607 research outputs found

    General-relativistic rotation laws in rotating fluid bodies: constant linear velocity

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    New rotation laws have been recently found for general-relativistic self-gravitating stationary fluids. It was not clear whether they apply to systems rotating with a constant linear velocity. In this paper we fill this gap. The answer is positive. That means, in particular, that these systems should exhibit the recently discovered general-relativistic weak-field effects within rotating tori: the dynamic anti-dragging and the deviation from the Keplerian motion induced by the fluid selfgravity

    Cigarette Smoke Exposure-Associated Alterations to Non-Coding RNA

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    Environmental exposures vary by timing, severity, and frequency and may have a number of deleterious effects throughout the life course. The period of in utero development, for example, is one of the most crucial stages of development during which adverse environmental exposures can both alter the growth and development of the fetus as well as lead to aberrant fetal programming, increasing disease risk. During fetal development and beyond, the plethora of exposures, including nutrients, drugs, stress, and trauma, influence health, development, and survival. Recent research in environmental epigenetics has investigated the roles of environmental exposures in influencing epigenetic modes of gene regulation during pregnancy and at various stages of life. Many relatively common environmental exposures, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use, may have consequences for the expression and function of non-coding RNA (ncRNA), important post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. A number of ncRNA have been discovered, including microRNA (miRNA), Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA), and long non-coding RNA (long ncRNA). The best-characterized species of ncRNA are miRNA, the mature forms of which are ∼22 nucleotides in length and capable of post-transcriptionally regulating target mRNA utilizing mechanisms based largely on the degree of complementarity between miRNA and target mRNA. Because miRNA can still negatively regulate gene expression when imperfectly base-paired with a target mRNA, a single miRNA can have a large number of potential mRNA targets and can regulate many different biological processes critical for health and development. The following review analyzes the current literature detailing links between cigarette smoke exposure and aberrant expression and function of ncRNA, assesses how such alterations may have consequences throughout the life course, and proposes future directions for this intriguing field of research

    Rotating Bowen-York initial data with a positive cosmological constant

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    A generalization of the Bowen-York initial data to the case with a positive cosmological constant is investigated. We follow the construction presented recently by Bizo\'n, Pletka and Simon, and solve numerically the Lichnerowicz equation on a compactified domain S1×S2\mathbb S^1 \times \mathbb S^2. In addition to two branches of solutions depending on the polar variable on S2\mathbb S^2 that were already known, we find branches of solutions depending on two variables: the polar variable on S2\mathbb S^2 and the coordinate on S1\mathbb S^1. Using Vanderbauwhede's results concerning bifurcations from symmetric solutions, we show the existence of the corresponding bifurcation points. By linearizing the Lichnerowicz equation and solving the resulting eigenvalue problem, we collect numerical evidence suggesting the absence of additional branches of solutions.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    Reverend John P. Bertolucci to Give Two Lecture at the University of Dayton

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    News release announces that Reverend John P. Bertolucci will give two lectures during a Charismatic Workshop at the University of Dayton

    Emotional and Social Competences in Students with Mild Intellectual Disability – Research Using TROS-KA Battery

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    The authors of the article describe and analyze the possibilities of diagnosing emotional and social competences of students with mild intellectual disability (MID) to emphasize the importance of the non-cognitive sphere in offering comprehensive developmental support to this group of people with special educational needs (SEN). The aim of the article is to answer two research questions:1. How well are emotional and social competences developed in students with mild intellectual disability at the age of 9–13?2. To what extent is it possible to use the TROS-KA test battery to diagnose emotional and social functioning of students with mild intellectual disability?Research carried out with 71 respondents (34 – students with MID, 37 – students in the intellectual norm) using all tests in the TROS-KA battery (scale T, scale R, scale O, scale S and scale KA, KA(N), KA(R) - after performing relevant statistical calculations: nonparametric tests of statistical significance of differences between the groups - suggests that:(1) the level of emotional and social competences in students with MID is low and is statistically significantly lower than in students in the intellectual norm;(2) students with MID differ significantly in their development of emotional and social competences;(3) therapeutic and developmental activities aimed at developing emotional and social resources using the materials included in the TROS-KA package are effective (as evidenced by the double measurement of the KA scale at an interval of about 5 months);(4) taking an individualized approach to students during the TROS-KA test session allows the researcher to use this set of tests to supplement the functional diagnosis of students with MID with a diagnosis of their emotional and social sphere (additionally to the cognitive sphere).The authors recommend this approach as an indispensable starting point for designing comprehensive educational and therapeutic programs for this group of students.The authors of the article describe and analyze the possibilities of diagnosing emotional and social competences of students with mild intellectual disability (MID) to emphasize the importance of the non-cognitive sphere in offering comprehensive developmental support to this group of people with special educational needs (SEN). The aim of the article is to answer two research questions:1. How well are emotional and social competences developed in students with mild intellectual disability at the age of 9–13?2. To what extent is it possible to use the TROS-KA test battery to diagnose emotional and social functioning of students with mild intellectual disability?Research carried out with 71 respondents (34 – students with MID, 37 – students in the intellectual norm) using all tests in the TROS-KA battery (scale T, scale R, scale O, scale S and scale KA, KA(N), KA(R) - after performing relevant statistical calculations: nonparametric tests of statistical significance of differences between the groups - suggests that:(1) the level of emotional and social competences in students with MID is low and is statistically significantly lower than in students in the intellectual norm;(2) students with MID differ significantly in their development of emotional and social competences;(3) therapeutic and developmental activities aimed at developing emotional and social resources using the materials included in the TROS-KA package are effective (as evidenced by the double measurement of the KA scale at an interval of about 5 months);(4) taking an individualized approach to students during the TROS-KA test session allows the researcher to use this set of tests to supplement the functional diagnosis of students with MID with a diagnosis of their emotional and social sphere (additionally to the cognitive sphere).The authors recommend this approach as an indispensable starting point for designing comprehensive educational and therapeutic programs for this group of students

    Edukacja ku mądrości w doradztwie edukacyjno-zawodowym

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    The aim of the article is to present the application role of psychology of wisdom in educational and vocational guidance understood as the process of preparing students for conscious life decision-making. The author, starting from the analysis of the balance theory of wisdom (of R. Sternberg) and the function of value in providing well-being, outlines a common level of wisdom teaching and advisory activities, i.e. work in the area of the crystallization of values preferences. Then he reviews selected strategies of practical implementation of education towards wisdom to orientation and career guidance, indicating their strengths and risks associated with them.Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie aplikacyjnej roli psychologii mądrości w doradztwie edukacyjno-zawodowym rozumianym jako proces przygotowywania uczniów do świadomego podejmowania decyzji życiowych. Autor, wychodząc od analizy koncepcji mądrości jako równowagi R. Sternberga i funkcji wartości w zapewnianiu dobrostanu podmiotowi, nakreśla wspólną płaszczyznę nauczania mądrościowego i działań doradczych, tj. pracę w obszarze krystalizacji preferencji wartości. Następnie dokonuje przeglądu wybranych strategii praktycznego wdrażania edukacji ku mądrości do orientacji i doradztwa zawodowego, wskazując na ich mocne strony oraz związane z nimi ryzyka

    Diagnoza funkcjonalna. Planowanie pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej. Działania postdiagnostyczne.

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    Diagnoza funkcjonalna stara się unikać etykietowania i określania, kim jest uczeń dyslektyk, dziecko z zespołem Aspergera, człowiek niepełnosprawny, cukrzyk czy geniusz, na rzecz podjęcia bardziej pragmatycznych kwestii, np. jak sobie radzi ów uczeń lub jakie czynniki spowodowałyby, żeby radził sobie jeszcze lepiej. Publikacja zawiera omówienie syntetycznego podejścia do diagnozy, wzbogaconego o Międzynarodową Klasyfikację Funkcjonowania, Niepełnosprawności i Zdrowia (ICF). Ujęcie to autor nazywa przejściem od modelu medycznego do biopsychospołecznego, ponieważ łączy różne konteksty postrzegania człowieka i ciągłość jego egzystencji w grupie społecznej. W tym sensie przyjęty model jest bliższy traktowaniu jednostki jako podmiotu, a nie tylko organizmu. Na drugą część pracy składają się opisy praktyk z zakresu diagnozy projektującej, odnoszonej do człowieka i jego otoczenia, polegającej na działaniach terapeutyczno-rozwojowych

    Czas wolny... od nudy. Zrównoważony rozwój uczniów zdolnych w ramach zajęć pozalekcyjnych.

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    Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu "Opracowanie i wdrożenie kompleksowego systemu pracy z uczniem zdolnym"Publikacja wspólfinansowana przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego