorset ekvivalentsi. Lähtudes teadaolevast tulemusest, et lõplikud poolrühmad on kategoorselt ekvivalentsed parajasti siis, kui nad on nõrgalt isomorfsed, uuritakse süstemaatiliselt poolrühmade termekvivalentsi. Töö lõpuosas vaadeldakse nn p-kategoorset ekvivalentsi: kaks algebralist struktuuri on p-kategoorselt ekvivalentsed, kui neist kõigi konstantsete põhitehete lisamisel saadud uued struktuurid on kategoorselt ekvivalentsed. Sel teel on saadud uusi huvitavaid kategoorse ekvivalentsi näiteid nii rühmade kui võrede alusel.Algebraic structures can be similar to each other in various ways. For example, they can be identical, isomorphic, term equivalent, weakly isomorphic. For rings, a well-known notion is Morita equivalence. In the thesis, the categorical equivalence of algebraic structures is considered: two algebraic structures are categorically equivalent if the varieties they generate are equivalent as categories, and the equivalence maps one of these two structures to the other. Although the categorical equivalence is weaker notion than the weak isomorphism in general, it still preserves many important properties of algebraic structures, in particular, the property to be finite. The aim of the thesis is to explore the categorical equivalence and equivalent conditions to it within the classes of classical algebraic structures. The earlier results for finite groups, finite semigroups and finite fields served as the starting point of our study. Categorical equivalence of lattices, bands and finite rings are considered in the thesis. Motivated by the known result that finite semigroups are categorically equivalent if and only if they are weakly isomorphic, the term equivalence of semigroups is investigated systematically. In the final part of the thesis, the so called p-categorical equivalence is considered: two algebraic structures are p-categorically equivalent if the structures obtained from them by adding all constants to the set of basic operations are categorically equivalent. In such a way, some new interesting examples of categorical equivalence are obtained, based on both groups and lattices

    Comparison of content analysis of women´s soccer competitions in the United States and the Czech Republic

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá aktuálními rozdíly sportovních prostředí ženského fotbalu, jejich strukturou, organizací a specifiky ve dvou vybraných zemích Spojených státech amerických a České republice. Hlavním cílem práce je provést obsahovou komparaci těchto prostředí a zaměřit se na odlišné prvky, jež by mohly ženskému fotbalu v České republice pomoci při rozvoji a zvyšování stávající úrovně.ObhájenoThis thesis deals with the current differences in the sporting environment of women's soccer, their structure, organization, and specifics in two selected countries; the United States of America and the Czech Republic. The main goal is to perform a content comparison of these environments and focus on different elements that could help women's soccer in the Czech Republic in developing and improving existing standards

    On categorical equivalence of finite rings

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    We reduce the problem of categorical equivalence for finite rings to the case of rings of prime power characteristics. It is proved that categorically equivalent rings of coprime characteristics must be semisimple. The categorical equivalence problem for finite semisimple rings is completely solved. </jats:p