115 research outputs found

    EMG signal classification using wavelet transform and fuzzy logic classifier

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    Deri yüzeyinde algılanan elektromiyografik (EMG) işaretleri, kas liflerinin kasılması sonucu oluşan çok sayıda aksiyon potansiyellerin birleşimidir. Şimdiye kadar biyomedikal mühendisliğinde çeşitli uygulama alanları bulmuştur. Bu uygulamalardan biri de protez kontrolüdür.Bu çalışmanın hedefi, öznitelik çıkartma yöntemi olarak zaman-frekans domeni analiz yöntemlerini kullanarak protez koluna ait dört farklı hareket için EMG işaretlerini daha iyi sınıflamayı gerçekleştirmektir. Bunun için boyut azaltma ve bulanık sınıflama yöntemleri de incelenmiştir. Sınıflama problemi öznitelik çıkartma, boyut azaltma ve örüntü sınıflama aşamalarına ayrılır. Dalgacık dönüşümü öznitelik çıkartma yöntemi olarak büyük üstünlük sağlar. Özniteliklerin çıkartma aşamasında yüksek boyuta sahip olmalarından dolayı sınıflama başarısı, Ana Bileşenler Analizi (ABA) ve Bağımsız Bileşenler Analizi (BBA) gibi uygun boyut azaltma yöntemleriyle gerçekleştirilebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yüzey elektromiyografik işaret, dalgacık dönüşümü, bulanık öbekleştirme, boyut azaltma, işaret sınıflama.The electromyographic (EMG) signal observed at the surface of the skin is the sum of thousands of small potentials generated in the muscle fibers. After this signal are processed it can be used as a control source of artificial limbs. The objective of this work is to achieve better classification for four different movement of a prosthetic limb making an analysis of time-frequency domain methods as a feature extraction tools in the problem of the EMG signal while investigating the related dimensionality reduction and fuzzy classification methods. The classification problem may be divided into the stages of feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and pattern classification. It is shown that wavelet transform (WT) provide a powerful framework for feature extraction. Because of high dimension of features at the extraction stage, the success of classification can be achieved by employing suitable dimensionality reduction methods which are Principal Component Analysis and Independent Component Analysis outperform WT features. The other stage is the pattern classification in which fuzzy clustering methods and artificial neural networks (ANN) are used. The clustering methods are used to obtain membership values of the EMG signals for each class or cluster. The values are necessary during the classification stage. As classifier, Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor classifier is used. ANN are used to compare these methods as classifier.Keywords: Surface electromyographic signal, wavelet transform, fuzzy clustering, dimensionality reduction, signal classification

    Investigation the Performance of Cr-Doped ZnO Nanocrystalline Thin Film in Photodiode Applications

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    Undoped and Cr-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were deposited on the glass and p-Si substrates by the chemical spray pyrolysis technique. The films were characterized by x-ray diffractometry (XRD) and UV-visible spectrometry, and electrical characterization was achieved by using the films as an interfacial layer between the Au and p-Si. The XRD results confirmed the undoped and Cr-doped ZnO thin film crystalline structures. UV-visible spectra provided the transmittance plots and band gap energy values. I-V measurements were performed on the fabricated Au/ZnO/p-Si and Au/ZnO:Cr/p-Si devices to determine the effect of the ZnO interfacial layer on their performance. Various junction parameters, such as the ideality factor, barrier height, and series resistance, were calculated from the I-V measurements by various techniques, and have been discussed in detail. A 100-mW/cm(2) power intensity light was exposed on the Au/ZnO:Cr/p-Si device to see the photodiode behavior as well as to determine light sensitivity parameters such as photosensitivity and detectivity. The results highlight that the Au/ZnO:Cr/p-Si device can be thought of for optoelectronic application

    İlköğretime erişimin mekansal bir analizi

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    Geographic information systems (GIS) have started to be used in developing information to be used for national and regional development in many areas; however, the use of this system for educational planning has been under-researched. Adopting the case study design, this study evaluated the current locations of primary schools in Afyonkarahisar and offered alternative locations in order to improve access to primary education for the schoolaged population using heuristic location-allocation modelling approaches. An intelligent areal interpolation approach was performed to generate the population surface. The demand surface was used as input to a location-allocation analysis, and alternative locations were suggested. With the current distribution of primary schools, the primary school-aged population would have to travel an average distance of 1466.81m to access primary education. The results show that alternative primary school locations decreased the average travel distance by 339.69m, improving overall accessibility to primary schools. The results suggest that geospatial methods can be used to provide documentary evidence to support education planners and policymakers.Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri (CBS) birçok alanda ulusal ve bölgesel kalkınma için kullanılacak bilgilerin geliştirilmesinde kullanılmaya başlanmış; ancak bu sistemin eğitim planlaması için kullanımı yeterince araştırılmamıştır. Durum çalışması deseni kullanılarak bu çalışmada, Afyonkarahisar merkez ilçesinde yer alan ilkokulların mevcut konumları değerlendirilmiş ve buluşsal konum tahsis modelleme yaklaşımlarını kullanarak okul çağındaki nüfusun ilköğretime erişimini iyileştirmek için alternatif konumlar sunulmuştur. İlköğretim çağındaki nüfusun dağılışını oluşturmak için mekânsal enterpolasyon yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Okullara olan talep yüzeyi, yeni bir yer tahsisi analizinde girdi olarak kullanılmış ve yeni okullar için alternatif lokasyonlar önerilmiştir. İlkokulların mevcut konumuna göre, ilköğretim çağındaki öğrencilerin okullarına erişmek için ortalama 1466,81m mesafe kat etmesi gerekmektedir. Uygulanan konum tahsis model sonuçları, alternatif ilkokul lokasyonlarının ortalama erişim mesafesini 339,69m azalttığını ve okullara genel erişilebilirliği iyileştirdiğini göstermektedir. Elde edilen bulgular, jeo-uzamsal yöntemlerin eğitim planlayıcıları ve politika yapıcıları desteklemek için belgesel kanıt niteliğinde kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir

    Evaluation of Malnutrition Statuses in Systolic Heart Failure Patients

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    DergiPark: 539664tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to determine the malnutrition statuses of patients with systolic heart failure in Trakya University Hospital and Edirne Sultan 1st Murat State Hospital.Methods: Mini Nutritional Assessment was used to determine the patients’ malnutrition statuses. In addition, patients’ transthoracic echocardiography results, biochemistry tests, hemograms, medications and habits were evaluated with patients’ nutritional scores. One-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for comparing the results and Pearson?2 test and Fischer’s exact test were used to obtain categorical data. Results: The total number of subjects in the study was 66 (61 patients from Trakya University Hospital; 5 patients from Edirne Sultan 1st Murat State Hospital). The mean age of all subjects was 65.3 ± 11.1. Out of all patients, 17 of them were female, while 49 of them were male. The mean Mini Nutrition Assessment score was 21.9 ± 4.7. In total, 34 patients had an adequate nutritional status, 25 patients were at risk of malnutrition and 7 patients were malnourished. Conclusion: Although malnourished patients were detected, well – nourished patients were higher. Therefore, it could be said that patients with heart failure are conscious of their health and diet. It is crucial for the health care providers to maintain giving advices on healthy living and nutrition to keep this elderly population well–nourishe

    Partial Nephrectomy of a Horseshoe Kidney With Renal-Cell Carcinoma and Cholecystectomy: a Case Report

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    DergiPark: 819253tmsjAims: Horseshoe kidneys are the most common type of renal fusion anomaly and it may be associated with other anomalies and complications. Our case aims to present the partial nephrectomy of a horseshoe kidney with renal-cell carcinoma and cholecystectomy. Case Report: A sixty-year-old male patient was admitted to our outpatient clinic with a 3 cm suspicious mass in the horseshoe kidney that was detected during an attack of acute cholecystitis. Computed tomography revealed a heteroge- neous hypodense lesion containing millimetric calcific foci of 35x31x33 mm in size at the ventral middle part of the right kid- ney. Partial nephrectomy was performed non-ischemically and then cholecystectomy was performed. Pathological examination revealed stage T1a clear cell renal carcinoma, WHO/ISUP Grade 2 with a negative surgical margin. During follow-up; urea, creatinine, and glomerular filtration rate were found to be normal. Conclusion: Horseshoe kidneys are fairly common among renal anomalies. Cholecystectomy following non-ischemic partial nephrectomy for a tumor in the horseshoe kidney is a rare case

    Evaluation of preoperative model surgery and the use of a maxillary sinus surgical template in sinus floor augmentation surgery

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    Maxillary sinus augmentation is an accepted technique for dental implant placement in presence of insufficient maxillary bone. There are various techniques in the literature, either by crestal or lateral approach in maxillary sinus augmentation that have high percentage of success, while all have complications. Schneiderian membrane perforation is the most common complication encountered during surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefits of preoperative model surgery and the ease of use of a maxillary sinus surgical template (MSST) during maxillary sinus augmentation surgery with a lateral approach. Ten patients included in the study needed rehabilitation of a partially or totally edentulous maxilla with an implant-supported fixed prosthesis and requiring sinus augmentation. A questionnaire was asked to performing surgeons, and study results showed the use of an MSSTwas found to be effective in terms of adaptation (62.5%), window preparation (87.5%), ease of elevation (95.9%), ease of grafting (95.9%), reduction of perforation risk (91.7%), and achieving immobility during the procedure (62.5%); however, the use of an MSST was also found to prolong the surgical procedure (100%) and restrict the view of the surgical area (79.2%). Maxillary sinus augmentation appears to be a useful tool for locating an appropriate entrance to the sinus cavity, allowing for safe elevation of the sinus membrane and effectively grafting the sinus floor

    Comparison of the biochemical and radiological criteria for lumbar disc degeneration

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    Background The relationship between radiological degeneration criteria on lumbar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and both the keratan sulfate (KS) and chondroitin sulfate (ChS) levels was examined in disc material taken from patients undergoing lumbar disc herniation (LDH) surgery. To examine whether the biochemical and radiological degeneration criteria testing the reliability of radiological degeneration findings agreed and to evaluate the contribution of the KS/ChS ratio to disc form (protruding or extruding). Methods This was a prospective experimental cohort study. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, KS and ChS levels were measured in the degenerate nucleus pulposus taken from 71 patients with a diagnosis of LDH who underwent surgery. The degeneration levels and disc form (protruding or extruding) were determined according to the Pfirrmann five-stage grading system on preoperative T2-weighted lumbar MRIs. According to the Pfirrmann system, 28 patients were grade III and 43 were grade IV. The relationship between radiological criteria and the KS/ChS ratio was statistically evaluated. Results The KS levels (p=0.046) and the KS/ChS ratio (p=0.001) were significantly higher in grade IV patients than in grade III patients. However, there was no difference between the KS and ChS levels and the KS/ChS ratio when patients were classified as protruding or extruding according to their disc structure. Disc structure and biochemical degeneration indicators were not correlated. Conclusions The KS level and the KS/ChS ratio were high in patients with marked radiological degeneration on lumbar MRI, demonstrating the sensitivity and reliability of the Pfirrmann five-stage grading system for showing radiological degeneration

    The ımpact of handicap severity on oral and periodontal status of patients with mental retardation

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    Aim: Mental retardation (MR) subjects comprise a considerable amount of the community and are susceptible to oral and periodontal problems due to insufficient oral care. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the oral health and periodontal status of MR patients in Turkey with regard to periodontal indices and Decay missed filling teeth (DMFT) scores and compare findings according to severity of the MR. Materials and methods: One hundred and five MR patients were included to the study and divided into 3 groups according to MR severity diagnoses. Demographic variables like age, gender, disabled sibling, BMI, living an institution and clinical parameters like plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), missing teeth and DMFT scores were recorded from all subjects. Appropriate statistical analyses were used to compare the findings. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between groups according to age, gender, disabled sibling, living status and DMFT scores. Clinical periodontal indices and the number of missing teeth were showed a statistically significant increasing trend with the severity of MR (p < 0.05). Correlation analysis showed significant positive correlations between PI and periodontal disease measures like GI, PD, CAL and BOP and also between PI and DMFT (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The deteriorated teeth condition and deprived periodontal health of MR patients may be most likely caused by the poor oral hygiene and may be worsen with the severity of the MR

    Effect on perception of bronchoconstriction of moderate-dose fluticason plus salmeterol in elderly asthmatics

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    Amaç: Orta-doz Flutikazon ve salmeterol tedavisinin bronkokonstriksiyonun algılanmasına etkisinin yaşlı ve genç astımlılarda değerlendirilmesi. Metot: Yirmidokuz yaşlı astımlı (geqgeq60 yaş) ve 21 genç astımlı (<60 yaş) hasta çalışmaya katıldı. Yaşlı astımlılar semptom sürelerine göre iki gruba ayrıldı (geç başlangıçlı astım <5 yıl; erken başlangıçlı astım geqgeq5 yıl). Orta persistan astımlı 50 hasta bir yıl boyunca günde iki defa 250 ug flutikazon propionat ve 50ug salmeterol tedavisi aldı. Her hastaya başlangıçta ve bir yıl sonra histamin ile bronş provokasyon testi yapıldı. Nefes darlığı modifiye Borg skalası ile değerlendirildi. Birinci saniye zorlu vital kapasite'de (FEVİ) %20'lik bir düşmenin olduğu Borg skoru Algılama skoru 20 (AS20) olarak saptandı.Sonuçlar: Geç başlangıçlı yaşlı astımlılarda başlangıç ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.21 ± 0.18) ile tedavi sonrası ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.32 ± 0.22) arasında anlamlı fark yoktu (p=0.7). Erken başlangıçlı yaşlı astımlılarda başlangıç ortalama AS20 değerleri ile (1.45 ± 0.14) tedavi sonrası ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.11 ± 0.30) arasında anlamlı fark yoktu (p=0.2). Genç astımlılarda başlangıç ortalama AS20 değerleri (2.27 ±0.25) ile tedavi sonrası ortalama AS20 değerleri (2.07 ± 0.29) arasında anlamlı fark yoktu (p=0.3). Yaşlı astımlılarda başlangıç ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.31 ± 0.12; 2.27 ± 0.25 p=0.001) ve tedavi sonrası ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.23 0.18; 2.07 ± 0.29 p=0.01) genç astımlılardan düşüktü. Yorum:Çahşma orta doz flutikazon ve salmeterol tedavisinin yaşlı ve genç astımlılarda bronkokonstriksiyonun algılanmasını değiştirmediğini düşündürmektedir.Ancak yaşlı astımlıların başlangıçtaki ve bir yıl sonraki algılamaları genç astımlılardan daha düşük bulunmuştur.We evaluate the effect of moderate-dose fluticasone plus salmeterol on perception of bronchoconstriction in elderly and in young asthmatics. Twenty-one young asthmatics (aged &lt;60yrs) and 29 elderly asthmatics (geqgeq60 yrs ) were studied. The elderly asthmatics were separated into two groups according to the duration of symptoms (late-onset asthma &lt;5 year, early-onset asthma geqgeq5 year). 50 patients with moderate asthma were assigned to a 1yr treatment with 250 ug of fluticason propionate plus 50ug salmetorol, twice daily.At entry and after 1 yr , histamine challenge test was performed for each patient. Dyspnea was assessed by modified Borg scale. The Borg score in FEVi reduction by 20% was determined as perception score 20 (PS20). Results: There was no significant difference between mean PS20 values at entry (1.21 &plusmn; 0.18) and after the first year(1.32 &plusmn; 0.22) for late onset elderly asthmatics (p=0.7). There was no significant difference between mean PS20 values at entry (1.45 &plusmn; 0.14) and after the first year (1.11 &plusmn; 0.30) for early onset elderly asthmatics (p=0.2). There was no difference between mean PS20 values at entry (2.27 &plusmn; 0.25) and after the first year (2.07 &plusmn; 0.29) for young asthmatics (p=0.3). The mean PS20 value of elderly asthmatics at entry (1.31 &plusmn; 0.12, 2.27 &plusmn; 0.25 p=0001) and after the first year (1.23 &plusmn; 0.18, 2.07 &plusmn; 0.29 p=0.01) was lower than young asthmatics. Conclusion: Our study suggested that the treatment of moderate-dose fluticasone plus salmeterol did not change perception of bronchoconstriction in elderly asthmatics. Perception of elderly asthmatics at entry and after 1 yr was lower than young asthmatics

    Bifosfanat kullanımına bağlı çenelerde gelişen osteonekrozlar: Çok merkezli retrospektif çalışma

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    Bifosfonatlar (BP), metastatik kemik hastalıkları ve osteoporoz tedavisinde kullanılan kemik rezorbsiyonu inhibitörleridir. Bifosfanat kullanımına bağlı çenelerde gelişen osteonekroz (BBÇO), çenelerinde radyasyon tedavisi görmemiş, bifosfanat kullanan ya da kullanmış hastalarda mandibula ya da maksillada 8 haftadan daha uzun süren kemik ekspozu ile karakterize bir durum olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada farklı merkeze yönlendirilen BBÇO vakaları retrospektif olarak sunulmuştur. 2012 ve 2013 yıllarında GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Diş Hekimliği, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, ve Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Ağız, Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi kliniklerine başvuran BBÇO tanısı konulmuş 18 hastanın demografik özellikleri, anamnez bulguları, klinik muayene bulguları, bifosfanat çeşidi ve kullanım bilgileri (süre, uygulama yolu) ve eğer varsa ilgili sebep açısından değerlendirmeleri yapılmıştır. Hastaların 12’ sinde mandibula (% 67), 5’ inde maksilla (%28) ve 1 hastada ise hem mandibula hem maksillada (%5) BBÇO izlendi. Hastaların 2 tanesi osteoporozis (% 11) nedeniyle 16 hasta ise (% 89) onkolojik tedavi nedeniyle bifosfanat grubu ilaç kullanmaktaydı. Tıp ve diş hekimliğini ortak olarak ilgilendiren konu olması itibariyle bifosfanat grubu ilaç tedavisine başlanacak hasta gruplarının ortak klinikler tesis edilerek takip edilmeleri ve bilgi paylaşımlarıyla ortaya çıkabilecek olası komplikasyonların azaltılabileceğini düşünmekteyiz