


V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali področje kakovosti v javnem zavodu za izobraževanje odraslih − Ljudski univerzi Jesenice (LUJ). Magistrsko delo je skupni raziskovalni projekt dveh študentk in je vsebinsko razdeljen na dva dela, ki se medsebojno prepletata. Temeljni problem, ki smo ga v magistrski nalogi obravnavali, je zagotavljanje kakovosti storitev v izobraževanju odraslih. V začetku naloge smo opredelili kakovost, kakovost storitev in kakovost v izobraževanju odraslih. Vedno močnejša konkurenca na področju izobraževanja odraslih omogoča potencialnim udeležencem izobraževanja, da si poiščejo primerno, po meri ukrojeno obliko izobraževanja, zato so kakovostne storitve ključne pri izbiri in pogoj za obstanek izobraževalnih organizacij. V mesecu marcu 2012 smo anketirali udeležence programov LUJ, predavatelje in partnerje. Dobljene rezultate smo obdelali s statističnim paketom SPSS15 in jih vizualiziraliuporabili smo opisne statistike in frekvenčne porazdelitve. Uporabili smo faktorsko analizo, Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient, t-preizkus za aritmetično sredino in za neodvisna vzorca. Prvo področje, ki smo ga obravnavali, je kakovost partnerskega sodelovanja in možnost povezovanja LUJ z drugimi organizacijami. Najprej smo preučili možnosti mrežnega povezovanja, nato smo analizirali obstoječe stanje na področju sodelovanja LUJ s partnerji in ugotavljali, kako kakovostno to sodelovanje je. Med partnerji smo izpeljali anketo. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da partnerji sodelovanje z LUJ ocenjujejo kot kakovostno. Vsi elementi kakovosti po področjih informiranje in komuniciranje, vpliv na lokalno in širše okolje ter razvoj izobraževalnih programov spopolnjevanja in usposabljanja so na lestvici od 1 do 6 dosegli visoke povprečne ocene (4,3 ali več), slabše je edino poznavanje zaposlenih na LUJ (2,6) ter poznavanje dejavnosti LUJ (3,6). Splošno zadovoljstvo partnerjev s sodelovanjem z LUJ je zelo visoko (5,4), v prihodnosti s sodelovanjem želijo nadaljevati, poleg tega pa bi LUJ kot partnerja priporočili tudi drugim. Drugo področje, ki smo ga v magistrski nalogi preučevali, je kakovost storitev, ki jih svojim uporabnikom nudi LUJ. V raziskavo smo vključili udeležence izobraževanja in predavatelje. Anketirali smo jih z vprašalnikom, prirejenem po SERVQUAL, in ugotavljali, kako zaznavajo kakovost storitev na LUJ udeleženci izobraževalnih programov in kako izvajalci le-teh ter ali med njimi obstajajo razlike. Preučili smo, katerim elementom zaznane kakovosti udeleženci in predavatelji pripisujejo največjo pomembnost. Rezultati anketiranja so pokazali, da se storitve na LUJ zdijo kakovostne tako udeležencem kot tudi predavateljemelementi kakovosti, ki smo jih preverjali, se obojim zdijo visoko pomembni in so tudi dobro ocenjeni, saj je povprečna ocena vsakega elementa višja od sredine lestvice (3,5). Pomembna ugotovitev je, da so zaposleni ključni dejavnik za uspeh LUJ, saj se je v raziskavi izkazalo, da so usposobljenost, prijaznost in spoštljivost osebja bolj pomembni kot delovanje LUJ na splošno. Glede na to, da so ocene vseh dejavnosti LUJ pri uporabnikih storitev zelo visoke, menimo, da je potrebno vse sile usmeriti v ohranjanje in nadgrajevanje nivoja. V sklepnem delu naloge so podrobno predstavljene ugotovitve in priložnosti za nadaljnji razvoj. Na koncu je zaključek magistrske naloge.In this master thesis we investigated the quality in the public institution for adult education – Ljudska univerza Jesenice (LUJ). The thesis is a common research project of two students. It is divided into two parts, which are mutually interrelated. The basic problem that we have discussed was providing quality services in adult education. At the beginning we defined quality, quality of service and quality in adult education. The increasing competition in the field of adult education allows potential learners to find an appropriate and customized form of education. So the quality service is crucial and most important condition for the existence of educational organizations. In March 2012 we surveyed participants of programs, lecturers and partners. The results were analyzed with the statistical package SPSS15. We used descriptive statistics and histograms. So we got a graphical representation showing a visual impression of the distribution of data. We used factor analysis, Pearson\u27s correlation coefficient, t-test for the arithmetic mean and for independent samples. The first area we have discussed was the quality of partnerships and opportunities to connect LUJ with other organizations. First we examined the networking opportunities, then we analyzed the cooperation of LUJ with partners that had been already running. Afterwards we assessed the quality of cooperation. Between partners we carried out a survey. The research has shown that partners rated the cooperation with LUJ as good quality. On a scale from 1 to 6 all elements of the quality (information and communication, impact on the local and wider environment and the development of educational programs) achieved high average ratings (4.3 or more). Slightly worse were knowing the stuff (2.6) and knowing activities (3.6). General satisfaction with the cooperation was very high (5.4). Partners would like to continue such participation in the future. In addition they would recommend LUJ as a partner to others. Another area that has been studied in the thesis was the quality of the services offered at LUJ. The research included learners and lecturers. We surveyed them with a questionnaire, adapted from SERVQUAL, and determined how the quality of the services was perceived by participants of educational programs and lecturers, and whether there were any differences between them. We examined to what elements of quality participants and lecturers would attach the highest importance. The results of the survey showed that both participants as well as lecturers assessed the service of LUJ as very well. The elements of quality, which we have examined, both seemed to be highly important, so they were well-rated. An average score of each item was higher than the mid-scale (3.5). An important finding is that the employees are the key factor for the success of LUJ. The research has proved that the qualifications, friendliness and courtesy are more important than the activities in general. Considering the high evaluation of all activities LUJ needs to focus in maintaining and upgrading the quality level of its service. In the final part of the thesis we have presented the findings in detail and showed the opportunities for further development . At the end there is the conclusion of the master thesis

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