253 research outputs found


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    Rank-Ordering Statistics of Extreme Events: Application to the Distribution of Large Earthquakes

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    Rank-ordering statistics provides a perspective on the rare, largest elements of a population, whereas the statistics of cumulative distributions are dominated by the more numerous small events. The exponent of a power law distribution can be determined with good accuracy by rank-ordering statistics from the observation of only a few tens of the largest events. Using analytical results and synthetic tests, we quantify the systematic and the random errors. We also study the case of a distribution defined by two branches, each having a power law distribution, one defined for the largest events and the other for smaller events, with application to the World-Wide (Harvard) and Southern California earthquake catalogs. In the case of the Harvard moment catalog, we make more precise earlier claims of the existence of a transition of the earthquake magnitude distribution between small and large earthquakes; the bb-values are b2=2.3±0.3b_2 = 2.3 \pm 0.3 for large shallow earthquakes and b1=1.00±0.02b_1 = 1.00 \pm 0.02 for smaller shallow earthquakes. However, the cross-over magnitude between the two distributions is ill-defined. The data available at present do not provide a strong constraint on the cross-over which has a 50%50\% probability of being between magnitudes 7.17.1 and 7.67.6 for shallow earthquakes; this interval may be too conservatively estimated. Thus, any influence of a universal geometry of rupture on the distribution of earthquakes world-wide is ill-defined at best. We caution that there is no direct evidence to confirm the hypothesis that the large-moment branch is indeed a power law. In fact, a gamma distribution fits the entire suite of earthquake moments from the smallest to the largest satisfactorily. There is no evidence that the earthquakes of the Southern California catalog have a distribution with tw

    From a systems theory of sociology to modeling the onset and evolution of criminality

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    This paper proposes a systems theory approach to the modeling of onset and evolution of criminality in a territory, which aims at capturing the complexity features of social systems. Complexity is related to the fact that individuals have the ability to develop specific heterogeneously distributed strategies, which depend also on those expressed by the other individuals. The modeling is developed by methods of generalized kinetic theory where interactions and decisional processes are modeled by theoretical tools of stochastic game theory.Comment: 20 page

    "Universal" Distribution of Inter-Earthquake Times Explained

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    We propose a simple theory for the ``universal'' scaling law previously reported for the distributions of waiting times between earthquakes. It is based on a largely used benchmark model of seismicity, which just assumes no difference in the physics of foreshocks, mainshocks and aftershocks. Our theoretical calculations provide good fits to the data and show that universality is only approximate. We conclude that the distributions of inter-event times do not reveal more information than what is already known from the Gutenberg-Richter and the Omori power laws. Our results reinforces the view that triggering of earthquakes by other earthquakes is a key physical mechanism to understand seismicity.Comment: 4 pages with two figure

    Persistence and Quiescence of Seismicity on Fault Systems

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    We study the statistics of simulated earthquakes in a quasistatic model of two parallel heterogeneous faults within a slowly driven elastic tectonic plate. The probability that one fault remains dormant while the other is active for a time Dt following the previous activity shift is proportional to the inverse of Dt to the power 1+x, a result that is robust in the presence of annealed noise and strength weakening. A mean field theory accounts for the observed dependence of the persistence exponent x as a function of heterogeneity and distance between faults. These results continue to hold if the number of competing faults is increased. This is related to the persistence phenomenon discovered in a large variety of systems, which specifies how long a relaxing dynamical system remains in a neighborhood of its initial configuration. Our persistence exponent is found to vary as a function of heterogeneity and distance between faults, thus defining a novel universality class.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Revte

    Scale free networks of earthquakes and aftershocks

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    We propose a new metric to quantify the correlation between any two earthquakes. The metric consists of a product involving the time interval and spatial distance between two events, as well as the magnitude of the first one. According to this metric, events typically are strongly correlated to only one or a few preceding ones. Thus a classification of events as foreshocks, main shocks or aftershocks emerges automatically without imposing predefined space-time windows. To construct a network, each earthquake receives an incoming link from its most correlated predecessor. The number of aftershocks for any event, identified by its outgoing links, is found to be scale free with exponent γ=2.0(1)\gamma = 2.0(1). The original Omori law with p=1p=1 emerges as a robust feature of seismicity, holding up to years even for aftershock sequences initiated by intermediate magnitude events. The measured fat-tailed distribution of distances between earthquakes and their aftershocks suggests that aftershock collection with fixed space windows is not appropriate.Comment: 7 pages and 7 figures. Submitte

    What is life? A perspective of the mathematical kinetic theory of active particles

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    The modeling of living systems composed of many interacting entities is treated in this paper with the aim of describing their collective behaviors. The mathematical approach is developed within the general framework of the kinetic theory of active particles. The presentation is in three parts. First, we derive the mathematical tools, subsequently, we show how the method can be applied to a number of case studies related to well defined living systems, and finally, we look ahead to research perspectives

    On the Occurrence of Finite-Time-Singularities in Epidemic Models of Rupture, Earthquakes and Starquakes

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    We present a new kind of critical stochastic finite-time-singularity, relying on the interplay between long-memory and extreme fluctuations. We illustrate it on the well-established epidemic-type aftershock (ETAS) model for aftershocks, based solely on the most solidly documented stylized facts of seismicity (clustering in space and in time and power law Gutenberg-Richter distribution of earthquake energies). This theory accounts for the main observations (power law acceleration and discrete scale invariant structure) of critical rupture of heterogeneous materials, of the largest sequence of starquakes ever attributed to a neutron star as well as of earthquake sequences.Comment: Revtex document of 4 pages including 1 eps figur