45 research outputs found

    Basic Exploratory Study of Bisphenol A (BPA) Dietary Administration to Istrian Pramenka Rams and Male Toxicity Investigation

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    Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine-disrupting chemical and environmental pollutant, has been reported by many researchers to induce male reproductive toxicity in different experimental models. In this study, we investigated whether long-term exposure for two months to 25 mu g/kg body weight (low dose) of BPA affects spermatogenesis or sperm quality in young Istrian Pramenka rams exposed via diet. We evaluated body and testicular weights, histopathology of testes and epididymides, and sperm analyses, and compared these parameters between the group of treated rams and the control group of rams. Although there were some differences between the two groups, these differences were not large or statistically significant. The only statistically significant difference was the lower epithelial height of seminiferous tubules in treated rams, compared to control rams. In addition to assessing toxicity, BPA concentrations in the blood plasma of treated rams were determined after the first administration, and the toxicokinetic parameters of total BPA were calculated. In this study, no major signs of altered reproduction in rams were detected

    Standardizing output-based surveillance to control non-regulated cattle diseases:Aspiring for a single general regulatory framework in the European Union

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    Several European countries have implemented country specific programmes to control cattle diseases with little or no regulation in the European Union (EU). These control programmes vary between member states, impairing a confident comparison of freedom from disease when cattle originate from different countries. In order to facilitate safe trade, there is a need to support the development of transparent methods that enable comparison of outputs of surveillance, control or eradication programmes. The aim of the COST Action (CA 17110), Standardizing OUtput-based surveillance to control Non-regulated Diseases in the EU (SOUND control), is the development of a generic and joint understanding of the requirements and characteristics needed for a flexible output-based framework. This framework should be able to substantiate the confidence of disease freedom and cost-effectiveness of heterogeneous surveillance, control or eradication programmes for cattle diseases in the EU. This project supports other initiatives in the development of an output-based framework which will subsequently facilitate safe trade and support the improvement of disease control measures, which is of great importance as the cattle sector contributes to one third of the total gross production value of EU agriculture

    Existence and Quality of Data on Control Programs for EU Non-regulated Cattle Diseases: Consequences for Estimation and Comparison of the Probability of Freedom From Infection

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    Some European countries have successfully implemented country-specific control programs (CPs) for infectious cattle diseases that are not regulated or are regulated only to a limited extent at the European Union (EU) level. Examples of such diseases include bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), and Johne's disease (JD). The CPs vary between countries in the design and quality of collected data as well as methods used to detect infection and estimate prevalence or probability of freedom from infection. Differences in disease status between countries and non-standardized approaches to assess freedom from infection pose a risk for countries with CPs for non-regulated diseases as infected animals may influence the progress of the disease control or eradication program. The implementation of output-based standards allows estimation and comparison of the probability of freedom for non-regulated cattle diseases in European countries. The aim of the current study was to assess the existence and quality of data that could be used for estimating freedom from infection in European countries. The online data collection tool was sent to 32 countries participating in the SOUND control COST Action and was completed by 24 countries. Data on cattle demographics and data from CPs of IBR and BVD exist in more than 50% of the response countries. However, data describing risk factors and CP of JD was reported as existing in < 25% of the countries. The overall quality of data in the sections on demographics and CPs of IBR and BVD were evaluated as "good ", but risk factors and JD data were mostly evaluated as "fair. " Data quality was considered less good mainly due to two quality criteria: accessibility and accuracy. The results of this study show that the quantity and quality of data about cattle populations and CPs are relatively similar in many surveyed countries. The outcome of this work provides an overview of the current situation in the European countries regarding data on EU non-regulated cattle diseases and will further assist in the development and implementation of output-based standards

    Comprehensive quantitative risk assessment on the presence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in milk and milk products

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    Cilj disertacije je bil oceniti tveganje za izpostavljenost bakteriji Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) preko mleka in mlečnih izdelkov za slovenskega potrošnika. Domneva se, da je MAP lahko povezana s Crohnovo boleznijo in nekaterimi drugimi kroničnimi boleznimi ljudi. Čeprav vzročnost še ni bila dokazana, je pomembno izboljšati razumevanje tveganja za izpostavljenost. Glavni vir MAP za ljudi je najverjetneje govedo. MAP pri govedu povzroča paratuberkulozo ali Johne-jevo bolezen, ki zmanjšuje ekonomsko učinkovitost govedoreje po vsem svetu. Zaradi pomanjkanja empiričnih podatkov smo razvili dva modela za pridobitev podatkov o možnem epidemiološkem stanju v sektorju mleka v Sloveniji. S stohastičnim razrednim modelom smo preučili širjenje MAP v tipični slovenski čredi krav molznic. Z modeliranjem širjenja MAP na časovnem omrežju s tako imenovanim SI modelom (angl. susceptible-infectiousdovzeten-inficiran) in štirih scenarijev verjetnosti prenosa MAP pa smo ocenili možno prevalenco. Pridobljene rezultate smo uporabili v modelu kvantitativne ocene tveganja s simulacijami Monte Carlo za oceno možne izpostavljenosti človeka bakteriji MAP preko mleka in mlečnih izdelkov. Poleg tega smo izvedli analizo omrežja premikov goveda v Sloveniji, da bi ocenili možnost izvajanja ciljanih intervencijskih ukrepov. Rezultati kažejo, da analiza omrežja lahko nudi podporo pri optimizaciji nadzora paratuberkuloze v Sloveniji. V nasprotju z našo hipotezo je razredni model pokazal podobno razširjenost MAP znotraj črede, kot so ocenile predhodne raziskave v Sloveniji. Z upoštevanjem danih predpostavk in negotovosti smo ocenili, da je splošno tveganje za izpostavljenost MAP preko mleka in mlečnih izdelkov za slovenskega potrošnika majhno. Kvantitativno oceno izpostavljenosti smo izvedli za surovo mleko, pasterizirano polnomastno mleko in mleko, obdelano pri ultra visoki temperaturi, vendar menimo, da se lahko rezultati do neke mere prenesejo tudi na druge mlečne izdelke na zadevni ravni proizvodnje. Za ljudi, ki uživajo surovo mleko in surove mlečne izdelke s kmetij s paratuberkulozo, je tveganje za izpostavljenost MAP visoko. Vendar je bila simulirana količina MAP na liter surovega mleka v rezervoarju za mleko na kmetiji nizka. Pomembno je poudariti, da je tveganje za izpostavljenost MAP preko pasteriziranega mleka v maloprodaji in preko drugega predelanega mleka najverjetneje zanemarljivo. Naši rezultati bi lahko nudili podporo za informirano odločanje o intervencijskih ukrepih za nadzor MAP v Sloveniji. V primeru, da bo povezava med MAP in boleznimi pri človeku potrjena, lahko naša raziskava služi kot dober začetek prizadevanj za zmanjšanje tveganja. Dobljeni rezultati so lahko uporabni tudi za druge države, ki imajo podobno strukturo mlečnih gospodarstev.The objective of this thesis was to assess the risk of exposure to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) via milk and milk products for the Slovenian consumer. MAP is suspected to be linked to Crohn’s disease and some other chronic human diseases. Although causality has not yet been confirmed, it is important to improve the understanding of the risk of human exposure. Cattle are believed to be the main source of MAP for humans. In cattle, MAP causes paratuberculosis or Johne’s disease, a worldwide endemic disease with large economic consequences. Due to the lack of empirical data, we applied two models as tools for obtaining data on the epidemiological situation of MAP, specific for the Slovenian dairy sector. A stochastic compartmental model was developed to study the within-herd spread of MAP in a typical Slovenian dairy herd and a susceptible-infectious model on the temporal network of cattle movements to estimate the prevalence of MAP using four different scenarios for probabilities of transmission. The obtained results were used in the quantitative risk assessment model with Monte Carlo simulations to assess possible human exposure to MAP via milk and milk products. Additionally, network analysis of Slovenian cattle movements was performed to estimate the prospect of targeted MAP intervention measures. The results suggest that network analysis may provide support in the optimization of paratuberculosis control in Slovenia. The compartmental model showed a similar within-herd prevalence of MAP in Slovenia as was previously estimated, which was opposite to what we hypothesized. Concerning the underlying assumptions and uncertainties, we estimated that the overall risk of exposure to MAP via milk and milk products for the Slovenian consumer is low. The quantitative exposure assessment was performed for raw milk, pasteurised whole milk and ultra-high temperature treated milknevertheless, we believe that the results can be extended, at least in part, to other milk products at the respective level of production. For people consuming raw milk and raw milk products from farms with paratuberculosis, the risk of exposure to MAP is high. However, the simulated amount of MAP per litre of raw bulk tank milk was low. It is important to emphasise that the risk of exposure to MAP via pasteurised retail milk and via other processed milk is most likely insignificant. Our results could provide support for informed decision-making in MAP intervention measures in Slovenia and in case the link between MAP and human diseases is confirmed also as a start for possible risk mitigation efforts. These results could be applicable to other countries with a similar dairy farm structure

    Quantitative Risk Assessment of Exposure to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) via Different Types of Milk for the Slovenian Consumer

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    This study aimed to assess the risk of exposure to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) via milk for the Slovenian consumer. MAP is suspected to be associated with several diseases in humans, therefore the risk of exposure should be better understood. The primary source of MAP for humans is thought to be cattle, in which MAP causes paratuberculosis or Johne&rsquo;s disease. We developed a stochastic quantitative risk assessment model using Monte Carlo simulations. Considering the assumptions and uncertainties, we estimated the overall risk of exposure to MAP via milk to be low. For people consuming raw milk from MAP positive farms, the risk was high. On-farm pasteurisation reduced the risk considerably, but not completely. The risk of exposure via pasteurised retail milk was most likely insignificant. However, with a higher paratuberculosis prevalence the risk would also increase. Given the popularity of raw milk vending machines and homemade dairy products, this risk should not be ignored. To reduce the risk, consumers should heat raw milk before consumption. To prevent a potential public health scare and safeguard farmers&rsquo; livelihoods, a reduction in paratuberculosis prevalence should be sought. Our results show that culling clinically infected cows was insufficient to reduce milk contamination with MAP

    Modeling Paratuberculosis Transmission in a Small Dairy Herd Typical of Slovenia Suggests That Different Models Should Be Used to Study Disease Spread in Herds of Different Sizes

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    This study aimed to investigate the possible dynamics of paratuberculosis or Johne&rsquo;s disease in a typical Slovenian dairy herd of about 17 cows. Paratuberculosis is a worldwide endemic disease of cattle caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and is associated with significant economic losses. We developed a stochastic compartmental model with two pathways of disease progression, infections of adult cows and infections of young animals through horizontal and vertical transmission, and transmission through animal movements. The average proportions of subclinically and clinically infected cows were 4% and 0.47%, respectively. The prevalence within the herd, which included latently infected animals, averaged 7.13% and ranged from 0% to 70.59%. Under the given circumstances, the results showed a relatively high rate of spontaneous elimination (0.22 per herd per year) of the disease and a high rate of reinfection (0.18 per herd per year) facilitated by active animal trade. To our knowledge, this stochastic compartmental model is the first to be developed specifically to represent a small dairy herd and could apply to other countries with a similar structure of dairy farms. The results suggest that different models should be used to study MAP spread in herds of various sizes


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    V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali področje kakovosti v javnem zavodu za izobraževanje odraslih − Ljudski univerzi Jesenice (LUJ). Magistrsko delo je skupni raziskovalni projekt dveh študentk in je vsebinsko razdeljen na dva dela, ki se medsebojno prepletata. Temeljni problem, ki smo ga v magistrski nalogi obravnavali, je zagotavljanje kakovosti storitev v izobraževanju odraslih. V začetku naloge smo opredelili kakovost, kakovost storitev in kakovost v izobraževanju odraslih. Vedno močnejša konkurenca na področju izobraževanja odraslih omogoča potencialnim udeležencem izobraževanja, da si poiščejo primerno, po meri ukrojeno obliko izobraževanja, zato so kakovostne storitve ključne pri izbiri in pogoj za obstanek izobraževalnih organizacij. V mesecu marcu 2012 smo anketirali udeležence programov LUJ, predavatelje in partnerje. Dobljene rezultate smo obdelali s statističnim paketom SPSS15 in jih vizualiziraliuporabili smo opisne statistike in frekvenčne porazdelitve. Uporabili smo faktorsko analizo, Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient, t-preizkus za aritmetično sredino in za neodvisna vzorca. Prvo področje, ki smo ga obravnavali, je kakovost partnerskega sodelovanja in možnost povezovanja LUJ z drugimi organizacijami. Najprej smo preučili možnosti mrežnega povezovanja, nato smo analizirali obstoječe stanje na področju sodelovanja LUJ s partnerji in ugotavljali, kako kakovostno to sodelovanje je. Med partnerji smo izpeljali anketo. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da partnerji sodelovanje z LUJ ocenjujejo kot kakovostno. Vsi elementi kakovosti po področjih informiranje in komuniciranje, vpliv na lokalno in širše okolje ter razvoj izobraževalnih programov spopolnjevanja in usposabljanja so na lestvici od 1 do 6 dosegli visoke povprečne ocene (4,3 ali več), slabše je edino poznavanje zaposlenih na LUJ (2,6) ter poznavanje dejavnosti LUJ (3,6). Splošno zadovoljstvo partnerjev s sodelovanjem z LUJ je zelo visoko (5,4), v prihodnosti s sodelovanjem želijo nadaljevati, poleg tega pa bi LUJ kot partnerja priporočili tudi drugim. Drugo področje, ki smo ga v magistrski nalogi preučevali, je kakovost storitev, ki jih svojim uporabnikom nudi LUJ. V raziskavo smo vključili udeležence izobraževanja in predavatelje. Anketirali smo jih z vprašalnikom, prirejenem po SERVQUAL, in ugotavljali, kako zaznavajo kakovost storitev na LUJ udeleženci izobraževalnih programov in kako izvajalci le-teh ter ali med njimi obstajajo razlike. Preučili smo, katerim elementom zaznane kakovosti udeleženci in predavatelji pripisujejo največjo pomembnost. Rezultati anketiranja so pokazali, da se storitve na LUJ zdijo kakovostne tako udeležencem kot tudi predavateljemelementi kakovosti, ki smo jih preverjali, se obojim zdijo visoko pomembni in so tudi dobro ocenjeni, saj je povprečna ocena vsakega elementa višja od sredine lestvice (3,5). Pomembna ugotovitev je, da so zaposleni ključni dejavnik za uspeh LUJ, saj se je v raziskavi izkazalo, da so usposobljenost, prijaznost in spoštljivost osebja bolj pomembni kot delovanje LUJ na splošno. Glede na to, da so ocene vseh dejavnosti LUJ pri uporabnikih storitev zelo visoke, menimo, da je potrebno vse sile usmeriti v ohranjanje in nadgrajevanje nivoja. V sklepnem delu naloge so podrobno predstavljene ugotovitve in priložnosti za nadaljnji razvoj. Na koncu je zaključek magistrske naloge.In this master thesis we investigated the quality in the public institution for adult education – Ljudska univerza Jesenice (LUJ). The thesis is a common research project of two students. It is divided into two parts, which are mutually interrelated. The basic problem that we have discussed was providing quality services in adult education. At the beginning we defined quality, quality of service and quality in adult education. The increasing competition in the field of adult education allows potential learners to find an appropriate and customized form of education. So the quality service is crucial and most important condition for the existence of educational organizations. In March 2012 we surveyed participants of programs, lecturers and partners. The results were analyzed with the statistical package SPSS15. We used descriptive statistics and histograms. So we got a graphical representation showing a visual impression of the distribution of data. We used factor analysis, Pearson\u27s correlation coefficient, t-test for the arithmetic mean and for independent samples. The first area we have discussed was the quality of partnerships and opportunities to connect LUJ with other organizations. First we examined the networking opportunities, then we analyzed the cooperation of LUJ with partners that had been already running. Afterwards we assessed the quality of cooperation. Between partners we carried out a survey. The research has shown that partners rated the cooperation with LUJ as good quality. On a scale from 1 to 6 all elements of the quality (information and communication, impact on the local and wider environment and the development of educational programs) achieved high average ratings (4.3 or more). Slightly worse were knowing the stuff (2.6) and knowing activities (3.6). General satisfaction with the cooperation was very high (5.4). Partners would like to continue such participation in the future. In addition they would recommend LUJ as a partner to others. Another area that has been studied in the thesis was the quality of the services offered at LUJ. The research included learners and lecturers. We surveyed them with a questionnaire, adapted from SERVQUAL, and determined how the quality of the services was perceived by participants of educational programs and lecturers, and whether there were any differences between them. We examined to what elements of quality participants and lecturers would attach the highest importance. The results of the survey showed that both participants as well as lecturers assessed the service of LUJ as very well. The elements of quality, which we have examined, both seemed to be highly important, so they were well-rated. An average score of each item was higher than the mid-scale (3.5). An important finding is that the employees are the key factor for the success of LUJ. The research has proved that the qualifications, friendliness and courtesy are more important than the activities in general. Considering the high evaluation of all activities LUJ needs to focus in maintaining and upgrading the quality level of its service. In the final part of the thesis we have presented the findings in detail and showed the opportunities for further development . At the end there is the conclusion of the master thesis

    Modelling the economic impacts of bovine viral diarrhoea virus at dairy herd level; the case of Slovenia

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    In the last decade Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) was listed by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) as a notifiable disease, due to the fact that it causes significant production losses in cattle industry worldwide. The production losses include reduced milk production, reduced conception rate, abortions, growth retardation, early culling, increased mortality and an increased occurrence of other diseases. This paper presents a possible approach to how an economic analysis of BVD virus, could be conducted at the herd level. For this purpose a spreadsheet model in MS Excel has been developed utilizing Monte Carlo Simulations (MCS). Simulation results show that economic losses at the heard level could exceed 18,000 €. Obtained results suggest that this could be promising approach for analysis BVD effect at herd or animal level

    The comparison of honeybee viral loads for six honeybee viruses (ABPV, BQCV, CBPV, DWV, LSV3 and SBV) in healthy and clinically affected honeybees with TaqMan quantitative real-time RT-PCR assays

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    Abstract The viral loads of acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), black queen cell virus (BQCV), chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV), deformed wing virus (DWV), Lake Sinai virus 3 (LSV3), and sacbrood bee virus (SBV) were determined in samples with the use of quantitative TaqMan real-time reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). A total of 108 samples of healthy adult honeybees from four differently located apiaries and samples of honeybees showing different clinical signs of viral infections from 89 apiaries were collected throughout Slovenia. The aim of this study was to discover correlations between viral loads and clinical signs in adult honeybees and confirm previously set threshold viral load levels between healthy and clinically affected honeybees. Within this study, two new RT-qPCR assays for quantification of LSV3 and SBV were developed. Statistically significant differences in viral loads of positive samples were identified between healthy and clinically affected honeybees for ABPV, CBPV, DWV, and SBV, while for BQCV and LSV3, no statistical differences were observed between both groups. Despite high detected LSV3 prevalence and viral loads around 6.00 log10 viral copies/bee, this lineage probably has a limited impact on the health status of honeybee colonies. The determined viral loads between 3.94 log10 and 13.17 log10 in positive samples for six viruses, collected over 10 consecutive months, including winter, present additional information of high viral load variations in healthy honeybee colonie