725 research outputs found

    Soil Management in Sustainable Agriculture

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    People need food to live, and this is largely due to natural resources. However, time is also required to meet these limited resources and increased consumption demands, and for a renewal cycle. This cycle can be traditional, industrial and commercial, as well as be sustainable. So, what is sustainable agriculture? Sustainable agriculture is the way to increase productivity in agriculture and to increase the level of economic prosperity by protecting all living things on earth, living spaces and natural resources. It is clear that the continuity of all the living things is possible with the food provided by natural resources. At this point, sustainable production, consumption and preservation of the natural balance are of great importance. Today, the world population is rapidly increasing and resources are consumed at the same rate; creating awareness about sustainable food, transferring this consciousness to future generations in a more permanent way, increasing the number of conscious producers and consumers, strengthening awareness for sustainable foods, respecting the natural balance, and gaining a sense of responsibility, saving consumption habits should be our main target

    The relationship of self-efficacy of teaching thinking skills to effectiveness of classroom activities: A study on teachers

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    This study aims to analyse primary education teachers’ perceptions of self-efficacy in teaching thinking skills and their views on the efficiency of activities they do in classes. The study, using relational survey model, was conducted with the participation of 386 teachers teaching in schools located in Ümraniye district of Istanbul. The participants were given the “Activity Work Evaluation Scale” and the “Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Thinking Skills Scale”. The data were analysed with t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis. While no significant differences were found according to gender, significant differences were found according to seniority, branches of teaching and the frequency of doing activities. Positive and significant correlations were found between teachers’ activity work and their self-efficacy in the teaching of thinking skills. It may be recommended on the basis of research findings that educators who perform activities that support thinking skills successfully be identified and that they be appointed as mentor teachers.This study aims to analyse primary education teachers’ perceptions of self-efficacy in teaching thinking skills and their views on the efficiency of activities they do in classes. The study, using relational survey model, was conducted with the participation of 386 teachers teaching in schools located in Ümraniye district of Istanbul. The participants were given the “Activity Work Evaluation Scale” and the “Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Thinking Skills Scale”. The data were analysed with t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis. While no significant differences were found according to gender, significant differences were found according to seniority, branches of teaching and the frequency of doing activities. Positive and significant correlations were found between teachers’ activity work and their self-efficacy in the teaching of thinking skills. It may be recommended on the basis of research findings that educators who perform activities that support thinking skills successfully be identified and that they be appointed as mentor teachers

    Rekabetçi değerler modeli örgüt kültürü tiplerine göre motivasyon araçları: konaklama işletmelerinde bir uygulama

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    The aim of this study is to define the cultural profiles varying based on the perceptions of the personnel in accommodation establishments, which are regarded as the pioneers of the tourism sector and detect the motivational differences and similarities in terms of motivation between types of cultures in these organizations. Within the framework of the study, the answer to the question “How the tools of motivation are ranked in terms of their level of importance between the personnel for whom the competing values framework in organizational culture differentiates. In order to collect the data from the sample determined within the study, the survey technique, which is one of the qualitative data collection methods, was adopted. Accordingly, the survey was conducted with 516 personnel who work in four or five start hotel establishments operating in Ankara. Within the scope of the study, it was determined that significant ranking differences existed in the tools of motivation between the personnel of accommodation establishments, which vary in terms of the competing values framework in organizational culture types. Additionally, it was concluded that economic motivational factors motivated the clan culture employees less compared to other culture employees.Bu araştırmanın amacı, turizm sektörünün lokomotifi durumunda olan konaklama işletmelerinde çalışanların algıları doğrultusunda farklılaşan kültür profillerini tanımlamak ve bu örgütlerin sahip olduğu kültür türleri arasındaki motivasyonel açıdan oluşan farklılıkları ve benzerlikleri tespit etmektir. Yapılan çalışmanın amacına uygun olarak araştırmada, Rekabetçi Değerler Modeli örgüt kültürü tipleri açısından ayrılan çalışanlar arasında önem derecelerine göre motivasyon araçları sıralaması nasıldır? Sorusuna yanıt aranmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında belirlenen örneklemden verilerin toplanmasında nicel veri toplama yöntemlerinden olan anket tekniği kullanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda Ankara’da faaliyet gösteren dört ve beş yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde çalışan 516 kişiye anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında rekabetçi değerler modeli örgüt kültürü tiplerine göre ayrılan konaklama işletmeleri çalışanları arasında motivasyon araçlarına ilişkin göz ardı edilmeyecek önem derecesinde sıralama farklılıklarının olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu sonucun yanı sıra ayrıca, ekonomik motivasyon faktörlerinin klan kültürü çalışanlarını diğer kültür çalışanlarına göre daha az motive ettiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Explicit Breaking of SO(3) with Higgs Fields in the Representations L =2 and L =3

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    A gauged SO(3) symmetry is broken into its little groups of the representations L=2 and L=3. Explicit Higgs potentials leading to the spontaneous symmetry breaking are constructed. The masses of the gauge bosons and Higgs particles are calculated in terms of the renormalizable potentials. Emergence of Goldstone bosons arising from the absence of certain potential terms is also discussed. Analogous structures between the cosmic strings and disclinations of liquid crystals are noted

    Examining the Effect of Ethical Awareness on the Relationship between Political Skill and Subjective Career Success

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    This study examined the relationship of political skills of high school teachers to their subjective career success and the moderating role of ethical awareness in this relationship. The findings demonstrated that the participants' ethical awareness and political skill scores were relatively higher than career and life satisfaction scores. Career and life satisfaction were found to increase with professional experience. Despite being a significant predictor of career satisfaction, ethical awareness had no significant effect on life satisfaction. That said, political skill was a significant predictor of both career satisfaction and life satisfaction. Moreover, ethical awareness did not moderate the effect of political skill on career and life satisfaction. Based on these findings, implementing formal methods such as the use of vision and mission statements and in-school guidelines to make the ethical provisions mentioned in the legal regulations visible in the school environment, and school administrators’ creating an ethical working climate through implementing the ethical rules fairly for all teachers and students were recommended

    Kısıtlama ve soğuk kısıtlama stresinin wistar albino sıçanlarda pıhtılaşma göstergeleri üzerindeki etkileri

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of restraint and cold restraint stress from acute stress protocols on coagulation indicators in rats. The study was conducted in 18 male Wistar albino rats aged 8-10 weeks with a body weight of 180-220 g. After a one-week adaptation period, the rats were randomly divided into three groups (n=6/group). The animals in the control group were not exposed to any stress. Rats in the restraint group were housed in restrainers designed for rats, and their movement was restricted for 2 hours at room temperature. Rats in the cold restraint group were kept in the restrainer at +4°C for 2 hours. Blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture under ketamine and xylazine anesthesia in Vacutainer® tubes containing 3.2% sodium citrate (0.109 M trisodium citrate). Coagulation indicators (aPTT, PT, INR, fibrinogen, and D-dimer) were analyzed using an automated analyzer (Roche Cobas t511, Switzerland). Although acute stress (restraint and cold restraint stress) had no effect on aPTT and D-dimer levels (p>0.05), it increased PT and INR values (p0.05), PT ve INR değerlerini artırdı (p<0.05), fibrinojen konsantrasyonunu düşürdü (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak akut stres, PT'yi uzatarak, INR'yi artırarak ve fibrinojen konsantrasyonunu azaltarak sıçanlarda trombosit hipofonksiyonuna yol açabilir

    Punishments for crimes of prostitution and aiding prostitution in the Ottoman Law

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    Makaleİslam ceza hukukunda, fahişelik yapan kadınlar zina suçunu işlemiş oldukları için bu suç, had suçları kapsamında; fuhşa aracılık ise ta‘zîr suçları kapsamında değerlendirilmektedir. Fuhuş suçunun unsur ve ispat şartları oluştuğunda faillere had cezası, oluşmadığında ise ta‘zir cezaları devreye girmektedir. Fuhşa aracılık yapanlara ise asli ceza olarak ta‘zîr cezaları uygulanmaktadır. Bu çalışmamızda, İslam ceza hukukunun büyük ölçüde tatbik edildiği Osmanlı ceza hukukunda, fahişelik ve fuhşa aracılık suçlarını işleyen faillere, şeyhülislam fetva mecmuaları ve Osmanlı örfî hukukunun yazılı kaynağı olan kanunnamelerde ne tür cezalar öngörüldüğü ve öngörülen bu yaptırımların uygulamaya geçip geçmediğini, mahkeme defterlerindeki örnekler üzerinden tespit etmeye çalışacağız.In Islamic criminal law, women who are involved in prostitution are considered to have committed hadcrimes as that have committed the crime of fornication, while those that mediate these crimes are considered to commit ta’zîrcrimes. When the element and proof clauses are met for the crime of prostitution, had punishments are issued, and when they are not met, ta’zîr punishments are issued. The main punishment for those who aid the crime of prostitution includes ta’zîr punishments. In our study, we aim to determine what type of punishments are considered and whether or not these punishments are implemented for the perpetrators of the crimes of prostitution and aiding prostitution in shaykh al-Islam fatwa records and codes of law which are the written sources of the Ottoman Common Law in the Ottoman criminal law where Islamic criminal law is applied to a large extent based on examples in court proceedings’ records

    Modelleme ve deneysel olarak titanosilikat ets-10 araştırması : güneş pilleri uygulamaları araştırmalar

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    Density functional theory (DFT) calculations within the gradient-corrected approximation (GGA) have been carried out on three models of ETS-10 with the aim to elucidate the effect of ion exchange on the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of the Ti-O-Ti quantum wire. Our data are reveal the presence of two inequivalent Ti-O bonds along the chain in the ETS-10 sodium form, in agreement with past theoretical and experimental studies. The nature and spectral position of the ligand-to-metal charge transfer transition experimentally observed at 4.02 eV is also well accounted for by our DFT calculations. Partial and full exchange of Na+ cations with alkaline, earth-alkaline and transition metal ions affect both structural, electronic and vibrational properties of the quantum wire. The theoretical results have been rationalized and compared with recent experimental data. In order to clarify the theoretical data revealed from DFT studies, experimental setup was arranged. Experimental data show significant similarities with simulation results. Effect of ion-exchange at ETS-10 was discussed both experimentally and theoretically. Effects of different cations with very broad range of physical properties were discussed. In the guidance of theoretical and experimental analyses, solar cell studies were discussed. Important variancesin the application part, which is very challenging to explain experimentally, was tried to reveal. Theoretical studies and solar cell results reveal that ETS-10 has a tunable band gap with ion exchange process, while charge cycle of ETS-10 in DSSC geometry should be improved.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    İslam Aile Hukukunda Evlilik Nafakası Olarak Mesken (Osmanlı Uygulaması)

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    İslam hukukunda evlilik, akrabalık ve mülkiyet nafakası şeklinde üç çeşit nafaka vardır. Bu çalışmada evlilik nafakası kapsamında yer alan mesken nafakası öncelikle dört mezhebin görüşleri çerçevesinde ele alınacaktır. Daha sonra Osmanlı Dönemi fetvaları ve mahkeme kararlarından hareketle kadının hakkı olan mesken nafakası, İslam aile hukukunun Osmanlı tatbikatı özelinde işlenecektir. Osmanlı Dönemi’nde İslam hukukunun tatbik edildiği ve bu bağlamda Hanefî mezhebinin resmi mezhep olarak benimsendiği kabul edilmektedir. Çalışmanın sonucunda mesken nafakası özelinde Osmanlı Dönemi’nde Hanefî görüşlerinin tatbik edilip edilmediğini tespit etmek mümkün olabilecektir. İslam aile hukukunda kadının hakkı olan evlilik nafakasının kapsamına yeme, giyinme, mesken, tedavi ve hizmetçi masrafları girmektedir. Mesken, bir evde veya onun bir bölümünde bir şahsın veya ailenin devamlı surette oturduğu yer anlamındadır. Bunun şer‘î mesken olabilmesi için en azından tuvalet ve mutfak gibi müştemilâtı bulunmalıdır. Mesken, kocanın nikâhlı eşiyle aile hayatı yaşayabilmesi için hukuken bulunması gereken şartlardandır. Kadın meskene taşınıp kocasıyla zifafa girdikten sonra nafaka haklarına sahip olmaktadır. Ancak mesken hazır olduğu halde kadının oraya taşınmaması veya taşındıktan sonra kocasından izin almaksızın evi terk etmesi nüşûz sayılmakta ve bundan ötürü kadın nafaka haklarını yitirmektedir. Bununla beraber kadına mehir verilmemesi, zifaf gerçekleşmediği halde kadının kocasının rızasıyla anne babasının evinde kalması, meskenin şer‘î vasıfları taşımaması, kadının ikinci eş veya kaynana kayınbabası ile aynı meskende ikamet etmek istememesi, kocanın eşini boşamaksızın meskeninden kovması, kocanın rızasıyla kadının başka bir evde ikamet etmesi gibi gerekçelerle kadın nüşûz yapmış sayılmaz ve kadının nafaka hakları devam eder. Osmanlı mahkeme kayıtlarına bolca yansıyan “mesken-i şer’i” tabiri ile ifade edilmek istenen şey Hanefî kaynaklarında tanımlanan meskenle aynıdır. Hanefîlerin bir meskenin hukuken mesken sayılabilmesi için aradıkları asgari ölçü, onun mutfak, tuvalet gibi müştemilâta sahip, kilitlenebilen bir oda/mekân olmasıdır. İlgili mahkeme kayıtlarında da “mesken-i şer‘i” ile kastedilen ve mahkemece görevlendirilen bilirkişilerin dava konusu meskenin “mesken-i şer‘i” olup olmadığını incelerken zikredilen asgari kıstasları dikkate aldıkları görülmektedir. Mahkemeler, kadının nâmahremle aynı ikamet etmesini ve evin güvensiz bir mahallede olmasını meskenin, şer‘îliğinin bozulmasına sebep saymakta ve böyle bir durumdaki kadına yeni bir meskenin hazırlanmasına karar vermektedir. Mahkeme kayıtlarında kadının mehr-i muaccelini almadığı için kocasına itaat etmemesine hakkının olduğuna dair kararlar bulunmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu durumlarda kadınların nafaka hakları devam etmektedir. Aynı şekilde mehr-i muaccelini aldığı halde kocasına itaat etmeyen ve onun meskenine taşınmayan kadınlara da böyle bir haklarının olmadığı yönünde kararlar verilmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu durumdaki kadınlara nafaka ödenmemektedir. Ayrıca kadının oturduğu meskenin, şer‘î mesken vasfını yitirmesi-taşımamasından dolayı onun evi terk etmesi, evin şer‘î mesken olmasına rağmen kadının ikinci eşle veya kaynana ile aynı evde oturmaması, nüşûz sayılmayacak gerekçelerle kocasının evine taşınmaması ve evden kovulması gibi durumlarda onların nafaka taleplerine mahkemeler müspet yönde kararlar vermektedir. Bunların yanı sıra mahkemeler, nüşûz yapan kadınların nafaka haklarının olmadığına hükmetmektedir.Kadının mesken hakkı özelinde ele alınan bu çalışma ile İslam hukukunun Osmanlı Dönemi tatbikatında Hanefî mezhebi görüşlerinin yürürlükte olduğu tespitini yapmak mümkündür


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    The aim of this research is to determine the quality of life and exercise health belief levels of individuals residing in Sakarya and to determine the differentiation status of quality of life and exercise health belief levels according to their demographic characteristics. The sample of the study consists of 349 people selected by simple random sampling method from these participants. Personal Information Form, The Health Belief Model Scale for Exercise (HBMS-E)&nbsp; and World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale - Short Form were used as data collection tools. In the analysis of the data, the t-test for pairwise comparisons and the One-Way Anova Test for multiple comparisons were applied to examine the differences between the variables. It was determined that the general averages of the participants' exercise health belief scale did not differ according to variables such as gender, marital status, regular exercise, age and income levels (p&lt; 0.005). A statistically significant difference was found between the general averages of the quality of life scale and the age variable (p&lt; 0.05). It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the general averages and all sub-dimensions of the exercise health belief scale and the education variable (p&lt; 0.05). As a result, it has been determined that the educational status of the individuals participating in the research has a positive effect on their exercise health belief levels. As the age of individuals increases, it has been thought that it is an important determining factor in their quality of life