21 research outputs found


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    The applicability of a special pilot-scale installation (Short Circulation Device) was studied for demonstrating the enrichment of selected resin and fatty acids in process waters when increasing water reuse during the manufacture of paper. The traditional gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID), turbidity, and online sample enrichment (solid phase extraction, SPE) for atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (APCI-MS) measurements were used for the analysis of the resin and fatty acids. The data from all the measurements with unbleached thermomechanical pulp (TMP) process waters were in a good agreement, and correlation coefficients (R2) > 0.9 were obtained in each case. Rapid information about the levels of wood extractives in papermaking process waters is of great importance, and it offers a suitable way to predict oncoming pitch problems. It was concluded that the routine control of the extractives level in papermaking process waters is possible by all these methods

    Ensiapu- ja elvytyskoulutuspäivä : Kuopion Lyseon lukion terveystiedon opiskelijoille

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli järjestää ensiapu- ja elvytyskoulutuspäivä Kuopion Lyseon lukion terveystiedon opiskelijoille. Koulutuspäivän lisäksi tuotettiin sähköinen opetusmateriaali, joka pohjautui opinnäytetyön teoriaosuuteen. Se annettiin tilaajalle opetuskäyttöön. Ensiapu -ja elvytyskoulutuspäivä sisällytettiin osaksi Kuopion Lyseon lukion kevään 2017 Terveystieto 1 -kurssia. Työn tilaajana oli Kuopion Lyseon lukio ja yhteyshenkilönä toimi lyseon terveystiedon opettaja. Tilaajan pyynnöstä sovittiin, että ensiapukoulutukseen osallistuminen oli vapaaehtoista. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kartuttaa lukioikäisten nuorten ensiaputaitoja teoriatiedon ja monipuolisten käytännön harjoitusten avulla. Harjoitusten tavoitteena oli pyrkiä rohkaisemaan nuoria toimimaan ensiaputilanteissa sekä madaltaa heidän kynnystään auttamiseen tositilanteissa. Teoriatiedon, tutkimusten ja tilastojen avulla haluttiin lisätä lukiolaisten tietämystä yleisimmistä ensiapua vaativista sairauksista ja sairauskohtauksista sekä niiden ensiavusta. Ensiapu- ja elvytyskoulutuspäivän aiheiksi valittiin yleisimpiä kansansairauksia, sairaskohtauksia sekä ensiaputilanteita, joissa maallikon nopealla toiminnalla voidaan ehkäistä suurempien vammojen syntyminen tai jopa potilaan kuolema. Koulutuspäivän aikana aiheita käytiin läpi teoriaopetuksen sekä monipuolisten käytännön harjoitusten avulla. Työn tilaajan toiveesta keskityttiin erityisesti elvytysharjoituksiin. Koulutuspäivän ohjelmaan oli varattu aikaa kokonaisuudessaan viisi tuntia, joka jaettiin teoriaopetuksen ja käytännön harjoitusten kesken. Koulutus ja käytännön harjoitukset toteutettiin valvotusti ja ohjatusti lukiolla 31. maaliskuuta 2017. Harjoitusten aiheina olivat elvytys, kylkiasentoon laitto ja maallikoiden saatavilla olevien ensiapuvälineistön käyttö. Elvytysharjoitusten yhteydessä käsiteltiin myös neuvovan defibrillaattorin eli sydäniskurin käyttöä. Käytännön harjoituksiin osallistui yhteensä 28 oppilasta. Päivän lopuksi osallistujille annettiin koulutuspäivään liittyvä palautekyselylomake. Saadun palautteen perusteella oppilaat kokivat saaneensa perusvalmiudet painelu- puhalluselvytyksestä sekä neuvovan defibrillaattorin käytöstä. Harjoituksia pidettiin hyödyllisinä ja opetuksen ymmärrettävyyteen oltiin tyytyväisiä. Suurin osa oppilaista oli samaa tai täysin samaa mieltä palautekyselyssä esitetyistä väittämistä. Palautteen pohjalta tehtiin se johtopäätös, että vastaavaa ensiaputaitojen harjoittelua tulisi sisällyttää oppilaitosten opetussuunnitelmiin.The purpose of this functional thesis was to produce a first aid and resuscitation day for the students of health education in Kuopion Lyseon lukio. Additionally an electrical education material based on the theoretical part of the thesis was made and donated to the orderer. The training day was part of the first course of the students in health education in the spring term in the year 2017. The orderer of this thesis was Kuopion Lyseon lukio and the contact person was the teacher in health education. At request of the orderer participating in the training was voluntary. The aim of the thesis was to increase the knowledge of the students in first aid and in resuscitation by theory and versatile rehearsals in order to encourage students in acting and to eliminate obstacles when helping casualties. By telling theoretical facts, by explaining the results of different studies and by introducing statistics the aim was to increase the common knowledge of those illnesses, sudden attacks and injuries that need first aid. The most universal cases among which the most common first aid procedures were chosen. By acting promptly one can save lives or minimize traumas. The subjects in training were resuscitation, recovery position and equipment and devices in first aid. The use of the life saving device called automated external defibrillator (AED) was taught. There were 28 participants in the training day which was organized on the 31 st of May in the year 2017. The theoretical part and rehearsals took totally five hours. At the end of the day a questionnaire was given to every participant. According to the feedback the basics in first aid and resuscitation and in using AED were accomplished. Rehearsals were considered useful and understandability of teaching was considered good. After analyzing the answers and results the conclusion was that it is important to include the training in first aid and resuscitation in the curricula of the Finnish schools

    A fugacity model assessment of ibuprofen, diclofenac, carbamazepine, and their transformation product concentrations in an aquatic environment

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    An updated version of FATEMOD, a multimedia fugacity model for environmental fate of organic chemicals, was set up to assess environmental behaviour of three pharmaceuticals in northern Lake Päijänne, Finland. Concentrations of ibuprofen, diclofenac, and carbamazepine were estimated at various depths at two sites: near a wastewater treatment plant and 3.5 km downstream the plant. When compared with environmental sampling data from corresponding depths and sites, the predicted concentrations, ranging from nanograms to hundreds of nanograms per litre, were found to be in good agreement. Weather data were utilised with the model to rationalise the effects of various environmental parameters on the sampling results, and, e.g. the roles of various properties of lake dynamics and photodegradation were identified. The new model also enables simultaneous assessment of transformation products. Environmentally formed transformation product concentrations were estimated to be at highest an order of magnitude lower than those of the parent compounds, and unlikely to reach a detectable level. However, a possibility that conjugates of ibuprofen are present at higher levels than the parent compound was identified. Simulation results suggest that environmental degradation half-lives of the inspected contaminants under stratified lake conditions are in the range of some weeks to months.peerReviewe

    Refractory organic pollutants and toxicity in pulp and paper mill wastewaters

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    This review describes medium and high molecular weight organic material found in wastewaters from pulp and paper industry. The aim is to review the versatile pollutants and the analysis methods for their determination. Among other pollutants, biocides, extractives, and lignin-derived compounds are major contributors to harmful effects, such as toxicity, of industrial wastewaters. Toxicity of wastewaters from pulp and paper mills is briefly evaluated including the methods for toxicity analyses. Traditionally, wastewater purification includes mechanical treatment followed by chemical and/or biological treatment processes. A variety of methods are available for the purification of industrial wastewaters, including aerobic and anaerobic processes. However, some fractions of organic material, such as lignin and its derivatives, are difficult to degrade. Therefore, novel chemical methods, including electrochemical and oxidation processes, have been developed for separate use or in combination with biological treatment processes.peerReviewe