8 research outputs found

    The Maghreb – one more important biodiversity hot spot for tiger beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cicindelinae) in the Mediterranean region

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    The tiger beetle fauna of the Maghreb region is one of the richest in the Palaearctic, including 22 species and 5 subspecies and 19% of all Palaearctic species of Cicindelinae. Assembled by their chorotypes, the Maghreb tiger beetles fall into eight different groups that include Maghreb endemics (26% of fauna), Mediterranean (7%), West Mediterranean (40%), North African (4%), Mediterranean-Westturanian (4%), West Palaearctic (4%), Afrotropico-Indo-Mediterranean (4%), and Saharian (11%) species. The Mediterranean Sclerophyl and Atlas Steppe are the Maghreb biogeographical provinces with the highest species richness, while the Sahara Desert has the lowest Cicindelinae diversity. Twenty-five cicindelid species and subspecies (93% of Maghreb fauna) are restricted to only one or two habitat types in lowland areas. Only Calomera littoralis littoralis and Lophyra flexuosa flexuosa are recognized as eurytopic species and occur in three types of habitat. The highest tiger beetle diversity characterizes salt marshes and river banks (in both cases 11 species and subspecies or 41% of Maghreb fauna). Approximately 85% of all Maghreb tiger beetle species and subspecies are found in habitats potentially endangered by human activity

    Innovative approaches to investigator-initiated, multicentre paediatric clinical trials in Canada

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    Data from clinical trials are needed to guide the safe and effective use of medicines in children. Clinical trials are challenging to design and implement in all populations, and children present additional considerations. Several regions including the UK, USA and Europe have established clinical trial infrastructure to capitalise on expertise and promote clinical trials enrolling children. Our objective is to describe the partnerships and operational considerations for the development of paediatric clinical trials infrastructure in Canada. We describe the design and conduct of four emergency room paediatric trials, with four separate sponsors, across four provinces in parallel. Operations discussed include multisite contract development, centralised risk-based data monitoring, ethical review and patient engagement. We conclude with lessons learnt, additional challenges and potential solutions to facilitate drug development for children in Canada

    ‘It's quite a balancing act’: A qualitative study of parents' experiences and information needs related to the COVID‐19 pandemic

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    Abstract Introduction Throughout the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic, parents and children faced significant challenges as a result of prevention measures implemented to control the spread of the disease. Ensuring that families have access to essential health information is critical for improving health outcomes and adherence to public health recommendations. Understanding parents' experiences and information needs related to the pandemic and associated health measures (e.g., vaccination, mask wearing, social distancing, etc.) will inform the development and dissemination of resources tailored to parents' needs to support informed decision making. Methods We conducted a qualitative descriptive study. Between September and November 2021, parents across Canada were recruited online via social media and community organisation newsletters and listservs to participate in focus groups via Zoom. Focus groups were audio‐recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were coded and analysed using thematic analysis. Participants completed a demographic questionnaire before the focus groups (via SimpleSurveys). Results Sixty‐seven parents participated in 12 focus groups between October and November 2021. In relation to experiences, parents felt they were (1) constantly trying to balance everything, and (2) trying to do their best with the information they had at the time when making decisions. Regarding information needs, parents reflected on (1) how difficult it was navigating copious amounts of changing information and finding credible sources to rely on, (2) the need for resources that were easily accessible, credible and in plain language and (3) the need for resources that were tailored to their needs to support them and their children make informed decisions. Conclusions Trying to mitigate the risk of COVID‐19 infection and adhere to public health recommendations, while balancing various factors (work, online learning, and social interactions) and navigating changing information, was overwhelming for many parents. Reflecting on their needs, parents suggested tailored resources that provided concise, credible information in plain language to help them make informed decisions and navigate conflicting information. These findings reveal important knowledge gaps and highlight areas that need to be addressed to support parents during the pandemic period and beyond. Patient or Public Contribution Members of our established Paediatric Parent Advisory Group (P‐PAG) were involved as collaborators throughout the planning (grant proposal), development and execution of the study. P‐PAG members gave input on the design of the questionnaire, interview guide, recruitment strategy and interpretation of findings

    We’re here too: child health information-seeking experiences and preferences of Red River Métis families – a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background Red River Métis families need access to meaningful and appropriate resources when their children are sick. At the invitation of the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) to partner in this research, our aim was to understand Red River Métis parents’ experiences and preferences for seeking child health information when their child is acutely ill, to inform the adaptation of existing parent resources. Methods A qualitative descriptive approach underpinned by a participatory paradigm guided this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 Red River Métis parents and Elders via Zoom or telephone. An inductive thematic analysis approach was used to explore patterns and themes across the data. Results Analysis generated four themes: (1) We’re here too; (2) We are not all the same; (3) Finding trustworthy information; and (4) Information needs to be widely available. Red River Métis pride was prominent in the results. Parents provided tangible ways to modify existing parent resources, including adding information on how to access Elders, healers and/or traditional medicines and showing different family structures, transport, living situations, Métis names, and incorporating Métis languages. While most parents reported looking for child health information online, they also stressed the need to provide multiple options, including information sheets, recognizing that parents seek information in different contexts. Parents also emphasized the importance of accessible, safe spaces to find child health information, including local schools, community centres, healthcare organizations and the MMF. Conclusion There is a lack of child health information created specifically for Red River Métis families. The development of this information can support their information needs and preferences and the ongoing efforts to revitalize Red River Métis culture and language. Study findings will inform the adaptation and dissemination of existing child health resources to ensure they reflect Red River Métis parents’ information needs and preferences. This research is a critical step in addressing an identified need for Red River Métis families to have culturally relevant and meaningful child health resources, and in the pursuit of equitable care for all children in Canada. Trial Registration N/A

    Examining the experiences of Indigenous families seeking health information about caring for sick or injured children: a scoping review

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    Objective Mapping literature on Indigenous families’ experiences seeking child health information and identifying barriers and facilitators to information access.Design Scoping review.Data sources We searched Medline, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Scopus and CINAHL for peer-reviewed literature and Google Advanced for grey literature. We screened tables of contents of two Indigenous research journals not consistently indexed in online health databases and used snowball sampling to supplement searches.Eligibility criteria We included full-text, English-language articles, published from 2000 to the time of the search in April 2021, based on: participants (Indigenous families), concept (experiences of families seeking health information) and context (child health).Data extraction and synthesis Two independent reviewers extracted: citation details, study purpose, country of study, publication type, study design, data collection method, Indigenous group, family member participants, home/healthcare setting, child health area, how health information was accessed, and information-seeking barriers and facilitators. Data were examined for patterns and trends, results and implications.Results Among 19 papers (representing 16 research projects) included, nine described family/friends and 19 described healthcare professionals as sources of child health information. Barriers include racism/discrimination during healthcare visits, ineffective communication with healthcare providers and structural barriers (eg, transportation). Facilitators include easy access, improved communication and relationships with healthcare providers, and culturally safe healthcare.Conclusion Indigenous families perceive they do not have access to necessary child health information, which can lead to insensitive, ineffective and unsafe healthcare. A critical gap exists in understanding Indigenous families’ information needs and preferences when making decisions about children’s health

    Supplementary material 1 from: Assmann T, Boutaud E, Buse J, Gebert J, Drees C, Friedman A-L-L, Khoury F, Marcus T, Orbach E, Renan I, Schmidt C, Zumstein P (2018) The tiger beetles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) of the southern Levant: from cybertaxonomy to conservation biolog. ZooKeys 734: 43-103. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.734.21989

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    The tiger beetles of the southern Levant (Egypt: Sinai, Israel, Jordan) and adjacent regions of the neighboring countries Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are reviewed in terms of species taxonomy, ecological and distributional traits and conservation biology. An illustrated dichotomous identification key from the species of this region is provided. Based on the classical identification key, we developed a digital identification application for smartphones and tablets. The species status of Calomera aulicoides (J.R. Sahlberg, 1913) is (re-) established (stat. rest.) as this taxon can be found sympatrically and parapatrically together with Calomera littoralis winkleri (Mandl, 1934). Morphological character states are discussed to identify Cicindela javetii Chaudoir, 1861 and C. herbacea Klug, 1832. Calomera aphrodisia (Baudi di Selve, 1864) is recorded for the first time from Israel. The presence of Calomera aulica (Dejean, 1831) and Grammognatha euphratica (Dejean, 1822) is confirmed by new records. At least five taxa are threatened or extinct in Israel. For one of these species, Israel has a national responsibility for the conservation as the main part of the distribution range is within this country. Availability: The application TIGER BEETLE ID for Android devices can be freely downloaded at https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.734.21989.suppl1. See also disclaimer of warranties