154 research outputs found


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    Статья посвящена рассмотрению теоретических основ формирования готовности сту-дентов вуза к медиаобразовательной деятельности. В рамках исследования авторы сфор-мировали фреймовую структуру терминологического поля проблемы и описали содержа-тельно-смысловое наполнение центрального понятия исследования «готовность студентовк медиаобразовательной деятельности», а также сопряженных понятий. Готовность к ме-диаобразовательной деятельности рассматривается с точки зрения структурно-функцио-нального и системного подходов и трактуется как вид профессиональной готовности,включающей знания о структуре, языке и теории медиа, умения восприятия, интерпрета-ции, создания медиатекста и адаптации его для учащихся, опыт использования медиатех-нологий и индивидуально-профессиональные качества, необходимые для реализации про-фессиональной педагогической деятельности.В статье представлены результаты анализа историографии проблемы формированияготовности будущих учителей к медиаобразовательной деятельности в трех основных пе-риодах, в каждом из которых авторами сделаны выводы об уровне сформированности науч-ных представлений о центральных понятиях исследования и тенденциях развития иссле-дуемой проблемы.На основании полученных данных описывается научный задел для проектированияпедагогической системы формирования готовности студентов вуза к медиаобразователь-ной деятельности и дается определение данной системы. В качестве теоретико-методологических подходов к разработке системы авторами рассматриваются интерак-тивный подход и информационно-коммуникационный подход, основанный на цифровиза-ции образования.The article considers theoretical foundations for the formation of university students' readinessfor media educational activities. The authors formed the frame structure of the terminologicalfield of the problem and described the substantive-semantic content of the central conceptof the study “students' readiness for media educational activity”. Readiness for media educationalactivities is considered from the point of view of structural, functional and systemicapproaches and is interpreted as a type of professional readiness, including knowledge ofthe structure, language and theory of media, perception, interpretation, creation of media textand its adaptation for students, experience in using media technologies and individually professionalqualities necessary to implement professional pedagogical activity.The article presents the results of an analysis of the historiography of the problem ofthe formation of future teachers' readiness for media educational activities in three main periods.For each period the authors analyze the level of formation of scientific ideas on the central conceptsof research and the development trends of the problem under study.Based on the data obtained, the scientific basis for the design of the pedagogical system forthe formation of university students' readiness for media educational activity is described anda definition of this system is given. The authors consider the interactive approach and the informationand communication approach based on the digitalization of education as theoretical andmethodological approaches to the development of the system

    Immunomodulatory properties of caffeine and caffeine-treated immune cells in depression-like state

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    Depression is one of the leading global health problems worldwide. A significant increase in prevalence among the working-age population, as well as high comorbidity, partial or complete drug resistance in a third of patients determines the need to develop new approaches to the treatment of depression. Violation of mutual regulation of the main homeostatic systems plays an important role in the pathogenesis of depression. Psycho- and immunopathology are closely interrelated: pathological changes in the functioning of both systems occur simultaneously and are interdependent. This determines the prospects for the treatment of depression based on immunological approaches. Caffeine, a drug known for its psychoneuromodulatory properties, is an adenosine receptor antagonist with a pronounced dose-dependent effect. Adenosine receptors are expressed by both CNS cells and cells of the immune system, which determines its immunomodulatory properties. The similarity of both phenotypes and functions of the cellular elements of the immune and nervous systems, as well as the unidirectional effect of most psychoactive drugs on the central nervous system and the immune system, determines the interest in studying the immunomodulatory properties of caffeine for a targeted effect on the functional activity of immune cells, with a view to their subsequent use as model objects for the normalization of neuroimmune regulatory connections disturbed in a depressive state. Previously, we first demonstrated the possibility of editing depression-like behavior by immune cells precultivated with caffeine and showed the central mechanisms of this effect aimed at stimulating neuroplasticity processes and reducing neuroinflammation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the functional phenotype of immune cells in depressive-like animals after in vitro treatment of cells with caffeine, as well as the effects of transplantation of caffeine-precultured immune cells on the parameters of the functional activity of the immune system of syngeneic depressive-like recipients. As a result of the study, it was shown that low concentrations of caffeine increase the spontaneous and mitogen-induced proliferative activity of splenocytes of depression-like male mice (CBA x C57BL/6)F1 in vitro; this changes the spontaneous and mitogen-stimulated production of cytokines TNFa IL-1b, IFNg, IL-2, and IL-10 by these cells. After intravenous administration of the precultured with caffeine depression-like donor’s splenocytes to syngeneic depression-like recipients, stimulation of the humoral immune response was observed in the latter, assessed by an increase in both the relative and absolute number of antibody-forming spleen cells. Stimulation of spontaneous proliferative activity of lymphocytes in splenocyte culture was also registered. The data obtained indicate a positive effect of caffeine in vitro on the immune cell’s functional activity, as well as a positive immunomodulatory effect of the immune cells precultured with caffeine in a depression-like state in vivo


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    The immune and neuroendocrine systems play a critical role in maintaining a dynamic homeostasis in normal conditions and at mental maladaptation. Psycho- and immunopathology closely interrelated: pathological changes in the functioning of both systems occur simultaneously and are interdependent. Depression, as a mental disorder, is a major public health concern. The estimations are showing rise of the depression’s incidence in the future. However, currently used therapy of depression doesn’t provide a complete cure. It is known that a violation of neuroimmune interaction is an essential link in the pathogenesis of the disease, having a negative impact on its course, making the clinical picture worse, reducing effectiveness of the therapy, therefore, it’s urgent to search for a new treatment approaches. There are a sufficient amount data on the immune cells and their biologically active products leading role in the pathogenesis of depression. The unidirectional effect of most psychoactive substances on the central nervous system and the immune system confirms intersystem mutual regulation and allows considering the immune cells as model objects for influencing the intersystem functional relationship; so, cells immunotherapy can be the method of choice in the treatment of depressive disorders. We first demonstrated the possibility of animal’s behavior directed regulation by the transplantation of immune cells with definite functional characteristics, including those with functional activity modulated extracorporeally by a psychoactive substance. Based on the previous results we investigated the effect of the in vitro caffeine- treated immune cells on the behavior and immune phenotypes in depressive-like singeneic recipients. Transplantation of caffeine-treated splenocytes from depressive-like donors has been shown to induce depressive-like behavior editing in syngeneic recipients, which was manifested in anhedonia decrease, stimulation of exploratory behavior in the Open Field test and motor activity in the Porsolt forced swimming test. Recipient’s behavioral changes were registered on the background of decreased brain pro- inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IFNγ) and IL-10 increased in some pathogenetically significant for depressive-like state brain structures (hippocampus, hypothalamus, frontal cortex, striatum), which indicates a decrease in neuroinflammation. It was also detected recipient’s immune system functional activity modulation. The cytokines-mediated mechanisms of depressive-like behavior editing by the in vitro caffeine- modulated immune cells are discussed


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    Aggression is a serious biomedical problem associated with a high percentage of patients and a lack of selective corrective agents. The most frequent increase in aggressiveness occurs in patients with depressive disorders, schizophrenia, reactive psychoses and adjustment disorders, which are known to be characterized by immunological dysfunction. Antipsychotics are widely used in the correction of psychomotor agitation; the antipsychotic effect of these drugs is manifested in the achievement of a sedative effect. However, like other psychoactive substances, they have a number of side effects that limit their long-term use and determines the need to search for new approaches to the correction of affective disorders. Experimental modeling of aggression is one of the main approaches for studying its pathogenetic mechanisms and searching for new effective therapeutic agents for the treatment. The study of the aggression pathogenetic mechanisms and the search for approaches to therapy within the framework of neuroimmune interaction is currently extremely promising. Currently, there is a large number of clinical and experimental data indicating interrelated changes in the functional activity of the nervous and immune systems during aggression. The leading links in the pathogenetic mechanism of aggression is the violation of the production and mutual regulation of cytokines, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, growth factors, hormones, the effects of which are mediated by the cellular elements of the immune system. Given the immune cells essential role in the pathogenesis of aggression and the psychoactive substances unidirectional effect on the immune and nervous cells, make it possible to consider immune cells as model objects for influencing the intersystem functional relationship in order to edit the aggressive phenotype. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of in vitro neuroleptic-modulated immune cells transplantation on behavioral phenotype and brain cytokines in aggressive syngeneic recipients. Aggressive behavior was formed in active male mice (CBA × C57Bl/6) F1 as a result of the experience of 20- fold victories in inter-male confrontations (distant sensory contact model). Aggressive mice splenocytes were treated in vitro with chlorpromazine and intravenously injected to syngeneic aggressive recipients. It has been demonstrated that modulated in vitro by chlorpromazine splenocytes of aggressive mice after transplantation edit the syngeneic aggressive recipient’s behavior against the background of a decrease in cytokines IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IFNγ and an increase in IL-4 in pathogenetically significant for aggression brain structures. The mechanisms of the aggressive behavior correcting effect of modulated immune cells are discussed

    The turmeric protective properties at ethanol-induced behavioral disorders.

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of mechanically modified turmeric extract on the parameters of orienting-exploratory behavior in mice with chronic ethanol consumption. Material and methods. Mice behavior was assessed in the "open field" test. In the both control groups the animals received water or 10% ethanol solution; in the test group — turmeric extract in 10% ethanol solution. Amount of blood mononuclear cells, thymocytes, and splenocytes were estimated. Results. Analysis of the behavioral parameters in animals after chronic exposure to ethanol showed suppression of motor and exploratory components of the behavior. In mice that received both ethanol and turmeric extract recorded behavior parameters were significantly higher than in the group of animals who received ethanol only. It was shown that the turmeric extract enhances the amount of blood immune cells. Conclusion. Mechanically modified turmeric extract possesses protective properties against ethanol-induced behavioral disorders.</p


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    It was demonstrated that in vitro treatment with caffeine splenocytes of mice (CBAxC57Bl / 6) F1 with a passive type of behavior in «open field» modifies the functional activity of these cells, manifested in changes in spontaneous and induced cytokine production; the intravenous injection of these cells is accompanied by modulation of the parameters of the motor and exploratory activity of recipients, the nature of which depends on the dose of caffeine. At the same time were shown some changes in the synthesis of cytokines by brain cells of mice-recipients. Possible mechanisms for modulating effect of transplanted immune cells on recipient's behavior were discussed

    Influence of entrance-channel magicity and isospin on quasi-fission

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    The role of spherical quantum shells in the competition between fusion and quasi-fission is studied for reactions forming heavy elements. Measurements of fission fragment mass distributions for different reactions leading to similar compound nuclei have been made near the fusion barrier. In general, more quasi-fission is observed for reactions with non-magic nuclei. However, the 40^{40}Ca+208^{208}Pb reaction is an exception, showing strong evidence for quasi-fission, though both nuclei are doubly magic. Time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations predict fast equilibration of N/ZN/Z in the two fragments early in the collision. This transfer of nucleons breaks the shell effect, causing this reaction to behave more like a non-magic one in the competition between fusion and quasi-fission. Future measurements of fission in reactions with exotic beams should be able to test this idea with larger N/ZN/Z asymmetries.Comment: accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Influence of soluble factors from the M2 phenotype macrophages on hematopoiesis in depression-like state

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    Chronic psychosocial stress provokes anxious behavior and depressive disorders. The longitudinal stress-induced neuroendocrine signals may alter functioning of immune (central and peripheral) organs. Increased myelopoiesis is observed in bone marrow, being detrimental to lympho- and erythropoiesis, with increased emigration of monocytic bone marrow cells to the periphery and their acquisition of “inflammatory” phenotype. The subsequent migration of such monocytes to the brain with differentiation into the M1 type macrophages which form inflammatory signals, and their effect upon endothelial cells and microglia leads to increased production of cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules, thus accelerating accumulation of bone marrow-derived monocytes migrating to the brain. The signals from bone marrow monocytes and activated microglia promote neuroinflammatory condition which leads to behavioral changes. Current data on the presence of non-resident bone marrow macrophages in the brain of depressed patients require studies of hematopoiesis in depression-like states. Pronounced plasticity is a characteristic feature of macrophages, i.e., their ability to acquire M1 or M2 phenotype depending on the microenvironment signals. M1 exhibit high pro-inflammatory activity and have neurodestructive properties, whereas M2 cells are characterized by low pro-inflammatory activity and pronounced regenerative potential, due to the production of multiple soluble mediators and cytokines, including neurotrophic and immunoregulatory factors, anti-inflammatory substances that provide neuroprotection, stimulate neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, growth and myelinization of axons, thus theoretically substantiating an opportunity of using the potential of M2 macrophages in the treatment of depression. In this work, we studied the effect of soluble factors of human macrophages, polarized into cells with M2 phenotype under the conditions of serum deprivation, upon bone marrow hematopoiesis and peripheral blood cells in a model of stress-induced depression. We have shown enhanced differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells into the granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM) lineage, along with increased monocyte population in peripheral blood in the depressive-like murine model. Development of a depressive-like state in the animals was associated with reduced amounts of both erythroid precursors in bone marrow and erythrocytes/hemoglobin in peripheral blood. Intranasal administration of soluble M2 macrophage factors (M2-SFs) for 7 days was accompanied by a corrective effect on the above parameters, being significant for peripheral blood monocytes. The data obtained suggest effectiveness of the M2-SFS anti-inflammatory effects in correcting changes in hematopoiesis caused by social stress in depressive-like animals

    Evaporation and fission decay of (132)Ce compound nuclei at E(x)=122 MeV: some limitations of the statistical model

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    Light charged particle (LCP) emission in the evaporation residue (ER) and fusion fission (FF) channels have been studied for the 200 MeV 32S + 100Mo reaction, leading to 132Ce composite nuclei at E x =122 MeV. The main goal was to study the decay of 132 Ce on the basis of an extended set of observables, to get insights on the fission dynamics. The proton and alpha particle energy spectra, their multiplicities, ER-LCP angular correlations, ER and FF angular distributions, and ER and FF cross-sections were measured. The measured observables were compared with the Statistical Model (SM). Using standard parameters, the model was able to reproduce only the pre-scission multiplicities and the FF and ER cross-sections. The calculation was observed to strongly overestimate the proton and alpha particle multiplicities in the ER channel. Disagreements were also observed for the ER-LCP correlations, the LCP energy spectra and the ER angular distribution. By varying the SM input parameters over a wide range of values, it is shown that it is not possible to reproduce all the observables simultaneously with a unique set of parameters. The inadequacy of the model in reproducing the ER particle multiplicities is also observed analysing data from the literature for other systems in the A ≈ 150 and E x ≈ 100−200 MeV region. These results indicate serious limitations about the use of the SM in extracting information on fission dynamics