8,305 research outputs found

    Incorporation of cytochrome oxidase into cardiolipin bilayers and induction of nonlamellar phases.

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    Cytochrome oxidase from beef heart has been lipid-substituted with beef heart cardiolipin. The lipid phase behavior and protein aggregation state of the reconstituted complexes have been studied with 31P NMR, freeze-fracture electron microscopy, and saturation-transfer ESR of the spin-labeled protein. In the absence of salt, the lipid has a lamellar arrangement, and the protein is integrated and uniformly distributed in the membrane vesicles and undergoes rapid rotational diffusion. The presence of the protein stabilizes the cardiolipin lamellar phase against salt-induced transitions to the inverted hexagonal phase. The threshold salt concentration becomes higher and the extent of conversion becomes lower with decreasing lipid:protein ratio. In high salt, lamellar-phase lipid with integrated protein coexists with hexagonal-phase lipid free of protein, and the rotational diffusion of the protein is drastically reduced as a result of the high packing density

    A sound card based multi-channel frequency measurement system

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    For physical processes which express themselves as a frequency, for example magnetic field measurements using optically-pumped alkali-vapor magnetometers, the precise extraction of the frequency from the noisy signal is a classical problem. We describe herein a frequency measurement system based on an inexpensive commercially available computer sound card coupled with a software single-tone estimator which reaches Cram\'er--Rao limited performance, a feature which commercial frequency counters often lack. Characterization of the system and examples of its successful application to magnetometry are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Experimental investigation of some aspects of insect-like flapping flight aerodynamics for application to micro air vehicles

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    Insect-like flapping flight offers a power-efficient and highly manoeuvrable basis for micro air vehicles for indoor applications. Some aspects of the aerodynamics associated with the sweeping phase of insect wing kinematics are examined by making particle image velocimetry measurements on a rotating wing immersed in a tank of seeded water. The work is motivated by the paucity of data with quantified error on insect-like flapping flight, and aims to fill this gap by providing a detailed description of the experimental setup, quantifying the uncertainties in the measurements and explaining the results. The experiments are carried out at two Reynolds numbers-500 and 15,000-accounting for scales pertaining to many insects and future flapping-wing micro air vehicles, respectively. The results from the experiments are used to describe prominent flow features, and Reynolds number-related differences are highlighted. In particular, the behaviour of the leading-edge vortex at these Reynolds numbers is studied and the presence of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability observed at the higher Reynolds number in computational fluid dynamics calculations is also verified

    Lipid-protein interactions in stacked and destacked thylakoid membranes and the influence of phosphorylation and illumination. Spin label ESR studies.

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    The effects of membrane destacking, protein phosphorylation, and continuous illumination have been studied in pea thylakoid membranes using ESR spectroscopy of an incorporated spin-labelled phosphatidylglycerol. This spin-labelled analogue of an endogenous thylakoid lipid has previously been shown to exhibit a selectivity of interaction with thylakoid proteins. Neither destacking, phosphorylation nor illumination was found to change the ESR spectra appreciably, suggesting that for phosphatidylglycerol at least, neither the number of protein-associated membrane lipids nor their pattern of selectivity was altered. The redistribution of the thylakoid protein complexes in the membrane, under these various conditions, therefore takes place with conservation of the properties of the lipid/protein interface

    Barro's fertility equations: the robustness of the role of female education and income

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    Barro and Lee (1994) and Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995) find that real per-capita GDP and both male and female education have important effects on fertility in their cross-country empirical studies. In order to assess the robustness of their results, their estimated models are subjected to specification and diagnostic testing, the effects on the model of using the improved Barro and Lee (1996) cross-country data on educational attainment of the population aged 15 and over are examined, and the different specifications used by Barro and Lee and by Barro and Sala-i-Martin compared. The results obtained suggest that their fertility equations do not perform well in terms of diagnostic testing, and are very sensitive to the use of different vintages of the educational attainment proxies and of the Summers-Heston cross-country income data. A robust explanation of fertility, to link with empirical growth equations, has, therefore, not yet been found; further work is required in this area

    Resonant Formation of dμtd\mu t Molecules in Deuterium: An Atomic Beam Measurement of Muon Catalyzed dt Fusion

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    Resonant formation of dμtd\mu t molecules in collisions of muonic tritium (μt\mu t) on D2_2 was investigated using a beam of μt\mu t atoms, demonstrating a new direct approach in muon catalyzed fusion studies. Strong epithermal resonances in dμtd\mu t formation were directly revealed for the first time. From the time-of-flight analysis of 2036±1162036\pm 116 dtdt fusion events, a formation rate consistent with 0.73±(0.16)meas±(0.09)model0.73\pm (0.16)_{meas} \pm (0.09)_{model} times the theoretical prediction was obtained. For the largest peak at a resonance energy of 0.423±0.0370.423 \pm 0.037 eV, this corresponds to a rate of (7.1±1.8)×109(7.1 \pm 1.8) \times 10^9 s1^{-1}, more than an order of magnitude larger than those at low energies.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A room temperature 19-channel magnetic field mapping device for cardiac signals

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    We present a multichannel cardiac magnetic field imaging system built in Fribourg from optical double-resonance Cs vapor magnetometers. It consists of 25 individual sensors designed to record magnetic field maps of the beating human heart by simultaneous measurements on a grid of 19 points over the chest. The system is operated as an array of second order gradiometers using sophisticated digitally controlled feedback loops.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Spin-label ESR studies of lipid-protein interactions in thylakoid membranes.

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    Ti-Fe Phase Evolution and Equilibria Toward β-Ti Superalloys

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    Recent design and development of precipitate reinforced refractory metal alloys demonstrate the possibility of A2 + B2 bcc superalloys as a new class of high temperature materials. Existing β-Ti alloys do not typically employ reinforcement with intermetallics, as in other high temperature alloys; to this effect sufficient additions of Fe, a low cost β-Ti stabiliser, can promote formation of an ordered-bcc intermetallic phase, β′-TiFe (B2), offering scope to develop a β + β′ dual-phase field. However, key uncertainties exist in the base Ti-Fe binary. The current research evaluates the formation of ordered-bcc TiFe precipitates within a disordered-bcc β-Ti matrix through variable heat treatment strategies. The microstructure optimisation has revealed new insight into the Ti-Fe phase equilibria at near eutectoid temperatures in the purported dual-phase field, where a complex interplay between β-Ti, β′-TiFe and α-Ti exists