1,336 research outputs found

    Vertical Integration and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study

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    The paper is devoted to an empirical study of determinants of vertical integration and their influence on economic growth. We verified the following hypotheses: higher quality of institutions reduces probability of vertical integration; productivity levels of participants in vertical integration influence on its probability in different ways; higher import quota of an economy helps reducing the degree of vertical integration; the degree of vertical integration in an economy influence on economic growth in different ways depending on the stage of economic development.Vertical integration, economic growth, institutional development

    Giant magnetoimpedance in crystalline Mumetal

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    We studied giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect in commercial crystalline Mumetal, with the emphasis to sample thickness dependence and annealing effects. By using appropriate heat treatment one can achieve GMI ratios as high as 310%, and field sensitivity of about 20%/Oe, which is comparable to the best GMI characteristics obtained for amorphous and nanocrystalline soft magnetic materials.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Domestic dog demographic structure and dynamics relevant to rabies control planning in urban areas in Africa: the case of Iringa, Tanzania

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    <p>Background Mass vaccinations of domestic dogs have been shown to effectively control canine rabies and hence human exposure to rabies. Knowledge of dog population demography is essential for planning effective rabies vaccination programmes; however, such information is still rare for African domestic dog populations, particularly so in urban areas. This study describes the demographic structure and population dynamics of a domestic dog population in an urban sub-Saharan African setting. In July to November 2005, we conducted a full household-level census and a cross-sectional dog demography survey in four urban wards of Iringa Municipality, Tanzania. The achievable vaccination coverage was assessed by a two-stage vaccination campaign, and the proportion of feral dogs was estimated by a mark-recapture transect study.</p> <p>Results The estimated size of the domestic dog population in Iringa was six times larger than official town records assumed, however, the proportion of feral dogs was estimated to account for less than 1% of the whole population. An average of 13% of all households owned dogs which equalled a dog:human ratio of 1:14, or 0.31 dogs per household or 334 dogs km-2. Dog female:male ratio was 1:1.4. The average age of the population was 2.2 years, 52% of all individuals were less than one year old. But mortality within the first year was high (72%). Females became fertile at the age of 10 months and reportedly remained fertile up to the age of 11 years. The average number of litters whelped per fertile female per year was 0.6 with an average of 5.5 pups born per litter. The population growth was estimated at 10% y-1.</p> <p>Conclusions Such high birth and death rates result in a rapid replacement of anti-rabies immunised individuals with susceptible ones. This loss in herd immunity needs to be taken into account in the design of rabies control programmes. The very small proportion of truly feral dogs in the population implies that vaccination campaigns aimed at the owned dog population are sufficient to control rabies in urban Iringa, and the same may be valid in other, comparable urban settings.</p&gt

    Translesion DNA synthesis in the context of cancer research

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    During cell division, replication of the genomic DNA is performed by high-fidelity DNA polymerases but these error-free enzymes can not synthesize across damaged DNA. Specialized DNA polymerases, so called DNA translesion synthesis polymerases (TLS polymerases), can replicate damaged DNA thereby avoiding replication fork breakdown and subsequent chromosomal instability

    Spin canted magnetism, decoupling of charge and spin ordering in NdNiO3_3

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    We report detailed magnetization measurements on the perovskite oxide NdNiO3_3. This system has a first order metal-insulator (M-I) transition at about 200 K which is associated with charge ordering. There is also a concurrent paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic spin ordering transition in the system. We show that the antiferromagnetic state of the nickel sublattice is spin canted. We also show that the concurrency of the charge ordering and spin ordering transitions is seen only while warming up the system from low temperature. The transitions are not concurrent while cooling the system through the M-I transition temperature. This is explained based on the fact that the charge ordering transition is first order while the spin ordering transition is continuous. In the magnetically ordered state the system exhibits ZFC-FC irreversibilities, as well as history-dependent magnetization and aging. Our analysis rules out the possibility of spin-glass or superparamagnetism and suggests that the irreversibilities originate from magnetocrystalline anisotropy and domain wall pinning.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Validity of the N\'{e}el-Arrhenius model for highly anisotropic Co_xFe_{3-x}O_4 nanoparticles

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    We report a systematic study on the structural and magnetic properties of Co_{x}Fe_{3-x}O_{4} magnetic nanoparticles with sizes between 55 to 2525 nm, prepared by thermal decomposition of Fe(acac)_{3} and Co(acac)_{2}. The large magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the synthesized particles resulted in high blocking temperatures (4242 K \leqq TBT_B ≦345\leqq 345 K for 5≦5 \leqq d ≦13\leqq 13 nm ) and large coercive fields (HC≊1600H_C \approxeq 1600 kA/m for T=5T = 5 K). The smallest particles (=5=5 nm) revealed the existence of a magnetically hard, spin-disordered surface. The thermal dependence of static and dynamic magnetic properties of the whole series of samples could be explained within the N\'{e}el-Arrhenius relaxation framework without the need of ad-hoc corrections, by including the thermal dependence of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant K1(T)K_1(T) through the empirical Br\"{u}khatov-Kirensky relation. This approach provided K1(0)K_1(0) values very similar to the bulk material from either static or dynamic magnetic measurements, as well as realistic values for the response times (τ0≃10−10\tau_0 \simeq 10^{-10} s). Deviations from the bulk anisotropy values found for the smallest particles could be qualitatively explained based on Zener\'{}s relation between K1(T)K_1(T) and M(T)
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